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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences



Submitted to
Department of Computer Application
Nepalaya College

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelors in Computer Application

Submitted by
Manish Khadka (5770015)
Gunaraj Khatri (5770008)
Sandeep Dhakal (5770019)
April 2023

Under the Supervision of

Shaila Neupane

Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................1

2 Problem Statement.....................................................................................................2

3 Objectives....................................................................................................................3

4 Scopes And Limitations..............................................................................................4

4.1 Scopes....................................................................................................................4

4.2 Limitations........................................................................................................... 4

5 Methodology................................................................................................................5

5.1 Requirement Identification.................................................................................5

5.1.1 Related Work................................................................................................5

5.1.2 Requirement Collection...............................................................................5

5.2 SDLC Model.........................................................................................................7

5.3 Feasibility Study..................................................................................................8

5.3.1 Technical Feasibility....................................................................................8

5.3.2 Operational Feasibility................................................................................8

5.3.3 Economic Feasibility....................................................................................8

5.3.4 Schedule Feasibility......................................................................................8

5.4 High Level Design for Proposed System...........................................................9

6 Expected Outcome....................................................................................................10

7 References..................................................................................................................11

1 Introduction
Attendance is a baseline factor in determining student’s success. Maintaining accurate
records of attendance motivate students to attend the class regularly as they are aware that
their attendance is being closely monitored, which directly help them to improve
classroom performance and be successful in their study and life. Whenever student’s
performance is better, the educational institutions are closer toward their goal. So,
managing accurate records of student’s attendance has become crucial aspect for
educational institutions.

To streamline the process of tracking student attendance, educational institutions are

increasingly turning to student attendance systems. These systems leverage the power of
technology to simplify the traditionally time-consuming and error-prone task of recording
and managing student attendance.

The benefits of implementing a student attendance system are manifold. Firstly, it reduces
the administrative burden associated with manual attendance management, freeing up
valuable time for educators and staff to focus on other essential tasks. Secondly, it
provides real-time data on student attendance, enabling timely intervention for students
who may be consistently absent. This proactive approach to attendance monitoring can
help identify and address potential issues early, contributing to improved student

Maintaining the attendance is one of the most vital aspects of an institution during the
analysis of the students’ performance. Each teacher has their own way of marking the
attendance. Some make use of the traditional method (pen and paper). Few teachers have
adopted to emerging technology of marking the attendance such as fingerprint scanner,
biometric device making us of iris scanner, face recognition, hand geometry and voice
recognition, etc. But these methods have a disadvantage such waiting in queue at their
time of entry into respective classrooms.[1] Attendance management system is a web-
based system through which teacher can easily keep record of attendance of students,
students and their parents can easily view record of attendance and admin can manage
and maintain the record.

2 Problem Statement
The manual process of tracking student attendance in educational institutions is often
time-consuming, prone to errors, and lacks real-time monitoring capabilities. This
traditional approach poses several challenges, including:
i. Inefficient administrative processes: Recording attendance manually requires a
lot of administrative effort and time, which decreases productivity and
increases administrative costs. This inefficiency hampers the smooth
functioning of educational institutions.
ii. Lack of accuracy and accountability: Paper-based attendance sheets or manual
data entry can lead to errors such as inaccurate recording, misplaced records,
or tampering. These inaccuracies make it difficult to reliably track student
attendance and compromise the overall accountability of the attendance
management process.
iii. Delayed identification of attendance issues: Identifying patterns of irregular
attendance or tardiness can be difficult and time-consuming with manual
attendance systems. This delay in identifying attendance issues may prevent
timely intervention and support for students who need extra help or
iv. Limited access to real-time attendance data: Educators and administrators
often struggle to access up-to-date attendance information for individual
students or entire classes. This lack of real-time data makes it challenging to
make informed decisions regarding student progress, engagement, and
targeted interventions.
v. Communication gaps with parents or guardians: Traditional attendance
systems rely on manual communication methods like paper-based reports or
parent-teacher meetings to inform parents or guardians about their child's
attendance. This communication gap can cause delays or misinformation,
affecting parent involvement and support.

Because of these problems, there is a big need for a modern attendance system in
educational institutions. It should use technology to make the attendance process faster
and easier, give immediate updates, make sure the information is accurate, help with

communication to parents and make sure students have what they need to succeed and
stay interested in school.

3 Objectives
The main goals of implementing a student attendance system are to improve how
attendance is managed in educational institutions and make it more efficient, accurate,
and effective. Here are the specific objectives of a student attendance system:

i. To eliminate the need for manual paperwork and reduce administrative burden
and save time for teachers and administrators.
ii. Shifting into web-based attendance system from traditional method.
iii. To ensure accurate and reliable attendance records and minimize errors and
provide a dependable method for tracking student attendance.
iv. To enable real-time monitoring of student attendance which allows teachers
and administrators to identify attendance issues instantly'
v. The system aims to provide comprehensive data analysis and reporting
vi. To make the parents easily accessible to their children’s attendance record

In simple terms, implementing a student attendance system can make attendance

management much easier and efficient. It helps ensure that attendance records are
accurate, allows educational institutions to intervene proactively when needed, and
contributes to better student performance and success.

4 Scope and limitation
4.1 Scope

With the help of attendance system, teacher can manage and record attendance
systematically which directly benefits college, students and parents. Some scopes of the
system are:

i. Support different user role (teacher, students, admin)

ii. Save time of teacher, students and administration
iii. Securely store and manage attendance data
iv. Eliminates need of paper work
v. User friendly
vi. Provides data for further analysis

4.2 Limitation

Nothing is perfect in this world. So, the attendance system made by us also has some
limitation. They are:

i. It is a web-based application, so we need internet facility.

ii. Device like computer, mobile is required.
iii. Need initial set up and training before use.
iv. Small institution may hesitate since initial cost is high.

5 Methodology
5.1 Requirement Identification
5.1.1 Related Works
Attendance Management Systems (AMS) have gained significant attention in recent
years. In the past, attendance tracking in educational institutions relied on manual
methods such as paper-based attendance sheets or roll-call registers which was time-
consuming and prone to errors. As technology advanced, Digital Attendance Management
Systems (AMS) were developed to make attendance tracking easier and more efficient.
They allowed teachers to enter attendance data into a computer, which saved time
compared to manual methods. However, these systems were not very advanced and didn't
have real-time monitoring capabilities.[1]

Over time, they started using the internet and cloud technology, which allowed for real-
time attendance tracking and access to attendance data from anywhere. These systems
could be accessed through computers or even mobile devices. Some of the attendance
systems are ClassDojo and Skyward. Created in 2011, ClassDojo is an educational
platform with a mission to “bring communities together and give them the tools, ideas,
and energy to improve education for all kids”.[2] Skyward is a student information
system that includes an attendance feature. Skyward allows teachers to take attendance,
track student absences, and generate attendance reports. [2]

5.1.2 Requirement Collection

a) Functional Requirement
A functional requirement defines the function of the system. The system facilitates the
roles of admin, teacher and students. The functions required during the construction of
the application are as follows:
I. Admin Interface
 Admin Login and Logout system
 Admin can add, update, view and delete teachers and students
 Admin can create Class
 Admin can view the attendance reports of all class
 Admin can assign teacher and student to a particular class
II. Teacher Interface
 Teacher can take attendance of students

 Teacher Login and Logout system
 Teacher can view the attendance reports of his class
III. Student Interface
 Student can see their attendance
 Student Login and Logout system

Figure 1: Use Case Diagram of the system[3]

b) Non-Functional Requirement
i. Performance Requirements
Speed is a key requirement to many systems. The focus is the website’s load
time should not be more than one second for users. The database shall be able
to accommodate the numerous records.

ii. Safety Requirements

The database might crash at any certain time due to virus or external
disturbance. Therefore, it is necessary to backup database from time to time.

iii. Reliability
The website should offer high degree of reliability. Stable network connection
should be available all the time.

5.2 SDLC Model

The system will use agile model of the software development workflow. The Agile Model
is an incremental and iterative process of software development. It breaks down a project
into smaller parts called iterations or sprints, allowing the team to work on and deliver
small portions of the project at a time. This ensure that our needs are met and that the
final product aligns with our expectations.

Figure 2: Agile Model

5.3 Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is an analysis that considers all of a project's relevant factors. It is
conducted in order to objectively uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed
project. This study is undertaken to determine the possibility of either improving the
existing system or to develop a completely new system.

5.3.1 Technical Feasibility

The proposed system can be developed using easily available tools and can be handled in
a home environment. Each of the equipment that we ought to use is affordable and are
mostly free of cost. Hence, we can conclude that the system is technically feasible.
5.3.2 Operational Feasibility
The operational feasibility assessment focuses on the degree to which the proposed
development projects fits in with the existing environment. In this system, all the features
will be implemented using its own database. Furthermore, this system will be compatible
on all devices. Hence, this system is operationally feasible.

5.3.3 Economic Feasibility

The purpose of economic feasibility is to have an analysis of economic benefit to the
organization. Users only need internet facility to access the website. So, the proposed
project is economical and can serve user’s required purpose.

5.3.4 Schedule Feasibility

The schedule feasibility shows the time taken to develop the software. This system will
complete within six months.

The project’s tasks and milestones has been divided as shown in the given figure below:

Gantt Chart
8-Apr 28-Apr 18-May 7-Jun 27-Jun 17-Jul 6-Aug 26-Aug 15-Sep

Project Selection
Proposal Submission
Research & Analysis

Start Date Days To Complete

Figure 3: Gantt Chart showing schedule of the project

5.4 High Level Design for Proposed System

A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process. A flowchart can
also be defined as a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm, a step-by-step approach
to solving a task.

The figure below explains how our basic system should be.

Figure 4: Flowchart of the attendance website [3]

The above flowchart describes how the attendance management system works. There is
provision of login for admin, teacher and student. They have to enter valid password for
login otherwise they cannot enter into the system. Admin can view, update, delete and
add student, course and teacher. Teacher can take attendance and view the record of
attendance easily. Students and their parents can view the record of attendance.

6 Expected Outcome
The goal of this project is to create a web application that has a strong login and logout
system and includes all the functions of an attendance system. The system should be
effective, precise, and easy to use. It will ensure that students are present and actively
participating in their studies. Additionally, it will reduce the need for manual work and

7 References
02072022-1.pdf [Accessed Jun 3,2023]

[2] D.K.Digicomo, S.Greenhalgh, S.Barriage, “How Students and Principals
Understand Class Dojo:Emerging Insights”, “”,2021[online]
[Accessed July 17,2023]


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