Biology CH 17 Class 12

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Biology - Ch 17 Coordination and Control

1. What are Etiolated Plants?
2. What is Chlorosis?
3. Differentiate between Calluses and Galls.
4. What are Biorhythms?
5. Differentiate between Diumal and Cicannual rhythms.
6. Give commercial application of ethene.
7. What are Modalities of Sensation?
8. Differentiate between Meissner’s and Pacinian Corpuscles.
9. What are Nissl’s Granules?
10. What are Neuroglial Cells?
11. What is Saltatory Impulse?
12. What are Neurotransmitters?
13. How brain and spinal cords are protected?
14. What do you know about Corpus Callosum?
15. Give types of Hormones.
16. What is Infundibulum?
17. Differentiate between Gigantism and Acromegaly.
18. Give function of oxytocin.
19. Differentiate between Grave’s disease and Cretinism.
20. Write a short note on Parathyroid.
21. Give symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus.
22. Differentiate between Addison and Cushing’s disease.
23. What hormones are secreted by Gut?
24. Differentiate between Orientation and Taxes.
25. What is Innate Releasing Mechanism?
26. What is Habituation?

Al-Huda Science Academy

Sir Muhammad Usman Ali
Mob: 0333-8159746

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