1 Paper For YDCC

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Q1: Which command is used to create a Kubernetes service??

a kubectl create service

b kubectl deploy service

c kubectl expose

d None

e None

f kubectl set service

Q2: Null is used as a place holder for optional fields?

a False

b None

c None

d None

e True

f None

Q3: All variables in PHP start with which symbol??


b None


d None



Q4: How to search for a docker image on dockerhub with the name mentioned in the
a None

b $ docker --search ---hadoop

c None

d $ docker search hadoop

e None

f $ docker search

Q5: All HTML Tags must be enclosed In??

a # And #

b { And }

c < And >

d None

e ? And !

f None

Q6: How do I create PHP arrays in a HTML <form>??

a None

b < input MyArray[] />

c None

d < input name="MyArray[]" />

e < input ="MyArray[]" />

f < input name= MyArray[]/>

Q7: To create a combo box (drop down box) which tag will you use??

a <select>

b all of above
c <input type="dropdown">

d <list>

e None

f None

Q8: Which of these is not a valid name for a column?

a Far

b Near

c To

d None

e From

f None

Q9: What are the disadvantages of WordPress??

a None

b Use of multiple plugins can make the website heavy to load and slow

c Only utilizes PHP

d All of the mentioned.

e Modifying images and tables is difficult.

f None

Q10: Which one of the following is not a WordPress role??

a None

b Subscriber

c Editor

d Administrator
e None

f System

Q11: Which command will you use to update a Kubernetes deployment??

a kubectl setimage deployment/Deployment tomcat = tomcat:6.0

b kubectl setimage deploy/Deployment tomcat = tomcat:6.0

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f kubectl --setimage deployment/Deployment tomcat = tomcat:6.0

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