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MSM Data Collection and Privacy Authorization

MSM Application ID:

Students Name (the “Student”):

Agency Name (the “Agent”):

M Square Business Solutions Inc., dba MSM Unify (“MSM”) is an authorized recruitment service
provider to the post- secondary educational institution which is being applied to by the Student.
MSM is required to comply with the rules of personal information handling and other
requirements of the laws of the country(ies) relevant to the application(s), including maintaining
the data in a secure condition. The information provided on the application(s) will be treated as
personal information in accordance with the applicable legislation. The personal Information will
only be made available to institutions and MSM staff and the agent(s) involved in processing the
concerned application(s). The Student and his/her parents or guardian (in case of minor)
executed the MSM Data Collection and Privacy Authorization (“Authorization”) which is on file
with MSM to authorize MSM and its agents to do the following acts, among others:

● Collect the Students’ personal information including name, address, date of birth, place of birth,
nationality, residency, email address, phone number, educational records, payment information,
physical or learning disability, gender, passport details and any other information required
(collectively, “Personal Information”) on a confidential basis to process and check the Students’
application for submission to the educational institution(s) the Student is applying for admission to,
and for no other purposes;
● Store the Personal Information outside of the Students’ home country, in case MSM’s data
storage files are located internationally;
● Release the Personal Information as required, to the educational institution(s) the Student is
applying for admission to;
● Share the Personal Information with the educational institution(s) the Student is applying for
admission to, as required to process the application, and to facilitate payment of any fees owing to
the Agent or to MSM.
● Maintain a record of the Personal Information for as long as MSM is entitled to earn fees and/or
for as long as MSM may contractually be obligated to maintain the file in accordance with the
specific recruitment service contract MSM has entered into with the educational institution;
● Share Personal Information with third parties for the purposes of research, to perform analytics
and marketing, but only in a manner that would not disclose any specifically identifiable Personal
Information, such as the Students’ name, address, email ID, telephone number, etc., or in any
other manner as that information may leadto the Students’ identification;
● disclose any Personal Information that is deemed necessary or required to be disclosed by
applicable law, legalprocess, or the requirements of a government or regulatory authority;
● Accomplish the Authorization on the MSM Unify Portal and any similar forms in other portal or
platform of its partner institution(s), or outside of a platform, which requires the same or similar
authorization for the collection of the Personal Information; and
● Agree that any profit or analysis done with the use of the Personal Information is part of MSM’s
intellectual property or proprietary rights.

Global and In-Country Offices | Market Intelligence | EdTech | Business Solutions

1631 Dickson Avenue, Suite 1100, Kelowna BC, Canada V1Y 0B5 | +1 250 262 6686 | |
As such, and pursuant to the Authorization, I am authorized as the Agent to accomplish this form
and perform all the foregoing acts for and on behalf of the Student.



Global and In-Country Offices | Market Intelligence | EdTech | Business Solutions

1631 Dickson Avenue, Suite 1100, Kelowna BC, Canada V1Y 0B5 | +1 250 262 6686 | |

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