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IELTS Writing

General Training
Task 1 Model Letters
Work In Progress

Feb 2022

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

1. Formal Letter to your boss (ask for time off) 4

2. Formal letter (job application - plane journey) 4

3. Formal Letter (complaint - faulty equipment) 5

4. Formal Letter (complaint - bus service) 6

5. Formal Letter (Suggestion/complaint - museum visit) 7

6. Semi-formal letter (someone you don’t know - TV programme) 8

7. Semi-Formal Letter (complaint - neighbour’s dog) 9

8. Semi-formal letter to your boss (work party) 10

9. Informal Letter (request for job help to a distant friend ) 11

10. Informal Letter to a friend (request to look after pet) 12

11. Informal letter to a friend (request - you want your bag back) 14

12. Informal Letter to a friend (invitation to your new home) 16

13. Formal letter (complaint to landlord) 17

14. Formal letter of request (to a bank for a loan) 18

15. Formal Letter of request (training course accommodation) 19

16. Formal Letter to an insurance company (lost item) 20

17. Formal Letter (complaint to the manager of a leisure centre) 21

18. Informal letter giving information about your region 22

19. Letter to your colleagues - 2 versions (social event decision) 23

20. Letter of thanks to someone in your community 25

EXTRA tips about thank you letters 26
Model 2 27

21. A letter apologising to a colleague 28

22. Letter of complaint to a restaurant 29

Model 2 (too long, but a true story!) 30

23 Letter to manager about a customer complaint 31

24 Letter of application to do voluntary work at a hospital 32

Formal Model 32

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

Less formal Version 33

25: Sending a gift to a friend (informal) 34

26. Rubbish system - letter of complaint 35

Bonus: Complaint about a dirty street 36

27 Letter to a friend about a lost file 37

You stayed at your friends’ house when you took part in a business seminar in Australia. You
left a file with important documents in your room. Write a letter to your friend explaining
the problem. 37

29. Letter to a friend about a bicycle 38

30. Letter of complaint to a hotel 39

31. Request for help with a website for your new business 40

32. Request for a translation company 41

33. Hotel booking - request to change 42

34. Health problem at work 43

35. Parking space problem - letter to landlord 44

36 Part-time work request to manager 45

37. Pollution in a lake 46

38. Swimming lessons 47

39 Course complaint 48

40. Interesting website 49

41. Papers left in a hotel room 50

Review: Language of polite requests 51

42. Sponsorship of a children’s team or open-air concert 52

43 Looking for childhood friend - letter to a newspaper 53

44. Being unavailable for a friend’s visit 54

More to come 55

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

1. Formal Letter to your boss (ask for time off)
You are working for a company. You need to take some time off work and want to ask your
manager about this.

Write a letter to your manager. In your letter

- explain why you want to take time off work
- give details of the amount of time you need
- suggest how your work could be covered while you are away.

Dear Miss Jones

I am writing to request some time off in September. As you know, my husband has been given
an internship for one month overseas and I would like to accompany him there.

Unfortunately, I do not currently have enough annual paid leave to cover the whole 4 weeks, so
I would like to know if it is possible for me to take extended unpaid leave. I understand that
this is an unusual request. However, I feel that this is an opportunity not to be missed,
especially as he will be based in New York, a city which I have always wanted to visit.

You are probably aware of the fact that I have recently been training up an apprentice - Jo
Davies, who you may have met. I am confident that she will be more than capable of covering
my work when the time comes. Besides, I will be easily contactable and able to work online so I
do not think this will cause any major problems in terms of our client contracts.

I think that the experience I could obtain of living and working abroad will be of great benefit to
the company as a whole.

With many thanks for considering my request, I look forward to your reply. Please let me know
if you need any further details.

Best regards, Fiona

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

2. Formal letter (job application - plane journey)
During a recent plane journey, you sat next to a business person who owns a chain of restaurants. You
talked to him/her and he/she suggested that you should contact him/her about a possible job in one
of his/her restaurants. Write a letter to this person. In your letter

● Remind him/her when and where you met

● Tell him/her what kind of job you are interested in
● Say why you think you would be suitable for the job

Dear Ms Jones

I am not sure whether you will remember me, but we met last Saturday on a flight from Dubai to the UK
and you kindly gave me your business card.

During the flight we discussed the imminent opening of a branch of Burger Queen in my hometown and
you mentioned that you were looking to recruit a restaurant manager.

I would like to apply for this position as I believe I am ideally suited to the role. Over the past 10 years I
have managed a number of fast-food outlets, working my way up from the shop floor to a managerial
position. This variety of experience has equipped me with all the skills necessary for the job. I am
hard-working, ambitious and self-motivated, with excellent interpersonal and organisational skills.

It was a pleasure chatting with you on the flight and I hope you will consider my application favourably.
I enclose my CV and am available for interview any time at your convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,
Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

3. Formal Letter (complaint - faulty equipment)
You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You phoned the shop
but no action was taken.

Write a letter to the shop manager. In your letter

- describe the problem with the equipment
- explain what happened when you phoned the shop
- say what you would like the manager to do

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to complain about a faulty microwave which I purchased online last week.

Unfortunately when I plugged in the microwave and tried to use it, there was a serious malfunction.
Smoke started to appear from the rear of the appliance and there was a strong burning smell. Obviously
it was not fit for purpose so I called the shop in order to request a refund.

After several attempts to get through, I finally spoke to a member of staff who explained that I would
have to bring the machine back to the shop in order to have it repaired. This would involve further
expense on my part and would not be a satisfactory outcome. Although the help-desk assistant assured
me that they would return my call with an update on my enquiry, so far I have heard nothing.

I would be very grateful if you could arrange a full refund and for the microwave to be collected from
my house.

I look forward to receiving a positive response,

Yours faithfully,

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

4. Formal Letter (complaint - bus service)

You travel by bus every weekday morning. Recently you have been unhappy with the service.
Write to the bus company saying:

- what the problem is

- how it affects you
- what you want them to do

Dear Sir or Madam

I am a regular passenger on the Number 75 bus which takes me to the University during the week. The
service has always been punctual and reliable and I have never had any cause for complaint. However,
over the last two weeks there have been a number of issues.

On several occasions the bus arrived at least 20 minutes late, and last week it did not turn up at all,
which meant that I was unable to attend my first lecture. This has affected my overall attendance
record, which was previously 100%.

To make matters worse, the bus is often over-crowded and despite having paid a lot of money for a
season ticket, I have to stand up for the whole journey, which leaves me exhausted by the time I get to

I hope you will agree that these problems are unacceptable and I would be grateful if you would do
everything possible to return the service to its former level of punctuality and reliability.

I look forward to your reply,

Yours faithfully,
Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

5. Formal Letter (Suggestion/complaint - museum visit)
You recently visited a museum with your old friend and had some difficulties during the visit.

Write a letter to the museum management

- Say why you visited the museum

- Say what the problem was
- Suggest what can be done to solve the problem

Dear Sir or Madam,

I recently visited your museum with an elderly friend who has difficulties getting up stairs. Although she
does not need to use a wheelchair, we were assured beforehand that all areas of the museum were fully
accessible to people with disabilities and that there would be lifts available to get to the viewing
platform on the top floor.

Unfortunately, we soon discovered that there was only one lift and, on the day that we visited, it was out
of order, which meant that we had to take the stairs. My friend found this increasingly difficult and as
we got to the higher levels she felt very unwell and was unable to continue. We had travelled a long way
to see the view from the top, and feel that our time and entry fee were wasted.

To avoid this situation happening again, could I suggest that you install wheelchair-friendly ramps that
people could walk up in the event of a lift malfunction. Failing this, it might be a good idea to have
more full-length windows on the lower floors so that people could at least see out from other levels of
the museum.

I hope that you will give my suggestions serious consideration.

Yours faithfully

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

6. Semi-formal letter (someone you don’t know - TV programme)

Write a letter to the manager of a TV company who is planning to make a program about a well-known

● Make a suggestion for this TV program.

● Say how you know that place
● Say why you think it would make a good subject for a TV Programme.

Dear Mr Johnson

I am writing in response to your request for ideas relating to your upcoming TV programme about
famous places. I would like to suggest Castle Park in Colchester, Essex, as I think this would appeal to all
kinds of viewers for a number of different reasons.

First of all, there is the castle itself. It has a long and fascinating history, starting from Roman times when
the foundations were built. If you go down into the vaults you can still see the remains of the temple,
and there are also dungeons where they used to keep prisoners during the 19th century. I think people
would jump at the chance to get a closer look at places which are normally closed off to the public.

Then there are the stunning surroundings and beautifully-kept gardens, both of which are steeped in
history. I am sure that your research team would be able to uncover a wealth of little-known facts about
historical events which took place here, such as Boudicca’s burning of the town and the famous siege
during the Civil War.

I’ve been a regular visitor at the castle for the last 10 years and have learnt so much from it that I think
you would have plenty of ideas to choose from when considering the interests of your viewers.

I hope that you will consider my suggestion, and please let me know if I can be of any assistance at all,

Yours sincerely,

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

7. Semi-Formal Letter (complaint - neighbour’s dog)

Your neighbour has a dog which causes you and your family a lot of problems. Write a letter to your
neighbour. In your letter

- complain about the situation

- describe the problems you are having
- say what you will do if the problems continue

Dear Kirsty

I hope everything is going well for you and the boys. It’s lovely to see them having fun in the
garden. I hope you don’t mind me writing to you but unfortunately your dog has started to bark
a lot and I was wondering if there was anything we could do together to resolve the situation.

As you know, I work from home most of the time, and the constant barking is very distracting,
especially when I’m trying to make audio and video recordings, which are an essential element
of my job. On several occasions now, I’ve had to stop the recording and start again, because the
barking was so noisy that I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing, and no-one wants to
listen to a tutorial video with a dog yapping all the way through it! This has cost me a lot of
valuable time.

On top of that, it has become impossible to sit out in the garden on a sunny day, as the slightest
noise triggers a reaction from your dog and this is worsened by the shouting of your boys as
they play with him.

I hope that we can come to some kind of agreement about when your dog is allowed outdoors.
If not, I’m afraid I’ll have to contact the council, as the noise is becoming a nuisance to myself
and to the other neighbours.

Could we have a chat about this some time? Would you be free for coffee tomorrow?

Best wishes

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

8. Semi-formal letter to your boss (work party)
The company you work for has been in business for a year. Your manager has asked
employees to suggest how this could be celebrated. Write a letter to your manager. In your
● suggest what the company should do to celebrate
● explain what benefits the celebration would bring
● say what you could do to help

Dear Max

Many thanks for inviting us all to help celebrate the first anniversary of the school reopening. I’ve asked
around the staffroom, and gathered a few opinions about what people would like to do.

From the point of view of the staff, the most popular suggestions seem to involve eating and drinking!
We thought it would be a nice idea if all of us went out for a meal together at a local restaurant. This
would be a great way of thanking everyone for working so hard to make the business such a success.

As for celebrating with the students, perhaps a barbecue would be fun? We could provide the food and
drinks and they could bring some traditional dishes which are typical of their country. If we get a good
photographer, we could put the photos on Facebook - this would be a brilliant way of promoting the
school and spreading the word about how marvellous we are!

My son’s a dab hand with a camera, so if you want, I could get him to take the photos and I’ll take charge
of promoting the event on social media.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts, and please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like me to

All the best


Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

9. Informal Letter (request for job help to a distant friend )

You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are
studying so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter

- give details of your study plans

- explain why you want to get a part-time job
- suggest how your friend could help you find a job

Hi Colomba!

How’s it going? Long time no see! I hope everything’s going well for you and I’m sorry it’s been such a
long time since I’ve been in touch.

The big news is that I’m going to spend some time in Paris next year in order to brush up on my French.
I’ve forgotten so much since Uni and you know how it is - ‘use it or lose it’ as the saying goes! I’ve
already found somewhere to stay and I’ve booked myself onto a course, but I’ve realised I’ll have to earn
a bit of cash in my spare time, as I’m sure the cost of living in Paris is horrendous, isn’t it?

I was wondering if you might be able to help. Do you know anyone who may want English lessons? Or
maybe there’s somewhere I could put an advert up? I wouldn’t mind any kind of bar work either - that
would be a fantastic way of getting some speaking practice at the same time!

I hope you don’t mind me asking you. I’ve still got plenty of time before I start, so any ideas would be
much appreciated!

Hope to hear from you soon,

All the best

(196 words)

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

10. Informal Letter to a friend (request to look after pet)

A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

- give contact details for when you are away

- give instructions about how to care for your pet
- describe other household duties

Hi Dave

Thanks ever so much for looking after my cat and the house while I'm away. Hopefully it won't be too
much of a hassle! It's really great that you're staying there overnight because you know Tiddles - he
doesn't like to be left on his own for too long, and who knows what he'll get up to…!

Apart from that, he's pretty low-maintenance. Just feed him in the morning (about half of one of those
pouches I keep under the sink) and then again at about 6 (the other half!) and remember to leave a
saucer of fresh water out, if you don’t mind. You can put the bowls in the dishwasher - I know it's not
very hygienic but so much easier. And no worries about letting him out - he can come and go as he
pleases through the cat flap, but can you just make sure he's back inside safe and sound before you go to

The only thing you need to know about the house is that the rubbish van comes mega early on Friday.
Don't leave it out the night before or the foxes will tear the bags apart and the neighbours will be a bit
cheesed off. Oh and that reminds me - no wild parties and loud music yeah??

If you have any problems just text me or google the Grand Hotel, Cardiff.

Hope you have a nice week!

Cheers again,
Fi x

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

*This is a suggested answer from the British Council website*.

Dear Carolyn,

Thank you for agreeing to house-sit for me. If you need to contact me during my holiday, I’ll be
staying at the Imperial Hotel in Bundaberg. If it’s urgent, however, please ring my mobile phone,
which I’ll keep with me at all times. I’ve written the numbers on a sticky note which I’ve left on
the fridge.

My cat needs to be fed twice daily so each morning and evening - put a handful of cat biscuits in
his dish. You will find these in the kitchen pantry. Also, please check throughout the day to make
sure he has fresh water. You can give him a small bowl of milk in the evening.

I would like you to water my plants, too. The indoor ones in the lounge only need water once
every few days but the plants on the balcony need to be watered daily unless there has been
heavy rain. Finally, for security, please clear my mailbox every day and keep the outside lights on
at night.

I look forward to seeing you on my return.

Yours, Katie

It is a ‘safe’ answer because it is accurate and extremely polite.

However, there are many aspects that are too formal, and this affects the tone:

● Formal linking words - however, unless, which (x 4), Finally

● Passives - my cat needs to be fed, plants need to be watered
● Inconsistent contractions - you will find, there has been heavy rain
● Unfriendly commands - put a handful, please clear my mailbox every day, keep the light
● Formal requests - I would like you to
● Formal ending - I look forward to seeing you on my return, Yours
● Formal expressions - for security
● Formal structure - better to keep boring details like contact numbers till the end

This is always the problem with materials I find online - even the British Council sometimes.
They often give models of a ‘good’ answer, but this would lose points for being too formal. Very
often the people who write these examples are not examiners!

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

11. Informal letter to a friend (request - you want your bag back)
You lent a bag to your friend and now you need it back.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

- ask for the bag back

- say why you need it
- suggest how you can get it

Hi Sarah!

How's it going? Hope you're well and still having a great time at Uni. I haven't heard from you for ages!
What have you been up to?

Guess what - you know I've always wanted to visit Paris? Well, I have to go there for a couple of days
next week with work. So excited! You've been to Paris haven't you? Got any recommendations? I'm
going to be travelling light, so I was wondering if I could get my suitcase back off you, you know the one
with the wheels that I lent you last year? It's a perfect size because I'll be able to take all my stuff on the
flight with me and it'll be handy for getting on the metro. Sorry it's all a bit last minute, but I haven't got
enough cash to splash out on a new one at the mo!

Would it be ok if I popped round to pick it up sometime? Or maybe you could drop it off at my house if
you're passing? Sorry again to be a pain but it's kind of urgent. Do you reckon I could have it before the
weekend? My flight's on Monday, so that'll give me a bit of time to pack.

Let me know asap what's best for you. Can’t wait to see you for a coffee and a catch-up.

Bye for now,

Fi x

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

FORMAL version that I improved on:

Task: try to improve the underlined phrases.

Dear Sarah

I trust that this letter finds you in good health and that your studies are proving to be as fruitful
as you had hoped. It has been such a long time since we last spoke.

I am writing to you regarding my suitcase which you borrowed. My firm requires me to attend a
conference and make a series of business trips abroad in order to assess a local branch of our
company. The trip will not exceed 2 weeks in duration. As I was planning the trip I recalled that I
had lent you my travel bag some time ago for you to visit your relatives. If you no longer require
the suitcase, I would be grateful if you could return it as soon as possible. I understand that you
have been busy and thereby forgot to do so. I apologise for such a sudden request but I cannot
afford to purchase a new bag.

Might I suggest that I collect it from you at your earliest convenience? Otherwise, you could
post it to my home address and I will reimburse you the postage fees. I appreciate your time in
making the necessary arrangements.

I hope I shall receive a reply from you soon. Do let me know if you are available in the evening
or your preferred method of ensuring that I receive the bag.

Sincerely yours,

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

12. Informal Letter to a friend (invitation to your new home)

You have recently moved to a different house. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In
your letter
- explain why you have moved
- describe the new house
- invite your friend to come and visit

Hi Dave

How's it going? Just a quick note to let you know that we've finally moved to a bigger house! Hurrah!
We'd been thinking of moving for ages - we were getting a bit fed up with our tiny bungalow to be
honest, especially now that the little ones are growing up. So after a lot of hassle and expense here we
are in our new house.

I reckon you'll love it. It's got 3 bedrooms, and a brand new bathroom and kitchen. The kids are running
around like lunatics because there is much more space - the living room and garden are massive! And
Mike is really chuffed because he doesn't need to do much decorating!

Why don't you pop round this weekend and see what you think of our new place? We'd all love to see
you and if the weather is good we can have a barbie in the garden.

I'll text you the address, so give us a call and let us know when to expect you.

Lots of love,
Talk soon,
Fi x

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

13. Formal letter (complaint to landlord)
You are a student at an English language school in London and you have been experiencing
some problems in the flat. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter

● State your reason for writing

● Describe the problems and explain how you feel
● Propose a solution and ask the landlord to take action

Dear Mr Smith

I am one of the tenants at your property in Brick Lane, and am writing to complain about the fact that
we do not have any hot water or heating in our house.

As you know, we have been living in this house since June, and have always paid our rent on time.
However, we have now been without heating or hot water for two weeks. This is making our lives very
uncomfortable, especially as it is the middle of winter.

Ten days ago you promised to send a workman to our house within 2 days but no one came. After calling
many times, the workman eventually arrived at the house five days later. Unfortunately he said he could
not fix the problem because the water heater was too old. We are now extremely unhappy about this

We are unable to go on living in the house in these conditions and we would ask you to fix the problem
urgently. Unless the heater is fixed or replaced within the next 24 hours, we will be forced to look for
alternative accommodation. We also request a 50% refund on our rent for the period we have been
without any hot water or heating.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

14. Formal letter of request (to a bank for a loan)

As an international student in Australia, you have an account with a local bank. The monthly
bank transfer you receive from your parents has been delayed this month due to an error at
your parents’ bank. Write a letter to your bank. In your letter

● Introduce yourself and ask for a loan

● Say why you need the money
● Tell them how you intend to pay back the money

Dear Sir/Madam

I am an international student from the UK studying at Sydney University and I am writing to you as I
would like to request a temporary loan so that I can meet my expenses this month.

I have had my account for about two years since I arrived in Australia and I have always kept it in credit.
My parents send me a regular bank transfer of $2200 every month and until now, I have always received
this monthly payment without any difficulty.

Unfortunately, however, there has been an error with their online banking system at HSBC so the funds
will be delayed this month. This will be a problem for me because my monthly rent of $1000 is due next
week and I need money to cover general living expenses.

I would therefore like to request a temporary loan of $1800 for a maximum period of one month until
the next payment is completed. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward very much to hearing from you soon.

Best regards

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

15. Formal Letter of request (training course accommodation)

You are going on a short training course. You need somewhere to live while you are there.

Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In your letter:

● Explain your situation

● Describe the accommodation you require
● Say when you will need it.

Dear Mr Jones

I am a 27-year-old Economics student from Brazil and I have been accepted to do a one-month
training course at Essex University starting next September.

I would be grateful if you could help me find some accommodation for the duration of my
course. Ideally, I would like to stay with a host family so that I can practise my English at the
same time. If possible, I would prefer to be near the college rather than in the town centre, as
my course will be quite intensive. If you had anywhere within walking distance of the University
that would be even better. Since I will only be there for a short time I will not have much time
to work out the public transport system.

My only requirements are a quiet room with a desk and internet access. The course starts on
September 1st, so I will be arriving a couple of days in advance and it finishes on Friday 30th,
but I fly back on the Sunday, so I would need to stay there on Saturday night.

Could you please give me some indication of cost and whether meals are included?

I look forward to hearing from you,

With many thanks in advance

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

16. Formal Letter to an insurance company (lost item)

On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately you had insurance which will cover
the cost.
Write a letter to the insurance company. In your letter:

● Describe the item you lost

● Explain how you lost it
● Tell the insurance company what you would like them to do.

Dear Sir or Madam

I have recently returned from a city-break in Paris where I lost my grandmother’s engagement ring. I am
writing to claim on my holiday insurance policy which I bought from your company before I left on Friday
10th August.

Unfortunately I have no idea how much the ring is worth, as it holds more sentimental value for me than
anything else. It is gold, and has 3 sapphires surrounded by what I believed to be diamonds, though I
cannot confirm this. It was beautifully engraved with the word ‘cariad’ inside, which is the Welsh word
for ‘love’.

I must have lost it in the hotel where we were staying. I always take my ring off before I go to bed and
put it on the bedside table next to my watch and phone. However, the morning I lost it, I was rushing to
get my flight and I guess I must have quickly grabbed my watch and phone, knocking the ring to the floor.
I can only imagine that it has now been vacuumed up and will never be seen again. I have been in touch
with the hotel but nothing has been handed in to their lost property office as yet.

Since I do not expect to find the ring in these circumstances, I would like to make a claim for £300, which
is the cost of similar rings dated from a similar period according to some research that I have done on
the Internet.

Please could you let me know what I need to next and I would be grateful if you could email me any of
the forms that I need to fill in.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

17. Formal Letter (complaint to the manager of a leisure centre)

There is a problem with the changing rooms at your local leisure centre. You have complained
to the manager about this several times, but nothing has been done. Write to the manager.

- Give details about the problem

- Say what happened when you complained about this before
- Say what you want the manager to do next.

Dear Sir or Madam

I’ve been a member of Leisure World for a year and recently I’ve noticed a deterioration in the
general standards of hygiene in the changing rooms. I have complained about this several times,
but there has been no discernible improvement.

I first noticed the problem about a month ago. When I arrived early one morning, it was obvious
that the changing area had not been cleaned overnight and there seemed to be a lot of slippery
mud on the floor where people had been walking around with wet shoes on. Furthermore there
were quite a few empty shampoo bottles and discarded soap sachets littered around. It made
the place look very untidy and unhygienic.

I mentioned this to the lady at reception who assured me that something would be done
immediately. Furthermore, I had a quick chat with the cleaner who told me that you are very
short-staffed at the moment.

I would be very grateful if you could let me know what is being done about the problem. I feel
that there is an urgent need to hire additional staff to ensure that the changing area is clean and
safe for us to use, otherwise I will be forced to cancel my membership and go elsewhere.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

18. Informal letter giving information about your region
An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written
asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

● offer to help them find somewhere to stay

● give advice about what to do
● give information about what clothes to bring.

Hi Colomba

I’m so excited that you’re coming to see us next month! Of course you’re more than welcome to
stay with me and my family but if you prefer, I could find you a nice B&B so you can be a bit
more independent and come and go as you please.

There are loads of things to do in the city. If I were you, I’d spend a few days on the beach
relaxing and then go sightseeing in the city. I’m sure you’ll love all the museums and art
galleries, not to mention the shops! One place you really must visit is the enormous aquarium
where you’ll probably want to spend the whole day. And don’t miss the famous castle - it’s
about an hour away by bus.

As for clothes, don’t bother bringing too many because the weather is normally warm and
sunny at this time of year. It’s a bit chilly in the evening though, so it might be a good idea to
bring a jumper.

Let me know what time you’re coming so that I can meet you at the airport. It’ll be great to see
you again so I can catch up with all your news!

Safe journey and see you soon!

Love Fiona x

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

19. Letter to your colleagues - 2 versions (social event decision)

You have been asked to organise a social event for your company. Write an email to your
colleagues. In the email say:
- What suggestions have been made
- What you think about the suggestions
- What you have decided to do

Semi-formal version

Dear colleagues

We haven’t been able to have an end-of-year social event for the past two years due to limited
funds. This year, however, the company has offered to pay for an end-of-year party. We’ve
discussed various options as you will see below.

Firstly we considered an office party held on the premises. The main advantage of this would be
that it avoids any need for people to make special travel arrangements. On the other hand, the
building doesn’t really have a space that is suitable. We therefore looked at a meal out as there
are a number of suitable restaurants close to the office. One argument against this was that
sitting at a table is not a good way for us to mix and get to know people from other
departments. Finally we discussed a day trip, for example to a local tourist spot. The main
drawback of this is the cost. In addition, it’s difficult to find somewhere that caters for all of our
needs and interests.

Taking all of the points into consideration, we propose an office party for all staff, to be held in
the main reception area. Date and time to be confirmed.

Please let us know your opinion, preferably before the end of next week,

Thank you,

213 words

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

Less formal version

Hi everyone

As you know we haven’t had a Christmas party for the past two years because of a lack of funds. But this
year, the company has said that they’ll pay for some kind of get-together. I’ve asked around the office,
and this is basically what we’ve come up with.

First of all we thought about having an after-work party in the office. This would be the easiest option
because everyone would already be there, though it’s not ideal because there’s not much space.

So then we looked into a meal out. There are loads of nice restaurants not too far away from the office
but some people thought it probably wasn’t the best way to mingle because everyone would be sitting
at a table all evening.

Finally we considered something like a day trip to somewhere nice and local. The only problem with this
would be the cost and also it’s quite difficult to find somewhere that suits all of our needs and interests.

So after a lot of thought, we’ve decided that an office party in the main reception would be the best bet.
Date and time to be confirmed.

Please let us know what you think before the end of next week if possible.

Many thanks


211 words

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

20. Letter of thanks to someone in your community
You are a member of a local group which provides a free service for your community. You
have a special request for extra help. Write a letter to the group leader.

- thank him/her for their work

- explain what you need help with
- suggest what you could do in return

Say how this might benefit the community.

Dear Mr Jones,

Thank you very much for providing us with your free 'Maths for Mums and Dads' lessons in the
community centre every day. I'm sure that these must take a long time to prepare. I have learnt such a
lot from them and now feel more confident about helping my son with his homework.

I was wondering if you could possibly give me any extra materials that I could use in my free time? I
realise I could google this myself and find something on the internet but I thought you might be able to
point me in the right direction if you have time.

Perhaps I could make some photocopies and share them around so that other people can make use of
them too? I know you're very busy at the moment because it's the start of term, so there's no hurry.

With many thanks in advance,

Best wishes

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

EXTRA tips about thank you letters

● use a polite greeting (Dear, Hi) and a friendly goodbye (Many thanks in advance, Bye for
now, See you soon)
● show awareness of the reader's situation (I'm sorry to bother you as I know you're busy)
or show some appreciation of the person you want to get help from (Thank you for
letting me know about...)
● always ask polite questions (Would it be possible for you to...? Could you possibly...?
Would you mind...?)
● or use a polite phrase (I would be very grateful if you could...)
● say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
● NEVER use commands (Send me more information)

Model 2

Hi Clive,

This is Fiona from your running group (the slow one who's always at the back!). I just wanted to
say thank you for all the hard work that you put in every week. It can't be much fun standing out
in the freezing cold and pouring rain while we're running around keeping warm! I also really
appreciate the fact that you always encourage me to keep going even though I will never win
any races.

Speaking of which, I'm not sure if you know but I've signed up for a marathon next year and I
was wondering if you could recommend a book or something that would help me with my
training plan. There seem to be hundreds of these online, so I thought you might have a
personal favourite that I could get. No worries if not - you probably get asked this all the time.

See you next week and thanks again

All the best

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

Hi Clive - friendly personal greeting
This is Fiona from your running group (the slow one who's always at the back!) - clear
introduction, use of humour
I just wanted to say thank you - polite thanks
It can't be much fun - showing empathy and understanding
I also really appreciate the fact that - showing appreciation
I'm not sure if you know but - assume nothing!
I was wondering if you could - a polite request
so I thought you might - clear explanation for why you're asking
No worries if not - no pressure on the reader
See you next week and thanks again - a friendly goodbye:
All the best/Warm wishes/Cheers

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

21. A letter apologising to a colleague

A colleague you've known for a long time is leaving for a new job but you can’t attend their
leaving party. Write a letter:

- apologise and explain why you can't attend

- say how you felt about working with them
- suggest how to keep in touch.

Dear John

So sorry to hear that you're leaving us! Great news about the new job though - you totally
deserved to get it after all the hard work you’ve put in since the day you started.

I just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed working with you. I don’t know how I’d have
survived my first few weeks if it hadn’t been for your patience. I really appreciate your support -
you’ve always been there for me whenever I needed help.

It’s a real shame that I can’t make it to your leaving-do next week. I booked the week off a
while ago, so I’m taking the kids to Paris to see the sights.

I really hope we can stay in touch though. You know where to find me if you fancy a drink some
time when you’ve settled in - maybe we could meet up for my birthday next month?

Wishing you all the best in your exciting new career,

You’ll be very much missed in the office (especially your tea-making skills!)

All the best


(182 words)

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

22. Letter of complaint to a restaurant

You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish
to complain to the manager. Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In your letter

● explain why you were at the restaurant

● describe the problems
● write about the action you want the manager to take

Dear Sir/Madam

I am one of your regular customers and every year my family and I celebrate our parents’
wedding anniversary at your restaurant. Both the food and the service have always been
excellent, but unfortunately this year we were very disappointed and I would like to complain
about several things that we were unhappy with.

That evening we ordered your signature pasta dish as we always do. However, it took a very
long time to be served. What’s more, when the dish finally arrived it was lukewarm, not to
mention the fact that it tasted completely different from what we were used to. In fact it was
extremely bland and dry.

As this restaurant is part of our community and as it has become a family tradition to go there
annually, we would be extremely grateful if you could give us some guarantee that this will not
happen again. I can only assume that the recipe has been changed. Could I possibly suggest
that you test the dish yourself in order to find out what the chef might have done differently, or
could you maybe persuade the chef to use the original recipe that was always so delicious?

Thank you in advance for your attention and I look forward to your response,

Yours faithfully,

Ana Quintalo 216 words

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

Model 2 (too long, but a true story!)

Notice the use of adjectives to describe specific problems.

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to complain about an evening spent at your restaurant on April 10th. My family
and I were in Paris for 2 nights, and because your establishment comes highly recommended in
several well-known food guides we were looking forward to a very pleasant experience.

Unfortunately things did not go well right from the start. First of all, we had to queue for some
time before being seated, even though we had made a reservation beforehand. We were then
given a cramped table right next to the toilets and we waited for about 20 minutes before we
could even order a drink. There was no apology or explanation from the waiter, who looked
extremely busy and overworked. We asked for his help with some of the items from the menu,
but he became quite impatient and told us that he did not have any time to explain every dish
in detail.

When the food finally arrived at least 60 minutes later, my son’s chicken was raw in the middle
and my vegetarian lasagne was almost inedible. It was so overcooked that I could hardly eat it.
To add insult to injury, all three of us were up all night vomiting, which meant that we could not
enjoy the rest of our stay.

I would like to request a full refund as compensation for the miserable time that we endured
both at your restaurant and for the food poisoning and loss of a day’s holiday.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully

Fiona Wattam

252 words

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

23 Letter to manager about a customer complaint

There have been several complaints about the reception area where visitors to your company
arrive. Your manager has asked you to suggest how the reception area could be improved.
Write a letter to your manager. In your letter

● describe the complaints that have been made

● say why the reception area is important
● suggest how the reception area could be improved

Dear Mr Smith

As per your request, I am writing to outline some of the complaints that we have had about the
reception area.

First of all, a number of visitors expressed their dissatisfaction with the size of the reception
area, due to the fact that it is often overcrowded and that there are not enough desks for filling
in all the various forms. They also mentioned the lack of receptionists available to deal with
questions at busy times of the day.

Needless to say, the area where visitors arrive is extremely important as it ‘sets the tone’ and
gives the first impression of the organization, so I strongly recommend that we make a few
radical changes.

One solution to the space problem would be to knock through to the adjacent room. This would
almost double the size of the area, and then we’d be able to get more tables and comfy seats
for people who are waiting. I also think we need to consider hiring a second receptionist for
peak periods.I realise that there will be costs involved, but I think it will be worth it in the long

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,

Best regards

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

24 Letter of application to do voluntary work at a hospital

Your local hospital has advertised for people to do unpaid work helping at the hospital. You
would like to do some work at the hospital in your free time.

Write a letter to the hospital. In your letter

● Explain why you would like to do unpaid work at the hospital
● Say what type of unpaid work you would be able to do
● Give details of when you would be available for this work

Formal Option

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter in support of my application to join the hospital as a volunteer worker. I
would be most grateful if you would consider the following information favourably when
deciding on my eligibility for this role.

I am currently a final-year college student preparing to enter medical school in the coming year,
and I feel that working as a volunteer in this department would provide me with some
much-needed hands-on experience of the day-to-day responsibilities I might encounter while
working in a medical context.

As I have already had some experience of administrative and clerical work, I would be able to
work on the reception desk, as well as assist the elderly, the disabled or young patients in
transit to and from the various wards. I am also willing to assist medical staff with the
preparation of medical equipment, and I am trained in sterilisation and general hygiene practice
through an internship at a neighbouring hospital.

I hope that you find my application suitable and hope to be considered for the role. I am happy
to undertake any other tasks that the management would consider suitable for my level of
expertise and experience.

I will be available to accept any position if offered from early March, after I have completed my
final exams.
Yours faithfully,
Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

Less formal Version

Dear Sir or Madam

While I was visiting a friend in hospital last week, I saw your advert looking for people to work
on a voluntary basis. I am writing to offer my services in the hope that you might be able to
make use of my skills and experience in a suitable role.

Having just retired from my position as an Academic Skills Tutor at the local university I find
myself with a lot of spare time on my hands and would love to give something back to the
community. I have been an English language teacher for most of my life, and I understand that
there are several members of staff who have come from overseas and who might be looking to
improve their speaking skills in their free time.

I am available most afternoons and evenings, and am happy to arrange a time that works best
for you and your staff.

I live locally and could pop in for a chat at your convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully

Fiona Wattam.

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

25: Sending a gift to a friend (informal)
Write a letter to a friend who just moved into a new house that you are sending a gift to. You
should say

● What the gift is

● Why you chose it
● How it will be delivered

Hi Sylvie!

Happy New Home! I hope the move went smoothly and that you’ve had the chance to settle in
a bit - how does it feel now that you’ve finally arrived? Is it everything you dreamed of? Can’t
wait to visit!

I just wanted to let you know that I’m sending you a little house-warming present in the post.
It’s just a small thing to make you feel at home. I found an online company that delivers
freshly-baked brownies to your door, and thought that the aroma would be nice for you to come
home to! The thing is, you need to be there when they deliver, otherwise they’d have to leave
them on the doorstep, and who knows what passing creatures might fancy them, now that
you’re living way out in the sticks - it could attract bears from all around the neighbourhood!

So I asked them to drop them off at around 8 a.m on Monday - is that ok for you? I guess you
won’t have left for work by then. It’s not too late to change it though (up to midnight this

Hope you enjoy the brownies - just let me know when you’d like me to come round and help
you eat them.

Lots of love
Fi x

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

26. Rubbish system - letter of complaint

The system used for rubbish collection in your local area is not working properly.
This is causing problems for you and your neighbours. Write a letter to the local council. In
your letter
- Describe how the rubbish collection system is not working properly
- Explain how this is affecting you and your neighbours
- Suggest what should be done about the problem

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to complain about the new rubbish collection system that has been introduced in
Colchester. I understand that this was a cost-cutting measure, but unfortunately it is severely
impacting my neighbourhood.

Ever since I have lived in Essex, there has been a weekly collection of non-recyclables in black
bin bags, and a fortnightly collection of recyclable waste (paper, plastic and cans), all of which
goes into see-through plastic bags. However, now that black bin-bag collection is once a
fortnight, and alternates with the clear bin-bags, it has resulted in complete chaos and

The main flaw in the system is that people forget what they should put out each week, resulting
in rubbish being left on the pavement for days on end, as people are reluctant to take it back
into their homes once they realise they have made a mistake. During the night, foxes and cats
tear open the bags, leaving debris strewn across the road and blowing into people’s gardens and
community green spaces. This makes the whole town look unsightly and no doubt encourages
vermin and other pests.

Might I suggest that you organise both collections on the same day, so that all the rubbish is
collected together? I think this would lessen the confusion, and people would be more likely to
get the day right.

I look forward to hearing your views on the matter,

Yours faithfully

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

Bonus: Complaint about a dirty street

You've noticed that a street near your home has become very dirty recently.
Write to the city council to complain about the street. You should say
● why you think this is happening,
● the problems that it may be causing
● and suggest a way to deal with this situation.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with regards to the illegal dumping of household rubbish in Carlton Street (where I
live), and the fact that no proper action has been taken despite several letters of complaint from
the residents.

Since the recent change to a twice-weekly refuse collection, people have been leaving items
such as microwaves, furniture and even black bin bags on the corner of the street. It has
become a serious eyesore and passers-by could easily trip and fall over them in the dark.
Furthermore, potentially harmful chemicals are leaking into the nearby drain and the rotting
food has started to attract flies and vermin.

As a short-term fix, I would be very grateful if you could arrange for the rubbish truck to collect
all the items from the street as a matter of urgency. Could I also suggest that in order to
prevent this from happening in the future, Carlton Council should issue a warning letter to
people living in the vicinity, making them aware of the heavy fines that they could incur and
letting them know where they can safely dispose of their waste?

I hope you will agree that this problem is unacceptable, and do everything possible to make this
residential area clean and safe again.

I look forward to your reply,

Yours faithfully,

217 words

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

27 Letter to a friend about a lost file
You stayed at your friends’ house when you took part in a business seminar in Australia. You
left a file with important documents in your room. Write a letter to your friend explaining the
● describe the file
● say where you think you lost it
● ask him/her to return it to you by post

Hi Tracey

Thanks ever so much for putting me up while I was in Sydney. It was great to catch up with you
and spend some time reminiscing about the good old days! I had a really fantastic time and felt
truly spoilt and pampered the whole time I was there!

You’ll never guess what though, when I got back home I couldn’t find that file I showed you
with all my research in it. You know the one - it’s kind of flowery and not very
professional-looking but it does the job. I have a sneaking suspicion that I chucked it under the
bed when we got home late and a bit worse for wear the night before I left.

Is there any chance you could have a look for me? I’m sorry it’s a real pain, but I’m going to
need it to write up all those notes I took. Should have gone digital, shouldn’t I?! If you find it
(and fingers crossed you will, because if it’s not there, I must have left it at the airport going
through security) would you mind posting it to me? I’ll pay you back for the postage costs and
buy you a beer next time we meet up I promise.

Many thanks in advance - I owe you one,

Chat soon

Love Fiona xxx

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

29. Letter to a friend about a bicycle

You have a bicycle that you are no longer using. You would like to sell it to a friend.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
- Describe your bicycle
- Explain why you are no longer using your bicycle
- Explain why you think your friend would like to have it

Hi Marie

How’s it going? Hope you’re keeping well. I saw your post on Facebook the other day about
wanting a bike to make the most of the quiet roads while we can, and I realised that I have one
in the garage that you’re welcome to have - are you interested?

I got it a few years ago from a neighbour, so it’s already second-hand and needs a bit of TLC. I
haven’t ridden it for years - the tyres probably need changing and to be honest it could do with
a service. I saw that you can get that done for about £60 in the local repair shop. Still cheaper
than buying a new one, isn’t it?

From what I can remember it was in pretty good shape/nick the last time I looked and it’s a
Raleigh, so they’re built to last.

Anyway, no worries if you’ve already found something - it can stay in the garage for another few
years unless I decide to take it out for a spin!

Chat soon
All the best
(178 words)

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

30. Letter of complaint to a hotel

You recently organised an all-day meeting for your company, which took place in a local hotel.
In their feedback, participants at the meeting said that they like the hotel, but they were
unhappy about the food that was served for lunch. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel.
In your letter:

- Say what the participants liked about the hotel

- Explain why they were unhappy about the food
- Suggest what the manager should do to improve the food in future

Dear Mr Trump

My name is Fiona Wattam and I am the events organiser for IELTS with Fiona Inc.

Thank you for helping us host the annual company Away Day at Trump Towers this year. The
event went very smoothly and we were very impressed with the facilities that you supplied at
the venue, especially the range of high-tech equipment and the support available to our
presenters. With thousands of participants from all over the world attending the session
virtually, we were understandably very anxious about how it would go. Thankfully your IT
people didn’t let us down.

Unfortunately there were a few issues with the lunch options available. We had requested a
sit-down meal so that attendees would be able to relax, but what we were given was more like
buffet-style finger food, with very few options for vegetarians or people with allergies and

Given the premium we had paid for a hot meal with waiter service, we were disappointed with
the standard of the food provision. Were we to use your facilities in future, I would need to be
reassured that the catering would be of a higher quality with more variety to suit all tastes and

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

31. Request for help with a website for your new business

You are starting a new business and need to build a website. You have a friend who works for an
IT company. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter
● Describe your new business
● Ask your friend to help you build the website
● Say how you will thank your friend for their help

Hi Oliver

Long time no see - hope you and your family are doing well.

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but the language school where I work has gone bankrupt, so I’m
thinking of setting up a website and going it alone. I was wondering if you could help at all.

At the moment I just need a basic landing page with contact details so that people can find me
easily, but hopefully with time I’ll be able to use the site for blogging. I’ve seen one that you set
up for a local yoga instructor (with lesson booking slots) and it’s exactly what I’m looking for. I’m
not very techie, so the simpler the better.

I’ve checked out the prices on your company page and they seem to be aimed at big businesses
rather than solopreneurs. Do you have any trainees that may be looking for portfolio work? (I
will pay them the going rate of course). I’d be really grateful if you know of anyone that might
be looking for this kind of project.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

With many thanks in advance

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

32. Request for a translation company

You have some documents that need to be translated into another language as soon as
possible. Write a letter to a translation agency. In your letter

● say what the documents are

● explain why you need them to be translated
● ask for the documents to be translated urgently

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to request an urgent translation of some PowerPoint slides that I am presenting at

an overseas conference in 2 days’ time, and I would be grateful if you could let me know
whether your company would be able to do this before the weekend. I understand that this is
very short notice, and am willing to pay a premium for your 24-hour service.

I will be presenting my research findings to a panel of highly specialised electronic engineers,

and in order for them to share the information with their colleagues and peers, they have
requested versions of my slide deck in both Chinese and Arabic. Do you have the capacity to
take on such a project at this late stage? There is not a huge amount of text on the slides
(around 600 words in total) but it is absolutely crucial that the correct terminology is used in the

Could you possibly let me know how quickly you might be able to do this so that I can look
elsewhere if you are able to help on this occasion?

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully,

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

33. Hotel booking - request to change

You booked a hotel to host a company meeting and now need to change it. Write a letter to
the hotel manager. In the letter
● Give details about the earlier booking
● Say what you’d like to change and explain why.
● Enquire about other facilities related to the meeting

Dear Best Western Hotels

I’m the Events Manager at Essex University, and just before Christmas we booked one of your
conference rooms for an away day, in the hope that Covid restrictions would be relaxed in the
New Year. Unfortunately due to the even stricter government guidelines and a potential
lockdown until mid-February, we will not be able to go ahead as planned and I would like to
reschedule for a later date if possible.

In the meantime, I noticed on your website that you’re now providing ‘safe workplaces’ for
people who find it difficult to work from home. I was wondering if it would be possible to
reserve work rooms for several members of staff in lieu of the face to face training that we had
planned. There are 6 of us on the team, and we would like to be able to spend the day working
together at a safe distance. Would you be able to accommodate us?

We can be flexible with dates and I would be grateful if you could send across details of costs
including lunch and refreshments as well as access to photocopying and presentation

I look forward to hearing from you,

Best regards

Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

34. Health problem at work

You work in an office and have recently been experiencing a health problem. You think that
the problem started because of the working conditions in the office. Write a letter to your
manager. In your letter
● describe the health problem
● explain why you think it was caused by conditions in the office
● suggest what the manager should do to improve the working conditions in the office

Dear John

I’m writing to inform you of a serious problem with regard to the use of x-rays at our clinic. As
dentists, we are aware of the dangers of taking and doing x-rays on a regular basis and I’m sure
you will agree that the most rigorous safety standards must be maintained.

Recently I’ve been experiencing a burning sensation in my head and neck region, which I believe
is directly linked to the fact that our protective goggles and shields are not fit for purpose. They
have not been replaced since I joined the practice 10 years ago, and since then, there have been
several innovations designed to ensure the safety of staff who operate x-ray equipment.

I would be grateful if you would consider upgrading our protective clothing to include lead
aprons in order to prevent the cumulative effects of radiation. I feel this needs to be done as a
matter of urgency.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Best regards


Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

35. Parking space problem - letter to landlord

You live in a small apartment building with a parking lot in the back, and you often cannot
find an empty parking space when you get home from work.
Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter
- Describe the situation
- Explain why it bothers you
- Suggest something the landlord could do to solve the problem.

Dear Mrs Wattam,

I am one of your tenants and writing to express my concern regarding the parking system
available at your property AWP apartments.

On a regular basis, I’ve been facing problems while parking my car whenever I come back home
at night. I have to struggle for approximately one hour to maintain/find a space and even
sometimes due to this I have parked my car outside the premises.

I am worried about my vehicle’s safety because of parking it out of the secured surroundings
as robberies are/car theft is increasingly high. At the same time, finding and managing space
has become a headache for me as I feel exhausted at that time.

I would like to suggest some ways to solve this issue. The main problem with the parking
system is that there is no rule to park two and four-wheelers separately. There must be a
division between them for proper management of vehicles. If I were you, I would appoint a
parking manager to manage and guide people while parking.

I hope you will take into account these problems and will solve them soon.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Mandeep Brar

(Mandeep went on to get 7.5 in Writing: Jan 22)

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

36 Part-time work request to manager

You currently work full-time in a company but would like to change to working part-time. Write
a letter to your manager. In your letter

● explain why you would like to change to working part-time work

● say what times and days of the week would suit you best
● suggest how your work could be covered or completed if you work part-time

Dear John

I’m writing to request a change in my working pattern, starting from September if possible.

As you may know, I’ve had to start home-educating my son, as he was having a few problems at
school. So I’ll need to spend a few hours of the day with him in order to monitor his work and
prepare him to take his GCSEs in May. As he’s nearly 15, he doesn’t need much supervision, and
I can easily leave him to his own devices, but it would be difficult for me to work full-time in the

I understand that I would need to be at work for meetings and training, so I was wondering if it
would be possible for me to reduce my hours and go part-time for the next 9 months. If you
were agreeable to this, I could be in the office from 9 - 12 every day to deal with urgent
face-to-face matters, and then work from home in the afternoon.

If you have any thoughts on how this could work best for you and the team, I am happy to
discuss other options and can remain flexible and open to your suggestions.

With many thanks in advance,

Best wishes


Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

37. Pollution in a lake

You have discovered a lot of rubbish in a lake near where you live. In the past, the lake had
always been clean. Write a letter to the local council. In the letter

● describe the type of rubbish that you saw in the lake

● explain where you think the waste has come from
● suggest what the council should do about the problem

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to express my concern relating to the noticeable increase in littering in and around
Lake Alresford.

The area has always been kept meticulously clean by a group of local volunteers who monitor
the surrounding park, and the regular emptying of bins by the council. However, since the
lockdown, there has been a surge in the number of people who visit the village for a day out
and leave their litter behind. It only takes a gusty day to blow all of these thoughtlessly
discarded items into the lake, where they are impossible to recover. Plastic bottles, wrappers
and shopping bags can now be seen floating in the lake and are an obvious risk to local wildlife.

I strongly feel that something needs to be done as a matter of urgency - possibly even banning
picnics in the area until the rubbish has been cleared up or until lockdown ends. In the
long-term, we need to consider other strategies such as regular patrols, better signage
indicating the fines for littering, and increasing the frequency with which the bins are emptied. I
realise that there will be costs involved, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the issue,

Yours faithfully,

Fiona Wattam
(194 words)

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

38. Swimming lessons

You have seen an advertisement in the local newspaper for swimming lessons at your
community sports centre. You want to find out more about these lessons. Write a letter to the
manager of the sports centre. In the letter

● describe how well you can swim at the moment

● explain why you want to learn to swim better
● enquire about the time and cost of the swimming lessons

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to inquire about the swimming lessons that you advertised in the Gazette last

I’ve never been a strong swimmer, despite my many failed attempts to improve. I think I have
never been taught the correct techniques, and every time I try to increase my strength or speed
by myself, I struggle to see any progress. I can still barely manage a length of the pool without
getting out of breath and having to stop half way.

This is seriously affecting my confidence, and preventing me from taking part in several
watersports that I am interested in, such as paddle-boarding and kayaking. I fear that if I fell in
the water, I would not be able to swim to safety, even with flotation devices.

Could you possibly let me know about the times of your lessons please? Ideally I’d like to attend
in the evening if possible. I’d also be grateful if you could send over details about how much the
lessons will cost.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

39 Course complaint

You are currently taking an evening course at a local community college. However, you are not
happy with the course. Write a letter to the manager of the college. In your letter

● say which course you are taking

● explain what the problem is with the course
● suggest what the manager should do to improve the course

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing regarding the evening course in Art History which I am taking at your college. I
regret to say that I am less than satisfied with certain aspects of the course.

I am currently in the sixth week of the course. I have found that the content is not as advertised:
instead of following the key artists of the Renaissance, which is my particular interest, the tutors
have covered a range of time periods and styles, with the Renaissance only featuring
occasionally. In addition, I was told that we would have homework assignments that the tutor
would give detailed feedback on. Instead, I’ve received only very brief remarks on some of the
work I’ve done; on other pieces, the tutor has merely added ‘Good work’ or ‘Excellent’.

Given my concerns about the course, I would be grateful if you could address these two issues.
If possible, could I change modules in order to focus on Renaissance art as I had expected to do,
and could you please speak to your tutors and request that they provide more comprehensive
feedback on our assignments.

Yours faithfully

Alan Walton

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

40. Interesting website

Write a letter to a friend telling them about an interesting website you found.
Tell your friend:
- How you found it
- How it can help
- How you use it

Hi Will

Hope all is well with you and that you’re managing to work out all the tech you need for your
new online course. I’m sure it’ll be amazing once it’s ready, but I know it can be stressful trying
to set it all up.

I was on Twitter the other day and someone shared a website which has an interactive chart of
all the phonemic sounds - I thought something like that would be great on your site because
students would be able to click on a sound and hear the pronunciation immediately, without
having to go and check it elsewhere. So if you were trying to explain something, you wouldn’t
need to make a separate video or audio file every time. You could just embed the interactive
chart on every page, and that would save a lot of hassle in the long-run. It’s called
‘’. I haven’t quite worked out what to do with it, but you’re more techy than
me so I’m sure you won’t have a problem using it. I think it’s just a simple case of clicking on a
sound and it plays automatically.

Anyway, I can’t wait to see it in action - let me know what you think,

Chat soon,


(204 words)

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

41. Papers left in a hotel room

You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you returned home, you found you had left
some important papers at the hotel. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter:

● Explain the problem

● Describe the papers and where you left them
● Say what you would like the manager to do next

Dear Sir or Madam

I recently attended a conference at your hotel, and I appear to have left behind some
documents in my room.

The papers are connected with the Hygiene conference and are both loose sheets and files
which bear the logo of my company, CleanBright International. I stayed for two nights in a room
on the second floor just next to the lift (I’m afraid that I do not remember the exact room
number, but hopefully it will be on your booking system somewhere). As far as I recall, the
papers were probably left on the desk in the corner of the room, but I cannot be sure of this.
They may be on the floor by the bed, or may even have slipped down the side of the bed.

If you are able to locate the documents, I would be very grateful if you could arrange for them
to be sent to the above address and I will of course reimburse any postage costs. Alternatively,
it may be possible for a colleague to pick them up from your hotel.

I do apologise for any inconvenience caused,

Yours faithfully
Alan Walton

183 words

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

Review: Language of polite requests

● *high-level vocab opportunity* - describing the papers or the file that you left them in.
I’ve had a quick google, and I found this page with descriptions of different folders. It
might inspire you to think of ways to describe your folder or papers e.g. size (A4-size
document wallet), colour (brightly-coloured pattern, unmissable, matt, shiny,
transparent), extra details (gold-embossed name), material (heavy-duty, sturdy, leather,
plastic, laminated, paperboard) papers (contain sensitive information, in plastic wallets)
with a pen (ball-point, fountain)/ with an elastic cord, Velcro, or other fastener to keep
them securely closed.

● *high level grammar opportunity* - modals of deduction ‘I think I must have left them
in the drawer/under the bed/on top of the wardrobe/in one of the breakout rooms’

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

42. Sponsorship of a children’s team or open-air concert

A large company in your area has decided to spend a certain amount of money, either to
sponsor a local children’s sports team for two years, or to pay for two open-air concerts. It has
asked for feedback from the general public. Write a letter to the company. In your letter

- Describe the benefits of sponsoring the sports team

- Summarise the benefits of paying for the concerts
- Say how you think the company should spend the money

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to thank you for your kind and generous offer of sponsorship for the town.
Colchester residents have been shopping at your store for the past 30 years, so it will be good to
see some of that hard-earned money being invested back into the community, especially at a
time when so many people are facing such difficulties following the Covid pandemic.

Although I can see why an outdoor event might serve the purpose of lifting our spirits and
bringing people together during these difficult times, I fear that it may not be to everyone’s
taste, as music is so subjective. It would be incredibly difficult to find a concert that everyone
would be able to enjoy, and for that reason alone, I think the best thing to do would be to fund
the local Under-15s Cricket team. They are always in desperate need of new kit, and the parents
are constantly having to fork out for expensive equipment whenever the club funds run low. I
think that if you were to cover their basic costs, this would have a long-term impact for the
children as well as their families.

I look forward to hearing what other people’s views are on the matter and would be grateful if
you could keep me informed of the outcome.

Yours faithfully,
Fiona Wattam

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

43 Looking for childhood friend - letter to a newspaper

You recently read an article in a newspaper about your childhood friend with whom you have
lost contact for a long time. Write a letter to the editor. In your letter:

● Say which edition and when did the article appear

● Explain why you lost contact with your friend
● Say how you want them to help you to get back in touch

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing regarding an old friend of mine who I saw mentioned in an article in your

In the Saturday edition, dated 12 May, there was a piece about volunteers who are helping to
keep the beaches clean in Southwold. The chief volunteer, Andy Parsons, was a close friend of
mine at school and we have not seen each other or been in touch for about twenty years as I
moved abroad soon after leaving school.

I have only recently returned to the UK and, having bought a house near the coast and decided
to settle in the area, I would very much like to contact him in order to offer my services as a
volunteer as well as to catch up on all the things that have happened to us since our schooldays.

I would be very grateful if you could help us to reunite, either by giving him my contact details
or, if possible, by sending me his mobile number.

Yours sincerely
Alan Walton

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

44. Being unavailable for a friend’s visit

Your friend is expecting to visit you in two weeks time, but unfortunately you are not
available at the same time.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

● Apologize and say that you are not available at that time
● Explain why
● Suggest another time when he could visit

This example shows how you can adapt formal writing to informal (in brackets) and by using
contractions (in red).

Hi John,

How are you? Hope my email finds you very well.[you’re doing well] Good to know that you
passed the entrance exam of NanYang Polytechnic Uni and I’m very excited to hear about your
plans to visit me this summer. However, unfortunately I am not available [What a nightmare - I
won’t be there when you’re coming!] at that time. Very sorry about that and wonder whether
you can come in autumn instead?

I’m in the last semester of my MBA course and will have final exams in July. They’re quite
stressful so I want to spend more time reviewing and practicing. Just wanna let you know that
I’ll be promoted to work for the NAS project if I get an A grade in four out of five subjects of the

Why don’t you come here in August? We'll have a lot of time for travelling and enjoying the
landscape and traditional cuisine.[the street food!] The weather in Aug is extremely cool so
you’ll feel comfortable while travelling everywhere in Vietnam. Moreover, the 15th Henry Int’
Running event will occur* in DaNang beach city on the first Sunday of Aug with participation of
many foreigners, so there’s no reason for us not to register now and join. [By the way, there’ll be
loads of tourists around for the DaNang beach race on the first Sunday of Aug, so we should
definitely take part!]

Write soon!
Can’t wait to see you,
All the best

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

More to come

Your local newspaper is offering an award for people who have helped the community. Write
a letter to the newspaper editor. In your letter

● suggest someone you think should receive the award

● describe what the person does to help the community
● suggest an award that would be appropriate for this person

Ⓒ Fiona Wattam 2020 All Rights Reserved

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