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Biology - Ch 20 Chromosomes and DNA


1. Give types of chromosomes. Page 123
2. What are Karyotypes? Page 123
3. What are Nucleosomes? Page 124
4. Differentiate between Heterochromatin and Euchromatin. Page 124
5. Give evidences which support Sutton’s Theory. Page 125
6. What is objection to Sutton’s Theory? Page 125
7. What is X-linked trait? Page 126
8. Define Transformation. Page 127
9. What is Phosphodiester Bond? Page 129
10. Draw Phosphodiester Bond. Page 130
11. What is X-Ray Diffraction Technique? Page 131
12. What is Conservative, Semi-conservative and Dispersive Model of Replication? Page 131
13. Give molecular structure of DNA Polymerase III. Page 135
14. What is Primer? Page 135
15. Differentiate between Leading and Lagging strand. Page 136
16. What are Okazaki fragments? Page 136
17. What is Alkaptonuria? Page 137
18. What are Dubbed arg-mutants. Page 137
19. What is Central Dogma. Page 140
20. Draw two- dimensional structure of tRNA. Page 141
21. Draw three-dimensional structure of tRNA. Page 141
22. Differentiate between Antisense and Coding Strand. Page 141
23. What is Promoter. Page 140
24. How eukaryotic mRNA is protected from enzymes. Page 142
25. What is non-sense or Stop codons. Page 143
26. Genetic code is universal. Explain? Page 143
27. Genetic code is not universal. Explain? Page 143
28. Give structure of larger subunit of Ribosomes. Page 144, 145
29. What are Releasing Factors. Page 145
30. Give causes of Mutation. Page 146
31. What are Chromosomal Aberrations. Page 146
32. What is Point Mutation. Page 146
33. What is phenyl ketonuria. Page 147

Al-Huda Science Academy

Sir Muhammad Usman Ali
Mob: 0333-8159746

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