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Vienna University of Economics and

Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance

Master Thesis

The Short-Term Eects of Corporate

Bond Index Inclusions on Companies'
Stock Returns

Manuel Wenigwieser, BSc.

supervised by

Assist.Prof. Aleksandra Rze¹nik, Ph.D.

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This thesis examines the impact of corporate bond index inclusions on companies'
share prices during the sample period, which extends from 2013 to 2018. By employing
event study methodology and a cross-sectional analysis, I nd evidence for a signicant
negative price response to inclusions at the index rebalancing date. Furthermore, rms
with quality rated bonds tend to outperform rms with high yield bonds, though all
corporate debt issuers seem to experience negative abnormal returns. I demonstrate
further a small negative correlation of bond size to rms' common equity. Results show
little to no evidence of a signicant dierence for companies with included and not
included bonds.

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1 Introduction
Between 2003 and 2018, U.S. corporate outstanding debt more than doubled in value to

$9.2 trillion. In addition, only in the United States, there were total long-term bond issues

in 2017 of $7.5 trillion, compared to a global volume of $21.1 trillion. To put this into

perspective, in the same year new equity issuance had a value of $216 billion in the U.S.

and $720 billion globally. These gures support the statement that the corporate bond

market is increasing more in its importance and thereby also gaining in attractiveness to

investors as an asset class. Despite the economic importance of bond indices, the literature

oers only little research dealing with these indices and their impact on companies. In my

thesis, I conduct an event study and look at the eects of corporate bond issuance on stock

returns and what role corporate bond indices play in this context. For this reason, I address

two major research questions: (1) Do corporate bond issues and their inclusions in an index

aect companies' share prices signicantly in the short-term? (2) Are there any bond-specic

characteristics, which contribute to abnormal returns?

Credit rating agencies play a central role in the bond market. Based on the ratings

of the three major providers, Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch, investors, managers

and lenders can gauge the creditworthiness of entities and consequently measure the credit

risk exposure. Credit ratings are predictions of potential credit losses due to the disability

of repaying debt. The range of ratings extend from AAA to D (default). According to

Hamilton, Ou, Kim and Cantor (2007), the average annual global default rate from 1920-

2006 was zero for AAA rated bonds, 3.59% for B and 29.62% for C, which describes the

worst rating before default. Despite the size and the attention to the best and better-rated

grade sector, so called junk bonds (also known as high yield bonds) are on the rise in terms

of investment. According to the 2018 Corporate Default and Rating Transition Study of

1 Data according to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA). Long-term
bonds are dened here to have a maturity of at least 13 months.
2 For a detailed list of ratings see Table 5 in the appendix.

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Standard & Poor's, U.S. speculative-grade issues represent the majority of all U.S. corporate

ratings since 2006. This resulted due to the fact that a growing number of high yield rated

issuers emerge and the risk tolerance among lenders has generally increased. The default

rate of U.S. companies in the speculative-grade sector fell in 2018 to 2.5%, whereas it peaked

at 12% in 2009 during the economic crisis.

My analysis is based on an event study and a multivariate regression, where I test corpo-

rate bond issuance and inclusion for eects on stock returns. For measuring price responses,

I focus on Bloomberg corporate bond benchmark indices during the sample period of 2013-

2018. I apply both bond and company specic factors in the regressions, which may show

an impact on abnormal returns. My main empirical ndings are as follows. First, signi-

cant negative abnormal price response at the index rebalancing date is observable for rms,

which issue high yield rated bonds. This negative price eect also persists at the same date

for included bonds, which are classied as investment grade. Companies with quality rated

bonds tend to outperform rms with worse rated bonds, although this outperformance does

not dier signicantly from zero. I further document a small positive correlation of market

capitalization and a small negative correlation of bond size to companies' returns. By con-

ducting a cross-sectional analysis, I nd evidence for a negative eect of index inclusions and

a positive eect of bond ratings on share prices. Given these ndings, I can document that

corporate bond index inclusions negatively aect common equity of debt issuers.

The remainder of this thesis is structured as follows: Section 2 deals with related literature

and studies. Section 3 provides an overview of corporate bond indices. Section 4 explains the

event study approach and regression methodology. Section 5 describes the characteristics of

the data sample and its sources. Section 6 reports empirical results of companies' abnormal

returns and multivariate regression analysis controlling for factors that may cause a price

reaction. The nal section concludes.

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2 Related Literature
Only a few papers have contributed to the research of corporate bond indices, and to the best

of my knowledge, there are no studies in conjunction with stock returns. Chen, Lookman,

Schürho and Seppi (2014) for example examine the eects of a Lehman Brothers corporate

bond index redenition on bond returns. They studied the reclassication of some lower

grade bonds as investment grade due to a rule change. After this change, the ratings of

Fitch were incorporated and bonds with split ratings were no longer labelled as the lower of

Moody's and S&P, but the middle rating of all three agencies, causing a higher number of

better rated bonds in the index. These upgraded bonds show then, after the announcement

date of the rule change in 2005, signicant higher abnormal bond returns than the control

sample. Furthermore, the study shows that upgraded bonds with long maturities (5 years

or longer) clearly outperform (+2,47% cumulative abnormal bond returns after 60 days)

bonds with a maturity of 1-5 years (+1,07% after 60 days). Another paper by Dannhauser

(2017) assesses the eects on bonds due to regulation changes in passive corporate bond

index exchange-traded-funds (ETFs). The iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade ETF removed

a cap on the limited number of fund constituents in June 2009. Due to that removal,

leading to a higher number of bonds in this ETF, evidence shows a decreased bond yield

and an increased price. As a consequence, this reduces the funding costs for companies.

These two papers demonstrate that changes in corporate bond indices and their tracking

funds seem to aect companies, though on rms' bond returns. The aim of this thesis is to

substantiate a potential impact on common equity. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend

the relationship of individual stock and bond returns in this context. In theory, implying

a frictionless market, relevant information should aect returns of both individual assets

contemporaneously. Kwan (1996) shows that this is not the case. He nds evidence that

the stock market is incorporating new information faster than the bond market. Similar

3 This ETF is administered by Blackrock and tracks the Markit iBoxx $ Liquid Investment Grade Index.

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results are reported by Gatfaoui (2009), where she stresses the dierence between popular

U.S. equity and bond indices and observed similarities regarding their respective behaviours

over time. It seems that stock market performance drives systematic corporate bond market

performance. These ndings are in line with Tolikas (2018), who compares Barclays bond

indices with their underlying stock portfolios. He also nds that daily stock returns lead daily

bond returns, yet only for investment grade and high yield indices as well as all individual

ratings except Aaa (best rating) and Ca-D (worst rating). All three papers imply a predictive

power of stock returns for future bond returns to some extent, due to that lag-lead relation.

Furthermore, Tolikas (2018) as well as Hong, Lin and Wu (2012) point out that the predictive

relation is stronger for high yield bonds. On the contrary, they show little to no evidence

that bond returns can explain stock returns. However, in their sample of 55 U.S. high yield

bonds, Hotchkiss and Ronen (2002) nd no evidence that stock returns lead bond returns

in reecting company specic information, even on an intraday basis. They argue that the

bond market seems informationally ecient relative to the market of the underlying shares

because of their similar reaction to certain factors. Given all these evidence, bond and stock

returns tend to behave coincidently to some extent, though the bond market seems to lag in

regard of incorporating new information.

Dathan and Davydenko (2018), display the willingness of companies to issue bonds with a

sucient par value to get included in corporate bond indices. As a result, they get exposed to

increased investments in passive bond mutual funds and ETFs. In addition, after changes to

the eligibility criteria for certain corporate bond indices, rms adapt the size of newly issued

bonds. Consequently, there are a disproportionate number of bonds, which have precisely

the eligibility threshold of popular indices. This study shows that companies are keen to

comply with certain index regulations, in order to get included in an corporate bond index.

Considering these circumstances, it seems that index inclusions are of particular importance

for rms, which are planning to issue a bond.

Sangvinatsos (2009) studies the asset allocation among stocks, treasury bonds and cor-

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porate bond indices. He emphasizes the dierence of investment grade and high yield bonds,

where investment grade bonds share similar characteristics with government bonds, whereas

high yield bonds should be seen as a totally unique asset class. The phenomenon of the

predictability of quality bond returns by stock-illiquidity is understood as ight-to-quality

premium, meaning that investors consider investment grade bonds as safe haven in periods

of economic downturn in contrast to equity. This premium is not detected for high yield

bonds, what corroborates the uniqueness of this asset class. What is more, the study nds

signicant utility benets when bond indices are incorporated in a portfolio, as interest rate

risk hedging is done more eciently with lower-rated bond indices. Further research on liq-

uidity premia was made by De Jong and Driessen (2006). In their paper, they treat liquidity

as a priced risk factor, when corporate bonds are exposed to liquidity shocks. They observe

an approximate premium of 0.6% for investment grade bonds and around 1.5% for worse

rated bonds in terms of expected returns. Bredendiek, Ottonello and Valkanov (2016) focus

on optimal corporate bond portfolios with respect to macroeconomic conditions. They found

similar evidence as Sangvinatsos (2009), that in periods of recession or high macroeconomic

uncertainty it is advantageous to invest in low maturity and low credit risk bonds, what the

authors call ight-to-safety strategy in their paper. In the state of economic expansion,

the optimal portfolio is tilted towards long maturity and high yield bonds, which describes a

reaching-for-yield. Regardless of the macroeconomic condition, bonds with high coupons,

small issue size and high past performance tend to perform best in a portfolio. Given these

papers, a clear distinction of investment grade and high yield bonds has been proven. Find-

ings on the optimal asset allocation in certain economic conditions expand the knowledge

about bond investors' behaviour.

Besides studies which deal with the response of bond returns to corporate bond indices

and portfolios, research has been done about how bond characteristics aect companies re-

turns. Pinches and Singleton (1978) examine the eects of bond rating changes to abnormal

returns of rms between 1950 and 1972. They nd that in fact there are abnormally high

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returns of companies with increased bond ratings and lower returns for decreased ratings.

The information value was already realized on average 15 to 18 months before the actual

announcement date and therefore fully discounted by the month of the rating change. This

leads to the conclusion that rating agencies reacted in that period with a lagged rating re-

sponse on rms' nancial and operating conditions, which investors already had incorporated

in the stock price. Holthausen and Leftwich (1986) investigate this topic further recently,

albeit they only report signicant negative impacts from rating downgrades (2-day abnormal

average stock return of -2.66%) and small positive, but not signicant eects of upgrades on

share prices. Jorion and Zhang (2007) describe similar results; a strongly signicant negative

cumulative abnormal return of -4.42% from one day before the downgrade to another day

after and a small and insignicant positive price response of +0.31% for upgrades. The dif-

ference of the two latter studies to Pinches and Singleton (1978) manifests in an observation,

which only deals with short-term impacts, what is also in line with my thesis. These studies

support the hypothesis that companies' returns are aected by xed income securities.

Literature shows that on the one hand there are studies examining the impact of corporate

bonds indices on bond returns, on the other hand there are papers about the eects of bond

ratings on stock returns. To the best of my knowledge, no study has been done about

bond indices and their relation to individual rms' returns so far. This thesis contributes

to the literature by closing this gap. Furthermore, following the studies dealing with rating

changes at a later stage of a bond lifecycle, it is to prove if I can report similar ndings in

view of the initial rating of a bond. I use data from prominent major benchmarks in the

corporate debt eld consisting of large bond samples. Hence, it is fairly safe to say that I can

generalize my conclusions. Thus, I provide useful information for both investors and debt

issuing companies.

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3 Corporate Bond Indices
When one looks at the corporate bond index universe, one can nd a wide variety of dierent

indices, administered by several well-known nancial institutions, such as Standard & Poor's,

J.P. Morgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, FTSE Russell, IHS Markit, Morningstar,

Bloomberg and many more. Considering the distinction of investment grade and high yield,

there are two major providers. According to Dathan and Davydenko (2018), Bloomberg

indices are followed by net assets representing more than 80% of all passive bond funds

invested in investment grade corporate bonds in 2017. Regarding tracking both mutual

and ETFs in the high yield sector, Bloomberg indices have a total market share of about

40% compared to Markit's iBoxx indices with approximately 50% in terms of assets under

management (AUM). In my thesis, I focus solely on indices by Bloomberg.

As of May 2019, the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Index (IG index) holds about

5,900 investment grade bonds with a total par value of $5.15 trillion and the average issue

size per bond amounts to approximately $870 million. The Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate
High Yield Index (HY index) has about 1,900 constituents with a total bond volume of $1.23

trillion and a mean par value of $650 million per issue. The main dierence between the IG

and the HY index is the rating: in order to be classied as investment grade, bonds have to

be rated Baa3 (rating from Moody's) and BBB- (rating from Standard & Poor's and Fitch),

respectively or higher, whereas high yield bonds must be rated Ba1 and BB+, respectively

or below. For the overall classication, the middle rating of the three rating agencies is used,

when only two ratings are available, the lower is used. If only one agency rates a bond, this

rating is used, when there are no specic bond ratings, the company rating or other sources

are used to determine the credit quality. A further important criterion to become eligible is

the minimum par amount outstanding: to get included in the HY index, a minimum face

value of $150 million per issue is necessary. Since April 1, 2017, the eligibility threshold for

4 See Figure 3 in the appendix for the number of IG and HY index holdings over the sample period.

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bonds in the IG index is $300 million, before that it was $250 million. Apart from rating

and size, there are general bond attributes that must be met, in order to get included in one

of the two indices: Issues must be denominated in USD, fully taxable and only xed-rate

coupon bonds, with a nal maturity of at least one year, are eligible. Furthermore, issues,

which are registered at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), bonds
exempt from registration and SEC Rule 144A securities with registration rights are included.

Moreover, bullet, puttable, amortizing and callable bonds are admitted for inclusion. Not

included are convertible, equity-type, oating-rate, ination-linked and retail bonds as well as

private placements, structured notes and illiquid securities with no available pricing source.

Both indices are a subset of further Bloomberg benchmark xed income indices, this

means if a bond gets included, it is automatically incorporated in a number of additional

indices. For example, the IG index is a subset of the US Aggregate Index, including also

treasuries and government bonds and the HY index is a component of the Global High-Yield

Index. The US Aggregate itself is a subset of the US Universal and Global Aggregate indices,

which are, both together with the Global High-Yield, components of the Multiverse Index.

This index holds about 5,900 bonds with a total volume of $55.5 trillion. Each Bloomberg

index gets rebalanced at month-end. Meaning, if a bond gets issued and settled during the

month, all required security reference information are available and further qualify for a

possible eligibility, it gets included at the last trading day of that month.

The main advantage of being listed in many dierent indices is that every index is tracked

by a number of mutual funds and ETFs. Because it is not possible to hold an index itself,

unless one buys every security separately and rebalances the portfolio every month, these

funds are a great possibility to get a broad exposure to the corporate bond market. According

to the Investment Company Institute (ICI), the total net assets from 17,079 US-registered

investment companies, including primarily mutual funds and ETFs, accounted for $21.4

trillion in 2018, 21% ($4.5 trillion) of this attributed to bond only funds. To further break

5 For an overview of the Bloomberg Benchmark Index universe see Figure 4 in the appendix.

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that down, in June 2019 there were 111 bond-ETFs following Bloomberg Bond Indices with

total AUM of roughly $350 billion. The largest in size is the iShares Core U.S. Aggregate
Bond ETF by Blackrock with $63,6 billion AUM, followed by the Vanguard Total Bond
Market ETF with $41,2 billion AUM, both tracking the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond
Index.6 One must treat ETFs with some reservation, when one wants to hold an exact

and mechanically replicated version of an index. For example, the iShares Aggregate ETF

 generally seeks to track the performance of the Underlying Index by investing at least 90%
of its net assets in component securities of its Underlying Index , as its prospectus states.

So, by investing in tracking mutual funds and ETFs, most, but not all of the underlying

bonds are exposed to passive investments.

According to Cici and Gibson (2012), it is no surprise that passive tracking funds are

enjoying more and more popularity. Whereas the stock-selection ability for active equity

funds is well documented in several studies such as Wermers (2000), there is no evidence

consistent with fund managers being able to select both investment grade and high yield

corporate bonds, which outperform bonds with similar characteristics on average. By failing

to identify outperforming bonds, evidence shows that active fund management holds no

benet in the corporate bond sector.

4 Methodology

4.1 Event Study

For analysing potential impacts of corporate bond index inclusions on companies' share

prices, I measure abnormal returns by applying event study methodology. Initially proposed

by Fama, Fisher, Jensen and Roll (1969), where they adopted this event study approach

for the rst time, measuring the eects of stock splits on rms' returns. A more recent

6 Index ETF data retrieved from

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methodology, with several modications and adjustments, was introduced by MacKinlay

(1997). The most essential part of performing an event study is to clearly dene the date

on which the event of interest for the examination takes place. In my thesis, I decide to test

for two dierent events: (1) the last trading day of the month, thus when the bond index is

rebalanced (= inclusion date) and, (2) the date when the bond is actually issued and oered

(= oering date). Subsequently, I dene my event window to test for short-term eects. I

choose a window of 19 days in total, consisting of 3 pre-event days and 15 post-event days.

In the event study literature, it is common to use an event window of 3 (-1,+1) or 5 days

(-2,+2) such as Duso, Gugler and Yurtoglu (2010). The most similar paper to my thesis in

terms of event study methodology is Chen et al. (2014), where they examine the impact on

bond returns after a redenition of a Lehman Brothers index. In their paper, they use an

event window of -10 to +10 days among a few other windows. The estimation window in

my thesis is set to -50 to -3 days before the event. Although there are several approaches,

for example Cox and Peterson (1994) deploy an estimation window of 100 days, MacKinlay

(1997) uses 250 days and Carow and Kane (2002) suggest 200 days, I choose an estimation

period of 47 days. This is because a company can issue multiple bonds during the sample

period, so 47 trading days roughly reect two calendar months. Therefore, the interference

of other events of a company in the estimation period is minimized. Furthermore, this

sample size represents a sucient size to predict the characteristics accurately in the light

of the Central Limit Theorem, which says that the distribution of a sample normalizes as

the sample size increases. I further dene four dierent groups: (1) bonds rated IG and

included in an index, (2) IG bonds not included, (3) HY bonds included and (4) HY bonds

not included.
7 See Holthausen and Leftwich (1986) or MacKinlay (1997).
8 The Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index was overtaken and managed by Bloomberg after their
bankruptcy in 2008, which then became their US Aggregate Bond Index.
9 For example, Hogg, Tanis and Zimmerman (2014) report that a sucient sample size should be "greater
than 25 or 30".


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The abnormal return is calculated as the dierence between the actual ex-post return

and the normal return of a company over the event window. The normal return is dened

as the expected return without conditioning on the event taking place.

ARi,τ = Ri,τ − E[Ri,τ |Xτ ]

In this equation, ARi,τ represents the abnormal return of company i in time τ , Ri,τ is the

actual return and E[Ri,τ |Xτ ] stands for the normal return. Xτ represents the conditional

expectation for the normal return model. For my event study, I apply the more sophisticated

market model in contrast to the simpler constant mean return model, which supposes the

non-varying mean return of a company during time τ as normal return. By choosing the

market model, Xτ describes the market return in the equation. It is assumed that the

abnormal returns are uncorrelated across all securities. Under the assumption of the ecient

market hypothesis (EMH), the market model predicts a stable linear relationship between

the return of rm i and the market return.

Ri,τ = αi + βi Rm,τ + i,τ

Ri,τ describes the return of company i in time τ , Rm,τ represents the market return, i,τ
is the random disturbance term and αi and βi are the market model's parameters, which

are estimated using the -50 to -3 days window. With all parameters dened, the abnormal

returns can be calculated by regressing the actual return of a company on the return of the

market index over the estimation period and predicting the normal returns then during the

event period. As a representative index depicting the market, I select the Russell 3000 Index
because it reects a broader market than the widely used S&P 500 Index, due to a higher

diversity of constituents in terms of market capitalization in the Russell 3000. Thus, this

index ts my approach more precisely, as medium and small-cap rms are also covered in


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my sample selection.

In order to accommodate the abnormal returns in the event period, I accumulate these

returns per company. Therefore, I dene CARi (τ1 , τ2 ) as the cumulative abnormal returns

of rm i in the event window from τ1 to τ2 , which is the sum of companies' abnormal returns
ARi,τ .
CARi (τ1 , τ2 ) = ARi,τ
τ =τ1

To examine any impact on stock returns of rms of the four dened groups separately, I dene

CAAR(τ1 , τ2 ) as the cumulative average abnormal returns of group x during the event period
τ1 to τ2 , computed by the average of the cumulative abnormal returns of all companies in a

certain group.
1 X
CAARx (τ1 , τ2 ) = CARi (τ1 , τ2 )
N i=1

Considering the null hypothesis, H(0), the mean abnormal performance is zero, so an event

has no impact on companies stock returns if this hypothesis holds. Therefore, I test the

cumulative average abnormal returns for signicance per day and group. If these returns are

statistically dierent from zero, I can reject the null hypothesis and verify the assumptions

of my thesis.

4.2 Regression

Besides the event study, I also employ a multivariate regression to control for both rm and

bond variables that may aect stock return movements. I run the regression separately for

the inclusion and oering date.

Rating IN CL log _IssSize log _M CAP IN D1

CARi,τ = β0 + β1 Xi,τ + β2 Xi,τ + β3 Xi,τ + β4 Xi,τ + β5 Xi,τ
+ β6 Xi,τ + β7 Xi,τ + β8 Xi,τ + β9 Xi,τ + β10 Xi,τ + β11 Xi,τ + i,τ


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For company i, CAR is the 19-day cumulative abnormal return in the event window. Rating
is a dummy variable, equal to one if a bond of rm i is rated investment grade and zero if

it is rated high yield. IN CL is also a dummy variable, which takes on a value of one if an

issue gets included in a corporate bond index and zero if not. log _IssSize describes the

logarithm of the absolute bond par value at the date of issuance. log _M CAP represents

the logarithm of the market capitalization of company i. The residual variables, describing

dierent industry groups, are classied by the four-digit Standard Industrial Classication
(SIC) code. They are dummy variables, equal to one if company i belongs to the respective

industry and zero otherwise:

IN D1: min  Mining (SIC codes 10001499)

IN D2: constr  Construction (SIC codes 1500-1799)

IN D3: manuf  Manufacturing (SIC codes 2000-3999)

IN D4: tranpub  Transportation & Public Utilities (SIC codes 4000-4999)

IN D5: trade  Wholesale & Retail Trade (SIC codes 5000-5999)

IN D6: f inre  Finance, Insurance & Real Estate (SIC codes 6000-6799)

IN D7: serv  Services (SIC codes 7000-8999)

Studies, such as Holthausen and Leftwich (1986) and Jorion and Zhang (2007), show

negative abnormal price eects of bond rating downgrades to rms' stock returns and no

eects of rating upgrades. Moreover, for nancial institutions such as insurance companies

and banks, which hold a substantial share in bonds, there are legal regulations limiting the

amount of high yield bond holdings, as reported by Cantor and Packer (1997), Ambrose,

Cai and Helwege (2008) or Ellul, Jotikasthira and Lundblad (2011). Given these facts, I

expect a general outperformance of investment grade rated companies over rms with worse

10 Market Capitalizationi,τ = Share Pricei,τ * Shares Outstandingi,τ

11 Schultz (2001) shows that 91% of corporate debt was held by institutions in 1997, thereof 32% by
insurance companies and 10% by private pension funds.


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rated bonds. Consequently, I also expect the Rating variable to be positive. Dathan and

Davydenko (2018) evince the importance of corporate bond index inclusions for companies,

which adapt the bond size in order to be eligible and consequently have a broad exposure to

investments through an increasing number of ETFs and mutual funds. This further increases

bond liquidity, what aects companies' stock returns positively as reported by Anderson

(2017). Therefore, I expect rms with index included bonds outperform companies with not

included bonds. For this reason, I expect the IN CL factor to be positive.

5 Data Description
For my tests, I use various resources of data. I employ both bond-level and company-level

data. The bond sample consists of bond issues and ratings from the Mergent's Fixed Income
Securities Database (FISD) as well as actual index holdings from Bloomberg. The second

sample consists of daily share prices and other rm-level characteristics from the Center
of Research in Security Prices (CRSP) and Compustat. All data, apart from the index

holdings, are obtained from Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS).


5.1 Sample Selection

To study the eects of corporate bond index inclusions, I initially take all bond issues from

FISD. The sample period extends from January 2013 to June 2018, resulting in bonds to-

talling 124,957 from 3,904 dierent issuers. After excluding all government bonds, I match

the index included issues over the International Securities Identication Number (ISIN).

These holdings are acquired from Bloomberg for the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Bond
Index (Bloomberg Ticker: LU ACT RU U ), which represents investment grade securities and

the Barclays US Corporate High Yield Bond Index (Ticker: LF 98T RU U ).

12 For further details, please see


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To construct a sample with homogenous and comparable characteristics, I further exclude

all bonds which are denominated in a foreign currency and issues with no oering date.

Likewise, convertible, retail and equity-linked bonds as well as pass through certicates

are eliminated. Additionally, I exclude all xed-income securities with a maturity of less

than one year and a par value below $25 million. I also eliminate issuer rms with more

than 60 issues during the sample period, which amounts approximately to the number of

months in my sample period, because a possible eect per issue cannot be observed then with

signicance. Companies, which went bankrupt as well as defaulted bonds, remain included

to circumvent a possible survivorship bias.

In the next step, I match bond ratings from Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch

from FISD over CUSIP numbers to the individual issues. Where no explicit bond rating

is available, I apply the S&P Domestic Long-Term Issuers Credit Rating from Compustat.

Since bond ratings may change regularly, I take the initial rating at the issue date. Depending

on these ratings, I determine the classication of a bond from an issuer whether as investment

grade (IG) or high yield (HY).

To obtain the issuers' nancial characteristics, I match the issues from FISD to CRSP

over CUSIP identier. In a second step, I link the CRSP data to Compustat via PERMNO

in their linking table. Through these procedures, I can match approximately two thirds of

the bond sample. To screen for mergers and acquisitions in the event window of the issue,

I monitor name and ticker changes of issuers in that period and eliminate them. Some

companies are likely to issue multiple bonds in one month. Therefore, I eliminate all issues

from one issuer, which exhibit both states of inclusion and exclusion in the same month.

Consequently, only events with a distinct state remain; otherwise, a possible eect would be

cancelled out because the corporate bond index only rebalances at the last trading day of

the month. Duplicate bonds, meaning if a rm issues more than one bond at the same time,

are treated as one issue. In order to avoid outliers, I winsorize abnormal returns at the 2.5%

and 97.5% levels.


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Panel A: Cumulative Abnormal Returns
IG, included IG, not included HY, included HY, not included
Mean -0.060 0.406 -0.587 -0.015
Std. Dev. 4.483 5.117 8.492 8.332
Skewness -0.446 0.435 -0.410 1.740
Kurtosis 12.616 7.816 17.687 18.472
Minimum -56.073 -32.003 -81.525 -40.306
Maximum 36.478 32.601 91.171 72.945
Observations 29,512 5,841 16,999 8,792

Panel B: Number of Bonds

IG, included IG, not included HY, included HY, not included
Total Bonds 1,756 409 1,026 586


min 69 21 175 90
constr 6 0 50 22
nre 589 256 81 196
manuf 423 46 297 102
trade 124 5 83 33
serv 128 8 189 69
tranpub 417 73 151 74

Panel C: Bond Issue Size

IG, included IG, not included HY, included HY, not included
Mean 623.284 496.716 568.720 369.652
Std Dev. 397.565 544.796 381.159 410.094
Minimum 250 25 150 25
Maximum 4,250 5,695 3,598 5,000

Table 1: This table summarizes bond and rm characteristics in my sample. Panel A reports mean values
and distribution statistics of cumulative abnormal stock returns in percent for the four dened groups. Panel
B displays an array of total bond numbers per group in the sample and a further division into industry groups
as dened in this section. Panel C shows mean values and distribution statistics of bond size in million U.S.


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The nal sample consists of 3,777 bonds from 1,246 dierent issuers. Table 1 displays

summary statistics. In Panel A, the distribution of cumulative abnormal returns for the

dened groups is reported. Considering the means, we can observe negative values for

companies with included bonds and positive values for rms with not included bonds, both

for high yield and investment grade issues. The standard deviation is somewhat larger for

high yield bonds, which is also reected in a higher kurtosis and more extreme minima

and maxima. This leads to the conclusion that the distribution of rms with high yield

bonds is longer and therefore, the tails are fatter. Panel B reports the number of bonds per

group, further broken down by industry groups. It appears that most of the bonds belong to

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate, followed by Manufacturing and Transportation & Public

Utilities. Overall, we can nd higher sample sizes for included bonds. Panel C displays the

distribution of bond size per group in million U.S. dollars. We can observe higher means for

included bonds, which is no surprise, as they are subject to eligibility thresholds, whereas

the sample minimum of not included bonds is set to $ 25 million. An interesting observation

here is the higher maximum and standard deviation of not included bonds over included,

which indicates a more uneven distribution.

6 Empirical Results

6.1 Event Study

6.1.1 Inclusion Date

After calculating cumulative abnormal returns per company, using event study methodology,

I plot the cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) for each of group over the 19 day

period (-3,+15), as illustrated in Figure 1.

We can observe here an only marginal eect prior to the inclusion date, showing that the

information on bonds and their ratings is not incorporated in the price of rms before the


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Abnormal Returns after Inclusion Date


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

HY, not included IG, not included

HY, included IG, included

Figure 1: This graph diplays the plotted CAAR in percent for the respective groups. The x-axis represents
the days relative to the date of index rebalancing and the y-axis represents the cumulative average abnormal
returns (CAAR).

inclusion takes place. When we look at the gures and their signicance levels in Table 2 in

addition, we can see already a signicant negative price reaction 3 days past the event for

companies with worse rated bonds, even though only at the 10% signicance level at that

time. As assumed, abnormal returns for rms with high yield bonds issued follow a downward

trend and show a more volatile pattern than companies with IG bonds. At the last day of

the observation period, HY not included shows a cumulative decline in abnormal returns of

-1.44% and HY included of -0.6%, both highly signicant. For IG included the downturn

in abnormal returns results in -0.38%, which is statistically signicant at the 5% level,

whereas IG not included experiences virtually no abnormal reaction. It can be concluded

that all groups except companies with IG bonds, which are not included in an index, show

a negative abnormal price reaction after 3-5 days past the date of index rebalancing. The

null hypothesis, that the event has no impact on rms' stock returns, is strongly rejected for


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IG, included IG, not included HY, included HY, not included
Event Day CAAR P>|t| CAAR P>|t| CAAR P>|t| CAAR P>|t|

-3 -0.035 0.809 0.043 0.893 -0.134 0.485 0.109 0.677

-2 -0.055 0.700 -0.037 0.908 -0.083 0.664 -0.211 0.423
-1 -0.046 0.750 0.139 0.662 -0.225 0.240 -0.373 0.156
0 -0.147 0.305 0.179 0.573 -0.143 0.455 -0.256 0.331
1 -0.195 0.174 0.009 0.977 -0.261 0.174 -0.351 0.182
2 -0.216 0.133 -0.131 0.681 -0.333* 0.083 -0.476* 0.070
3 -0.259* 0.072 -0.212 0.504 -0.282 0.141 -0.497* 0.059
4 -0.239* 0.097 -0.217 0.494 -0.338* 0.078 -0.530** 0.044
5 -0.221 0.126 -0.191 0.555 -0.568*** 0.003 -0.762*** 0.004
6 -0.255* 0.077 -0.099 0.760 -0.573*** 0.003 -0.832*** 0.002
7 -0.292** 0.043 -0.067 0.837 -0.630*** 0.001 -0.763*** 0.004
8 -0.327** 0.023 -0.022 0.946 -0.642*** 0.001 -0.954*** 0.000
9 -0.361** 0.012 -0.038 0.907 -0.699*** 0.000 -1.082*** 0.000
10 -0.364** 0.012 -0.030 0.926 -0.772*** 0.000 -1.179*** 0.000
11 -0.366** 0.012 -0.180 0.580 -0.832*** 0.000 -1.185*** 0.000
12 -0.312** 0.033 -0.149 0.648 -0.792*** 0.000 -1.413*** 0.000
13 -0.317** 0.031 -0.084 0.799 -0.721*** 0.000 -1.670*** 0.000
14 -0.371** 0.013 -0.199 0.552 -0.561*** 0.004 -1.553*** 0.000
15 -0.376** 0.012 -0.144 0.669 -0.601*** 0.002 -1.439*** 0.000

*** - signicant at 1% ** - signicant at 5% * - signicant at 10%

Table 2: This table describes the cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) in percent and their p-
values of the four groups. Event Day are days relative to the date of corporate bond index rebalancing,
meaning the last trading day of the month (= inclusion date).

these three groups. When we further take Figure 5 in the appendix into account, where the

same CAARs are reported as in Figure 1, but with 95% signicance levels, we can observe

no statistical signicant dierence between included and not included bonds, for both high

yield and investment grade. The considerable larger signicance intervals for not included

bonds are explained by the smaller sample size.


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6.1.2 Oering Date
Figure 2 displays the plotted CAARs for the specied groups around the date of bond


Abnormal Returns after Offering Date


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

HY, not included IG, not included

HY, included IG, included

Figure 2: This graph diplays the plotted CAAR in percent for the respective groups. The x-axis represents
the days relative to the day of bond oering and the y-axis represents the cumulative average abnormal
returns (CAAR).

Again, there is no evidence for a reaction around the event date. An interesting obser-

vation is that companies with bonds, which are not included, tend to outperform rms with

included bonds. To put things into perspective and considering the signicance levels from

Table 3, only HY included shows a statistically signicant decline in abnormal returns, begin-

ning at day 3 past the oering date and reaching a cumulative abnormal return of -1.05% at

the end of the observation period. Apart from that, there is only one slight positive reaction

of 0.65% at day 15 for IG not included, still only signicant at the 10% level. The ndings,

that the market rather reacts to worse ratings, has already been reported by Holthausen and


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IG, included IG, not included HY, included HY, not included
Event Day CAAR P>|t| CAAR P>|t| CAAR P>|t| CAAR P>|t|

-3 -0.049 0.759 0.075 0.834 0.022 0.920 0.144 0.628

-2 -0.027 0.866 0.023 0.949 0.042 0.844 0.221 0.456
-1 0.006 0.970 0.229 0.526 0.108 0.615 0.135 0.649
0 0.040 0.804 0.273 0.450 0.057 0.793 0.188 0.527
1 0.028 0.862 0.293 0.416 -0.167 0.435 0.155 0.600
2 0.011 0.946 0.368 0.308 -0.278 0.195 -0.067 0.819
3 -0.020 0.901 0.391 0.278 -0.382* 0.075 0.043 0.885
4 -0.026 0.868 0.373 0.300 -0.544** 0.011 -0.024 0.935
5 -0.088 0.587 0.474 0.192 -0.632*** 0.003 -0.072 0.809
6 -0.116 0.477 0.434 0.238 -0.735*** 0.001 -0.280 0.350
7 -0.107 0.514 0.514 0.167 -0.752*** 0.001 -0.236 0.435
8 -0.093 0.572 0.532 0.155 -0.934*** 0.000 -0.171 0.572
9 -0.060 0.716 0.534 0.156 -0.931*** 0.000 -0.040 0.896
10 -0.088 0.595 0.540 0.158 -0.952*** 0.000 -0.163 0.597
11 -0.071 0.672 0.446 0.245 -0.997*** 0.000 -0.112 0.716
12 -0.075 0.651 0.554 0.150 -1.056*** 0.000 -0.033 0.914
13 -0.118 0.483 0.546 0.158 -1.104*** 0.000 0.035 0.911
14 -0.119 0.479 0.613 0.113 -1.005*** 0.000 -0.037 0.904
15 -0.179 0.290 0.653* 0.093 -1.047*** 0.000 -0.007 0.982

*** - signicant at 1% ** - signicant at 5% * - signicant at 10%

Table 3: This table describes the cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) and their p-values of the
four groups. Event Day are days relative to the date of bond issuance (= oering date).

Leftwich (1986) as well as Jorion and Zhang (2007). In this case, there is strong evidence

against the null hypothesis only for the HY included group. When we consider Figure 6 from

the appendix, the only dierence we can observe at a 95% signicance level for included and

not included bonds, exists for IG. Though, it only displays at day 15 past the event.

6.2 Cross-Sectional Analysis

Despite testing CAARs of the dened groups diering signicantly from zero over time, I

perform a cross-sectional analysis based on the regression model described in section 4. Table


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Inclusion Date Oering Date

Rating 0.124*** 0.253*** 0.125** 0.485*** 0.541*** 0.338***

(0.005) (0.000) (0.048) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
INCL -0.412*** 0.159*** 0.308*** -0.560*** -0.518*** -0.421***
(0.000) (0.005) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
log_IssSize -0.110*** -0.242*** -0.020 0.010
(0.000) (0.000) (0.420) (0.842)
log_MCAP 0.067*** 0.059*** 0.019 -0.051**
(0.002) (0.006) (0.492) (0.038)
min -0.205 -0.169
(0.483) (0.831)
constr -0.135 -0.045
(0.632) (0.955)
nre 0.309 1.211
(0.189) (0.116)
manuf 0.283 0.971
(0.277) (0.215)
trade 0.310 0.981
(0.398) (0.211)
serv 0.310 0.808
(0.675) (0.306)
tranpub 0.254 1.191
(0.246) (0.128)

R-squared 0.003 0.006 0.010 0.002 0.003 0.006

Observations 60,277 60,277 60,277 61,144 61,144 61,144

*** - signicant at 1% ** - signicant at 5% * - signicant at 10%

Table 4: This table reports determinants of cumulative abnormal returns, based on the following cross-
sectional regression:
Rating IN CL log _IssSize log _M CAPIN D1 IN D2 IN D3
CARi,τ = β0 +β1 Xi,τ +β2 Xi,τ +β3 Xi,τ +β4 Xi,τ +β5 Xi,τ +β6 Xi,τ +β7 Xi,τ +
β8 Xi,τ + β9 Xi,τ + β10 Xi,τ + β11 Xi,τ + i,τ
where Xi,τ
is a dummy variable describing the classication of a bond. Xi,τ
describes also a dummy
log _IssSize log _M CAP
variable if a bond gets included in an index or not. Xi,τ as well as Xi,τ represent size factors
regarding bond value and companies' market capitalization. The residual factors describe dierent industry
groups, dened as follows: Mining (min), Construction (constr), Finance, Insurance & Real Estate (f inre),
Manufacturing (manuf ), Wholesale & Retail Trade (trade), Services (serv ) and Transportation & Public
Utilities (tranpub). P-values are reported in parentheses.


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4 illustrates multivariate regressions, which are employed to test for dierent both rm and

bond related factors and how they aect share price movements, separately for the inclusion

and oering date. The dependent variable is dened by CAR. For every event date, I conduct

three dierent regressions by adding several factors.

The results observed display a highly signicant positive relationship in all states for

Rating , meaning if a bond gets rated investment grade, there is a positive impact on com-

panies' abnormal returns and vice versa for high yield bonds, which strongly supports my

initial assumption. An interesting nding is that the IN CL variable is negative at the 1%

signicance level at the oering date, also at the two-factor regression at the inclusion date.

This implies a negative eect on returns if bonds get included in an index. Though, this

relationship reverses at the inclusion date when further variables are added. Regarding the

size of a bond at issuance (log _IssSize), a signicant negative relationship can be found,

but only at the date of inclusion, which denotes that the higher the value of a bond is, the

higher is the negative impact on the stock return of a company. In regard to the size factor

log _M CAP , there is evidence on a positive eect on returns at the inclusion date and a

negative eect at the date of oering, still only when the industry variables are introduced.

When we look at Table 6 in the appendix, we can observe for both dates a small positive

correlation of market capitalization and a small negative correlation of bond size with rms'

returns. The addition of industry group factors shows virtually no evidence in terms of a

response to prices in both examinations. Regarding the relatively low levels of R-squared, it

is no surprise that the applied variables cannot fully explain the variation in the cumulative

abnormal returns, as these equity security movements are mainly driven by other factors

such as value, size, protability and investment as proposed by Fama and French (2015).

This paper is an extension of their famous three-factor-model described by Fama and French



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7 Conclusion
This thesis aims to analyze the impact of bond issuance on companies' stock returns, espe-

cially in the context of corporate bond index inclusions. I provide evidence that companies

who issue non-investment grade bonds which get included in the Bloomberg corporate bond

index, experience highly signicant negative abnormal returns after the date of inclusion as

well as after the date of issuance. This circumstance cannot be observed for not included

HY bonds after both dates, still the same eect is persistent at the inclusion date. I further

demonstrate also a negative price response of rms with included, quality rated bonds, but

only after the date of inclusion in the respective index. There is also little evidence, though

only signicant at the 10% level and persistent at the last day of the observation period,

that included IG bonds tend to aect companies' returns positively after the oering date.

These ndings suggest that equity focused investors take the informational value of bond

rating into account to some extent. In general, all bond issuing companies tend to exhibit

negative abnormal returns, regardless of their credit classication and inclusion. This phe-

nomenon is also reported by Spiess and Aeck-Graves (1999) as well as Butler and Wan

(2010). They nd that debt issuing rms signicantly underperform benchmark rms over

ve years following the issuance, due to liquidity mismatches.

I nd little to no evidence of a signicant dierence for companies with index included

bonds and not included bonds, for both investment grade and high yield ratings. Further-

more, I establish empirical evidence for the relationship of the issuance of quality rated bonds

to positive abnormal stock returns through multivariate regressions. It seems that companies

with investment grade bonds tend to outperform rms with high yield issues, which is in

line with the ndings of Holthausen and Leftwich (1986) and Jorion and Zhang (2007) about

negative share price response to worse rated bonds. Additionally, inclusions in corporate

bond indices seem to have a negative impact on share prices, at least at the oering date. A

potential cause can be that investors are not attracted with the corporate capital structure


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being not ideal, as a consequence of increased and adapted bond volume for a possible index

inclusion, as reported by Dathan and Davydenko (2018). Further ndings are the small

negative correlation of bond size and the small positive correlation of company size with

returns. A possible explanation herefor could be that investors are skeptical about rms

repaying their debt in case of too large bond issuance, whereas high market capitalization

can be an indicator for investor condence in terms of stability.

Regarding the research questions initially dened and based on the results derived, I con-

clude that there are signicant short-term impacts of corporate bond issuance and inclusion

on share prices, at least for some of the specied groups. In addition, there are bond-specic

characteristics observed, that contribute to companies' stock returns.


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Moodys S&P Fitch Classication
Aa1 AA+ AA+ IG
Aa3 AA- AA- IG
A1 A+ A+ IG
A3 A- A- IG

Ba1 BB+ BB+ HY

Ba3 BB- BB- HY
B1 B+ B+ HY
B3 B- B- HY
Caa3 CCC- HY

Table 5: This table describes the credit ratings of the three dierent rating agencies and their classications.
IG represents the classication as investment grade, whereas HY describes the grading as high yield.


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5928 5862
5666 5608

2147 2253 2208 2111 2045


2013 1947

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

HY Index Holdings IG Index Holdings

Figure 3: This graph illustrates the number of constituents at year end in the sample period for the
Bloomberg investment grade and high yield index, respectively. The x-axis represents the year and the
y-axis represents the number of holdings.

Figure 4: This graph presents an extract of the Bloomberg Fixed Income Benchmark Index universe.


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−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Days Days

IG, not included IG, included HY, not included HY, included

(a) Investment Grade (b) High Yield

Figure 5: This gure displays cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) over the observation period
(in days) for rms, divided by the classication of investment grade (a) and high yield (b). The dash line
represents companies with index included bonds, the solid line stands for rms with not included bonds.
The event date is dened here as the date of index rebalancing (= inclusion date). Signicance levels are
reported at 95%.






−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Days Days

IG, not included IG, included HY, not included HY, included

(a) Investment Grade (b) High Yield

Figure 6: This gure displays cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) over the observation period
(in days) for rms, divided by the classication of investment grade (a) and high yield (b). The dash line
represents companies with index included bonds, the solid line stands for rms with not included bonds.
The event date is dened here as the date of the actual bond issuance (= oering date). Signicance levels
are reported at 95%.


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Pairwise Correlations
Inclusion Date Oering Date
CAR log_MCAP log_IssSize CAR log_MCAP log_IssSize
CAR 1.000 CAR 1.000
log_MCAP 0.017 1.000 log_MCAP 0.008 1.000
log_IssSize -0.015 0.552 1.000 log_IssSize -0.018 0.567 1.000

Table 6: This table reports pairwise correlations between the cumulative abnormal returns (CAR), the
logarithm of the market capitalization (log_MCAP ) and the logarithm of the absolute bond par value
(log_IssSize ).


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