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Exercise 1 Picture Description: Please describe the picture shown below.

Exercise 2: Read the dialogue with your teacher.

A: Oh no! Where on earth are we now?

B: Judging by the traffic, I think we are in the heart of the city.

A: What did I do wrong?

B: I don’t know too. But I think you turned right when you should hang a left.

A: Oh, my bad! I think we should ask for directions.

B: Yeah, I saw a policeman over there. I guess he can help.

Exercise 3 Vocabulary Review: Read the following words/expressions used

in the dialogue and make sample sentences using them.

Where on earth are we – an expression usually used when someone is lost or

unsure of where one is.

hang a left—turn left

my bad – an expression used to admit a mistake and apologize for that

mistake without literally saying “sorry”

Exercise 4 Comprehension Questions: Answer the following questions.

1. Judging by the dialogue, can you describe the speakers?

2. Where are the speakers?

3. What happened to the speakers?

4. Do you like driving? Why or why not?

5. Do you like to ask for help from a policeman? Why or why not?

Exercise 5 Perspective: Do you agree or disagree? Explain why.

1. All policemen can be trusted and helped.

2. Having a car is a necessity nowadays.

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