Assignment For Slow Learner DM

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Assignment for Slow Learners

1. If A and B are two sets such that number of elements in A is 24, number of elements in B
is 22 and number of elements in both A and B is 8, find:
a. n(A ∪ B)
b. n(A – B)
c. n(B – A)

2. In a class of 25 students, 12 have taken mathematics, 8 have taken mathematics but not
biology. Find the number of students who have taken mathematics and biology and those
who taken biology but not mathematics.

3. Let R be a binary relation on the set of all string of 0's and 1's such that R = {(a,b) | a and
b are strings that have the same number of 0’s}. Is T is an equivalence relation and a
partial ordering relation?

4. Define the term function . Also give classification of it.

5. Give the types/ operations on function.

6. Write a short note on Abelian group and Group with example.
7. Draw the following graph
i. 1. K3,3 2. K4
8. Draw the Hasse diagram of (A, ≤), where A= {3,4,12,24,48,72} and relation ≤ be such that a
≤ b if a divides b
9. State and prove pigeon hole principle.
10. Let A= {1,2,3,4} and consider the relation R= {(1,1),(2,1),(2,2),(3,1),(3,3),(3,4),(4,4)} Show
that R is a partial ordering and draw the hasse diagram.
11. Define the term partial order relation or partial ordering relation.
12. Define the concept of COSET and present and prove the lagranges theorem.
13. Write the definition of proposition. Check that following statements are proposition or not:
a. Cow gives us milk
b. 1 + 1 = 4
c. 'b' is a vowel.
i. (iv)4. How are you?

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