Pms Public Administration - 2009-2022 Past Papers

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Past Papers (2009 –2022) Punjab PMS

PMS Public
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Analyze and Understand questions of recent years!

Practice their Solutions!
Observe oft-repeated questions!
From all papers, answers to ONLY FIVE questions are

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PMS Public Administration Past papers

2009 Part-1
Q1. What is public administration? Discuss and contrast traditional managerial approach
to public administration with New Public Management.
Q2. Comparatively evaluate Taylor's Scientific Management and Weber's Ideal
Bureaucracy and discuss their relevance to contemporary public organizations.
Q3. What is good governance? Explain the role of public administration in good
governance particularly with reference to developing countries.
Q4. Explain the rational model of decision making. How this model is used in public policy
analysis? Discuss with examples.
Q5. "Effective Human Resource Management is a key to efficient and effective public
organizations." Discuss with examples.
Q6. Discuss and explain the concept of "politics-administration dichotomy" and its
significance in public administration theory.
Q7. How would you define administrative reforms? Critically review various models of
administrative reforms for improving performance of public sector organizations.
Q8. Drawing upon various theories of motivation, develop a guideline for practicing public
administrators to motivate their staff for sustained good performance.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2009 Part-2
Q1. Discuss major functions performed by the Federal Government of Pakistan, identify
the key challenges and issues, and suggest ways for improvement.
Q2. What is the significance of training and education for civil services? Critically evaluate
pre-service and in-service training of civil servants in Pakistan and provide
recommendations for making training programs more effective.
Q3. Discuss civil service reforms of Pakistan under the 1973 Constitution and evaluate its
importance for improved governance in the country.
Q4. What is good governance? Discus salient features of bureaucratic structure of Pakistan
to determine the extent to which the existing structure facilitates or impede good
Q5. Discuss various administrative reforms introduced in Pakistan in the last decade.
Compare and contrast the role of Deputy Commissioner (DC) and District Coordination
Officer (DCO) under Pre- and Post-Devolution Structure.
Q6. What are the major issues and challenges in public policy formulation and
implementation in Pakistan? Discuss with examples from key areas including health,
education, and development.
Q7. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of local governance structure of
Provincial Administration under the new system of Local Government with special
reference to the province of Punjab.
Q8. Discuss the key components of Public Personnel Administration in Pakistan. Evaluate
their relevance and significance for an effective human resource management in our public
sector organizations.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2012 Part-1
Q1. What is the role of Public Administration in society? Discuss the issues confronted in
its theory and actual practice.
Q2. Discuss types of Organizational structure. Does administrative culture impact the
working of bureaucracy in Pakistan?
Q3. Delineate the processes involved in planning public policy. How is good governance
related to effective policy implementation?
Q4. Explain the rational model of decision making. Is this model applicable in present
public administration setup in Pakistan?
Q5. What are the sources of public revenue and how does the government monitor its
effective utilization?
Q6. Explain Human Resource Management. What are the challenges faced in adopting an
effective HRM in the Public sector of Pakistan?
Q7. What is Change management? What methods can be employed for dealing with
resistance to change in the organization?
Q8. Explain the role of Civil society in influencing public policy. Cite examples where
civil society has impacted the working of public departments.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2012 Part-2
Q1. What is Regulatory Agency? Describe the functions and oversight mechanism of any
ONE regulatory agency in Pakistan.
Q2. Describe the organization and structure of any ONE city district government in
Pakistan. Discuss issues and challenges faced by the local government in such setups.
Q3. How do district governments mobilize resources? Discuss the issues of Coordination
between the district and provincial setups in financial decisions.
Q4. An efficient, honest, and competent civil service is necessary for good governance.
Do you agree with this statement? Elaborate your answer with reference to reforms in the
Civil Services.
Q5. What are the challenges confronted during budget formulation? Discuss the measures
you can suggest to improve fiscal governance.
Q6. Critically analyze the system of compensation and performance evaluation of
government employees in Pakistan.
Q7. Discuss the role played by international institutions like the United Nations in social
development in Pakistan.
Q8. Critically examine the issues and challenges faced in the formulation and
implementation of Public Policy in key sectors such as Health OR Education in Pakistan.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2014 Part-1
Q1. Compare and contrast Traditional Public Administration with New Public
Management as two distinct approaches to managing the public affairs. Support your views
with examples from practice of Public Administration.
Q2. A public organization may be viewed as a 'rational system designed to achieve its
predetermined goals and objectives to serve the public interest'. Would you prescribe to
this view? Answer this question drawing on competing theoretical perspectives in
organizational theory.
Q3. What is an ideal model of Policy process in a democratic system? Discuss and explain
the role of civil bureaucracy in this process.
Q4. Budgeting has a very significant role in Public Administration. The budget is viewed
as a policy as well as management tool. However, there are various types of budgeting
which can be practiced by Government. Discuss and compare these types of budgeting in
term of their effectiveness as a tool of public management.
Q5. Discuss 'Human Resource Management' as a distinct approach to managing people in
contemporary organizations. Do you think this approach is equally applicable to public and
business organizations?
Q6. What is good governance? Do you think the concept and principles of good governance
as discussed in the literature and professional practice of Public Administration are relevant
to developing countries like Pakistan?
Q7. Critically review the role of Privatization as an approach to administrative reforms to
improve public sector management in the developing countries.
Q8. What is development? Discuss the role of public organization in development with
particular reference to developing countries.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2014 Part-2
Q1. PEMRA is a regulatory authority, and its functions are different from other
departments. Discuss this statement and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of a
regulatory authority. What steps should be taken to improve the working of regulatory
Q2. What do you understand by the National Finance Commission (NFC) Award? Discuss
the structure and functions of NFC. Suggest ways and means to improve its effectiveness.
Q3. Inter-departmental coordination is a big issue in all public organizations of the world.
Discuss this issue in the context of our public organization, give examples from everyday
life. As a civil servant how will you try to improve the Inter-departmental coordination?
Q4. If you want public organization to be successful, you will have to "listen to the system",
"listen to employee" and "listen to the client/customer". How would you improve the
system, how would you incorporate the ideas of employees, and how would you respond
to the clients to make your organization a success?
Q5. Media is said to be the fourth pillar of the state, sometime its role is not so positive,
and some international influence seems obvious. Discuss the positive and negative role of
the media on policy formulation and function of the public organizations.
Q6. In certain areas local government perform better than bureaucracy. Identify such areas
and highlight why local government can perform better than bureaucracy in these areas.
Suggest ways and means to further strengthen the local government in our country.
Q7. Public organizations, in our country, operate under some specific laws, rules and
regulations. It has been observed that these rules become outdated with the passage of time.
There is little initiative to change, modify or improve these rules. Discuss the reasons why
these rules and regulations keep pace with changing times.
Q8. Discuss the structure and functions of Punjab Ombudsman office. What advantages
we have in an Ombudsman as compared to courts? What can we do further improve the


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2015 Part-1
Q. 1 Are public organizations different from business organizations? Please answer your
question in view of the concepts, approaches, and values of Public Administration in a
society. Support your answer with relevant practices of Public Administration.
Q2. Budgeting is an important aspect of public organization, discuss its roles, types and
processes with special focus on financial accountability and performance in public
Q3. Change is inevitable for contemporary organizations, discuss its importance with
reference to administrative reform introduced around the world including Pakistan.
Support your view with relevant examples.
Q4. Define the term 'Good Governance' and its salient features. To what extent do you
think the existing bureaucratic structure of Pakistani public organizations facilitate or
impede the practice of the concept in public sector organizations?
Q5. What is meant by 'Decision Making'? Define the process of making decisions in public
sector organizations. Identify major issues and challenges in Public Sector decision making
and implementation using Pakistani Public Sector organizations as a case in point.
Q6. Define the term MOTIVATION and its key process. Discuss major issues and
challenges in Public Service Motivation as discussed in the literature with specific
reference to Pakistan and suggest ways to enhance motivation level of Employees in public
sector organizations.
Q7. Discuss importance of inter-governmental relations for effective governance, critically
evaluate the role of local government in this regard. Support your view with relevant
Q8. Civil Society organizations are viewed as partners in the process of development.
Discuss their role and importance in developing countries using a good governance


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2015 Part-2
Q1. Balancing autonomy and control of public organizations is one of the major issues of
public management. Discuss this issue with reference to federal public sector organizations
operating in various policy sectors.
Q2. Assess and evaluate the functioning of National Finance Commission to effectively
address the issues related inter-governmental relations in Pakistan. Suggest measures to
improve its performance.
Q3. Critically evaluate the major public management reforms initiative taken by federal
and provincial governments in the last two decades.
Q4. Discuss the role of international institutions in development Policy and management
in the context of Pakistan.
Q5. State-owned enterprises are currently viewed as a burden on the treasury of Pakistan.
Do you think that privatization of Major SOEs is the only solution? Illustrate your view
with relevant examples.
Q6. Inefficiency and corruption are two major issues of Public Governance and
administration in Pakistan. How can these issues be addressed through reforming financial
administrative system of Pakistan?
Q7. Does gender matter in the career progression of civil servants in Pakistan? Please
discuss with specific examples.
Q8. Critically evaluate the present system of local government in Punjab, discuss key issues
and challenges and suggest ways for the improvement of the system.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2016 Part-1
Q1. Compare and contrast various approaches to Public Administration, Traditional Public
Administration, New Public Management, New Public Service and Governance. Discuss
their application in public sector organizations by giving examples.
Q2. Public administrators deal with problems of efficiency versus responsiveness on a day-
to-day basis. Explain what this means and why it occurs. What are the trade-offs between
the two? Give some examples of these problems.
Q3. Discuss the process of Public Policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation in
Pakistan. Identify major issues and challenges in this regard using Pakistani public
organizations as a case in point.
Q4. Define the term 'Leadership' with special focus on roles and responsibilities of Public
Leadership. Discuss ways for their effective implementation in public sector organizations
in Pakistan.
Q5. Public administrators operate under several constraints. Discuss the fundamental
political, legal, and managerial constraints that influence administrator's daily decision
making. Give an example of each constraint.
Q6. Discuss importance of Financial Management for effective Governance. Critically
evaluate the role of Local Governments (LG) in this regard after the National Finance
Commission (NFC) Award.
Q7. Differentiate between traditional Personnel Administration and Modern Human
Resource Management (HRM). Discuss importance and implementation of HRM for
developing countries from the perspective of Good Governance.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2016 Part-2
Q1. How has 18th Amendment in the 1973 constitution impacted the style of Governance
in various provinces of Pakistan.
Q2. Discuss the role of NGOs, INGOs and Non-State actors in a polity and their effect on
decision making.
Q3. Is it true that international Donors dictate not only financial but administrative policies
as well? Illustrate with examples.
Q4. What is the role of Federal Tax Ombudsman? Has it been successful in redressing the
grievances of the Public? Please analyze.
Q5. Poor performance of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Pakistan is a long-standing
issue of Public Sector management. Employing the concepts and theories of public
management, identify the cause of SOEs' poor performance and suggest remedial
Q6. Critically review the role of Pakistani media and civil society in Public Accountability
of both elected and appointed administrators. Discuss the role of print media as a
responsible governance institution? Discuss with examples.
Q7. From the perspective of Recruitment and Selection of employees, do you think that
Pakistan is doing it based on 'Right person, for the right job, at the right time'?


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2017 Part-1
Q1. Are Public Sector organizations different from Business organizations? Please answer
your question in view of the role, scope, and values of Public Administration in a society.
Illustrate how do the above have changed in view of various approaches to the discipline
over time?
Q2. Budgeting is an important aspect of financial Management, discuss its role as policy
and management tool in public organizations. Critically evaluate the salient principles of
budgeting and suggest ways for improvement to increase performance of public sector
Q3. Critically evaluate various types of Governance and administrative reforms introduced
in the recent past i.e., Efficiency, Regulation, De-centralization, and Quality Assurance
with specific reference to their practice in public sector organizations in Pakistan.
Q4. Discuss process of Public Policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Identify
major issues and challenges in this regard and suggest ways for improvement in the light
of leading concepts to make public policies more responsive to the public needs.
Q5. Define the term 'Leadership' and ita importance in organizations. Discuss major issues
and challenges in Public Leadership as discussed in the literature and suggest ways to
enhance impact of public leadership in Organizations.
Q6. Describe and evaluate the "merit principle" in the Civil Service System. What does it
mean? Why was it established?
Q7. Civil society is considered an important pillar in the process of development. Discuss
role of civil society organizations in developing countries using a good governance
Q8. Differentiate between Development Administration and Development Management.
Discuss the changing role of Public Administration in Development.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2017 Part-2
Q1. "Civil Society today is still fundamentally the product of the Nineteenth century
philosophy of the Northcote Trevelyan report. The tasks it faces are those of the 21st
century". Do you consider this quote to be a fair comment on our personnel system? Argue
your case for or against.
Q2. Discuss the role of Audit in ensuring financial propriety and discipline in the
government of Pakistan. Has it been successful?
Q3. Why "Administrative Accountability" is necessary in the Public Service? Suggest
proper means to improve the system of accountability in running the affairs of the
government of Pakistan.
Q4. Some development scholars believe that international donors and lenders are part of
the problems rather than solutions to issues of governance and public administration in
developing and poor countries. 2hat do you think particularly with reference to Pakistan?
State your views with examples.
Q5. Describe the characteristics of Public Administration and highlight the strengths and
weaknesses of government machinery in Pakistan.
Q6. Discuss the issues and challenges of Provincial Governance after the 18th Amendment
in the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan.
Q7. What is the importance of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Effectiveness
Governance? Discuss the concept of Public Private Partnership with examples from
Q8. Analyze the Recruitment and training process of Central and Provincial Services in


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2019 Part-1
Q1. Do you think 'administrative corruption' is a serious problem faced by Pakistan today?
If you find a disparity, what might account for it? Explain how control can be executed
through internal and external mechanism?
Q2. Is 'Political Neutrality' the answer of all ills in Pakistan's bureaucracy? Discuss the
concept under 'Politics Administration Dichotomy' given by Woodrow Wilson.
Q3. Financial Management is an important part of Government activities. Discuss some of
the concerns a budget planner deal with Capital Budgeting, Debt management and Risk
Q4. Decision Making is a vital concept of organizational theory. Write a note on the
following decision-making methods:
a) Incremental model
b) Adjudicatory model
c) Mixed-Scanning model
Q5. Define Public Administration and its importance in society. Critically evaluate the core
values of Public Administration i.e., Rule of Law, Merit, Transparency, Efficiency, Equity,
and Responsiveness in terms of their implementation in public sector organizations by
drawing examples.
Q6. Define the term Good Governance and its salient features. To what extent do you think
the existing bureaucratic structure of Pakistani Public Sector organizations facilitate or
impede the practice of the concept in Public Organizations?
Q7. What is meant by Planning? Define importance, scope and Process of Planning in
Public Sector organizations with special focus on the role of Planning Machinery. Identify
major issues and challenges in this regard.
Q8. Discuss importance of inter-governmental relations for effective governance.
Critically evaluate the role of Provincial Governments regarding 18th Constitutional
amendment and its implementation in Pakistan.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2019 Part-2
Q1. With the changing role of state increase in the creation of autonomous agencies post
1980s was a worldwide phenomenon which also became popular in Pakistan due to
external and internal demands. Discuss the process of Agencification in Pakistan by
specifically elaborating the contextual factors involved.
Q2. Compare and contrast the three local government (1959, 1979, 2001) systems in
Pakistan by elaborating the structures, responsibilities, and financing.
Q3. Comment on the impact of colonial legacy on Pakistan's civil service by discussing the
similarities between colonial policies, structures and post-independence policies,
Q4. Analyze the reasons behind Pakistan's dismal performance regarding Millennium
Development Goals and also discuss in detail the initiatives being taken for achieving
Sustainable development goals.
Q5. Public Administration deal with problems of efficiency versus responsiveness on a
day-to-day basis. Explain what this means and why it occurs. What are the tradeoffs
between the two? What are some examples of these problems with reference to Pakistan?
Q6. Consider the role and activities of a top-level administrator in the politics of agenda
setting in the federal government. What are these activities and roles likely to be? What
should the top administrator's roles and actions be? How is that different in federal,
provincial, and local government structures in Pakistan? Give examples.
Q7. The impact of Globalization on Public Administration structures and functioning
should not be underestimated. What is meant by the term Globalization and how does this
trend affect public administrators at various levels? Why should administrators pay
attention to the global context of their work? Explain with reference to Pakistan.
Q8. Eighteenth (18th) constitutional amendment (2010) to the constitution of Pakistan
introduced reforms that provides the provinces with significant legislative, fiscal and
administrative autonomy, but the implementation and institutionalization of these reforms
face significant challenges in our country that has a legacy of a dominant federal
government. State your views with examples.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2020 Part-1
Q1. Contemporary public administration has been powerfully influenced by the broader
governance trends such as public ethics and reinventing government. Evaluate this
statement as a permanent feature or only a temporary trend in context of Pakistan?
Q2. It is essential for Public Administration to understand the nature of inter-governmental
relationships in a federal setup since it would be impossible for any vertical government
unit to work in isolation. Discuss at least five key areas of vertical inter-governmental
administrative issues in Pakistan which must be addressed to preserve federalism.
Q3. In contemporary governance approaches, different stakeholders play an important role
in public policy process. Discuss how federal government and Punjab government have
formulated and implemented public policy by engaging stakeholders in different domains
for local prevention and control of Covid 19 pandemic?
Q4. Line-item budgeting is conventionally used for Provincial and federal government
budgets of Pakistani. Suggest an alternative public budgeting approach for government
budgets in Pakistan. Discuss why the suggested approach would be more suitable and
effective for achieving the current political and economic objectives of the government.
Q5. How Human Resources Management is different from erstwhile concept of Personnel
Administration. Discuss key challenges which public sector organizations in Pakistan face
while implementing contemporary practices of Human Resource Management.
Q6. What do you understand by workforce diversity? Why maintaining a diverse workforce
in public sector organizations is becoming increasingly inevitable? How effective
management of diversity can unlock creativity in conventional government decision
making process?
Q7. Define decentralization and its main types. Briefly discuss and evaluate major
governance reforms in the direction of decentralization in Pakistan since the year 2001.
Q8. Briefly discuss the expanding role of citizen participation in open and inclusive
governments. To what extent common citizens may be engaged in public administration
and development management process in Pakistan? Answer the question considering the
quality of citizenry in Pakistan and her democratic ideals.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2020 Part-2
Q1. "Regulatory agencies function outside direct executive supervision", discuss this
statement in the context of political interference in regulatory agencies in Pakistan while
also discussing functions and prominent examples of regulatory agencies in Pakistan.
Q2. Highlight the context, content, and cause of major Local Government reforms in
Pakistan over the years. Comment on the effectiveness of these reforms with lessons for
the way forward.
Q3. What major changes in the fiscal relationship were proposed between the federal
government and provincial governments in Pakistan under the 18th Constitutional
amendment to the constitution of Pakistan. Discuss the changes with special reference to
progress made and major hurdles in the way of implementation with suggestions to
overcome these hurdles.
Q4. "For Good Governance, Pakistan needs civil service reforms", keeping in mind this
statement discusses the most recent efforts to civil service reforms in Pakistan while
contrasting these efforts to major reform attempts in previous decades. How successful
would you term these reforms while highlighting the way forward?
Q5. "The pro-poor growth agenda has important implications for the way donors support
partner countries". By keeping this statement in mind discuss the role of donors in
supporting, and the mechanisms of in Country pro-poor policy making processes in
Q6. Pakistan has experimented with multiple reforms over the years to reform its tax
administration mainly to improve its Tax-to-GDP ratio, which continues to be one of the
lowest in the world. Compare and contrast Pakistan's efforts to reform FBR over years with
other similar developing countries. What are the major areas to reform tax administration
in Pakistan to improve its Tax-to-GDP ratio?
Q7. "Current models of service delivery calls for a civil service equipped with
understanding dynamics of new modes of Governance including ICT and technology based
smart solutions, expanding role of private sector and popularity of public limited
companies." keeping in mind this statement, discuss the institutional framework of training
of government employees in Pakistan highlighting if the conventional civil service
trainings are imparting skills needed for current service delivery demands.
Q8. International Financial institutions play a major role in the development and
management of developing countries. What has been the experience of Pakistan with
international lenders in overcoming development challenges faced over decade of


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2022 Part-1
Q1. Differences between public administration and business management are profound.
Explain the two fields are alike and how they differ. Why are the two terms not
Q2. Discuss the major elements of the public policy making cycles. Highlight the
interaction within these elements in the context of public policy making in Pakistan.
Q3. How does public administration in Pakistan need to tackle "wicked problems"
differently? Discuss by illuminating wicked problems.
Q4. Comparatively evaluate Taylor's Scientific Management and Weber's Ideal
Bureaucracy, and discuss their relevance to contemporary public organization.
Q5. Planning is one aspect of the policy process. Discuss the various types of planning and
their objectives. What will be the primary concern of the planning group in planning
Q6. What is devolution? Discuss whether the movement toward devolution is a threat or
an opportunity for provincial/local governments in a federal system. How does this apply
to Pakistan?
Q7. 'Is corruption in government any worse than in the private sector, or it is just more
visible?' Discuss if you agree/disagree with this statement in the context of Pakistan.
Q8. The essence of Public Value is the revival of Government as a value creating
institution. Discuss the role of Public Administration in current corona epidemic situation
to create value for citizen.


PMS Public Administration Past papers

2022 Part-2
Q1. The 18th Constitutional Amendment in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan is considered to be a major event in our constitutional history that gave many
powers to the provincial governments. How has this change affected the relationships and
coordination between federal and provincial governments with particular reference to
health, education and agriculture?
Q2. "Some of the public sector issues are considered as 'Wicked Problems' and Pakistan's
public sector lacks institutional and human resource capacity to deal with them." Give your
opinion on this statement with examples.
Q3. Since the creation of Pakistan, several attempts have been made in reforming the civil
service of Pakistan. How do you see these reforms and what major challenges have been
identified by various commissions, committees and/or task forces?
Q4. Describe the system of auditing in Pakistan and how it can help in dealing with the
menace of corruption and financial mismanagement in the public sector?
Q5. How critical is it to evaluate a public policy after implementation and what techniques
can administrators use in ensuring proper evaluation of a policy?
Q6. What is the role of Politics in budgetary process? Explain several concerns such as
representation, consensus, coalition building and locus of power in allocating funds.
Q7. Corruption has been one of the most enduring problems confronting governments
throughout history. What are the corrective ways to foster “public ethics” to prevent
corruption? How the traditional public sector values can be reinforced in public servants?
Q8. 'Devolution, Decentralization, autonomy and establishment of local governments are
said to be the ultimate solution to the issues of governance and service delivery'. Give
arguments in favor or against this statement.


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