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Abstract The purpose of this report is to prove that Diet Coke weights more then Regular Coke.

We took 106 soda cans, forty-two were Regular Coke cans and sixty-four were Diet Coke cans. Then we took a sample from each, which was thirteen Cokes and twenty-three Diet Cokes. Then we weighed those cans and recorded the results. The results indeed show that Diet Coke weights less than Regular Coke. Introduction In general a vast majority of people automatically assume that Diet Coke weighs

less than Regular Coke. Even though prior studies have shown that Diet Coke weights more than Regular Coke in the past, I believe that Diet Coke weights less than Coke now. This is because it should have less sugar and that can be the factor, in between other things of course. To test the hypothesis that Diet Coke weighs less, we did an experiment that consisted of Diet Coke and Coke soda cans. Methods Procedures Our experiment consisted of a population 106 soda cans. Forty-two were Regular

Cokes and sixty-four were Diet Coke soda cans. From here we took a random sample of fteen Regular Coke cans and a random sample of twenty-three Diet Coke cans using TC Stats, a program for the I-Pad to generate the random samples. We decided to make the sample for Diet Coke a little bit bigger because there were more Diet Coke cans in the population than Regular Coke. The Regular Coke cans were each labeled with a number from one through forty-two, while the Diet Coke cans were labeled with a number from one through sixty-four. The random sample numbers generated were then

used to match the cans with those numbers and we weighed those specic Regular Coke and Diet Coke cans on a scale that weighed them in grams. Once weighed, the result for each can was recorded. It took about an hour to record all the information.

Graphs/Tables - The variable of interest was the weight of the cans which under the measurement scale would fall under ratio and would be a continuous variable. This table shows the random numbers generated for both the Regular Coke and Diet Coke cans and their weight

Table 1: Diet Coke and Regular Coke can number and its weight data.

- Summary statistics suggests that Diet Coke weighs less than Regular Coke. On average it weighs 15.991 grams less. And the minimum weight difference for both is 15.95 grams, while the maximum weight difference is 17.24 grams.

Table 2: Summary Statistics weights of Regular Coke and Diet Coke

- This Figure shows how the data is distributed. It appears that the Diet Coke data is slightly skewed to the right, while the Regular Coke data is skewed to the left.

Figure 1: Box-and-Whisker plots of Regular Coke and Diet Coke

- The Histogram below represents the Regular Coke Sample Data. As you can see it's skewed left with most of the weights falling between 384.21 grams and 385.07 grams. Five out of the thirteen cans were in between these intervals.

Graph 1: Histogram of the Regular Coke Sample Data.

- This histogram represents the distribution of the Diet Coke sample data. As you can see the data is skewed to the right and most of the data falls between 368.9352 grams and 372.1304 grams, which as you can see seventeen of the twenty-three cans are in between these intervals.

Graph 2: Histogram of the Diet Coke sample data.

Results The outcome of the experiment was what I expected. The weights of the cans

show that Regular Coke in fact weighs more than Diet Coke. According to summary statistics the average mean for Coke was abut 10 grams more than the average mean for that of Diet Coke. This shows that since the prior studies were the total opposite then you would assume there must have been a change in the formula for this to happen.

Discussion The experiments clearly shows us that Diet Coke does not weight more than

Regular Coke. The past results are not necessarily wrong but there is a factor unknown to the cause that now Coke weighs more than Diet Coke. Further experiments can be done to see if the formula may change back and once again Diet Coke may weigh more than Regular Coke.

Appendix - Average Difference: 385.724 - 369.733 = 15.991 - Minimum Difference: 384.330 - 368.430 = 15.9 - Maximum Difference: 389.370 - 372.130 = 17.24

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