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Kent Bryan B.

BTLEd – 2 IA

“Detailed Essay writing explanation of Lesson Plan”

My primary mission as an educator is to cure the ignorance of every student under my

supervision. It has been unending quest of my profession. The main teaching strategy
that I will use in my class is a holistic approach. A holistic approach means to provide
support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support
should also consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing.

The objective section of my lesson plan are the delineated goals for what I want my
student to be able to accomplish after the lesson is completed. In the making, I’ve
consider asking myself in what my students want to accomplish during the lesson, how
will the students show that they understood and learned the goals of my lesson, and
what specific level will students need to be able to perform a given task in order for
them to be considered proficient and their progress satisfactory. We’ve given a standard
format on what domain we will use in our objectives which are the following: 2-for
Cognitive domain, 1-for Affective domain, and 1-for Psychomotor domain.

The subject matter contains topic, reference, and materials. I’ve chose the topic
electrical hand tools and equipment. Upon in the reference I’ve used the book type and
electronic type. It is good to use a lot of references to be able to enhance the knowledge
and to make it more accurate. Power point presentation is the most accurate material to
be use since we are in the technology era and students will gained more knowledge as
they engage in the discussion in creatively.
In demo teaching, you need to start with introduction of your name as a jumpstart. It
is important to introduce your name as teacher so it allows students the opportunity
to make a first impression on you with an assignment gives them the opportunity to
immediately connect with you on a personal level. In addition, you are able to get to
know students in a nonthreatening manner. Afterwards, you need to introduce the
topic about your lesson for today. To be able to create and recall their prior
knowledge in the said topic. As a start of the class, you need to request the student
to stand-up for the prayer. A prayer is crucial in classroom setting in particular reason
that it helps them ease the moment and asking for guidance to the almighty God for a
greater blessing that they will receive which is to learn something different in that
session. It follows to straighten up the chairs and pick-up necessary trash to have a
clean environment. Neat and clean environment assist curious minds to quest more
knowledge. Thereafter, you need to check the attendance of the students to identify
whose present and absent. It is prominent to check the attendance of the student
because you’re liable for their safety. It helps you track why some student have poor
mark and some have satisfactory mark. Through checking attendance, we’re able to
monitor our students. As saying goes “Our student. Our responsibility, Our care”. I’ve
used different way on saying you’re present by saying “HERE” because they’re
efficient and help speed things along, leaving more time for other things. After, you
need to collect the assignment for you to check if they understand your previous
lesson. Then, ask what is your previous lesson. In this, they increase the likelihood
that the students will be able to recall and use what we teach by helping them
engage their prior knowledge and connect new information to their prior
understanding. The students come to us each with their own prior knowledge,
conceptual understanding, skills and beliefs. When we present them with problems or
new information, their prior knowledge and experiences influence their thinking. Each
student might understand what we say in slightly different ways – attending to
different aspects of the question, interpreting and responding differently to the
learning environment, etc. – all of which significantly affects their abilities to solve the
problems we present, to reason, and to acquire new knowledge.
It follows the motivation. Motivation in education is very key for teachers. If the
students are not motivated to do homework or to do well on a test, it can have
disastrous consequences for everyone and result in a very long semester. I let them
bring a tool that they’re familiar with the uses. I’ve used intrinsic motivation. An
intrinsically motivated student will take it upon themselves to do well in order to prove
something to someone or themselves. Unlike extrinsic motivation, intrinsically
motivated people don’t need any incentives to do well. In unlocking of difficulties I’ve
used scramble of words game. I’ve chose this because it fits in my lesson and its very
broad to tackle which help the student to think critically. I’ve used it to my teaching
strategy because it will improve various brain function like memory, cognitive,
creativity, and etc. Those can help make life easier and can help you advance in your
career and one a more personal level.

In discussion, I’ve use visualization strategy, direct instruction at the same time
interactive instruction. In visualization strategy I’ve use creative power point
presentation which gives great method to summarize or process information that has
been taught in my lesson. This strategy also helps slow learners in class to visualize
the ongoing lesson in clear, simple, and systematic way. In direct instruction, it is a
teacher-centered strategy used to explicitly convey information and develop skills in
student involving sequential steps. 6 functions of direct instruction are first
introduction/review: This is the opening of the discussion where you set the stage for
learning. It is intended to engage students, get their attention, and activate their prior
knowledge. Second, present the new material. In this you I will use clear and guided
instruction, so my students can begin absorbing the new material.
In this you I will use clear and guided instruction, so my students can begin absorbing
the new material. The lesson content that I will be discussing are carefully organized
step-by-step. Third, Guided practice. It is a teacher and student practice the concept
together. The student attempts the skills with the assistance of the teacher and other
students especially I’m teaching in grade 8 level. The purpose of this step is to guide
initial practice, correct mistakes, reteach is necessary, and provide sufficient practice
so that student can work independently which is very essential in my major that needs
practicum. Fourth, feedback and correctives. In this step, the students don’t have
understand the lesson material, the teacher has to correct them and give feedback it
could also apply in my generalization in the lesson plan. This is also very important in
the guided practice as student have to understand everything in that phase. Fifth,
Independent practice, which will be used in application part of the lesson plan. It gives
the student the repetitions they need to integrate the new information or skills with
previous knowledge or skills. The last one is Evaluation/review. To evaluate the
student whether your students know everything before moving to a new concept that
builds upon what they’ve just learned. This last step will be use in the evaluation of
the lesson plan. In assignment, the purpose of it is to have my students practice
material already presented in classroom as reinforce learning and facilitate mastery of
specific skills. Moreover, it motivates student to explore more. It improves student’s
performance. It provides basis for remedial work. Those are only few benefits of
assignment. The last part of teaching demo is a prayer. A prayer for giving thanks for
all the wisdom that they have receive. For me, it is also the sign for giving me all the
strength that I was able to nurture minds to my students. Thank you!

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