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Guided Reading

Reading Resource Level M

A Man of Vision

Starter Activity  Let's look at the cover. What do you think this story is
about? (prediction)
 What can you see in the picture?
Teacher Main Input Front Page
1. Who is the author/illustrator of this story book?

Second Cover page

2. What do you think is he doing? (prediction)

Page 4 – The Accident

3. Who do you think is the main character? (infer/retrieval)
4. What do you think happen here? (predict/infer)
5. Why did this happen? (infer)

Page 5 –
6. What does the word awl mean? (vocab)
7. What does the word blind mean? (vocab)
8. Why did Louis's eyes become sick (infer/retrieval)
9. What have we learnt about the main character? (infer)

Page 6 –
10. Was there any school for the blind people? Why or why
not? (infer/evaluative/retrieval)

Page 7 – School for the Blind

11. What does the word weaved mean? (vocab)
12. What does the word sew mean? (vocab)
13. Why do you think the parents sent him to a new
school? What happened before? (infer/retrieval)
14. What kind of skills did Louis learn at the school)

Page 8 –
15. What does the word raised mean? (vocab)
16. What does the word pressed mean? (vocab)
17. How do blind people learn to read? (infer/retrieval)
18. What were the challenges of reading using a raised
letter on the paper? (infer)

Page 9 – Night Writing

19. What does 'night writing' mean? (vocab)
20. What is/are the use(s) of night writing? (retrieval)
21. Who was the inventor of night writing? (retrieval)
22. Why did the army decide not to use night writing?
23. What do you think will happen next? (infer/predict)

Page 10 –
24. What does the word system mean? (vocab)
25. How do you think Louis feel about the night writing?

Page 11 –
26. What does the word symbol mean? (vocab)
27. What does the word periods mean? (vocab)
28. How do you think Charles would change the system?
29. Why do you think the soldier would not change it?
30. What do you think Louis will do next? (infer/predict)

Page 12 – Louis's Own System

31. What does the touch system mean? (vocab)
32. What is the difference between Charles Night Writing
and Louis's Own System? (evaluative/infer/deduce)

Page 13 –
33. Why is the written language today is named after Louis
Braille? (retrieval/infer)

Page 14 –
34. What does the word stylus mean? (vocab)
35. What does the word slate mean? (vocab)
36. How different is Braille now and then? (infer/retrieval)

Page 15 – A Loved Teacher

37. What does the word obstacles mean? (vocab)
38. When did Louis die? (retrieval)
39. What was Louis's contributions for blind people?

 Awl
 Stylus
 Slate
 Obstacles
 Touch system
 Periods
 Symbols
 Night writing
 Weaved
 Sew
 Blind
 Raised
 Pressed
 Night writing
 System

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