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SESSION 2023-24
Name of the Student: N OJ/AA.. ~ 0litA..
• Max. Ma rks: 70
Duration: 3 hou rs
Day & Date: Monday, 4 D~ mb er,2 023

Geuera/ Iustructious:
Read thefollowi11g instructions carefully.
r with internal choice.
a) There are 35 questions in this question pape
questions carrying 1 mark each.
b) SECTION A consists of18 multiple-choice
questions carrying 2 marks each.
c) SECTION B consists of 7 very short answer
d) SECTION C consists of5 short answer
questions carrying 3 marks each.
tions carrying 4 marks each.
e) SECTION D consists of2 case- based ques
tions carrying 5 marks each.
f) SECTION E consists of3 long answer ques
g) All questions are compulsory.
h) Use oflog tables and calculators is not allow

multiple-choice questions with one correct answer. Each ques
The following questions are
in this section.
carries 1 mark. There is no internal choice (1 J
max imum boiling azcotrope ?
Which of the following mixture will form
(a)Conc. HNQ3and water
(b)acetone and benzene
(c)C2HsOH and H20
(d) acetone and CS2 is: (Molar mass (1 J
g ofNa2S04 in I 00 ml ofaqueous solution
The molarity of the solution containing 7.1
ofN a2S04 is 142g/mol)
(a) 2M
(b) 0.5 M
(c) IM
(d) 0.05M [1]
IUPAC of [CrCh(ffi0)4]Cl is:
(a) Dichlorido tetraaqua chloride chromate
doch rom ium(III) chlo ride
(b) Tetraaquadichlori
(c) Chlorido Tctraaquadichlorido chromium
(d) Chromium Dich loridotetraaqua chlo ride
reaction: [1]
..,/ ~ Which of the plots represents a first order


(a) A and C (c) C

(b) B (d)A and D

be wh at you wa nt to be.
Colourless complex ion in
the following is·
ta) [Cu(NH3)4)2+
(b) [Zn(NH3)4]2+
(c) [Fe(H20)6]2+
C e 6 3.
Pick out l11e correct statem 4.
ent with respe:;t to [Mn(C
(a) It is sp2d2 hybridized, N)6]
tetrahedral and paramagnet~
(b) It is d2sp3 hybridized, c
octahedral and paramagnetic
(c) It is dsp2 hybridized _
, square planar and param
d It is s 3d2 h bridiz.ed oct agne uc
Di.nucleotide is obtained by ahedral and diamn 1etic
joining two nucleotides tog
which carbon atoms of pen ether by phosphocliester lin
tose sugars of nucleotides kage. Between
(a) S'and 3' are these linkages present? lll
(b)l 'and S'
(c) S' and S'
(d) 3' and 3'

Which of the following B

group vitamins can be sto
(a)VithlninB1 red in our body?
d Vitamin B 12
Free radical monochlorina
tion of methane followed
(a) Ethane by treatment with sodium
metal in ether yields {l]
(b) Ethene
(c) Ethyne
d Meth 1chloride
Identify A
CH3CH2I + AgCN ➔ A
(a) A= CiHsNC {1]
(b) A= CiH.sCN
(c) A =C i~
d A.= C3H, C1'-'
Propane anride on react:on
with bromine in aqueous
(a) Propanamine NaOH gives:
(b) Ethanamine {1]
(c) N-Methyl ethanamine
-l Pro anenitrile
Which of the reactions be
low can re ~t in keton<'s?
(a)Oxidation of primary alc
ohols [1}
(b)Oxidation of secondary
(c)Dehydrogenation oftert
d Dch, dro enation of rim v :ilool,ols
· • alcohols
Phenol Zn. dust 'X ' _ __ CB,Cl ·
Anhy. AlCl, 'Y' Alk aline 'Z'
XMnO lll
Tite product 'Z ' is 4

(a)Benzaldchyde •
~) Ben.Z0ic acid
(c) Benzene
d Toluene
Phenol is less acidic than
_ _ _ _ _.....:
(a) ethanol
(o) o-nitrophenol
(c) o-methyl phenol
'd o-methox henol
Assertion: The two cyclic
Reason: Anomers differ on acetal forms of glucose, a.-form and ~ form are called
l in the confi ration of the anomers. [1}
h dro l ou at C-1.


be w ha t yo u w an t to
be . 8 PRES\Il\UM I
Select the most appropriate answer from tl1e options given below:
(a)Botl1 A and R are true and R is tlte correct explanation of A
(b)Botl1 A and Rare true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c)A is true but R is false.
d A is false but R is true.
Assertion: [Fe(CN)6] •ion shows magnetic moment corresponding to two unpaired electrons. fl)
Reason: It has d2sp3 type hybridization.
Select tlte most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(a)Both A and R are true and R is tlte correct explanation of A
(b)Botlt A and Rare true but R is not tlte correct explanation of A
(c)A is true but R is false.
d A is false but R is true.
Assertion: The most common oxidation state exhibited by actinoids is +2. (1)
Reason : All actinoids possess two electrons in 7s subshell
Select the most appropriate answer from tl1e options given below:
(a)Both A and R are true and R is tlte correct explanation of A
(b)Both A and Rare true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c)A is true but R is false.
(d)A is false but R is true.

Assertion (A): Daniel cell has a potential of2.l volt when concentrations of ions is unity. (11
Reason (R): The two parts of Zn-Cu cell are connected by salt bridge.
Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(a)Botlt A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b)Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c)A is true but R is false.
d A is false but R is true.
This section contains 7 questions with internal choice in two questions. The following questions
are ve short answer t e and ca 2 marks each.
On tlte basis of crystal field theory explains why Co (Ill) fonns a paramagnetic octaltedra1 complex (2)
with weak field ligands whereas it fonns a diamagnetic octaltedra1 complex witlt strong field ligands.

(a) Arrange the isomeric dichlorobenzene in the increasing order of their boiling point and melting [2)
points. '-
) Explain why the electrophilic substitution reactions in haloarenes occur slowly and require more
drastic conditions as compared to those in benzene.
Which of the compounds will react faster in SNl reaction with the "OH" ion and why? (2)
CH3-CHrCI or CJ1s-CH2-Cl
What happens when: (2)
(a) Propanone is treated witlt metltyl magnesium iodide and then hydrolysed,
(b) Benzene is treated witlt CfuCOCl in presence of anhydrous AICh?
What happens when:
(a) Butanone is treated witlt methyl magnesium bromide and then hydrolysed .
(b) Sodium benzoate is heated witlt soda lime?
Calculate tlte osmotic pressure at 2'fC of a solution formed by mixing equal volumes of two solutions, [2)
one containing 0.05 mole of glucose in 250 ml of1 solution and the oilier containing 3.42 g of C12H22O11
in 250 ml of solution. [R = 0.082 L atrn mo1" K· 1

Q24. Account for the following :
(a)Phenol has a smaller dipole moment than metltanol.
/ (b) Phenol goes electrophilic substitution reactions.
Complete the following equations and name tltc products :
(b) CJisOH + Conc.HNO3+ffiSO◄ -+
C6HsOH + Br2 a -+

be what you want to be.

2 0-~- H Cone. NaOII

o-~-ONa + O - C J ~ O H
~ta.n :

~ ~~11 ~ ~r,

Pb-<i,,9 +
'-o-H ~ H - I

'o- I

(a)What will happen when a miA1ure of beni.aldehyde and fom1aldehyde are heated with dilute NaOH
(b) Convert Benzene to biphenyl
(c) How will you convert?
(i) Toluene to benzyl alcohol
(ii)Chloroethane to butane
Write the equations involved in the following reactions:
(a) Wolff-Kishner
(b) Etard reaction

The following questions are long answer type and carry S marks each. Two quest.ions have an
internal choice.
(a) Write the structure of main products when benzene diazonium chloride (CJI.sN2+en reacts with {SJ
the following reagents: ...
(i)KI (ii) CiH.sOH
(b) Write the structures of A ,Band C in the following reactions:
LiAIRi HNOi /Low temp.
CH,CI+ KCN {alc.)----->A - - - - - ----->B--------- ---->C

(a) Convert the following:

(i)Phenol to N-phenyl ethanamide
(ii)Chloroethane to methanamine
(iii)Propanenitrile to ethanal

(b)What happens when-

(i)N-ethyl ethanamine reacts with benzene sulphonyl chloride.
(ii)Aniline reacts with chloroform in the presence of alcoholic potassium hydroxide.

Q34. Tlie elements of 3d transition series are given as: [SJ

Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, N~ Cu, Zn
Answer the following:
(a)E0 values for (Zn2+1Zn) and (Mn2+1Mn) are more negative than expected.
(b)Why is sc3+colourless in aqueous solution whereas Ti + is coloured
(c)The electronic configuration of Ce is:
54 1 1 2
58Ce = [Xe] 4f 5d 6s
Calculate the spin only magnetic moment ofCe +
(d)Zn is not regarded as transition element Why?


(e) Which element in the 3d transition series exhibits +!oxidation state most frequen t~~~izy?
OR ,,.r
(a) Name the clement of3d transition series which shows maximwn number of oxidation ~tatcs. w:1y /
does it show so? I
(b) Which transition metal of3d series has positive E0 (M2+1M) value and why?
(c) Oat of er+ and Mn3+,which is a stronger oxidi1ing agent aud why?

(d) Name a member of the lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit +2 oxidation st,te.
(e) Complete the following equation: MnO'-+ 8Ir+ sc- -+
(a) Given the standard electrode potentials; [5]
K+/K =-2.93 V, Ag+/Ag = 0.80 V, Hg2+/Hg = 0.79 V, Mg2+/Mg = - 2.37 V, Cr3+/Cr =--0.74V.
Arrange these metals in their increasing order of reducing power.•
(b) Calculate the ).0m for Cl- ion from the data gi~n below: A0m MgCb = 258.6 Scm1not· 1 and
~ Mg2+= 106 Scm2rnor1
The cell constant of a conductivity cell is 0.146 cm·1• What is the conductivity of 0.01 M solution
of an electrolyte at 298 K, if the resistance of the cell is 1000 ohm?

be what you want to be.


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