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Tips &
Provide clear instructions "Use a [casual/formal/humorous/ “In a few sentences…”; "In two
persuasive] tone" paragraphs..."; “In 200 words”.

"Explain step-by-step” "Apply this structure..." "Act as..."

Ask Bing Chat Enterprise to generate Similar to tone, but a little challenging "a five year old"; "a university professor";
a prompt for you for Bing Chat Enterprise "a financial analyst"

Provide some context Build up on your prompt if the output is Bing Chat Enterprise offers useful
not the desired one. suggestions to help you continue
... by asking it to look something up Take advantage of the prompt template Divide your prompt into multiple ones to
before generating the response. in the "Compose" tab. not confuse Bing Chat Enterprise
The Task sentence
needs to articulate the
end goal and start with
an action verb.

You can ask Bing Chat

Enterprise to give a list
of verbs to use in your
To establish the context,
you can use three guiding
questions to help structure
it in a relevant way:
What is the user's background?
What does success look like?
What environment are they in?
Examples can drastically
improve the quality of
the output by giving
specific examples for
the AI to reference.

For example: "use the

STAR answer framework
to structure an answer
based on [this text]".
Who do you want Bing
Chat Enterprise to be?

Think of who you would

ideally want the Gen AI to be
in the given task situation.
Visualizing your desired
end result will let you
know what format to use
in your prompt.

Is it an email, a table,
bullet points, paragraphs?
If you do not know exactly
what tone to use, you can
actually ask Bing Chat
Enterprise to generate a list
of Tone keywords for you to
use in your prompts!
[persona] [context] [task] [format] [example] [tone]

[persona] [context]
You are a senior product manager at Finastra, and you just unveiled the
latest LaserPro product version in collaboration with our customer's needs.
Email your manager, John Smith, to share this positive news.
The email should include project background (why this product came into
existence), and end with a section thanking the development and the
engineering teams. [example]

Use clear and concise language and write in a confident yet friendly tone.
[persona] [context] [task]

[format] [example] [tone]

[good prompt formula]

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