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Despite a global agreement on Sustainable Development Goals that focuses on ending the

global hunger by 2030, a 2021 report by Food and Agriculture Organization found 720-811
million people went hungry in 2020.

The agriculture industry, to support the growing population, as per current estimates, would
have to increase its production manifolds to meet future demands (both in terms of quantity as
well as quality).

A major contribution to meeting this increased demand would come from the already
established Multinational agriculture (related) companies. Only these companies possess the
means and have the reach to take up such a monumental task.

Cargill is the biggest among those companies both in terms of the revenue it clocks in and the
workforce it employs. The company, among other things, deals in the manufacturing of various
food products. Cargill, through the efforts of its 1,55,000-strong work force, was able to bring in
$165 billion worth of revenue in 2022, which amounts to a 23% growth from its 2021 figures.

Cargill is followed by ADM, which is an American multinational food processing corporation

headquartered in Chicago. ADM has 41,000 employees working in more than 270 plants and
420 crop procurement facilities worldwide. ADM has witnessed a 19% hike in its revenue in
2022 which has also helped it cross the $100 billion revenue figure ($101.8 billion).

Bayer a German multinational pharmaceutical and crop science company, is the biggest
Agriculture related company in Europe. Bayer is in the business of producing genetically
modified plants and pesticides. Bayer employs about 1,00,000 employees around the world
across its different business verticals. The company was able to generate $53 billion in 2022.

The covid pandemic was a major setback for the entire industry as it adversely affected their
supply chain. However, the 2022 trends show that the agriculture industry is getting back on
track as some of the biggest players in the industry report double-digit growth in their revenue.

The agriculture industry would still need to increase its capacity at a much faster rate to meet
the needs of an ever-growing world population which might reach 9.2 billion by 2050.

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