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SESSION: 2023-24
Name of the Studen t:~~ 6.A.JtO' Mu. Marks: 70
Day & Date: Monday, 7 D~ember, 2023 Duration: 3 Hrs.

General Jnstroctions:
()) All questions are compulsory. There are 33 questions in all.
(2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Seel/on E.
• Section A contains 12 MCQs and 4 assertion reasoning MCQs ofJ mark each.
• Section B contains 5 short answer questions of2 marks each
• Section C contains 7 short answer questions of3 marks each,
• Section D contains 2 case-based questions of 4 marks each and
• Section E contains 3 long answer questions of5 marks each.
(3) There is no overall choice. However internal choice is provided You have to attempt only one of
the choices in such questions.

All questions are compulsory.
Q.1 ABC is an equilateral triangle. Charges of +g are placed at each comer The electric field (l]
at centroid O will be:
(a)q/4n t-0-? (b) q/4n t-0 r
(c) Zero (d) 3q/41t t-0 r1

Q.2 Two charged spheres A and B having their radii in the ratio I :2 are connected together {1]
with a conducting wire. The ratio of their surface charge densities [o.Joa] will be:
(a) 1/2 (b) 2
(c) 1/4 (d) 4

Q.3 Electron is projected with velocity 'v' along the axis of a current carrying long solenoid. (1]
Which one of the following statements is true:
(a)The path of the electron will be circular along the axis.
(b)The electron will be accelerated along the axis.
(c) The path of the electron will be helical.
(d) The electron will continue to move with the same velocity 'v' along the axis of the

Q.4 A galvanometer of resistance 25 n gives full scale deflection for a current of IO mA. What (1)
resistance is to be connected in its series so that it can work as a voltmeter of range 10 V?
(a) 10000 !l (b) 10025 n (c) 975 !l (d) 9975 !l
Q.S A proton enters a magnetic field of 1.5 Twith the velocity of2xl0 mis at an angle of (1)
30° with the field. The force on the proton will be:
(a) 2.4x 10·12 N (b) 0.24x 10·12 N (c )24x 10·12 N (d)0.024x 10·12 N

Q.6 In a non-uniform magnetic field, a diamagnetic material moves: (1)

(a)From weaker to stronger part of the field.
(b)perpendicular to the field.
(c)from stronger to the weaker part of the field.
(d)in any random direction. A

be w ha t You wan t to be. 8 PRESIDIUM


Q.7 A copper ring is held horizontally and a bar magnet is dropped through the ring w·•L .
. ofthe frw1ling magnet wh'1le it is1\11 tta
length along the axis of the ring. The acceIerauon
passing through the ring is :
(a) g
(b)less than g
(c)Greater than g
(d)Depends on the diameter of the ring and length of the magnet.

Q.8 Sinusoidal voltage of peak value 283V and frequency 50 Hz is applied to a series LCR
circuit in which R=3O , 1,;=25.48 mH , and C=796 µF, then the power dissipated at the
resonant condition will be:
(a) 39.70kW (b) 26.70kW (c) 13.35kW (d) zero
Q.9 The maximum intensity of fringes in Young's double slit experiment is 'I'. If one of the (1)
slit is closed, the intensity at that place becomes lo.Which of the following relation is
(a)I=Io (b) 1=210 (c) l=4lo (d) lo =21
Q.10 Lights of two different frequencies whose photons have energies 2 eV and 5 eV [=l]
respectively, successively illuminates the metal of work function l.O eV. The ratio of
maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons will be:
(a)2:5 (b) 1:5 (c) 1:4 (d) I :2
Q.11 The diagram shows the energy level for an electron in a hydrogen atom. Which transition, [l]
shown here, represents the emissions of a photon of maximum energy?
-_,L..;;..__ _ _ _ n=3
- 1 - - - - - i - - - n=2

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

Q.12 Hydrogen atoms in the ground state {E=-13.6eV) are excited by monochromatic radiation (1)
of photon energy 12.leV. The maximum number of spectral lines emitted by hydrogen
atoms, as per Bohr's theory, will be:
(a)l (b)2 (c) 3 (d) 4

For question numbers 13, 14, 15 and 16, two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and Rare true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false and R is also false
In photoelectric effect, on increasing the intensity of incident light, the number of ejected
photoelectrons increases.
On increasing the intensity oflight, energy of incident light photon increases I .
The images formed by total internal reflections are much brighter than images formed by
mirrors or lenses.

· be what you want to be. S PRESIDIUM


There is no loss of intensi in
° ·
· t taJ internal reflection.

TI1c surface of spherical conductor can be co .d red . (1)

REASON: nst e as an equipotential surface.
In a conductor c cs can easil flow till ·
ASSERTION: tential is same at the entire surface.
Silicon is preferred over gennanium for making semicond cto devtces. · (1)
The energy gap for germanium is more than the energy gap of silicon.


Q.17 Calculate the_equivalent resistance of the given electrical network between points A and (2)
B from the given figure.

Also, calculate the current through CD and ACB, if a 10 Volt d.c. source is connected
between A and B and the value of R is asswned as 2n.
In the electric network shown in the figure, use l(jrchhoff's rules to calculate the power
consumed by the resistance R= 4 n .
c, = 12 V
+ r1 =20
1, + 12
+ F
12 &2 =6V

Q.18 Double convex lenses are to be manufactured from a glass of refractive index l.55, with (2)
both faces of the same radius of curvature. What is the radius of curvature required if the
focal length is to be 20 cm?

Q.19 A smalJ telescope has an objective lens of focal length 140 cm and an eyepiece of focal (2)
length 5 cm. What is the magnifying power of telescope for viewing distant object when:
(i) The telescope is in nonnal adjustment (i.e. when the final image is at Infinity)?
(ii)The final image is fonned at the least distance of distinct vision (25 cm)?

Q.20 Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of the electron orbiting in the n=2 state of hydrogen (2)

be what you want to be. S PRESIDIUM

ons in a nuclear reaction is conserved, in what" '
If both the number of protons and n~utr
is mass converted into energy (or vice versa
)? &'Plain giving one example. ~

All uestions are com ulso .
Q.22 3 identical capacitors Cl, C2 and C3 of capaci.tance of 6µF each connected to a 12V
battery as shown in the figure . Find:

-=-12 v

(a)Charge on each capacitor.
(b) Equivalent capacitance of the network.
(c)Energy stored in the network of capacitors.

Q.23 (a)Define drift velocity,

(b)The number density of free electrons in a copper condu (3)
ctor is 8.5 x 1<>21 m·3 • How long
does an electron take to drift from one end of a wire 3.0 m long
to its other end? The area
of cross section of the wire is 2.0x l 0-6 m2 and is carrying a curren
t of 3A.
Q.24 (a)A moving coil galvanometer of resistance Ro gives a full-sc
ale deflection for current [3]
J1 . Use the suitable circuit diagram to convert it into an amme
ter of range Oto I (I >Ia).
Deduce the expression for the shunt required for this conversion.
Hence, write the
expression for the resistance of the ammeter thus obtained.
Co) A current carrying loop, free to turn, is placed in a unifor
m magnetic field. What will
be its orientation, relative to 'B' in the equilibrium state?

Q.25 AO.Sm long metal rod PQ completes the circuit as shown :

)( X )( X X
)( )( )( X )( )(

2 m s-1
)( X )( )( X X

)( X X X p )( )(

The area of the circuit is perpendicular to the magnetic field of

flmt density O.15 T. If the
resistance of the total circuit is 3Q, calculate the force needed
to move the rod in the
direction as indicated with the speed of 2 m/!r.

Q.26 (a) Considering the case of a parallel plate capacitor being

charged, show how one is [3)
required to generalize Amperes circuital law to include the
term due to displacement
(b) Name the e.m. waves which are suitable for radar system
s used in aircraft navigation.
Write the range of frequency of these waves .

be wha t you wan t to be.

fa1>loin giving reasons for the following: (31
(a)Photoelectric current in a photocell increases with the increase in the intensity of the
incident radiation.
(b)The stopping potential(Vo) varies linearly with the frequency (v) of the incident
radiation for a given photo sensitive surface with the slope remaining the same for
different surfaces.
(c}Ma.ximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of
incident radiation.
(a)Show that the de Broglie's wavelength of electrons accelerated for potential V volts
can be expressed as, ). = -,- .
)What is the de Broglie's wavelength of a 2 kg object moving with the speed of 1 mis?

(a) What happens to the \vidth of depletion layer of p-n junction when [31
(i)it is forward biased,
(ii)reverse biased?
(b) Draw energy band for p type and n type extrinsic semiconductor.

Questions 29 and 30 are Case Study based questions and are compulsory. Attempt any 4 sub parts from
each question. Each question carries l mark.

Cutting of Lens: Lens maker's fonnula is a fonnula correlating the power P(or focal [4]
length f) of a lens to radii of curvature of the two surfaces of the Jens and the refractive
index oflens material with respect to its surroundings. The fonnula is expressed as:
1 1 1
p = f = (n - l)[Rl - R2]
where n is the refractive index of the material of the lens with respect to its surroundings,
(ordinarily air) and R1 and ~ are the radii of curvature of two surfaces of the lens. The
relation is true under alJ conditions but while applying it we should put values of P,f,R1,
and ~ with their proper signs as per sign convention being followed by us. Let us have a
bi-convex lens and let radii of cUivature of both its curved surface is same. That is IR1 I=
(i)Power P of a biconvex lens may be expressed as:

X'+;yX Y'

(a) p = Zn-1 (b) p = Zn+t (c) p = Z(n- 1) (d)Z(n+l)


(ii) Let given biconvex. lens be cut into 2 parts Lt ll.l)d k along a section YY', then
Power Pt of each part will be:
(a) P1 =P (b) P1 =2P (c) P1 = P/2 (d) P1 =4P

(iii) Let given biconvex lens be cut into 2 parts Lt and k obtained in (ii) are joined
a ain as shown in the fi r then the net ower of the combination will be:

be what you want to be. S PRESIDIUM

X'---+ -H---X

(b) P (c) P/2 (d) 3P/2

(?)P . . b t ·nto l parts along a section XX', then Power P1
(av) Let given biconvex 1ens e cu •
of each part will be: (c) P (d) 4P
(a) P (b) P/2 2

(v) if l parts of lens obtained in (iv) be joined together as shown. Then the nd power
of the combination will be:

m m(i) (ii)
(a) 2P and P respectively (b) P and P respectively
(c) 2P and 2P respectively (d) 2P and Orespectively

Rectifier- A p-n junction allows current to pass only when it is forward biased. This (4]
property of diode is made use to rectify alternating voltages. If an alternative voltage is
applied across a diode in series with a load, a pulsating voltage appears across the load
only during the half cycle of AC input during which the diode is forward biased. To get
output rectified voltage corresponding to both positive as well as negative half of AC
supply, we arrange the circuit using two diodes. Such an arrangement is called full wave
rectifier. Output of a fuJI wave rectifier is unidirectional but it doesn't have a steady value.
To get a steady DC output we use a filter.

With the help of above comprehension, choose the most appropria te alternativ e for
each of the following questions:

(i)A rectifier is an electronic arrangem ent which:

(a) transforms alternating current into unidirectional current.
(b) transforms direct current into alternating current.
(c)Both a as well as b.
(d)none of these.

(ii) p-n junction diode has a resistance of 20 0 when forward biased and 2x 1()5 O
when reversed biased. The current in the diode for the arrangem ent shown here will

5V 30 Q
·•---~;it--- ~,---OV·
(a)0.4 A (b) l/6A (c) O.lA (d) 25µA
(iii) What is the correct circuit diagram of half wave rectifier?

be what you want to be. e ·PRESIDIUM

□ CT

(a) a.c.
(b) a 1-

(r) □a~
(iv) Select the correct statement:
(a)ln a full wave rectifier, 2 diodes work in a complementary mode.
(b)ln a full wave rectifier, 2 diodes work simultaneously.
(c)The efficiency of full and half wave rectifier is same.
(d)Full wave rectifier is bidirectional.
cy of
(v) An AC of frequency 50 Hz is supplied to a full wave rectifier. The frequen
ripple present in output of rectifier is:
(a) 50 Hz (b) 25 Hz (c) IOOHz (d) No ripple is present

All uestions are com ulso . In case of internal choices attem tan one.
or of radius 12cm
has a charge of 1.6x 10' C distributed /SJ
Q.31 (a)A spherica l conduct
unifonnly on its surface. What is the electric field:
(i) inside the sphere.
(ii) just outside the sphere.
(iii)at a point I8cm from the centre of the sphere?
of a solid
(b) Draw a plot showing variation of electric field with distance from the center
conducting sphere of radius R, having a charge Q on its surface.
at a point
(a)Deduce an expression for the electric field E due to dipole of length '2a'
distance 'r' from the centre of the dipole on the axial line.
(b)Draw a graph ofE vs r for r» a.
y represent
(c)Ifthis dipole were kept in a unifonn external electric field E, diagrammaticall
in stable and unstable equilibrium, and write the expression for
the position of the dipole
the to ue actin on the di le in both the cases.
offered by (5)
Q.32 (a) The graphs (i) and (ii) shown in the figure represent variation of opposition
of alternating current versus the
the circuit elements, X and Y, respectively to the flow
frequency of the applied emf. Identify the element s X and Y.

C: -C:
c :C:

v = 0 0
:.:, Q)
·.;; I::

'i ~
0 0

i ~Fre quen cy
t - F requenC)I
Ii\ Iii\
of these two
(b) Write the expression for the impedan ce offered by the series combination
elements connected to an AC source of vol e V=Vosi n c.ot.

be what you want to be. 8 PRESIDIUM

(c)Show with the help ofphasordiagrams, the variation of the voltage and the current with
rot in their respective circuits.
(a) Draw a labelled diagram of a step-down transfonner.
(b) Calculator current drawn by the primary coil of a transfonner, which ste~s down 200
volts to 20 volts to operate a device of resistance 20 n. Assume the efficiency of the
transfonner to be 80%.
(c) Mention any two reasons for energy losses in an actual transfonner.
Q.33 (a) Write the conditions under which light sources can be said to be coherent. (5)
(b )Why is it necessary to have coherent sources in order to produce an interference p~em?
(c) Based on Huygen's construction, draw the shape of a plane wavefront as tt gets
refracted on passing through a (i) thin convex lens (ii) a thin prism.
(a) Give two differences between interference and diffraction .
(b) Does the appearance of bright and dark fringes in the interference pattern violate, in
any way, conservation of energy? Explain.
(c)Yellow light(). =6000 A0 ) illuminates a single slit of width 1x I0-4m. Calculate:
(i)the distance between two dark lines on either side of the central maximum when the
diffraction pattern is viewed on a screen, kept 1.5 m away from the slit.
(ii)Anirular soread/oosition of the first diffraction minima.

be what you want to be. S PRESIOIUM

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