Mental Health of Adolescents

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Authors :
Fathin Nawal Galby1st, Aidah Syahidah2,Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus3
Psychologhy faculty of UIN Syarif HidayatullahJakarta, Indonesia

Level of mental health among adolescents. Method: The present study consisted sample of 40 subjects divided in
two groups (Boys and Girls) each group has 20 subjects. Further these two groups are equally subdivided into
two more age wise (13-15 years and 16-19 years) groups with 10 subjects in each group. Mental Health Scale
developed and standardized by Dr. Jagadish was used for the assessment of mental health. For statistical analysis
and hypothesis testing mean and t-test was applied. Findings: The findings show that boys have high level of
mental health than girls. Results also show that there is significant difference between the mental health scores of
boys and girls. While as insignificant difference were found between the mental health scores of 13-15 years and
16-19 years old subjects. Conclusion: On the basis of the findings in the present study we may conclude that
gender and age are an influential factor in mental health.

Keyword : mental health, physical activity, mental contidion.

Adolescence is a tumultuous time. At this time the mood can change very quickly.
These extreme mood swings in teenagers are often caused by the burden of homework,
school work, or daily activities at home. Although teenagers' mood swings change quickly,
this problem is not necessarily an indication of psychological problems. In terms of self
understanding, during adolescence, teenagers face dramatic changes in their self
understanding (self-awareness). They are very vulnerable to other people's comments
because they think that other people admire or criticize them as much as they admire or
criticize themselves. This assumption makes teenagers pay close attention to themselves and
the image they reflect (self-image).
Mental health must be maintained and cared for as much as possible to prevent mental
disorders. If mental health is disturbed it will make life less comfortable, such as being easily
stressed, tired and bored. A person can be said or categorized as mentally healthy if the
person avoids or does not experience symptoms of mental disorders or neurosis and mental
or psychological illness (Talitha, 2021).
Based on the results of a national school-based health survey (Junior High School and
High School) conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Health which was published in 2015,
it was stated that there are ten behavioral factors that pose a risk to adolescent health, one of
which is disturbed mental and emotional health. Of the three regions surveyed, namely
Sumatra, Java and Bali, outside Java and Bali, the results showed that 46.01% of students
(39.7% of male students and 51.98% of female students) experienced loneliness, 42.18%
(38% of male students, 46.14% of female students) experienced excessive anxiety or worry,
62.38% (57.73% of male students and 66.82% of female students) experienced emotional
disorders, namely loneliness. ), excessive worry and even suicidal thoughts (Dafnaz, 2019).

Literature Review
a. Definiton of Mental Health in Adolescents
Parents, practitioners, and policymakers are recognizing the importance of young
people’s mental health. Youth with better mental health are physically healthier, demonstrate
more socially positive behaviors and engage in fewer risky behaviors.1 Conversely, youth
with mental health problems, such as depression, are more likely to engage in health risk
behaviors.2 Furthermore, youths’ mental health problems pose a significant financial and
social burden on families and society in terms of distress, cost of treatment, and
disability.3,4,5. (David K nopf, M. Jane Park , & Tina Paul Mulye, 2008)

b. Effect of Physical Activity on Mental Health in Children and Adolescents

it shows that there is a positive influence of physical activity on mental health in terms
of the type and level of physical activity carried out. Various levels of physical activity have a
significant effect on mental health, especially in children and adolescents. Moderate to
vigorous intensity physical activity is very good for mental health. Simple physical activities
such as walking, swimming, hiking, dancing, brisk walking, jogging, cycling or doing
popular sports are among the physical activities that can affect the psychological and mental
health of children and adolescents. (Danta M. Siabarani, 2022).

c. Emotional Mental Conditions in Adolescents

showed that there was no difference in the number of respondents based on gender,
namely 108 people (50%) were male teenagers and 108 people (50%) were female teenagers.
The results of this study showed that the majority of teenagers experienced mental emotional
conditions in the abnormal category, as many as 78 people (36.1%), as many as 76 people
(35.2%) experienced mental emotional conditions in the normal category, and as many as 62
people (28.7%) Teenagers experience mental emotional conditions in the borderline category,
this is very dangerous for the mental health of these teenagers and can have an impact on the
development of teenagers and the daily lives of teenagers. (Eka Malfasri, 2020).

We systematically reviewed the literature published up to December 2015 and
identified systematic reviews of interventions to prevent and treat mental health disorders in
adolescents. For the purposes of this review, the adolescent population was defined as 11 years
old to 19 years old. However, because many studies targeted adolescents (15 to 24 years) in
addition to adolescents, exceptions were made to include reviews that included adolescents
and adolescents. There are no restrictions on search start date or geographic settings. We
considered all available published systematic reviews of interventions for the prevention and
treatment of mental disorders in adolescents. A comprehensive search strategy was used that
included a combination of appropriate keywords, medical subject headings, and free text
terms. Searches were conducted in the Cochrane Library and PubMed. Abstracts (and full
sources if abstracts were not available) were screened by two abstracts to identify systematic
reviews that met our objectives. Disagreements between these two lead reviewers in the
selection of reviews were resolved by a third reviewer. After retrieving the full text of all
reviews that met the inclusion/exclusion criteria, data from each review was extracted
individually into a standardized format. Information was extracted on (1) the characteristics of
the included studies; (2) description of methods, participants, interventions, and results; (3)
Measurement of treatment effects. (4) Methodological issues. (5) Risk of bias tools. We
extracted pooled effect sizes with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for outcomes reported by
review authors. We assessed and reported the quality of included reviews using the 11-point
Assessment of Methodological Quality for Systematic Review Standards (AMSTAR) [17]. We
excluded non-systematic reviews, systematic reviews that focused on preventive and
therapeutic mental health interventions for populations other than adolescents, and reviews
that did not report mental health-related outcomes.

Result and finding

Mental health is a condition where an individual has well-being that is visible for him
being able to realize his own potential, having the ability to overcome the stresses of normal
life in various situations in life, being able to work productively and productively, and being
able to contribute to his community (Elsa Savitrie, 2022) . Some symptoms or signs of
mental illness that may occur in children and adolescents:
1. Behavior change
This is a sign of mental illness in children which is relatively easy for you to notice
through daily activities both at home and at school. see changes in children's behavior such
as becoming more irritable and feeling frustrated.
2. Mood changes
Another sign of mental illness is a child's sudden change in mood. This condition can last
for a short time or for an uncertain period of time.
3. Difficulty concentrating
Children who suffer from mental disorders tend to have difficulty focusing or paying
attention for long periods of time.
4. Weight loss
Not only due to physical illness, drastic weight loss can also be a sign of a child's mental
5. Hurting yourself
Pay attention to when your child often experiences excessive worry and fear. These
feelings can lead to the desire to hurt yourself.
6. Various health problems arise
Mental illnesses or disorders can also be characterized by health problems, for example
children experience ongoing headaches and stomach aches.
7. Intense feelings
Children sometimes experience excessive feelings of fear for no reason. Signs of mental
disorders in children include crying, screaming or nausea accompanied by very intense
As a theoretical study that supports this writing, there are several research results that
are relevant to this writing.
1. From research by Danta M. Siabarani, (2022) entitled "The Effect of Physical Activity on
Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review". This research aims to
determine the effect of physical activity on mental health and to determine the types and
levels of physical activity that influence mental health. The research method used is
Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Systematic Literature Review has 6 stages, namely
designing research planning, data collection, assessing study quality, designing data
analysis and designing data synthesis. The data analysis tool used by researchers is
2. From the research of Eka Malfasari, et al, (2020), entitled "Emotional Mental Conditions in
Adolescents", the results of this research show that the majority of adolescents at SMPN
18 Pekanbaru are 13 years old, namely 92 people (42.6%). that age is the main factor that
influences mental emotionality in teenagers, because at the age of 13 they are vulnerable to
experiencing mental emotional problems where in this age range teenagers have great
energy and fiery emotions while self-control is not yet perfect, resulting in behavioral
responses that are sometimes unnatural.
The research results showed that there was no difference in the number of respondents
based on gender, namely 108 people (50%) were male teenagers and 108 people (50%)
were female teenagers. regarding the prevalence of mental emotional problems among
teenagers in the city of Pekanbaru, which shows that the majority of teenagers who
experience mental emotional problems are female, namely (54.2%). Women tend to have
more sensitive and sensitive feelings than men (Bimo, 2010). This is because teenage girls
at SMPN 18 Pekanbaru have good sensitivity and do not overreact to any changes they
experience. The results of this study showed that the majority of teenagers experienced
mental emotional conditions in the abnormal category, as many as 78 people (36.1%), as
many as 76 people (35.2%) experienced mental emotional conditions in the normal
category, and as many as 62 people (28.7%) Teenagers experience mental emotional
conditions in the borderline category, meaning that a third of teenagers at SMP 18
Pekanbaru experience mental emotional problems in the abnormal category, this is very
dangerous for the mental health of these teenagers and can have an impact on the
development of teenagers and the daily lives of teenagers. The results of the analysis of the
distribution of interpretations of scores for each mental-emotional domain in Table 5 show
that the majority of teenagers experienced problems in the domain of relationships with
peers in the borderline category, as many as 100 people (46.3%), and in the abnormal
category as many as 60 people (27.8%). the problem of relationships with peers is that
individuals are less able to socialize with their peers both at home and at school, this
causes the individual to be less accepted among their peers and limits the individual from
interacting actively in groups. peers, peers are very influential on the mental and
emotional emotions of teenagers because in their development phase teenagers at this age
consider relationships with peers to be very important, if relationships with peers are
disturbed this will result in disruption of the daily activities of teenagers, which we know
when teenagers are themselves spend a lot of time at school and teenagers interact more
with peers (Eka Malfasri, 2020).

Mental health in adolescents Mental health is influenced by events in life that leave a
major impact on a person's personality and behavior. These events may include domestic
violence, child abuse, or long-term severe stress. (Elsa Safitrie, 2022). When viewed from
the level of activity, physical activity can have an effect on mental health.
Factors that influence mental health in adolescents are authoritarian parenting,
permissive parenting and peer influence which can trigger mental health problems in
adolescents. Gratitude can also influence adolescents' mental health and positive self
If you are concerned about your child's mental health, start by talking to him. Talking
to your child about how they are feeling shows that they are not alone and that you, as the
parent, care. Apart from that, your child may also need your help to get professional

Fetty Rahmawaty,, accessed on
November 20, 2023
Danta M. Siabarani, (2022),,
accessed on November 20, 2023
Eka Malfasari, file:///C:/Users/LENOVO/Downloads/5933-14201-2-PB%20(1).pdf Jurnal
Keperawatan Jiwa Volume 8 No 3, Agustus 2020, Hal 241 – 246, FIKKes Universitas
Muhammadiyah Semarang bekerjasama dengan PPNI Jawa Tengah , accessed on
November 20, 2023
mental- pada-remaja, accessed on November 20, 2023.

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