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Title: A2 English Listening Practice - Seasons

Hey everybody, welcome to this A2 English listening practice

video! You can use this video to practice your listening and
comprehension as I speak. You ready? So today, I'm gonna talk
about the seasons.
Of course, there are four main seasons that exist: spring,
summer, fall, and winter. In English, the fall season is also called
autumn, so you can hear some people say “fall” and other
people say “autumn”. Let's talk about some of the differences
between the four seasons. Spring is universally known as the
season that brings life. This is the time of year when the
flowers bloom, and the trees fill with new leaves. In some
regions, spring is a really, beautiful season, but in other places,
spring isn't so exciting. For example, if you live in the northern
regions of the U.S., spring is usually a really beautiful time of
year. But if you live in other parts of the US there isn't much
difference between spring and the other seasons. When I lived
in Oregon, I saw a real spring for the first time. The trees
turned green, pink and purple, and the whole landscape
looked different. But in the other cities where I've lived, this
type of spring season doesn't exist. Spring is also the season
when the days get longer, because most countries start
daylight savings time at the beginning of spring. This is my
favorite thing about the season. Okay, now let's talk about
summer. This is my favorite season, because I love the sun, and I
love long days. Of course, in some places, summer can be
uncomfortable because of the heat. In certain cities, the
temperature in the summer can be 40 or even 45 degrees
Celsius. This is too hot even for me. I can handle hot weather,
but if it's hotter than 40 degrees, that's a little too much.
Summer is usually kids’ favorite season too because they have
summer break, or summer vacation. When I was young,
everyone would get so excited in June because it was the last
month of school. We would get about two and a half months of
break, and it was great. Summer is also the season when many
people take family vacations and travel. In my opinion,
summer’s is the best season of them all. Okay, now let's talk
about fall or autumn. Fall is similar to spring in that some places
don't really have this season. But if you go to a region that does
have this season, you'll see some amazing colors. For example,
when I lived in Oregon, fall was a distinct season. Around the
end of September, the leaves on the trees would change color
and become red, orange, and yellow. If you've never seen this
before, I recommend that you take a trip to a region that has
this season. It's such a cool experience to see the colors. And of
course, leaves fall down from the trees, so there are leaves
everywhere on the ground. That means that when you walk,
there are always leaves crunching under your feet. But, in most
of the cities where I've lived, there is no real fall season. Alright,
lastly, let's talk about winter. For many people, this is the worst
season because it's really cold. If you live in a cold country,
winter lasts for a really long time. This brings a lot of problems
and hard work. In the cities where I've lived, though, winter is
mild. In Southern California and Mexico, the temperature
doesn't get very low, and it doesn't snow. So, I've never
experienced a true winter before, and I'm okay with that. I think
winter can also be beautiful if there's snow. And there are
plenty of fun winter activities that you can only do in the snow,
like skiing and snowboarding. So winter can be either miserable
or great, depending on who you are and where you are.
Okay, that's all for today. Leave a comment and tell me what
your favorite season is. I'll see you next time!

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