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Ten + twenty =
2. I have ... fingers
3. A cow has ... feet
4. Six , twelve, eighteen, twenty four, ...
5. 10 – 5 =
a. ten times five equal five
b. ten divided by five equal five
c. ten and five equal five
d. ten less five equal five
6. 2x3=6
a. two times three equal six
b. two divided by three equal six
c. two and three equal six
d. two less three equal six
7. X : ... ?
Y : “My name is Emmy”.
a. What is your name
b. Where is your name
c. Who is your name
d. When is your name
8. A : ... ?
B : “He is my teacher”.
a. What is he
b. Who is he
c. Why is he
d. Where is he
9. A : “Look ! She is beautiful girl”.
B : “What is ... name?”.
a. His
b. Her
c. Their
d. Our
10. Kevin : “... ?”
Reno : “I am ten years old”.
a. How are yougt
b. How old are you
c. What is your name
d. Who are you
11. My mother is a secretary.
... works in a private company
a. He
b. She
c. We
d. They
12. I am ... television at night
a. watching
b. reading
c. listening
d. studying
13. Father and mother are my ...
14. A : Are you Yudha ?
B : ...
a. Yes, I am
b. No, I am
c. Yes, am I
d. Yes, I am not
15. Is this a book ?
... This is a bag.
a. No, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it is
d. Yes, it is not
16. Tina and Talita :” Good night, dad”.
Their father : “Good night dear, ... .“
a. Thank you
b. Be careful
c. Have a nice dream
d. Have a nice trip
17. Is this your book ?
a. No, it is
b. Yes, it is
c. Yes, I am
d. Yes, it is not
18. We use tongue for ...
19. The colour of bananas are ...
20. Their hobby is playing football. They are playing in the ...
21. Its colour is white. We use it for writing on the blackboard. It is ...
22. Andra likes listening to the ...
23. X : “Where is the flower vase?”
Y : “It is ... “.
24. My mother cooks in the ...
25. I ... drinking a glass of water.
26. The colour of the sea is ...
27. There is a pencil. We use it for ...
28. Ariel goes to school everyday. He is a ...
29. The colour of our flag is ...
30. Talita … a diligent student.

Translate into Indonesian !

1. Soraya has long hair.
2. We speak using our mouth.
3. There are many books on the table.
4. We usually have dinner at 7 p.m.
5. Arif And Fajar are playing kite.

Write in English !
1. Ada sebuah meja
2. Rumahku bersih dan rapi
3. Pak Andi mengajar di kelas
4. Mereka sedang menyanyikan lagu Garuda Pancasila
5. Ayah menyimpan uangnya di bank
Hello, friends ! My name is Andika. I have many toys at home.
They are one mask, three water guns, four toy trucks, ten marbles, etc.
My father and my brother bought them for me.
Every afternoon, Robi, my friend, usually comes to my house to play toys with me.
He likes to play toy truck, while I like to play toy car. We play together happily.

1. What does Andika have at home?

2. How many toy truck does Adika have?
3. How many water gun does Andika have?
4. Who bought the toys for Andika?
5. What does Andika like to play?

My name is Nina. I am a student. I have a brother. His name is Rangga. He is a college student. He goes to campus
by motorcycle. Rangga is a smart and good college student. He always goes to campus early. He also wants to be the
best college student in his campus. I am very proud of him.

1. Rangga is Nina's ....

2. Nina's brother is a ....
3.He goes to the campus ....
4.Nina is very proud of her brother because he is a .... boy.

Arrange into good sentences !

1. ball - feet - kick - We - the - our with
2. ribbon - her - hair - the - puts - Vera –on
3. uses - food - smell - his – Iwan - nose – to – the
a - mouth – What - for – is - ?
5. face - has - Rina - a – round
1. Hasil dari 8.725 – (3.217 + 1.975) – 34 x 19 = …..
2. Taksiran tinggi ke ribuan terdekat dari 2.120 + 4.735 = ….
3. 4 lembar sepuluh ribuan + 5 lembar seribuan + 2 lembar seratus ribuan sama dengan Rp. ….
4. Faktorisasi prima dari 300 adalah ….
5. Bus Mahkota lewat di depan rumah santi setiap 4 jam sekali. Bus Sentosa lewat setiap 10 jam sekali. Kedua
bus akan lewat bersamaan setiap …. jam sekali.
6. FPB dari 110 dan 154 adalah ….
7. 7 lusin + 2 gross + 50 buah = ….. buah.
8. 2 jam 15 menit 30 detik ditambah 3 jam 59 menit 50 detik = …..
9. Ayah membeli 10 kardus mie instan. Setiap kardus mie instan berisi 40 bungkus mie. Sesampainya di
rumah, ayah memberikan mie tersebut kepada 21 tetangganya masing-masing mendapat 15 mie instan.
Berapa bungkus jumlah mie instan ayah sekarang?
10. Santi mempunyai 1 lembar seratus ribuan, 2 lembar lima puluh ribuan dan 10 lembar lima ribuan. Jika
semua uang santi ingin ditukarkan ke uang sepuluh ribuan. Berapa lembar Santi akan mendapatkan uang
sepuluh ribuan dari semua uangnya itu?
11. Ibu membeli buah-buahan dari pasar untuk kerperluan acara ulang tahun anaknya. Buah jeruk sebanyak 90
buah, buah apel sebanyak 120 buah dan buah mangga sebanyak 150 buah. Ibu ingin mengemasnya kedalam
bungkusan plastik dengan jumlah sama rata.
a. Hitunglah jumlah bungkusan plastik paling banyak yang bisa digunakan ibu!
b. Berapakah isi buahjeruk, apel dan mangga pada masing-masing bungkusan plastik?
12. Pada tahun ini Pak Roni telah memanen semua tanamannya di sawah. Dari panen itu menghasilkan padi
seberat 2 ton, jagung 15 kuintal dan kedelai seberat 3.250 Kg. Berapa Kg jumlah semua panen Pak Roni
tahun ini?
13. Hasil dari 200 : 5 + 15 x 23 adalah ….
14. Ibu memberi 11 dus gelas, setiap dus berisi 12 gelas. Kemudian ada 25 gelas yang diberikan kepada tante
sinta, maka sisa gelas yang dibeli ibu adalah …
15. Faktor dari 20 adalah ….
16. KPK dari 15 dan 12 adalah ….
17. Bayu mempunyai 48 kelereng biru dan 60 kelereng kuning. Jika bayu ingin membagi kelerengnya ke dalam
plastik dengan jumlah sama rata. Maka jumlah plastik paling banyak yang bisa digunakan adalah sebanyak
18. FPB dari 75 dan 100 adalah ….
19. 1 jam + 10 menit + 75 detik = ….. detik.
20. Bagus mempunyai 3 tali, panjang masing-masing tali adalah 200 cm, 3 m dan 40 dm. Panjang seluruhnya
dari ketiga tali tersebut adalah …. m.
1. Nama bilangan dari 208 adalah ....
2. Lambang bilangan dari tiga ratus empat puluh enam adalah ....
3. 267 .... 273
a. kurang dari
b. lebih dari
c. sama dengan
4. Tiga bilangan ganjil setelah angka 204 adalah ....
5. Angka 4 pada bilangan 346 menempati tempat ....
6. Nilai tempat puluhanku adalah angka 8, nilai tempat ratusanku angka 3, nilai tempat satuanku angka 4. Aku
adalah ....
7. 256 + 178 = ....
8. 134 + n = 306. Nilai n adalah ....
9. hasil dari 340 – 137 adalah ....
10. n – 182 = 205, nilai n adalah ....
11. 423 – 145 = 95 + n. Nilai n adalah ....
12. 217 + 189 – 126 = ....
13. 425 – 128 + 169 = ....
14. Pada pukul 09.30, jarum panjang menunjuk angka ....
15. 2 m + 45 cm = .... cm
16. Ibu membeli 2 kg gula. Berat gula yang dibeli ibu adalah .... gram
17. Nama bilangan 468 adalah
18. Bentuk panjang dari 367 adalah
19. 245 + n = 400, nilai n adalah
20. 137 + 205 = n - 300, nilai n adalah
21. Sekarang pukul 12.00. 3 jam yang lalu pukul
22. 12:56 menunjukkan pukul
23. Uraikan bilangan 456 berdasarkan nilai tempatnya !
24. Seorang petani memanen 256 buah pepaya. Kemudian buah pepaya dibeli oleh pedagang 239 buah. Petani
memanen lagi 85 buah. Berapa buah pepaya petani sekarang?
25. Seva mulai belajar pukul 07.00 malam. Seva belajar selama 2 jam. Pukul berapa Seva selesai belajar?
My name is Andy. I am seven years old.
My father is Mr. Toni. He is a teacher.
My mother is Mrs. Wati. She is a nurse.
I have a sister. She is Nina.
I have a brother. He is Rio.
Our family is very happy.

1. How old is Andy ?

2. Who is Andy’s father?
3. Who is Nina?
4. Is Mr. Toni a doctor?
5. How is Andy’s family?

Translate into Indonesia !

1. There are two plates
2. My father drinks a glass of coffee.
3. The butterfly is flying.
4. The mouse eats cheese.
5. Borobudur temple is in Central Java.

This is holiday. Patrick and his family go to the zoo.

There are many kind of animals in the zoo. There are crocodile, elephants, mokeys, cats
deers, tigers, giraffe, horses, birds, lion and snake. In the zoo,
there are 3 elephants, eleven birds, two giraffes, two horses, 4 deers, 4 tigers and
nine gorillas. He is very glad to go to the zoo with
his family.

1. When does Patrick go to the zoo? On…..

2. With whom does Patrick go to the zoo?

3. There are…..elephants in the zoo.

4. How many horses are in the zoo?

5. Patrick is very … to go to the zoo with her family.

6. …. likes to eat fish.

7. …. has two legs.

8. 6 + 5 = ….

9. 16 – 3= ….

10. 6 × 3 = ….

11. We meet Mr. Andro in the morning. We should say. . .

12. I go to bed in the . . .(malam)
13. This is my father. …. name is Mr. Dwark.
14. This is my aunt. …. name is Mrs. Anita.
15. ….. name is Loki. I am a student.
16. I have a watermelon, the colour of watermelon is…
17. Rainbow has 7 colors, there are…
18. Nana eats orange, it taste …
19. The colour of Indonesian flag is …
20. I have two apples, you have five apples, so we have …. apples.

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