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Enhancing Efficiency through Infrastructure Automation: An In-depth

Analysis of Infrastructure as Code (IaaC) Tools

Milandeep Kour Bali 1st Ranjan Walia 2nd

Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science and
Engineering Engineering
Apex Institute of Technology (CSE) Apex Institute of Technology (CSE)
Chandigarh University Chandigarh University
Gharaun,Mohali,India Gharaun,Mohali,India

Abstract— A powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) An essential IaC principle is idempotence, or the capacity of a
management and deployment are automated by a given operation to consistently yield the same outcome.
systemVirtual machines and networks are vital infrastructure Regardless of the environment's beginning state, a deployment
components that cannot be overlooked. By relying on command always puts the target environment into the same
configuration files as the single source of truth, resources are configuration. Either the existing target is automatically
consistently deployed with the same configurations, configured, or the old target is discarded, and a new environment
eliminating human error and discrepancies caused by is created, to achieve idempotency [10]. If at all practicable, IaC
individual settings. Additionally, IaC tools ensure that the ought to use declarative definition files. An environment's
infrastructure remains in the desired state, promptly alerting required components and configuration are described in a
relevant parties to any deviations. Another significant benefit definition file, but the method for achieving that configuration is
of IaC is its ability to simplify tracing and auditing processes. not always specified. Various platforms can open files in the
Since all operations are stored in configuration files, it YAML, JSON, and XML formats. With the help of infrastructure
becomes easy to track changes and facilitate compliance. provisioning, IaC addresses numerous typical issues. Treating
Testers can execute scripts on replicated production infrastructure, the same way developers address code is a core
environments, while developers can quickly set up test DevOps principle.
environments to evaluate new application features. There is a specific format and grammar for the application code.
Applications cannot be made if the code is not written in
Keywords— Iaac, Api, Aws, Azure, Terraform, Cloud accordance with the rules of the programming language. A version
Computing, DevOps management or source control system that keeps track of changes
made to the code as well as bug fixes stores the code. We anticipate
a consistent application to be produced when code is generated or
I. INTRODUCTION built into apps, and that the build will be repeatable and reliable.
Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a technique of defining and Developing infrastructure with the same rigor as application code
deploying infrastructure, such as networks, virtual machines, requires the use of infrastructure as code. The same manner that
load balancers, and connection topologies, using the DevOps application code is kept in a source control system like AWS Code
methodology and versioning with a descriptive model. An IaC Commit, all configurations should be defined declaratively. The
model creates the same environment each time it is deployed, just use of infrastructure as code should be supported by the
as the same source code creates the same binary every time. provisioning, orchestration, and deployment of infrastructure.
Environment drift in release pipelines is a challenge that IaC Historically, provisioning infrastructure has been done manually
evolved to address. Teams must independently maintain and with scripts. These scripts were occasionally kept in version
deployment environment parameters without IaC. Each setting control databases or meticulously described in text files or
eventually turns into a "snowflake," a singular configuration that runbooks. Often, the person executing these scripts or carrying out
cannot be automatically duplicated [2]. Deployment problems the instructions in the run books is not the same person who wrote
may be brought on by environment inconsistency. Manual them. These runbooks or scripts could potentially prevent
operations that are prone to error and difficult to track are used in deployments if they are not regularly updated. Because of this, the
infrastructure administration and maintenance. By using well development of new settings is not necessarily dependable,
documented code in formats like JSON to represent intended repeatable, or consistent [12]. Amazon, in contrast, offers a
environment states, IaC minimizes manual configuration and DevOps-focused approach to building and maintaining
upholds consistency. IaC enables repeatable infrastructure infrastructure. Amazon offers services that make it possible to
installations that avoid runtime problems brought on by errant build, deploy, and maintain infrastructure in a programmatic,
configuration changes or missing dependencies. Target descriptive, and declarative manner, much to how software
environments are configured by release pipelines using version developers write application code. These services offer accuracy,
configuration models and environment descriptions. The team precision, and dependability. The Amazon services covered in this
modifies the source rather than the target while making article serve as the foundation for many higher, level AWS
modifications. DevOps ideas and practices and are essential to a DevOps
examines present trends and IaC's foreseeable future.IaC is
introduced in the article as the process of controlling and
providing infrastructure using code rather than through manual
procedures. The authors point out that greater agility,
repeatability, and consistency are just a few advantages that IaC
may provide. The authors do point out that IaC may be difficult,
however, since it requires learning new skills and runs the risk of
making mistakes.The authors then go on to detail how they
conducted a systematic evaluation of the literature, which
includes looking for relevant studies using a variety of databases
and criteria. Future directions in IaC include the use of machine
learning and artificial intelligence to automate IaC operations.
IaC is still a young discipline, according to the scientists, and
there is still much to learn about its effects and ideal procedures.

F. Alkhabbas et al. [4] The authors' DevOps automation

framework was developed through sporadic rearranging and
removal of text. Its uniqueness is apparent due to the intentional
avoidance of the most logical phrasing. administration and
deployment automated through development Described next are
Fig:1 Popularity of Infrastructure as Code Tools a variety of uses in multi-cloud environments. The automation
layer, the infrastructure layer, as seen by the authors.The trilevel
structure consists of the physical layer, data link layer, and the
II. RELATED WORK application layer. Infrastructure that underpins the frame. Cloud
service providers are included in the multi-cloud system
A. Dalvi et al. [1] To determine the trends, tools, and problems Provided by the infrastructure, networking and multi-cloud
in DevOps research, the authors thoroughly examined 294 peer architecture involves layering infrastructure.
reviewed publications published between 2010 and 2020.The
authors cited a number of DevOps research trends, including J. DesLauriers et al. [5] The author describe the Methods of a
growing use of automation, microservices, and non-automated nature are highlighted by the writers. and are
containerization. They also discovered that more people are prone to mistakes, deployment can take a long time. The authors
becoming interested in adopting DevOps for applications contend that automation is an attractive option, which is why it
including data science and machine learning. The authors stated should be pursued. To automate their process, they detailed their
that the usage of opensource technologies is expanding and use of Ansible. Using Ansible playbooks, Docker containers can
listed several tools used in DevOps research, including Jenkins, be deployed with ease. Deployments are performed using
Docker, and Kubernetes.The report also addresses the Ansible after a sequence of actions. The target servers are defined
difficulties encountered in DevOps research, including the need using containers, which are used to send data sporadically. The
for stronger security measures and a more integrated approach dependencies and Docker container images—they go together
to DevOps. The absence of DevOps practice standardization like two peas in a pod. Ansible, according to writers, provides a
and the need for further empirical research were also mentioned straightforward and speedy option. Deploying has never been
by the authors as topics that need more focus.Overall, the article easier with an automated solution that lowers the burden of
offers a thorough analysis of the present status of DevOps manual intervention. Risk and effectiveness get tangled when
research and identifies a number of promising topics for further mistakes happen. There was a startling example where a case was
study. Researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers who are used to show the point. Their strategy is reviewed in the study by
interested in learning about the most recent DevOps trends, the writers.For the deployment of, their method was used and
technologies, and difficulties may find the results to be helpful. here's how it was done.

T. Golis et al. [2] The work offers a case study of a real-

world system where service configuration management was
automated using Ansible, and the authors emphasize the
advantages of doing so.The relevance of service configuration
management in cloud computing, which entails setting multiple
services including web servers, databases, and load balancers,
is covered in the first section of the article.

A. Petricko et al. [3] The work gives a general review of the

idea of IaC, identifies its advantages and difficulties, and
Reference Main Topic Tools/Technologies Research Main Findings
[1] Research problems, tools, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, A thorough analysis of 294 Microservices, automation,
and trends in DevOps Ansible, etc. peer-reviewed articles and containerization are all
being used more and more.
[2] Automated management of Ansible Case study using a genuine Service configuration
service configuration system management may be made
easier with Ansible, and
manual configuration can
take less time and effort.
Terraform, Ansible, Chef, Systematic literature Infrastructure may become
[3] Infrastructure as code: trends, Puppet, etc. more agile, dependable, and
issues, and directions for the scalable by using
future infrastructure as code.
[4] Framework for DevOps Ansible, AWS, Azure, etc. The framework that is Ansible may be used in the
automation in a multi-cloud suggested and a case study proposed framework to
context using a real-world system automate the deployment,
setup, and monitoring of
multi-cloud systems.
[5] Docker container deployment Ansible, Docker Case study using a genuine Ansible can automate Docker
automation in DevOps system container deployment, saving
time and effort over manual
Table 1. Basic Comparison of Related Work

III. METHODOLOGY B. Automation Utilizing mathematical formulas or algorithms

presents an opportunity to automate infrastructure resource
Employing previous techniques, manual deployment and
deployment and provisioning through automation and
administration of infrastructure involved plenty of mistakes and
orchestration. The process can establish the preferred
consumed much energy. Establishing networks, servers, and configuration, minimizing the need for manual
other resources within these processes extensively required
intervention. This approach fosters prompt and precise
diligent repetition. This manual protocol was not only a time-
allocation of resources, which reduces the possibility of
consuming process, but its inconsistency also caused variations
setbacks and errors that would result from manual handling.
in settings and setups. Developers were also facing difficulty
C. Optimization: Infrastructure models can benefit from the
coping with the infrastructure's obscurity and limitations of
application of mathematical optimization techniques to
manipulation. The IT team was responsible for the resource identify the most cost-efficient and efficient configurations.
provisions; thus, deployments were mainly put off and the
By utilizing algorithms, tasks like optimizing resource
infrastructure lacked adaptability. Introducing a mathematical
allocation, load balancing, and scaling strategies can be
modeling approach, the proposed methodology seeks to remedy
easily achieved, ultimately leading to optimal performance,
the challenges and deficiencies that arise in manually deploying
reliability, and cost-efficiency of the infrastructure.
and administering infrastructure. However, cooperation among D. Mathematical models enable the reproduction of
multiple teams was required to modify the infrastructure, which
infrastructure setups in various sites, thus promoting
complicated matters and exacerbated the possibility of setbacks
replication and scalability. Easily replicating identical
and errors [7].
configurations for testing, development, or deployment in
The mathematical modeling of the proposed methodology multiple locations becomes possible with mathematical
involves the following key aspects: representations capturing the settings.
E. Real-time visibility and control over infrastructure can be
A. Infrastructure Configuration: To minimize errors and ensure
achieved with the integration of monitoring systems and
consistency, it is possible to employ mathematical models to
mathematical models. By updating the models with current
define and specify the infrastructure configuration, including
performance data, anomalies can be detected and automated
network setup, server configurations, resource allocation, and
corrective actions taken, providing proactive monitoring.
other related parameters. With these models, the dependencies
The result is an enhanced stability, reliability, and security
and relationships between components can be captured,
of the infrastructure.
making them more efficient.
IaC, or infrastructure as code, has come to be seen as a solution to
many of these issues. IaC is a methodology for more automated,
programmatically controlling infrastructure. Developers can use
code to design and provision infrastructure resources rather than the current state of the infrastructure [8]. As Shown in Fig 3
manually configuring hardware and software resources. Dependency mapping between resources is carried out
Developers can benefit from the same tools, procedures, and best automatically in the background by Terraform and is generally
practices used in software development by treating infrastructure concealed from the user, but it can be managed if necessary. The
like code. This comprises continuous integration and deployment order in which resources are created is referred to as dependency
(CI/CD) pipelines, automated testing, and version control. This mapping. Take the creation of a virtual machine as an example; in
leads to improved cooperation between the development and order for it to be successful, you must first have a VNET, subnet,
operations teams as well as more effective and dependable disc, and key vault for disc encryption in place.Terraform ensures
infrastructure management. Effectively implementing IaC still resources are created in the correct order. The depends on met-
presents some difficulties argument can be used in the configuration to accomplish this if
these need to be manually changed.

Fig:2 Comparison between Manual Deployment & Iaac Tool

As Shown this Fig 2 the line chart compares the scores for
different categories (reproducibility, consistency, and speed)
between manual deployment and IaC tools. The x-axis represents Fig: 3. Work Flow of Terraform
the categories, while the y-axis represents the score in percentage.
The scores for manual deployment are shown with a blue line, CloudFormation: For the creation and management of AWS
and the scores for IaC tools are shown with a red line. Each data resources, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers AWS
point is marked with a circular marker. the manual deployment is CloudFormation. It enables you to express your infrastructure as
much time consuming. By comparing the position and trend of code in a template that can be used to predictably and repeatedly
the lines, you can observe the relative performance of manual add, update, or remove resources. To define a stack, which is a
deployment versus IaC tools across the categories. If the red line group of AWS resources that are produced and maintained as a
is consistently higher than the blue line, it indicates that IaC tools single entity, you can use CloudFormation to construct templates
have higher scores in those categories. On the other hand, if the in either JSON or YAML format. Managing modifications to your
blue line is consistently higher, it suggests that manual stack over time and, if necessary, rolling back to a previous version
deployment fares better in those areas. are both possible using CloudFormation. Both small and large
businesses use CloudFormation, a potent tool for managing
infrastructure on AWS To use it effectively, it does need some
IV. ANALYSIS OF IAAC TOOL familiarity with CloudFormation templates and AWS. You can
construct and provision AWS infrastructure deployments
Terraform: Takes the declarative method. It speaks its own predictably and repeatedly with AWS CloudFormation. Without
language, known as Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL), having to worry about building and configuring the underlying
which is widely regarded as being very simple to learn and highly AWS infrastructure, it enables you to use AWS products like
readable by humans. On Go, HCL is based. Terraform's provider Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Block Store, Amazon SNS, Elastic
mechanism, which has thousands of accessible options, may be Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling to build highly dependable,
used with virtually any cloud provider as well as on-premise highly scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud.
infrastructure. This is why Terraform is so popular; it is a logical
choice if you want to configure infrastructure across various Ansible: DevOps experts frequently utilize Ansible, an
cloud platforms and architecture using the same language and opensource, cross-platform resource provisioning automation
style. Even if you only want to utilize it for one cloud platform, tool, to implement an "infrastructure as code" strategy for
in my opinion (e.g., Microsoft Azure). Terraform can query, continuous software delivery. The Ansible automation platform
construct, maintain, and alter the infrastructure as specified in has developed over time to provide advanced automation
your configuration files thanks to the state file, which specifies solutions for administrators, operators, and IT decision-makers
across multiple technical disciplines. It is the unofficial
standard for IT automated systems and a leading enterprise
automation solution with thriving open-source software [9]. It
can manage Microsoft and Unix architectures and works on a
variety of Unix-like platforms. It includes text that is illustrative
of system settings. Ansible was developed by Michael DeHaan
and was bought by Red Hat in 2015. As Shown in Fig 4 Ansible
is a system without an agent that can run commands remotely
using SSH or Windows Remote Management connections
(enabling remote PowerShell execution). Ansible is an open-
source IT automation engine that can increase the scalability,
consistency, and dependability of your IT infrastructure while
potentially saving you time at work.
Fig: 5. Speed of Deployment of Iaac Tools
Presented in Figure 8, one can utilize a line chart to observe
the deployment times for various IaC tools and compare their
speeds. The x-axis signifies the tools being examined,
whereas the y-axis represents the deployment duration in
minutes. This chart permits a quick and effective comparison
of the pace and effectiveness of the deployment process for
each tool. Such data is crucial in choosing the best tool for
specific infrastructure provisioning necessities.
2. Standardization and Consistency: IaC promotes
standardization and consistency across infrastructure
deployments. Infrastructure configurations can be version-
controlled and reused, ensuring that all environments are set
up in the same way. This reduces configuration drift and
minimizes inconsistencies that may cause issues.

Fig: 4. Work Flow of Ansible


Efficiency, performance, and reliability of infrastructure deployment
and maintenance processes are being improved by this approach. Our Fig: 6. Standardization and Consistency of Iaac Tools
results and findings concerning these three aspects of Infrastructure
as Code are being presented here. As Shown in Fig 9,the X-axis represents the Iaac tools,and
Efficiency: the Y-axis represents the score.The chart includes labels for
Efficiency refers to the ability of IaC to streamline infrastructure the axis and a title.The legend differentiates the lines for
deployment and management processes, reduce human error, and standardization and consistency scores while consistency
optimize resource utilization. The results indicate that IaC has
emphasizes maintaining the desired state of the
several efficiency benefits:
1. Deployment Speed: IaC boasts a plethora of efficiency benefits. It infrastructure over time.Both aspects are essentials for
optimizes resource utilization, streamlines infrastructure achieving efficient and reliable infrastructure .
deployment and management processes, and reduces human error. 3. Scalability: IaC provides scalability by allowing easy
Through these findings, it is evident that IaC aligns with the replication and scaling of infrastructure resources. With IaC
pursuit of efficiency. tools, such as Terraform or CloudFormation, infrastructure can
be easily replicated or expanded based on demand, ensuring
efficient resource utilization.
state quickly and reliably in the event of failures.

3. Monitoring and Alerting: IaC tools often integrate with

monitoring and alerting systems. This enables proactive
monitoring of the infrastructure, automatic alerting of potential
issues, and the ability to take corrective actions promptly. These
capabilities enhance the reliability of the infrastructure.

As Shown Fig 11 the line chart compares the reproducibility scores

of different IaC tools (Terraform, Ansible, CloudFormation, and Pulumi)
represented on the x-axis, and the reproducibility scores (in
percentage) represented on the y-axis. Each data point is marked with
a circular marker, and a solid blue line connects the data points.

Fig: 7. Scalability of Iaac Tools

As Shown in Fig 10 When visualizing the scalability of IaC tools using
a line chart, each tool is typically represented on the x-axis, while
the scalability rating or metric is plotted on the y-axis. The chart
can help compare and identify the relative scalability of different tools,
allowing for informed decision-making when selecting an
appropriate IaC solution for a specific project or organization. By
analysing and comparing the scalability of IaC tools, organizations
can choose the most suitable tool that aligns with their infrastructure
requirements, growth potential, and performance expectations

a) Performance:
Performance relates to the responsiveness and efficiency of the Fig: 8. Infrastructure Reproductibility of Iaac Tools
infrastructure under different workloads. The findings suggest
that IaC positively impacts performance in the following ways:
1. Infrastructure Optimization: With IaC, infrastructure can be
In conclusion, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has emerged as a
designed and optimized based on best practices and
crucial method for businesses trying to optimize their processes and
performance requirements. It allows for fine-tuning of
boost productivity in a DevOps setting. IaC allows resources to be
infrastructure configurations to achieve optimal performance,
deployed consistently and removes the possibility of human mistakes
such as load balancing, auto-scaling, and efficient resource
by specifying and delivering infrastructure using a descriptive
model. Additionally, IaC streamlines auditing and tracing
procedures, making compliance simpler to achieve. Additionally,
2. Automated Testing: IaC supports automated testing of
IaC frees up time and resources for organizations by allowing
infrastructure deployments. This ensures that performance-
developers and testers to create and run scripts in test
related aspects, such as response times, throughput, and
environments. The empirical research in the prior study showed that
latency, can be measured and validated. Automated testing
IaC tools like Terraform may assist organizations in many ways,
enables early identification and resolution of performance
including scalability, maintainability, and cooperation. Eventhough
there are still certain difficulties with IaC, such as complicated
syntax and error handling, further study may help solve these problems
b) Reliability: and improve IaC's effectiveness in DevOps situations. IaC is a crucial
Reliability refers to the stability and availability of the strategy for businesses that want to maintain their competitive edge
infrastructure. IaC contributes to reliability in the following and react rapidly to changing market conditions.

1. Infrastructure Reproducibility: With IaC, infrastructure can be

easily reproduced and re-created in a consistentmanner. This
ensures that the infrastructure can be quickly rebuilt in case
2. Disaster Recovery: IaC enables the definition of disaster
recovery procedures as part of the infrastructure
configuration. By automating the recovery process, IaC
ensures that the infrastructure can be restored to a functional
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