Socail Media in Fluence On Society

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Topic 4: Is social media a positive or negative influence on society?

Many people think social media has a negative influence on society but from my perspective, I think
social media has a positive influence on society. Firstly, social media provides people with access to
information and education, allowing them to learn new things, expand their knowledge, and improve their
skills. Secondly, social media fosters creativity and innovation, allowing people to showcase their talents and
passions, as well as discover and appreciate the work of others, it can also inspire people to pursue their dreams
and goals, as well as support and collaborate with others. Finally, social media platforms offer cost-effective
ways for entrepreneurs and small businesses to promote their products or services, it also allows for the growth
of startups and local businesses, contributing to economic development. Based on the three reasons above,
social media is very beneficial to society but it also has a negative influence depending on how people use it.


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