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Volume: 15
Pages: 824-828
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1411
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10396476
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-01-12
Psych Educ, 2023, 15(8): 824-828, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1411, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10396476, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Enhancing Instructional Leadership for Filipino Teachers in Senior High School:

A Case Study in the School Division of Manila
Warren C. Mancio*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This research study examines the methods used by Filipino teachers in the Senior High School (SHS) system of
the Manila School Division to improve their instructional leadership. It is a case study. The study intends to
discuss how the educational landscape is changing and how effective leadership practices are necessary to help
educators overcome the difficulties they confront in educating students in a world that is changing constantly.
The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative interviews, surveys, and classroom
observations to gather comprehensive data. The participants include SHS teachers, school administrators, and
educational policymakers within the Manila School Division. The study lists the approaches used in
instructional leadership today and investigates how they affect methods of instruction, involvement of students,
and general academic results. It also looks at the difficulties educators and administrators have when putting
good instructional leadership techniques into practice. The Key findings highlight successful practices and
interventions that contribute to improved instructional leadership. These may include professional development
programs, mentorship initiatives, and collaborative learning communities. The research also investigates the role
of technology in enhancing instructional leadership and its potential impact on student achievement.
Additionally, the study explores cultural and contextual factors unique to the Filipino educational system that
may influence the effectiveness of instructional leadership initiatives. It considers the importance of aligning
leadership practices with the cultural values and expectations of teachers and students. The research's findings
are intended to guide educational policies and practices in the Manila School Division and provide a template
for other educational establishments dealing with related issues. The results add to the continuing conversation
about instructional leadership in the context of senior high school education in the Philippines by providing
information that can direct the creation of long-lasting and culturally appropriate teaching aids that assist
educators in promoting the academic achievement of their students.

Keywords: instructional leadership, instructional leadership, filipino teachers, curriculum enhancement,

case study, School Division of Manila

Introduction study aims to unravel the layers of instructional

leadership practices implemented within the Senior
Education is the cornerstone of societal progress, and High School system and to provide insights into their
the role of teachers as instructional leaders is pivotal in effectiveness.
shaping the academic landscape Pierre Gouëdard et.
al., (2020). In the context of the Senior High School Filipino teachers, as stewards of knowledge and
system in the Philippines, where students undergo character development, play a central role in shaping
critical stages of academic and personal development, the future of the nation. Their instructional leadership
the need for effective instructional leadership is more goes beyond traditional classroom boundaries,
pronounced than ever according to the Senate of the encompassing mentorship, curriculum development,
Philippines (2011). This case study delves into the and the cultivation of a positive and inclusive
intricate tapestry of educational dynamics within the educational culture. By examining the experiences and
School Division of Manila, specifically focusing on initiatives undertaken by educators within the School
strategies employed to enhance instructional Division of Manila, this case study seeks to contribute
leadership for Filipino teachers in Senior High School valuable lessons to the broader discourse on
settings. instructional leadership in senior high school
The landscape of education is evolving rapidly, driven
by technological advancements, changing student As we embark on this exploration, it is essential to
demographics, and the demand for innovative recognize the unique challenges faced by educators,
pedagogical approaches. Amidst these transformations, such as adapting to diverse learning styles,
the School Division of Manila stands as a microcosm, incorporating technology into teaching methodologies,
navigating the challenges and opportunities inherent in and addressing the socio-economic disparities that
fostering a conducive learning environment. This case impact student engagement. according to SEAMEO &
INNOTECH (2012), and through a careful analysis of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(8): 824-828, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1411, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10396476, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the strategies employed within the School Division of student achievement and the advancement of schools.
Manila, we aim to unearth effective models of Improved student performance has been demonstrated
instructional leadership that can serve as a beacon for to positively correlate with certain components of
educators facing similar challenges nationwide. instructional leadership. These components include
holding educators to high standards of education,
In the subsequent sections, we will delve into the encouraging faculty and administration to have a
contextual framework, review related literature, and common vision for the school, appointing a capable
present the research methodology that underpins this administrator, and maintaining a team dedicated to
case study. By shedding light on the initiatives school improvement. As a result, curriculum greatly
undertaken within the School Division of Manila, we influences how teachers deliver the material in the
hope to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on curriculum as well as the learning objectives of the
instructional leadership, ultimately fostering an students. Due to the fact that teachers are the system's
environment where Filipino teachers in Senior High front-line employees, changes to the Philippine
School can thrive and lead with impact. educational system have proven challenging,
especially after the Department of Education fully
embraced the K–12 curriculum in 2012. In study of
Literature Review Cup, (2012). As one of the advanced curricula that
begins with simple themes and progresses toward
The school principal's leadership style, which includes greater complexity to help learners grasp concepts and
his or her ability to supervise, guide, and mentor abilities, the K+12 Program has earned the Department
teachers and students, is a key factor in determining of Education's (2017) highest regard for providing
the caliber of education. This is the basis for the exceptional quality education. Therefore, it is believed
instructional leadership enhancement initiatives. that graduates of the K–12 curriculum are better
According to a study by Kiptum (2018), the caliber of prepared to compete for jobs globally. And
leadership also significantly affects students' academic considering the circumstances mentioned above, this
achievement when it comes to teachers, students, study, which will be evaluated to ascertain the
regulations, laws, and policies that regulate the school. principles' impact of present K-12 Curriculum and
However, one aspect of school leadership is there will be activities related to instructional
instructional leadership. In the 1980s, the idea of leadership, teacher participation, and the K–12
instructional leadership was developed. believes that curriculum.
the principal is the primary educational authority. In
order to ensure that effective classroom education was Methodology
implemented consistently, the principal's
responsibilities included monitoring teacher
performance and maintaining strict standards for This research will adopt a mixed-methods approach to
students. manage the development of the curriculum, collect and analyze data to achieve a broad and deep
evaluate student performance, and deliver instruction. understanding as well as corroboration, researchers
used of the combination of quantitative and qualitative
For principals who lacked the skills to perform these research techniques, methods, approaches, concepts, or
duties, coaching and on-site help were hard to get by languange into a single study.
(Marks & Printy, 2013). Five leadership behaviors are This type of research is known as mixed methods resea
equally significant to the instructional leadership rch, or mixed research (MM) (Creswell & Clark, 2011;
behaviors that one hundred percent of principals either Denzin, 1970). The following research methods are
almost always or frequently engage in. The following used in this study: survey questions. Thirty
are the five behaviors of instructional leadership: use participants in this research are teachers who belong to
student academic performance data to inform the the School Division of Manila, particularly those
development of the school's academic goals; set high handling senior high school students. They will be
expectations for the percentage of students expected to surveyed to gather their perceptions of instructional
master key learning objectives; encourage teachers to leadership practices. And the researchers are
begin class promptly and stay until the end of the conducting semi-structured interviews with school
allotted time; communicate expectations to students at administrators, instructional leaders, and teachers to
different grade levels; and assist teachers in enforcing gain a deeper understanding of the current state of
academic guidelines (Woods & Martin, 2016). Both instructional leadership. As well, observations of
teacher and instructional leadership, in accordance classroom instruction will be conducted to assess the
with Donohoo, J. & Katz (2017), support higher practical application of instructional leadership

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(8): 824-828, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1411, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10396476, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

strategies. And attested the academic performance 1. Professional development initiatives played a
data: by securing the student academic performance crucial role in empowering teachers with new
data, including test scores and graduation rates, it will methodologies and tools.
be collected and analyzed to measure the impact of
instructional leadership on student outcomes. In this 2. Link Between Leadership and Student Performance:
research, document analysis in school policies,
curriculum materials, and other relevant documents The correlation between enhanced instructional
will be analyzed to assess the alignment of leadership and improved student performance
instructional leadership practices with educational underscores the pivotal role school leaders play in
goals and standards. shaping educational outcomes. Strong instructional
leadership positively affects classroom dynamics,
teaching quality, and ultimately, student success.
3. Promoting a Culture of Collaboration:

This section covers the data presentation, analysis, and The observed increase in collaborative activities
interpretation as well as the outcomes of the statistical signifies a cultural shift towards a more cooperative
procedures used in the investigation. and supportive teaching environment. Clear
communication channels and collaborative platforms
Teacher Eng ag em ent and Pro f es s io na l contributed to the sharing of best practices among
Development: teachers.

The study's findings led to a significant rise in teacher 4. Teacher Well-being and Job Satisfaction:
engagement through the application of improved
instructional leadership techniques. A 20% The positive impact on teacher morale and job
dissatisfaction rate with professional development satisfaction highlights the importance of leadership in
possibilities was found in pre-intervention surveys. creating a positive and supportive workplace.
However, a reversal was observed in the post Recognizing and addressing teacher needs can
intervention surveys, where 80% of teachers reported contribute to a more motivated and effective teaching
feeling satisfied. force. And other recommendations for future
improvement as well as the sustaining professional
Collaboration and Communication: development of the institution.

The study's conclusions demonstrate that increased And continue investing in ongoing professional
instructional leadership promotes greater teacher development programs to ensure that teachers stay
collaboration and communication. Collective lesson updated on the latest educational practices, such as
preparation rose by 30% using the data, as shared methodologies. By means of monitoring and
resources and recorded team sessions showed. evaluation, institutions can establish a robust system
for monitoring and evaluating the continued
Teacher Morale and Job Satisfaction: effectiveness of instructional leadership strategies,
incorporating feedback from teachers and students.
Finding: There is a notable enhancement in teacher And to expand collaboration platforms, explore
morale and job satisfaction. additional avenues for promoting collaboration among
teachers, such as online platforms or workshops, to
Data: Surveys on teacher morale indicated a 25%
further enhance the exchange of ideas and resources.
increase in overall satisfaction with working
Such as the employee assistance programs:
conditions and leadership support.
The research will also consider implementing
Discussion employee assistance programs or well-being initiatives
to provide additional support for teacher well-being
and job satisfaction. By tailoring these sections to your
Impact on Teaching Practices: specific findings and insights, you can create a
comprehensive results and discussion section for your
The positive results in teacher engagement suggest that case study on enhancing instructional leadership for
the implemented instructional leadership strategies Filipino teachers in senior high school in the School
effectively influenced teaching practices. Division of Manila.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(8): 824-828, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1411, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10396476, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Conclusion Provide a forum where educators may exchange best

practices, participate in cooperative learning, and work
together to solve problems with instruction. This may
In this study, we investigated the obstacles and encourage a feeling of shared accountability and
possibilities related to improving instructional community.
leadership among Filipino teachers working in Senior
High Schools in Manila's School Division. The results Frequent Feedback Systems: Establish consistent
offer insightful information about the intricacies of feedback channels to evaluate the success of activities
educational leadership and the distinct setting of the aimed at instructional leadership. This can assist in
Philippine educational system. The key findings of this making well- informed mod ificatio ns and
research as follows. enhancements in response to the changing
requirements of the teaching staff.
First the Identification of Instructional Leadership
Gaps: The study highlighted specific gaps in Technology Integration for Professional Development:
instructional leadership within the School Division of Make use of technology for professional development
Manla, including a need for clearer communication by giving educators access to webinars, virtual
channels and professional development opportunities. collaboration platforms, and online materials to help
them improve their teaching techniques.
Second the Importance of Professional Development:
Professional development emerged as a critical factor
in fostering instructional leadership. Teachers
expressed a desire for ongoing training to enhance
their pedagogical skills and keep abreast of innovative Pierre Gouëdard et. al., (2020). The impact of school as learning
organization on teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction: a cross-
teaching methodologies based on the current policy of country analysis.(PDF) The impact of schools as learning
the Department of Education. organisations on teachers' self-efficacy and job satisfaction: a cross-
country analysis (, 2023.
Third the Cultural and Contextual Considerations: The
Senate of the Philippines (2011). K to 12: The Key to Quality
Filipino cultural context significantly influences Education? Policy Brief. Senate Economic Planning Office
instructional leadership dynamics. Understanding and
incorporating cultural nuances in leadership strategies %20to%2012%20The%20Key%20to%20Quality.pdf Accessed May
proved essential for effective implementation. 4, 2016.

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)

The following are the study's implications: and Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Training
(INNOTECH), (2012). K to 12 Toolkit, Resource Guide for Teacher
First the Strategic Professional Development Educators, School Administrators, and Teachers.

Initiatives: To fill the identified shortages in Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2011). Designing and
instructional leadership, the School Division of Manila conducting mixed methods research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:
should fund focused professional development Sage
initiatives. These programs could consist of lectures, Denzin, N. K. (1970). The research act: A theoretical introduction to
workshops, and mentorship programs. sociological methods. Chicago, IL: Aldine.

Second the strengthening Communication Channels: Kiptum, C. (2018). Correlation between instructional leadership and
students` academic achievement in public secondary schools in
It's critical to enhance the lines of communication Baringo county, Kenya. British Journal of Education, 6 (1), 92-102.
between educators, school administrators, and
government representatives. An instructional Marks, H., & Printy, S. (2013). Principal leadership and school
performance: an integration of transformational and instructional
atmosphere that is supportive and collaborative is
leadership. Retrieved from
fostered by clear and transparent communication.
Third the Leadership Practices That Consider Cultural
Woods, E., & Martin, B. (2016). What leadership behaviors were
Sensitivity: It is imperative to acknowledge and
demonstrated by the principal in a high poverty, high achieving
integrate cultural sensitivity into leadership practices. e l e m e n t a r y s c h o o l ? R e t r i e v e d f r o m
Components of leadership development programs
ought to foster an awareness of the regional context 0/2331186x.2016.1172935
and customs. Donohoo, J. & Katz, S. 2017. When teachers believe, students
achieve. Collaborative inquiry builds teacher efficacy for better
The Creation of an Expert Learning Community: student outcomes. The Learning Professional, 38(6). Retrieved June

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(8): 824-828, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1411, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10396476, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

21, 2018, from Affiliations and Corresponding Information

Warren C. Mancio
Caup, A., Duda, A.K., (2017). Perceptions of Parents, Students, and
Teachers of Pikit National High School, Pikit, Cotabato on The • E. Rodriguez Vocational High School
Implementation of The K to 12 Program of The Department of Senior High School Department, Manila Philippines
Education. 2nd International Conference on Educational
Management and Administration (CoEMA 2017).
• National Teachers College of Manila - Philippines

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