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Both reading and listening are discussing about professor who appear on television.

While the
reading claims several benefits of this, the lecture in the listening provides three reasons to reject
those points.

First, the lecturer states that professors appearing on televisions are not good for a professional
standpoint. The reason is that other professors may see the professor appearing on television as not
serious, only looking forward to entertaining people rather than real research. This contradicts from
the passage that claims professors benefit from appearing on television by acquiring reputations
because they have a wider range of audience than they have on campus.

Second, the lecturer says another reason that professor appearing on television is that most
television does not want in depth academic views. The televisions wants want only the title, not the
substance. This opposes from the passage, stating that viewers may want to learn from the
professors. Even though the professor only explains the easy things that even a reporter could do
with a bit of research

Second, the passage states that the university also benefits from the professor’s appearance on TV.
For example, the appearance of the professor could bring in more student applications and
donations. However, in the listening the lecturer says that it takes a lot of time to appear on TV
which taking away time from their academic work, such as teaching.

Finally, the lecturer talks about the time that could take for the professors for appearing on
television. Which could lead the professors into missing important matter from campus. But the
passage told us that if a professors publish an idea on tv, people will become aware of the professor's
idea, stating that the professors’ importance is enhanced. Even though the professor could miss on
important matter on campus, because of time managmentmanagement issues.

Finally, the recording talks about how televisions do not want the substance or more in-depth
explanation, they only wants to keep things brief and not overcomplicate the topic, even though that
what most professor’s talk about. The reading however, states that viewers would get a taste of real
expertise and insight of these academic topic, which is not true.

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