Determination of Coefficient of Linear Expansion of A Metal Rod by Using Pullinger's Apparatus

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5 Determination of Coefficient of Linear Expansion of a

Metal Rod by Using Pullingers Apparatus
Pullingers apparatus is used to determine the coefficient of linear expansion of a given solid
(for example a metal rod). The apparatus consists of a tall hollow wooden frame. A metal
whose coefficient of linear expansion is to be measured is placed into the frame. Lower end of
the rod is supported with a metal plate and upper end is kept free to expand. Steam is supplied
to the hollow part of the frame to provide heat for expansion in the rod. The frame contains
two opening for the steam inlet and steam outlet. A thermometer T is fixed with a cork at the
third opening. A spherometer S is placed on the top of the apparatus which is used to measure
the expansion of the rod. An electric circuit containing galvanometer is connected between the
spherometer and the metal plate at the base of the rod. The circuit is so connected that when
it’s central just touches the upper end of the rod, electric circuit becomes closed and deflection
is seen in the galvanometer.

Fig. 10.4: Pullinger’s Apparatus

At the beginning of the experiment, original length, and temperature of the rod is measured
with a meter scale and thermometer respectively. Initial reading of the spherometer is noted
when the galvanometer shows deflection. The deflection in galvanometer ensures that the
central screw touches the upper end of the rod. Then the screw is rotated up so as to allow the
space for the expansion of the rod after heating. Now, the steam is injected into the hollow
frame and the rod is left to expand. Initially, the temperature rod increases and after a while it
remains constant when the rod and the steams comes in thermal equilibrium. The steam
should be supplied for some more time to let rod expand completely. Then final reading of
spherometer is also noted.


Initial length of the rod = L

Initial temperature of the rod = ɵ1

Initial reading of the sphereometer = X

X = (MS)1 × p + (CS)1 ×LC


P = pitch

CS = circular scale reading

LC = least count

are the spherometer readings.

Also, Final temperature of the rod = ɵ2

Final reading of spherometer, Y = (MS)2 × P + (CS)2 × LC

Now, increase in length, Δl = Y - X

We know,

Coefficient of linear expansion,

L(ɵ 2−ɵ 1)

Y −X
L(ɵ 2−ɵ 1)

By measuring the required quantities, value of α of a rod is determined

experimentally. If we require to determine coefficient of cubical expansion, it is
calculated as γ = 3α

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