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Section C

30 marks
(Answer two questions only)

18. a) The boiling points of the elements of Period 2 in the periodic are shown

Elements Li Be B C N O F Ne
Boiling 1347 2500 3650 4830 -196 -183 -188 -246

Sketch a graph of the boiling points against the proton number of the
Elements of Period 2 and explain the variation in the boiling points in terms
of structure and bonding.
(9 marks)

b) The first ionization energy of some elements of Period 3 in the Periodic

Table are shown below.

Element Mg Al P S
First ionization 740 580 1010 1000
What is meant by the first ionization energy of an element? Explain why
the first ionization energy of
i) Mg is higher than Al
ii) S is lower than P
(6 marks)

19. The decomposition temperature of carbonate salt of Group 2 of Periodic

Table are given in the table below

Element Decomposition temperature of carbonate

salts / ° C
Mg 540
Ca 900
Sr 1290
Ba 1360
a) Describe the decomposition of the carbonate salts when going down the group.

b) All the solid products of the decomposition of the carbonate salts reacts with sulphuric
acid solution to form new salts. Write the general chemical equations and state the
observations for each reaction. Explain the trend in solubility of the new salts.

(10 marks)

20. a) Group 14 of the Periodic Table consists of the elements graphite, carbon,
silicons, germanium, tin and lead.
i) State the electrical conductivity of the group 14 elements. Explain your
answer. (5 marks)
ii) Based on the graph of melting points against the Group 14 elements below,
explain the trend of the melting point.
(7 marks)

b) Explain the role of lead (IV) oxide in the equation below.

PbO2 + 4HCl  PbCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O (3 marks)

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