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Trigonometry Basic trvgmometric functions : sing = Ph, cop = My tano= "Lag = “a = & oo, . eS cotos OM = Lang” 1P coneco= eing= "Vp Secs = “Vey~ hay HF REHEHBER ALL THE IDENTITIES IN REVERSE ORDER ALSO. sin’ + caso = 4 seco -tone= + condition: Of NT + TM => seco +tcne = ‘_____ Gimp) S€ce — tons conects - cotto -4 condition : o+nT \ @aece -® - carA sing cCOACAtE) = cosAces® - SiNAsin® 009 CA-B) = coafcoo® + SINASiNG tan (A+B)= tana + ichd ACN (N-B) = dana —1ang 1-tanAtan’ l+tanA tans % one angie is us’, TE ora angie ia us’, 4e.n (uS+0) = 1+ tne yantus-@) = 1-tane 1- tane \+4an@ cot (Ax@) = corAcotid-\ cor(A-@) = cotPeot 44 okt +cotB Lh cca cot - corh sina - sin* coa* - coa*A cata — inh =care- sin’ sin (ax@)sincA -B) wv ConCA+05) Costa) QgiInAcos® = sincAa+@d + sincA-B) 2QeOsASiNB = sinCA+@) - sin (A-B) 2caof coa® = coscA+®> + cosca-) QsINASIN® = corcA-@ - cod CAXB) sinc + SIND = 2sin [ere] conf 52] : 2 2 sinc —SiND = reas [22] sins =| 2 2 conc + COD = 2cor [c+D} cos [e=0) = 2 Conc - COD = - 2sin[c AP] sin [552] - & * 80 39] s0] 355] tan +*oNB= sinCA+Sd can coo AQAA - tan@= sincA-@) conf cos core + corm = sincA+B) SINA SING cot® - cot = siN CA-@D SINASING singe = 2S5iNEcaso = 2tand pe tons cod 26= core -sins = 2cos‘8~| = |-2sinto = It tan’s a (4 rants \ — cos2o= 2ain*o \ + coo29 = 2c03°O costo= 14 Ceo sin?e = 12 90028 | z tan*e = 1-cost9 1400429 ton2e: 2tcnd 1- tan*e tang: I+ Zo cote- Lt coh2s sinzo sinzs T _OF_ T , _ 1-sin2e 9CE BJ- ten(-0) = Wastes SiN38 = 3s5ine - usinks 238 = 3 -y sinte= Uecs 'D-\ sine sinta = 3Sine@--sinse- u co436- = 40478 - 3cas8 69439 = ucoa’o- 3 = I- usin COA cA’ = 300A T0830 | q vant = stan - 190° | - atan’e fanzs _ 3-tan'o 2 Losec +ane 1+ sin2A) = CcoaA + sina) \- sin2n = Ceoan - Sina)” Siesinn = \ con sink | Remove modulus acanding to given conolit’sn, Ty thang (4 no condlitiM , assume ca 9 SIN LE a a ile a Ear lO ee SS mG Ate = =us? al C+tenA Xia bene) = 2 Th AtB=%, Ceota) Ci-core) = 2 SNB- SiN~o4e)siNfeo-99 = LSINsB- C28 coréo, €®) CoxC60 -9) = + 2930 JANE 4eN C604) Hen Coo) = AaN36- FANG + tN Go41d +4en (@-6o) = 31239 C948 + cop C2040) 4 eo Ciz90-6) =O a9 + 294 C2049) +casCouo4 ©) =O SINE -+« SINCi20+0) + sin C20 -@) =0 SiNB + SiN Cr+) + SIN (240 +40) =O 4GN® = corp — 2cotZ9 oe cOMECZG = core —cot2O Lh SS N= nO. Ay undon rcotd = 2cose Range : - JARm™ < acosp 4 bsine s Jatt 3h, $ SINS + os"S <\ By, & corte +Si0"O S\ “ys sine + cares \ Vy SING + CAtos | Hax value gp SNe + cos 14 always 4. Hin value (a attainad at o=™u, 1¢ [Sinx] +] cosel < IE nt a ee cee eee ene a Tnigonomatnic ratios g soma icf 4, last angle Denominatars tan a hab, o [rst angle copec2@ + canec2%® + cOsec2*o 4-- + cose 29 = cote - cot2"o tan + 2taN2d + Utanuc + RAN BX + + 2™' tang Me cote ~ 2. cot 2 Ned SINK + SIN (FAD + SIN Cx 42—) 4... 4 SIN Cx CM-I AD ~ sin ) PRACT sin(n8) sin’ ) CLA + con Carp) 4 COD CR + OB) +2. 4 COD K+ N-DBD Qat CO . = cool STOP] sinf 28) sins] Angles ane in AP x= finer angle f= ummon difenen ce N= no. S Teoma Conoutionad Tolonrities : Ly AtB4+C=T7, SIN 2A + SIN2B +SINZC = USINA SIND SING cog2A +042 +¢042C = -\- YcadsficayQcodsc COSA +coae + coc = 14 usin(&)sin(& 8) sin($) 4 cos(ft) coa($) coe ($) = tanAtcng tanc cotfAcot® +cotBcotc +corccot SINA +SINR tsine = tanAl +tang + tance =a cor 4 + cor $ +ecorS = cot Scot S cot S ston$ tan rian$ tan$ +1an§ tan® = 2 TG AtGtC = Mr cot xCorR +corc = cotfcotBeote ACNAIEND + rengrane +tanctanA = 4 HANCRiay, +20,t-.. +enV = S55 + Se-- Seo -S,4 Sy = SiN Cy +2 toy te eH) = ODT, COD, ... COW y Gy- $4 #55 - Sy--) 04 Cx) 4-2. 4p) = O42, CON, COHTy C\-S2 484 ~S---) So= 4 (always) Si= dum tan Sh angles 1 ata time Ss 4uM of tan OS angles 2ara time ™ nigenome fyuc equations : > sinx =o mee coo X=nT nez Ke CNet VV). VEZ — sinmet 2 coax z1 ze Gntiyf ne GnriyE nez n=INT nez — sinn = -4 > cox -d x= CunayTy, NET x=Conegm Nez — s0nx =O x=nt nez sink ine rule ° ° cosa= brc*-at 2bc Coa = atyct_bt COCs Ay bte ct an 2ab © Inderpechion SS mackiana A . AG:GE =2:\ c D = 8G: @D = FO:aC a : P finea. (A R&C) a “fara 4 eriongle formed by taking length gh madticha an length s, sie] Lengen 4, medion ne > 5 Jar azcr-oF BD =p fBar er Cre 4 Saat ere — ITneOr oInensection J angle bisector Lengch 6}, internal £. @ crgie lelaecibab oe W> BBS nf ma, bee | La mD a Tnnadius =n o =Distance fiom each aida of the uangle Digtance O incankern Grom the vertices AI = xncasec Mh CLI= 7cosec Bef) BL = nesrec Slr neA/g Caz Awa GH the triangle) a nz (s-a> ran(£) =6-D tan (*/25 =(s-c) tan (Sr) > Cincwn canker © Intersection 4} perpendioWlan Linccrasy : Gneumnacius =R = Distance + € AN CUM CONKEN (rem each atmery VOUe x & D e Diaranca Sy CAT CUM CAMEO fron the AiAD : BC => Roos fc => Reo R= oe PR => Reoawc — Onthnoanktn oO iniermection 4, albtuolea 4 PO. 4aNB +416-0S € c aD Acne vengyn 4, adsituda: Cort A) b _ abe sin (BCD = oocshSs a pect Distance 4, onthocenten frum aidan versions A 2RCOABCOS C A> 2RC0sA b> 2RemACCoC & > 2Rcon@ > 2R coh coo CF 2pReoo¢ 2 a, shorten ont ony ait a eniangie kes en oacum ance, Right -anglec entangle : & AD =Dc =BD=RK b cinuamcanten fo Gnasmmadius = Ac c Pa IWNgeduus = A+e-b oa = ortnoasten RYT Nn Ceqodity holds Ot inoacelos night ended tangle) eee ran{ S&F] = bes cot (8) = bte . reo [558] - £8 cot[E ° son (858) = sob col] Prajection formule: A= bease + Cross b= aca C + ccosA C= beasA + acos& % ATea 6), trLangle Cay ; prbae xhaight = |} $(s-a@) (S-b) G-c) s=- atbte 25 = fabsinc =~$besinh = tacsin& 2 = bo ons 4R aL as So Cequabity halds in case Of, “= epilatenol triangle ) a => EAE ip | 2) = [epee » sin[ 8] EDES AD - Cs-ay cos[] = ace &) = [Ge ron [2] S(s-&) . - G-bG-5) sG-O) a a 3* coo, +00sB tCmsc= Vt E cosh +c +c0acS Alp red Ren cere) ag Rants aver, chanlR=2 | A in& sinS ne uRsing si = Zz = piarance blo cncumcnten and enthowten = RY 1-3 casicasgcaae — Distance bls cincumanten and incentn = JRr> -2ak me me. On Oe a nr 0, +0, +O,+--.+ On sin| Matias nN < S > Geeasece stenatene)* _ Gecntena + tannsecay” KS 8 AcxaD = MBxcd + BCXAD (SA Anea. > 4, Ghseol) sing ¥ In aMBc, i, madians AA, anc 88, ane penpendiadan D each oynon then cose = 20" : ab om ree ae centnad angle =2b | > $ cue cf) N= no. Syaidos | n-Scot(£) fen = oat (ER) | | Sum 4, el intenion angles =@-2) 180° * af a+b? +c” = (@tb+0)~ then Garb) Ch+e)(¢ +a) =O Pedal triangle © Onthocenten g, given triangle = Incanto 4, peclod iniangle SO Angies §, pedol trvargle MLD = T-2A mLe= T-28 MLE =T%-20 © sides oy pedal triangle EF = acosfl DE = ceosC DF = beoh Lxancumnadtivds 4 Aahic op SDEF aad © Gnewnnadlius Hene A,B,¢ ang excentens DEF. c & (1,7, Ty comesesnoling to 9,6, C) Ex naolit page blsechOn fom A All Pass through Ty i . . “ “ co B 8 " 3. Inearden 4, AMC =anthnocemer df, OT, Dy apaC > pedad triangle g stn - A = ‘ B eae = stant uRsin & cook cosS nN = A =staon& = Binh e 2 =-b > UR wassinS coos Ms = 4A =stan& = uR cost cosh sin s-t 2 zOS 2 1 \ \ 3 1 —t ee OT ete SEetlLlU > ey DT WA A mn a 4 \ NT ce * sas Re. MHany+nooy+nd a UAT, TS = Distance Gf incanter From e|xcentor: az, = ursin(*r) xt, =yersin(Sr) ra, = uRsin (2) > 4,2, = URC (S) Zt, > uRcs(£) I,Q- uke (82) — Aneq 5, AMDT = she Cmtny) whe = meted - Ncorp (many cous = ncotg®-meot Boel

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