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Environmental Engineering Project

1. Introduction to Environmental Engineering Project

HEU Rina
Schedule of lecture 2

1. Oct,17 (Tue): Introduction to environmental engineering project

2. Oct, 24 (Tue): Project management methodology
3. Oct, 31 (Tue): Essential functions in environmental engineering project
4. Nov,07 (Tue): Project management tools
5. Nov,14 (Tue): Environmental project economics
6. Nov,21 (Tue): Environmental risk and decision analysis
7. Dec,05 (Tue): Project management techniques
8. Dec,12 (Tue): Preparation Mid-term
9. Dec,19 (Tue): Mid-term
10. Dec,26 (Tue): Case study of environmental projects in Cambodia and
guidance to assignment
11. Jan,02 (Tue): Group Meeting
12. Jan,09 (Tue): Group Report Presentation
13. Jan,16 (Tue): Preparation for Presentation
14. Jan,23 (Tue): Presentation group 1, 2, 3 & 4
15. Jan,30 (Tue): Preparation for submission
16. Feb,06 (Tue): Deadline for final report submission
Course Evaluation 3

1. Attendance (10%)
 Permission (1 time = 0.5%)
 No permission (1 time = 1%)
 You’re required to attend this class more than 11 times
2. Mid-term (30%)
 Writing Exam (30%)
3. Final Exam (60%)
 Presentation (20%)
 Report on mini project (20%)
 Homework & Quiz (10%)
 Class activity (Q&A, discussion, etc) (10%)
Discussion 1 4
Definition 5

 Environment defines as the components of the Earth, and includes:

a) land, water, and air, including all layers of the atmosphere,
b) all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms, and
c) the interacting natural systems that include components referred to
in paragraphs (a) and (b).

 Project a complex effort involving interconnected activities, with the

purpose of achieving an objective, and a temporary, non-repetitive
 Project Management: an art and science of planning, organizing,
integrating, directing, and controlling all committed resources—
throughout the life of a project—to achieve the predetermined
objectives of scope, quality, time, cost, and customer satisfaction.
 Environmental Project Management: cover the principles,
knowledge areas, the processes, the detailed tools and techniques
used to manage specific element of the environment, such as water,
air, land and the living organisms
Environmental-Based Project Versus Green Project 6
Environmental-Based Project Versus Business Operation
Environmental Issues

• Title: Waste to Wealth Nigeria
• Goal: ensuring environmental sanitation improvements
are being sustained, with subsequent benefits in the
health and well being of slum inhabitants.
• Title: 20 Million Trees – Grants (Australia)
• Goal: the establishment of key local native plant
species to suppress weeds, promote ecological
function and absorb CO2 emissions.
Discussion 2 11
Homework 1 12

Deadline: by next class

Submit to: MS Team

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