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Fundamentals of Business Analytics
The dataset I have choose is from Kaggle which is called as sales workload. The business domain
here is the sales domain and the business problem is the amount of workload sales creates. The dataset
contains simulated business figures from a fictional retail company. It includes information about the
number of goods sold, the associated turnover, invested working hours and the sales area. The data
includes information about sold goods resp. product units, the associated turnover and hours worked.
This information is grouped by month, store and department of the retailer. Moreover, information
about the sales area in a specific department as well as about the opening hours of the store is

The context of the business problem:

According to Harvard Business Review 80% of the workplace accidents is caused because of stress
and workload. Excessive workload can cause stress, fatigue and accidents in the workplace. Workload
is the major cause of employee’s performance decline. The company has faced a loss compared to the
previous year. The turnover from Poland is less compared to the other countries. The hardware
department is facing a very low turnover.

Cross functional settings:

Cross function setting is the group of persons with different functions and departments with an
organisation. Teams like this are useful to solve a problem and provide potential solutions.
In this data set the company has segregated into various departments such as admin, clothing,
customer service fruits and vegetable, frozen and etc. All the departments totally contribute the
highest turnover for the company. The turnover from the department of of hardware is really less
compared to the departments.

Evaluate the business environment:

This data set is of a private retail company. It’s a large-scale industry as it operates in many countries.
The company sales various products through different departments.
The company operates in many countries such as UK,Poland, Germany and much more countries
Thus the company operates including national cultures and communities.
The demand of the customers various depending on each customer but as the company is concerned
the demand for the hardware products is the lowest.
In this data set the business is focused on the European countries in particular.
The sales turnover of the company on 2016 was the highest and on 2017 is reducing so the company
is facing a loss.

Solutions to managerial problem:

The major problem in the company is the sales turnover has reduced than compared to the last year
which should be taken care by analysing the root cause. The turnover from Poland is comparatively
less than other countries so the company should review performance and workflow analysis to review
current system and restructure the weak areas. The hardware department of the company has less
turnover than the other departments in this the department can be closed or merged into some other
department to avoid further loss. Excessive workload can lead to stress and fatigue which results in
low performance of the employees so its advisable to reduce the work hours or to provide more breaks
and flexible work hours which will lead to improve efficiency.

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