Kelompok 10 - MN22L

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Prepared to fulfill the English For Business course assignment

Lecturer: Asep Darojatul Romli, S.Pd

Composed by
1. Imel Lia Putri (22416261201179)
2. Sofyan Nur Prayoga (22416261201170)
3. Muhammad Farriz Dwi Putra (22416261201516)


CHAPTER I.....................................................................................................................................4
A. What is Giving a successfull?......................................................................................................4
B. Key to Succsess.......................................................................................................................5
1. Skills.........................................................................................................................................5
3. Passion.....................................................................................................................................5
4. Persistence................................................................................................................................6
5. Discipline.................................................................................................................................6
6. Dare To Take Risks..................................................................................................................6
C. Factors Achieving Success.......................................................................................................7


Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

By mentioning the name of Allah SWT. who is the most gracious again the most
merciful, praise be to him who has bestowed his grace, guidance, and inayah to us
so that we can complete this paper.

We have compiled this scientific paper to the maximum and received

assistance from various parties so that it can facilitate the making of this paper. For
that we extend many thanks to all those who have contributed to the making of this

Apart from all that, we fully realize that there are still shortcomings both in
terms of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore with open arms we accept all
suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can improve this scientific
paper. Hopefully this paper can benefit the author and generally the reader.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu



A. What is Giving a successfull?

In the meaning of the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI, success means success
and luck. KBBI calls success a condition in which other people like to learn and
imitate these conditions.
So that it can be interpreted that success is a prosperous condition in life, and many
people always want to achieve it.
Success is an achievement of success in various aspects, this meaning is like
a dream for everyone. The definition of success itself is often associated with
social and economic status.
What is Success?
Success is everyone's dream and hope, but the process of achieving it is
certainly not easy. There are many obstacles and trials in achieving success so it
takes consistent effort, never giving up, to totality.
Then actually, what is success? And, why do so many want to achieve it?
The definition of success for each person is different, depending on their respective
interpretations and benchmarks. Success is when we achieve success in any case.
Achieving success has become everyone's goal in work or career. Success is
synonymous with the condition of someone who is prosperous, is in a stable
position and has strength. Everyone is always supported and wants to reach this
Success is also used as a benchmark for the success of the journey of human life.
Although of course success is measured by each person differently. So interpreting
and interpreting success is not the same.

B. Key to success
To reach a successful position, the path that must be traversed is not easy.
People always face obstacles and temptations to cheat to get to that position.
We also need to realize, success is not always about money and position but also
about relationships, achievements, dreams, progress in a field.
So how do you achieve success? Therefore, please refer to some of the keys
to success that can be done to achieve a successful life goal.
1. Skills
The first key to success is skill. No skill appears instantly without going
through things. By going through various events we will be more honed and
adaptable in any condition.

2. Determination
It takes a strong will and great intention to reach the highest point in one's
life achievement. There is a strong will to work without stopping, even if
you experience failures, obstacles, difficulties along the way.

It takes a long time to achieve success, so we need determination to focus on

achieving it. Even though we have achieved success, that determination
must remain alive to maintain the success we have achieved.

True determination lasts not only two or three years, but decades. Even for
life. This is what it takes to achieve the best position in one's life.

3. Passion
Not everyone has the desire to pursue passion in a career or build a business.
Passion or desire is what makes us want to continue to get maximum results.
Moreover, passion is able to maintain our plans, goals and motivation to
achieve success.

With passion we are able to survive, even if we face problems or obstacles in

achieving success. So, the key to success is having passion so you don't give
up easily under any circumstances.
4. Persistence
The failures we get while pursuing success will not make us stop. This
condition is called tenacity, resilience and not giving up easily. Many people
fail because they don't finish what they start.

For this reason, we need persistence to keep pursuing what we want to

achieve. To have this persistence, we must have the courage to fight and
work hard. Because it is almost impossible to achieve persistence without
hard training

5. Discipline
Another key to success is discipline. Discipline forms a person's personal
character to work in a systemic manner and comply with applicable
regulations. If we are accustomed to discipline, then we will not easily
procrastinate. This is very important to speed up our success.

If we are used to being disciplined, automatically our time management is

also very good. Keep in mind, time is the most valuable thing, we might be
able to buy anything but not with time. So, the success we achieve is largely
determined by what we are doing at this time.

6. Dare to Take Risks

One of the other keys to success is that you have to be willing to take risks,
when you dare to take the results you can succeed or not, but if you do well,
of course it will be much better than you staying in your comfort zone.

There are many decisions that you will make in life, these decisions that can
make you go further. For that, if there is a chance to determine something,
try to take risks.

C. Factors Achieving Success
In today's world there are many successful people born from various
backgrounds. It doesn't have to come from a rich family, have a higher
education or have large capital when starting a business. That's what makes
people's definition of success different from others.

Even so, in general, those who achieve a level of success in various sizes or
achievements are those who try and work harder than others. A number of
factors contribute to one's success.


SUCCESS is everyone's dream. Everyone wants to live a successful life but

only a few can actually be successful. Do we then say that achieving success is not
When we do something completely new, it often feels difficult and overwhelming
at first. But after someone managed to do it, everything seemed to be easier.
it can be concluded that success is not luck that comes by chance or a gift that God
gives only to a handful of people, but is the result of the accumulation of various
things that have been done in one's life journey. In other words, success is the
result of a process.
In his book "Achieving Success Is Not Easy" this writer who has various
professions tries to say that achieving success is easy. Method? Simply by
following the pattern (or trail) of success that has been passed by successful
people, you don't have to bother opening new paths that may not necessarily work.


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