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Read the text “Argentina: A South American Power Struggles for Stability” and do the exercises below:
1] The sentences below have been extracted from the text. Underline the verb phrase in each of them.
a) Argentina has become one of the most stable democracies in the region. (line 3)
b) … it remains a strong partner for the United States…(lines 4-5)
c) Argentina endured alternating periods of civilian and military rule…(lines 7,8 )
d) A recent agreement with external creditors will lower policy uncertainty…(lines 33,34)

2] Choose the correct option for each of the sentences below:

1. What idea does the verb in the phrase “… CONTINUES to struggle… ”(line 4) represent?
a) a past event b) a present characteristic c) a future circumstance
2. In “… presidents CAN pass decrees…”, the verb phrase expresses:
a) obligation b) ability c) advice
3. What does the verb in “… the future of Argentina LOOKED bright…” (line 24) mean in Spanish?
a) se vió b) se veía c) se verá

3] The verb phrases below have been extracted from the text. Translate them into Spanish.
1. Argentina experienced strong economic growth and institutional modernization (line 25)
2. Argentina is the third-largest economy in Latin America (line 28)
3. … the government faces several enduring challenges… (lines 19, 20)

4] Reading comprehension:
TRUE OR FALSE? Find the expressions in the text that support your decision:
1. Argentina has a stable democracy but struggles with economic mismanagement and political dysfunction.
2. Argentina has always been a democracy since gaining independence from Spain.
3. The president of Argentina has limited executive power.
4. The National Congress consists of a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies.
5. Corruption is not a significant problem in Argentina.
6. Argentina's GDP is expected to rise in 2022 and 2023.

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