Challenges, Opportunities and Work Commitment of Teachers of Learners With Special Educational Needs (LSENs) : Basis For Development Program

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Volume: 15
Pages: 997-1024
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1426
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10430864
Manuscript Accepted: 12-01-2023
Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Challenges, Opportunities and Work Commitment of Teachers of Learners with

Special Educational Needs (LSENs): Basis for Development Program
Mary Claudette B. Bactung*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study determine the challenges, opportunities and work commitment of teachers to Learners
with Special Educational Needs (LSEN’s) in the Schools Division of Iloilo for the School Year
2018-2019 as inputs to LSEN’s teachers professional development program. There were 136
respondents of the study composed of all LSEN’s teachers from the Schools Division of Iloilo. They
were classified according to their age, sex civil status, academic preparation position and length of
service. The researcher-made questionnaire duly validated and tested for reliability was used to
gather the data in this study. The statistical tools used were frequency count, percentage and mean for
the descriptive statistics; and Mann Whitney/U-test, Kruskall Wallis/ H-test, Spearman rho for
inferential statistics. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The statistical Package for Social
Sciences was used in the processing of the data. Results revealed that although teachers are only
moderately challenged in dealing with LSENs, there are also high opportunities for them. They are
also very committed as regards their work. The development program formulated by the author noted
that the parent should be educated to assist their children with special educational needs at home.

Keywords: challenges, opportunities, work commitment, teachers, learners with special educational needs

Introduction career advancement because of lack of support to live

a descent life . A descent life is explained as
conforming to the generally accepted standards of
The Department of Education (DepEd) is trying its acceptable or moral behavior, thus, it is necessary that
best to provide access, efficiency and quality to all teachers should be provided by the government and the
learners especially the Learners with Special department its equal opportunities, right , privileges
Educational Needs (LSENs) . The expectation laid and equitable remuneration by providing an enhanced
down need to be reinforced by effective procedure and program specially aimed to aide teachers of LSENs.
program . In like manner the Schools Division of Iloilo LSENs teachers have lots of unwritten job description
in its quest for excellence faces the same problem in , these extra task is not within the job description ,
improving the special educational program . Being one these that requires qualities yet to be discovered by
of the biggest division in the region and across the themselves .Strong mental and emotional health are
country, the Schools Division of Iloilo has made use required. In reality , LSENs teachers are not well
much of its resources in dealing with this issue. provided by the facilities that are needed by them and
their learners . Monthly Overhead and Operating
As observed, some LSENs teachers have qualities
Expenses provided by the school for the improvement
,capabilities and talents that need recognition, support
plan to include budget or improvement for LSENs
and development . Those that remain in the service and
facilities and development of their program. Teachers
dedicated their lives in educating learners use their
are heroes of this country, without their commitment
personal resources to uplift the skills of their learners.
and love for teaching there could never be a well-
LSENs teachers that have opportunities to earn more
abroad leave their beloved families and their homeland educated, well -behaved law abiding, morally upright
to improve their lives. citizens and faithful taxpayer of this country. Taxes
paid by the citizens, are the lifeblood of the country,
Though there are laws that protect the teachers like the like the Philippines. Aside from that, more and more
Magna Carta for Teachers (Republic Act 4670) and the challenges bombarded the teachers like doing task not
Code of Ethics for Teachers or the Philippines within her or his job description as a teacher, doing
Teachers Professionalism Act of 1994 (Republic Act work like data gathering for the use of other
7836) and have provided provisions that state that departments of government, overloaded workloads not
teachers should live a decent life, still these are not as a teacher but as clerical personnel, coordinator ship
well defined and implemented in reality because still which entails no additional compensation in addition
most teachers struggle both financially and in their to her or his main profession as a teacher.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Currently, due to economic challenges faced by the

nation, our local heroes - the teachers, whom the state 6. Are there significant differences in the level of
had entrusted the nurturing of the young minds - the opportunities of LSENs Teachers when classified
moulder of future builders of the Philippines had been according to sex, age, civil status, academic
rendering services and even migrating to other preparation, position and length of service?
countries to serve other country’s citizens in exchange 7. Are there significant differences in the level of work
for social and financial security, to look for a better commitment of LSENs Teachers when classified
teaching job opportunities abroad having better fee, according to sex, age, civil status, academic
better cost of living , better opportunities, better preparation, position and length of service?
LSENs program and better policies, all these created a 8. Are there significant relationships among the levels
brain drain in the Philippine educational system. The of challenges, opportunities and work commitment of
educational system of this country is still in its LSENs Teachers?
developing state and the country is in need of LSENs 9. What special education program can be formulated
teachers. based on the result of the study?
There are lots of issues and concerns of teachers of
Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSENs) that Methodology
need to be addressed by both the government and the
Department of Education. The holistic approach need
to have serious attention and effective intervention This section presents the research design, the
because here relies the survival and sustainability of respondents of study, the data gathering instrument,
the country, race and the humanity. For now, there is a and procedure, and the statistical tools were used in the
need to prepare for life the developing young learners analysis and the interpretation of the data.
to his or her full potential. Work commitment of
teachers of LSENs is vital to the success of the nation. Research Design

Research Questions This study utilized the descriptive research design.

According to Borro (2015) descriptive studies are of
This study aimed to determine the challenges, the large value providing facts on which professional
opportunities and work commitment of teachers to judgment may be based. Descriptive method include
Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSENs) in data and characteristics about a population of
the Schools Division of Iloilo ,Philippines for the phenomenon being studied . Best (1989) described
school year 2018 -2019. descriptive research involves description analysis and
Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following interpretation of existing condition. It involves some
questions: types of comparison and contrast and attempts to
discover relationship among existing non-manipulative
1. What is the profile of teachers in terms of sex ,age, variables. One of the approach to conduct descriptive
civil status, academic preparation, position and length study is through survey investigation by using
of service? questionnaire.
2. What is the level of challenges of LSENs Teachers
when taken as a whole and when classified according Further, descriptive research is very useful when
to sex, age, civil status, academic preparation, position conducting research where it aims to identify
and length of service? characteristics , frequencies ,trends ,correlation and
3. What is the level of opportunities of LSENs categories . It likewise describes a population,
Teachers when taken as a whole and when classified situation or phenomenon that is being studied . It
according to sex, age, civil status, academic focuses on answering the how, what, when, and where
preparation, position and length of service? question rather than why.
4. What is the level of work commitment of LSENs
Teachers when taken as a whole and when classified Respondents of the Study
according to sex, age, civil status, academic
preparation, position and length of service? The respondents were the total enumeration of one
5. Are there significant differences in the level of hundred thirty six (136 ) teachers teaching LSENs
challenges of LSENs Teachers when classified purposely selected by the researcher from eleven (11)
according to sex, age, civil status, academic SpEd Centers in the Schools Division of Iloilo for
preparation, position and length of service?

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

school year 2018-2019 . They were teachers actually validity using the eight (8) point criteria of Good and
teaching Learners with Special Needs either as regular Scates (2019). The suggestions of the panel of experts
teacher item (Teacher I) or Special education teacher were included in the final draft which was tested for
item (SPET I ) . reliability.

Table1. Distribution of Respondents Reliability of the Questionnaire

After the questionnaire was reproduced and finalized,

it was tested for reliability. This was pre tested in the
SPED –ISEC ( Special Education Integrated School
for Exceptional Children ) General Luna Street , Iloilo
City ,Schools Division of Iloilo City to thirty (30)
teachers . These respondents were not included in the
actual administration of the questionnaire.

In order to ascertain the reliability of the instrument,

Cronbach’s Alpha was employed. According to
Fraenkel and Wallen (2019), if the reliability is .70 or
more the questionnaire is reliable. Reliability index
showed that the Cronbach’s Alpha resulted to 0.830
which revealed that the survey instrument was reliable.
Data Gathering Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
The researcher - made instrument was used as a
research instrument. The questionnaire was composed After establishing the validity and reliability of the
of two (2) parts. Part I gathered the personal questionnaire, the researcher reproduced the
information of the LSENs teachers which included questionnaires for ready administration to the
their name, age, civil status, academic preparation, respondents. A letter duly approved by the Dean of the
position and length of service of the teachers. Part 2 Graduate School, Guimaras State College, duly noted
contains thirty (30) items which are statements about by the research adviser was secured. After which a
challenges, opportunities and work commitment of permit from schools Division Superintendent was
teachers of LSENs. obtained to allow the researcher to conduct the study.

The questionnaire was submitted for validation to A courtesy call was arranged to ensure proper
experts who have sufficient background and procedure. Then, the researcher personally distributed
experience. Their comments, suggestions and and retrieved the questionnaires. This procedure was
recommendations were integrated into final version of done in the schools were respondents were based until
the instrument. all of them were able to accomplish the questionnaires
allotted to them. The respondents were given ample
Validation of the Instrument time in answering the questionnaire to ensure well
thought of answers.
The items included in the research questionnaire were
subjected to content validation. According the They were asked to read and answer the questions by
Fraenkel and Wallen (2007 ) validity refers to themselves as truthfully as they could. Moreover, the
appropriateness , meaningfulness , correctness and questionnaires were distributed one by one to the
usefulness – related evidence of validity , the content respondents. Instructions on how to accomplish the
and format must be consistent with the definition of questionnaire were clearly specified in the instrument,
variables and sample subjects to measure and is also and these were personally gathered from the
helpful in the validation of the items of the respondents by the researcher.
questionnaire .
The data were then sorted, organized and tabulated.
The questionnaires were validated by the panel of Computation, analyses and interpretation was done
expert in research, grammar, statistics, and school using Statistical Package for Social Sciences Software
management to determine its face –and – content (SPSS).

Statistical Tool Used

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The statistical tools used in this study are the

frequency count and percentage, mean, Mann Further, when it comes to civil status, there were more
Whitney, Kruskall Wallis and Spearman rho. married LSENs teachers with 95 or 69.9percent,
followed by single teachers with 32 or 23.5percent and
Frequency Count/Percentage – was used in
the least is widow with 9 or 6.6percent.
determining the distribution of respondents as to
For academic preparation, 116 or 85.3 percent were
Mean – was used to determine the age and teaching
Bachelor’s Degree holders, followed by 20 or 14.7
experience of teacher respondents when taken as a
percent with Master’s Degree.
whole group or classified according to categories of
variables. For the position, there were 107 or 78.70 percent
Mann Whitney U - test – was used to determine the SPED teachers and 29 or 21.30 percent with teacher 1
significant differences in the challenges, opportunities
and work commitment of teachers to Leaners with
special needs perceived by the respondents in the As to the length of service, most of the teachers were 7
Schools Division of Iloilo according to sex and age. years and above in service with 94 or 69.1percent,
Kruskall Wallis test – was used to determine the followed by 4-6 years in service with 29 or
significant difference in the challenges, opportunities 21.3percent. The least was 1-3 years length of service
and work commitment of teachers to Leaners with which was 13 or 9.6 %. In summary, majority of the
special needs of the respondents as group as a whole LSEN’s Teachers were female, 34-44 years old,
group and when they are classified according to
married, bachelor’s degree holder, SPED teachers and
present position, educational attainment and civil
7 years and above length of service. The data are
shown in Table 2.
Spearman rho – was used to measure the significant
relationship in the challenges, opportunities and work Table 2. Profile of the LSENs Teachers in Terms of
commitment of teachers to Leaners with special. The
Sex, Age, Civil Status, Academic Preparation, Position
level of significance was set at .05.
and Length of Service

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents, analyses and interpret the data

to determine the challenges, opportunities and work
commitment of teachers of Learners with Special
Educational Needs (LSENs) in the Schools Division of
Iloilo, Philippines for the School Year 2018 - 2019.

Profile of LSENs Teachers

Table 2 shows the profile of teachers of LSENs in

terms of sex, age, civil status, academic preparation,
position and length of service.

There were more female(118) than male (18). The

females made up 86.8% of the total population while
males were only 13.2% of the whole population. As to
age, 28 or 20.60 percent were 23 -33 years old, 79 or
58.10 percent were 34 - 44 years old and 29 or 21.30
percent were 45 years old and above.

There were more LSENs teachers aged between 34-44

years old having 79 or 58.1percent. Followed by 45
years old and above with 29 or 21.3 percent. Last were
ages between 23-33 with 28 or 20.6 percent of the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Besides they have learned that as a family they

Level of Challenges of Teachers of Learners with understand each other and the lack of cooperation from
these teachers does not matter in doing their task as
Special Educational Needs (LSENs)
LSEN teachers. The lack of support from the principal
for the activities of LSENs is not a matter for them ,
Table 3 shows the level of challenges of LSENs
besides they can work effectively and efficiently even
Teachers when taken as a whole. Generally, the level
if without the supervision of the principal. Clearly , the
of challenges of LSENs teachers is moderate with the
data would tell that the most concerns of the LSENs
mean score of (2.96). Table 3, showed that LSENs
teachers is not within the four wall of the school
teachers described “that Parents need education to
community , but in the four wall of home .
assist LSENs at home” as highly challenging with the
mean score of (3.93).
Table 3. Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers
The LSENs teachers found moderately challenging
were the support of their principals (M=3.36); their
assignment of tasks not related to teaching such as
making reports, encoding and coordinating with other
offices (M =3.29); Community is not aware of the
nature of LSENs and dealings with them (M=3.26) .
Additional to this is their salary is not commensurate
with the tasks of LSENs teacher (3.04); there are
limited facilities in school for the LSENs (2.91) an no
fund is allocated for special classroom repair (2.78).

The least level of challenges for LSENs teachers were

items “Regular teachers are uncooperative to LSENs
teachers” and “Lack of support from the principal for
activities” which they rated as less challenging with
the mean scores of (2.40) and (M = 2.11) respectively.

The general picture of level of challenges of teachers

as a whole is moderately challenging because
somehow teacher is dealing with difficulties that
developed them into resilient individuals. The LSENs
teachers found education of parents as so that they can Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers when they
as si s t th eir c h i l d r en at h ome as Hig h ly are Classified According to Sex, Age, Civil Status,
challenging.This is due to the fact that Filipino Academic Preparation, Position and Length of
families are not yet adept to the challenges in Service,
educating at home, both for regular learners and for
LSENs. Table 4 shows the level of challenges of LSEN’s
Teachers as a whole was rated moderately challenging
The LSENs are new to families. Family support for (M = 2.96). When teachers were grouped according to
moral, spiritual, and psychological are needed of the sex both males and females rated their challenges as
families to provide the needs of LSENs at home. This moderate with the mean scores of 2.96 for both
simply shows that Filipino families though they categories.
support their children in school , they still lack
education in dealing with their children at home .The As for the age, teachers between the ages of 23 – 33
Parents education is very important in learning at years old and 34 – 44 years old rated their challenges
home . Family as the basic unit of society plays vital as moderate while those 45 year old and above rated
role in developing children at home . This is true even their challenges as less (M = 2.50).
if both parents are teachers , at home LSENs need their
support . On the other hand for least challenges items, In terms civil status, single and married Sped teachers
uncooperative teachers who are not teaching LSENs rated their challenges as moderate (M =2.92 and M =
was also a challenge. This simply shows that LSENs 2.89) respectively. For academic preparation,
teachers doesn’t mind the other teachers cooperation . Bachelor’s degree and master’s degree holders rated
their challenges moderate (M = 2.99, 2.78)
respectively. As for position, teacher 1 rated their

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

challenges less (M =2.36) while SPED teachers rated

their challenges moderate (M = 3.12). In terms of
of service , teachers who are longer in service have
length of service, teachers in all categories rated their
less challenges as compared to those with short and
challenges moderate as shown by the means (M =
shorter length of service . This is because they already
3.03, 3.15 and 2.89) respectively.
made adjustments to their environment and to their job
Table 4 gives a summary that male and female LSENs as LSENs teachers.
teachers have the same level of challenges. However
as to the age ,the 45 years old and above have less Their teaching experience show that they have
challenges. On the other hand for widow it was highly actualized themselves, at peace with his or her inner
challenging , and for academic preparation the self , and in control of their environment. This is the
bachelor’s degree and master’s degree holders have reason why the challenges appear to them as a part of
moderate level of challenges, but for teacher I is was their growth and learning experience and not as a
less challenging .However ,for the length of service all challenged in itself.
categories have the same level of challenges. Further ,
for the civil status , the widow have the highest Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers According
challenges . This simply shows that widows as the solo to Sex
parent needs to be provided the needed to support by
the government. In terms of position , Sped Teacher I Table 5 shows level of challenges of LSENs teachers
have moderate level of challenges as compared to when grouped according to sex .Both male and female
teacher I position. This is because Sped Teacher have rated their challenges moderately (M = 2.96) . The
expectation of what is an ideal special education items with highest mean for both categories were “The
program . They have an ideal concept of what special school principal is always a way for seminars and
education program should be. other tasks” and “Parents need education to assist
LSENs at home“ (M = 3.94 and 3.96) respectively.
Table 4. Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers
The second highest mean for both male and female
Classified According to Sex, Age, Length of Service,
teachers were statements, “Parents need education to
Position and Educational Attainment assist LSEN’s at home” and “Community is not aware
of the nature of LSEN’s and dealings” which they
rated highly and moderately challenging respectively
(M = 3.72 and 3.28) for both categories.

The items in the questionnaire which got the lowest

mean were “Regular teachers are uncooperative to
LSEN’s teachers” and “Lack of support from the
principal for the activities of LSEN’s” which they
rated less challenging (M = 1.94 and 2.12) for both
categories. Noticeably, challenges for both male and
female were identical. They have the same mean
(M=2.96). However ,the presence of the principal is
import because it gives the LSENs teachers the
psychological support that. Presence of the school
heads in school means presence of leadership in school
where teachers feel confident of guidance in their
challenges teaching LSENs.

The situation can be remedied by the school head’s

initiative by minimizing the schedule of attendance to
seminars. This can possibly be done by trimming
down the pre scheduled seminars to no class
interruption as specified by the department’s
Thus, they have higher level of expectation as
compared to regular teacher item position. For length

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 5. Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers lesser . Age matters, so thus teaching expertise
According to Sex acquired thru years of experience. Expertise in
teaching profession is given remuneration or an
increase in salary by the Department of Education
where every three (3) years of service based on the
service record an automatic increase of the salary is
received by the teachers.

These findings support the study of Humprey (2015)

where he pointed out that challenges are quite
universal to teaching learners with learning disability
,he added that collaboration between special needs
education teachers and parents for children with
developmental disability is necessary to the well -
being of their children.

Table 6. Level of Challenges of LSENs teachers

According to Age

Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers According

to Age

Table 6 shows the level of challenges of LSENs

Teachers when classified according to age level. For
LSENs teachers ages 23 – 33 and 34 – 44 years old
they rated rated the challenges as moderate while those
aged 45 years old and above rated their challenges less
(M = 3.03, 3.10 and 2.50). When the items in the
questionnaire was considered, the statement
considered as the highly challenging was “Parents
need education to assist LSENs at home” rated highly
challenging in all categories (M = 4.04, 3.95 and 3.76)
respectively. The next challenge for LSENs teachers
were their assignments/tasks not related to teaching
like making reports, encoding and coordinating with
other offices and the non - awareness of the
Community of the nature of LSEN’s and how to deal Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers According
with them which they rated as highly challenging and to Civil Status
moderately challenging respectively (M = 3.64, 3.14
and 3.65). Table 7 shows the level of challenges of LSENs
Teachers when classified according to civil status. As
The items in the questionnaire that got the lowest a whole were the LSENs teachers rated their
mean were the statements “Lack support from the challenges moderate in all categories (M = 2.92, 2.89
principal for the activities of LSEN’s” and “Regular and 3.78) respectively.
teachers are uncooperative to LSEN’s teachers” were
rated less challenging and not challenging (M = 2.21, The items in the questionnaire which got the highest
1.99 and 1.79) respectively. mean “Parents need education to assist LSEN’s at
home” which was rated highly challenging by single
Generally , the level of challenges for ages LSENs and married teachers while for widow it was rated very
teachers ages 23-33 and 34-44 was moderate. highly challenging (M = 3.97, 3.82 and 4.89)
However, for those 45 ages and up, there was less respectively. The items in the questionnaire that got
challenge. This simply shows that age does matter the lowest mean were “Lack of support from the
when it comes to teaching LSENs, as teaching is a principal for the activities of LSEN’s” and “Salary is
skill acquired thru years of practice. The older the not commensurate with the task as LSEN’s teachers”
LSENs teacher (45 years and up) the challenges are were rated not and less challenging in all categories

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

(M = 1.75, M= 2.20 and 2.44) and M=3.00 ,M=3.12 history , from pre Spanish time , after world war II and
and M=3.22 respectively. Interestingly , for question up to the present . The challenges faced by every
on the “Lack of support from the principal for teacher of LSENs can best be viewed as the awakening
activities of LSENs , and “ Salary is not commensurate of the LSENs teaching strategies and enhancement of
with the task as LSENs teacher” the result was less the collaboration of parents and community.
challenging. This is good news to educators and the
department. Table 7. Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers
According to Civil Status
This simply shows that LSENs teachers do not bother
much for the lack of support from their school heads
and principals as well as their salary . This mind set of
LSENs teachers is admirable and commendable. Their
dedication and love for teaching is over their need for
higher remuneration. On the other hand, result shows
that LSENs teachers rated the lack of facilities for the
use of LSENs , lack of school maintenance and
operating expenses allocation to buy facilities for the
use of LSENs , community is not aware of the nature
of LSENs and dealings ,and parents need education to
assist LSENs at home as highly challenging. These
concerns can be taken by the division by way of
realigning the budget allocation of the school head thru
the enhance school improvement plan which are
participated by the teachers , parents and the school
governing council . The composition of this was
provided by the department’s memorandums and
orders. Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers According
to Academic Preparation
For the community that is not aware of the nature of
LSENs and dealings as well as parents need education
Table 8 shows the level of challenges of LSENs
to assist LSENs at home can be made thru the Parents
teachers when classified according to academic
Teachers Association (PTA) meetings and general
preparation. LSENs teachers with bachelor’s degree
assembly. LSENs teachers should spearhead in
rated the challenges moderate (M = 2.99). The items
educating parents of LSENs. They are the partners in
with the highest mean was question “parents need
bringing up the residual talents and abilities of LSENs
education to assist LSENs at home” which they rated
at home . This could make the teaching job both
as highly challenging (M = 4.09). The item that got the
enjoyable to parents and LSENs teachers as well. In
lowest mean was the “lack of support from the
school, LSENs are usually accompanied by one of the
principal for the activities of LSENs” which they rated
parents , or by a guardian . The day to day encounter
less challenging. (M = 2.24).
of LSENs teachers and parent /guardian will play a
vital role in the challenges of LSENs teachers and For the master’s degree holders, they rated the
consequently create teamwork and camaraderie in challenges as moderate (M = 2.79). When the items of
partnership towards educational success of LSENs . the questionnaire was further considered, the item that
got the highest mean was “Community is not aware of
Further, for community that is not aware of the LSENs
the nature of LSENs and dealings” (M=3.65). The
nature and dealings ,local educational leaders like the
items in the questionnaire that got the lowest mean
Sangguniang Bayan (SP) in charge of education as
was the “Lack of support from the principal for the
well the local government unit and in coordination
activities of LSENs” which they rated not challenging.
with the Parents Teachers Association for LSENs will
(M = 1.35).
make a good partnership as well. Their partnership
will have a great result for sure. Once the community , Gleaned from the result ,it can be inferred that parents
parents and teachers will join their resources , indeed play a vital role in educating LSENs . This is
challenges for the LSENs teachers will be gradually true to all type of learners. This simply showed that
eliminated . Most Filipino community and family parents’ involvement is a must . Teachers and parents
supports education. This can be supported by our conference should be established by the school and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

community. This may also be done thru the meeting Closer look at the table , results show that the level of
during the preparation of Individualized Educational challenges for Sped Teacher I position was moderate
Plan (IEP) of each LSENs , with the parents and with while for those with teacher I position it was less
the school head. This findings support the study of challenging. These occur because Sped teachers are
Humprey (2015) where he pointed out that challenges more likely to set standard commensurate and ideal for
are quite universal to teaching learners with learning LSENs. For Sped teacher I perspective a complete and
disability, he added that collaboration between special ideal check list must be met by the school like
needs education teachers and parents for children with facilities for LSENs. On the other hand for Teacher I
developmental disability is necessary to the well-being position s, they do not have the same perspective .
of their children. Further, class size be reduced,
teachers be provided with modern teaching materials, Notably however, both Sped Teachers I and those with
additional support from the government and poor Teacher I positions, they have the same highest mean
learning environment are among the challenges of when items of the questionnaire were considered. This
teachers. findings supports the study of Humprey (2015) where
he pointed out that challenges are quite universal to
Table 8 . Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers teaching learners with learning disability ,he added
According to Academic Preparation that collaboration between special needs education
teachers and parents for children with developmental
disability which is necessary to the well - being of
their children.

Table 9. Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers

According to Position

Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers According

to Position

Table 9 shows the level of challenges of LSENs

teachers when classified according to position. The
SPED teacher I position as a whole, rated their
challenges as moderate (M = 3.12). The items in the
questionnaire which teachers considered highly
Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers According
challenging “Parents need education to assist LSENs
at home” (M = 4.00). The item that teachers rated less to Length of Service
challenging was the “Lack of support from the
principal for the activities of LSENs (M = 2.27). As a Table 10 shows the level of challenges of LSENs
whole , for LSENs teachers with teacher 1 position teachers when classified according to length of service.
they rated the challenges less (M = 2.36). Teachers As a whole, the teachers rated the challenges moderate
still consider “Parents need education to assist LSENs (M = 3.03). When the items in the questionnaire was
considered, the item that teachers consider very highly
at home” as highly challenging (M = 3.66). The item
challenging was Parents need education to assist
that got the lowest mean was the “Lack of support
LSENs at home (M = 4.85). The second highest mean
from the principal for the activities of LSENs” which
their Assigned task not related to teaching like making
they rated not challenging (M = 1.52).
reports, encoding and coordinating with other offices”

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

which they also rated highly challenging (M = 3.85). well- being of their children. Further , class size be
The item that they rated not challenging and got the reduced ,teachers be provided with modern teaching
lowest mean was “Lack support from the principal for materials
the activities of LSENs” (M = 1.31). For teachers with
4-6 years of service as a whole, they rated the Table 10. Level of Challenges of LSENs Teachers
challenges as moderate (M = 3.15). However, they According to Length of Service
rated “The school principal is always busy for
seminars and other tasks” (M = 3.69), and Parents
need education to assist LSEN’s at home” were highly
challenging (M = 3.62).

The item they rated less challenging was the “Lack

support from the principal for the activities of LSENs”
(M = 2.24. For teachers with 7 years and above length
of service, as a whole they rated the challenges
moderately (M = 2.89). However, they rated “Parents
need education to assist LSENs at home as highly
challenging (M = 3.89). The item they rated less
challenging was “Lack support from the principal for
the activities of LSENs” (M = 2.18).

Findings revealed that teachers with 1-3 years of

service LSENs are concerned with the parents
education in the assisting their children at home. New
teachers in the service find this as most challenging on Level of Opportunities of Teachers with Special
their part .Parents’ support is vital in educating Educational Needs (LSENs)Learners
LSENs. As shown by data presented by table 10, they
are not concerned with the lack of support of their Table 11 shows the level of opportunities of teachers
principal for the activities of LSENs. However ,for with (LSENs) learners when taken as a whole. The
length of service 4- 6 years they are highly concerned LSENs teachers rated their opportunity high (M =
with their principal is always busy for seminars and 3.87). The item they consider very high opportunity
other task , while they have the same result with 1-3 was “LSENs teachers can earn more abroad than in the
years of service as they likewise do not bother for the Philippines” (M = 4.22). The second highest mean ,
lack of support of their principal for the activities of “Higher entry salary than other teachers who are not
LSENs. Lastly, for 7 years and up length of service teaching LSENs” which they rated high opportunity
,they have the same concern and topmost in their list is (M= 4.11). LSENs teachers demand abroad is high ,
the “parents need education to assist LSENs at home”, not only because they have specialized skills in
and they are also not concern with the lack of support dealing with behaviors , but because we are Filipinos
of their principal for activities of LSENs. To sum up that possessed a culture and quality that is in depth in
our personality , patience , calmness, understanding
,the results shows that LSENs teachers need the and dedicated to our work and love of children.
cooperation and collaboration and more time to confer Advance countries have already set up their laws and
with the parents of LSENs. This happens because educational system that aims to primarily give
parents’ attendance and concerned for their children in education to all . The LSENs have been part of the
school need more understanding and more learning on nation building , and eventually plays their vital role in
their part. Parent Teachers Association for LSENs , every society. The LSENs teachers also receive higher
face to face conference , review of IEP and salary compared than the regular teachers. This is true
collaborative effort are needed by the LSENs teachers. because for the regular teacher, entry salary is grade 11
, while LSENs teachers’ entry is salary grade 14.
This findings supports the study of Humprey (2015)
where he pointed out that challenges are quite As observed LSENs teachers unite in one decision , to
universal to teaching learners with learning disability work cooperatively and happy for the success of
,he added that collaboration between special needs everyone in the school community. The lack of
education teachers and parents for children with promotion , or competition is not within their sphere of
developmental disability which is necessary to the uniqueness , rather they focus on what they have , and

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Research Article

live by the best it can do to make their lives in school As to position, the SPED teacher also rated their
productive. In all of these, LSENs teachers find their opportunity as high (M = 4.01) while the Teacher rated
sanctuary in their profession in teaching the LSENs . it moderate (M = 3.37). As to length of service, the
The department is so blessed with this teamwork teachers with 1 – 3 years’ experience rated their
LSENs teachers have . They know by themselves who opportunity very high (M = 4.23), while those with 4-6
are worth for , and yet work in unity to achieve their years’, and 7 years experience rated it high (M = 3.88;
goal . They have vast ocean of understanding both for 3.82) respectively. Closer look at the table showed that
their learner and for their co - teachers , much more to the level of opportunities of LSENs teachers were
their school heads. The data are shown in Table 11. higher for male, ages 23 -33 years old, widow,
bachelor’s degree, SPED teacher with 1 – 3 years of
Table 11. Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers teaching experience.

Table 12. Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers

Classified According to Sex, Age, Length of Service,
Position and Educational Attainment

Level of Opportunities of Teachers Teaching with

LSENs Classified According to Sex, Age, Civil
Status, Academic Preparation, Position and Length
of Service,

Table 12 shows that the level of opportunities of

teachers for Learners with Special Educational Needs
(LSENs) when taken as a whole was high (M = 3.87).
This is because presumably, these profile are budding
When classified according to sex, both male and
productive individuals . Male teachers have higher
female teachers rated their opportunities as high (M =
opportunities because there are fewer of them in this
4.62; 3.84), respectively. When grouped according to
field. Budding years are ages 23-33 years of age where
age, teachers in all categories rated their opportunities
in the regular timeline in teaching these ages may
as high (M = 3.96; 3.90; and 3.69) respectively.
finish his masters degree and even a doctoral degree.
These age bracket is very important in one’s life,
As to civil status, teachers in all categories, rated their
because this is the time when one make it or break in
opportunities as high as shown by the mean scores of
making very important decision in his life . Widows
(M = 3.54; 3.92 and 4.46) respectively. When grouped
have high opportunity because they have life
according to academic preparation, both the bachelor’s
experienced better than singles , much more they had
degree and master’s degree holders rated their
been in a married life therefore they have more
opportunity as high with means of (M = 3.91; 3.63)
experienced on hand , thus making them having more

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

wisdom compared to the other categories. Sped teacher teachers that needs LSENs teacher who are likewise
I position have high opportunity because they are male
small population than regular teachers , and
specialization is a plus factor when opportunity knocks ,bigger and taller than their learners . This situation is
. Those with 1-3 years experience have high normal in Filipino culture . These findings confirms
opportunity because one may already mastered his Filipino mind-set that males are stronger and more
teaching skills. masculine compared to females. Nowadays ,even
teacher education institutions enrolment have lesser
Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers male population than female . This could likewise be
According to Sex explained because of our culture that the teaching
profession is for females because they are more
Table 13 shows the level of opportunities of LSENs nurturing , caring , and motherly. This is the reason
teachers when classified according to sex. The data why most male r college students do not prefer the
shows that male teachers rated their opportunity high teaching profession. Much more , they are also
(M = 4.06). The items of the questionnaire which got influenced by social change where the different
the highest mean was “Higher entry salary than other college courses are modified to met the demand of
teachers who are not teaching LSENs” (M = 5.00). globalization. It follows then that in employment ,
This was folllowed by item “LSEN’s teachers can males have high opportunity because of their fewer
travel for activities outside of Division” which was number in the teaching profession. It follows the law
also rated very high opportunity (M = 43.83). of supply and demand . The data are shown in Table
The items that got the lowest mean were, “Scholarship
Table 13. Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers
for LSEN’s teachers are readily available” and “More
chances of promotion because of less competition According to Sex
LSENs teacher have” which were rated moderate (M =
3.28). The second lowest mean was “More assurance
of career advancement because of few population in
the department” which was also rated high (M = 3.50).

In contrast, female teachers rated their opportunity as

high (M = 3.84). The items of the questionnaire with
the highest mean was “LSENs teachers can earn more
abroad than in the Philippines” which they rated very
high (M = 4.15). This was fo llowed by
“Availability for seminars for LSEN’s locally and
abroad” which they also rated very high (M = 4.03).

The items in the questionnaire that got the lowest

mean was, “More chances of promotion because of
less competition LSENs teacher have” were rated high
(M =3.48). The second lowest mean was “More
assurance of career advancement because of few
population in the department” which they also rated
high (M = 3.58).

Table 13 shows that male teachers have very high Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers
opportunity compared to female teachers .They According to Age
considered a higher entry salary than teachers who are
not teachers of LSENs as their highest opportunity. It Table 14 shows the level of opportunities of LSENs
can be concluded therefore, that when it comes to sex Teachers when classified according to age. For LSENs
male teachers are more in demand in the workplace teachers ages 23 – 33 years old, they have high
because they are scarce to find. There are some office opportunities (M = 3.96). The items of the
work that are gender bias ,thus giving a way for hiring questionnaire rated high include “Availability for
male teachers in teaching LSENs. Say for example seminars for LSENs locally and abroad” (M = 4.11);
there are LSENs who are male , big or taller than their “LSEN’s teachers can travel for activities outside the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

division”; “LSEN’s teachers are limited in the degree.

division, hence there are many chances to represent
school in various activities” and “LSEN’s teachers can On the other hand , the lowest mean which is “more
earn more abroad than in the Philippines” (M = 4.07) chances of promotion because of less competition
respectively. LSENs teacher have” happens because this are the
least of their concern. They do not bother about the
Although this items got the lowest mean “More promotion, but are rather busy with improving their
chances of promotion because of less competition career and making themselves qualified for
LSENs teacher have” (M = 3.54), and “more assurance promotion. Likewise based on the result , they do not
of career advancement because of few population in bother of more assurance of career advancement
the department” still they were considered high because there are few population in their area of
opportunities (M = 3.86). specialization. As observed , LSENs teachers have
lived in the atmosphere of commitment to service.
LSENs teachers in the age bracket of 34 – 44 rated They do not bother about assuring themselves about
their opportunities as high (M = 3.90). The items of promotion. They even rely on their own capacity for
the questionnaire which they rated as very opportunity career advancement , they spent their own personal
was “Higher entry salary than other teachers who are money to advance in career.
not teaching LSENs” was rated with very high
opportunity (M = 4.25). This was followed by For those in the age bracket of 34-44 they consider
“LSEN’s teachers can earn more abroad than in the higher entry salary than teachers who are not LSENs
Philippines” which were also considered very high as an opportunity. This is because at this age they are
opportunities (M = 4.23). concern about financial security . At this age , they
may children who are entering college , or in college
Although these items got the lowest means, “More to support .They need financial support more than in
chances of promotion because of less competition their younger years. Moreover, they are particular of
LSENs teacher have” and “More assurance of career their income to support the needs of their family.
advancement because of few population in the
department” they were still considered very high Table 14. Level of Opportunities of LSENs teachers
opportunities (M = 3.59) respectively. According to Age

As for teachers in the age bracket of 45 years old and

above, they rated their opportunity as high (M = 3.69).
The item they rated as very high opportunity
was,“LSENs teachers can earn more abroad than in the
Philippines” (M = 4.34). This was followed by
“Availability for seminars for LSEN’s locally and
abroad” which they rated with high opportunity (M =

The items which got the lowest mean were “More

chances of promotion because of less competition
LSENs teacher have” (M = 3.00) and “More assurance
of career advancement because of few population in
the department” (M = 3.21) which they rated as
moderate opportunities.

Findings showed that for teachers in the age bracket of

23-33 years old item with the highest mean (M=3.96)
is the “availability of seminars locally and abroad” For those in the age bracket of 45 years old and above,
They have very high opportunity because these the item which they consider as highest mean was “
advancement are only available to LSENs teachers . LSENs teacher can earn more abroad than in the
This give a clearer picture that these age brackets are Philippines.” This is the accepted facts because on this
the budding years of the teachers in their profession. It age brackets, LSENs teachers are particular of
is the age groups where great opportunity for one’s life financial needs , because this is the years that the
and career are made available by the organization. One needs of the family is increasing. They are very
may complete his masters degree or even the doctorate much aware of the financial need to support the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

education of their children. At these age, many may gleaned from the table is the lowest mean which is
have completed their master’s degree which is the “more chances of promotion because of less
minimum requirement for a teacher to be accepted to competition LSENs teachers have.” This simply shows
teach in other countries, specifically in the United that LSENs teachers do not mind competition . It was
States. not their priority . This is because they treat each other
as family , and family do not compete each other but
Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers cooperate with each other.
According to Civil Status
Table 15. Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers
Table 15 showed the level of opportunities of LSENs According to Civil Status
teachers when classified according to civil status.
LSENs teachers who are single teachers rated their
opportunity as high (M = 3.54). The items of the
questionnaire they considered very high opportunity
was “LSENs teachers can earn more abroad than in the
Philippines” (M = 4.22). They also consider
“Availability for seminars for LSEN’s locally and
abroad” as high opportunity (M = 3.84).

The items they consider as moderate opportunities

were “More chances of promotion because of less
competition LSENs teacher have” (M = 3.06). For
married teachers, they rated their opportunity as high
(M = 3.93). The items they considered high
opportunities were “Higher entry salary than other
teachers who are not teaching LSENs” (M = 4.25) and
“LSEN’s teachers can travel for activities outside of
the division” and LSEN’s teachers can earn more
abroad than in the Philippines” (M= 4.16) respectively.
Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers
The items they rated as high opportunities include According to Academic Preparation
“More chances of promotion because of less
competition LSENs teacher have” (M = 3.47) and Table 16 shows the level of opportunities of LSENs
“Scholarship for LSEN’s teachers are readily teachers when classified according to academic
available” (M = 3.64). preparation. For LSENs teachers who are Bachelor’s
degree holders, they rated their opportunity as high (M
As for teachers who are widow they rated their = 3.91). They consider “LSENs teachers can earn
opportunity very high (M = 4.46). The items they more abroad than in the Philippines” as their highest
considered as very high opportunities include “LSENs (M = 4.19), this was followed by “Availability for
teachers can earn more abroad than in the Philippines” seminars for LSEN’s teachers locally and abroad” (M
(M = 4.89), “Higher entry salary than other teachers = 4.14).
who are not teaching LSEN’s” and “More chances of
promotion because of less competition LSEN’s They consider the following items “More chances of
teachers have” (M= 4.67) respectively. promotion because of less competition LSEN’s teacher
have” (M = 3.52); and “More assurance of career
The item they rated as moderate opportunity included advancement because of few population in the
“More assurance of career advancement because of department” (M= 3.60) although high have the lowest
few population in the department” (M = 3.33). As mean scores.
shown in Table 15 teachers who are widows rated their
opportunities very high. This is because widows are Similarly, those with master’s degree also rated their
more pressure in life to earn more , especially if they opportunities high (M = 3.63). They consider these
have children to feed. items “LSENs teachers can earn more abroad than in
the Philippines” (M = 4.40) and “Higher entry salary
For widows either with children or not this is an
than other teachers who are not teaching LSEN’s” as
opportunity that are readily available, either in career
very high opportunities.
aspect or in family aspect of their life . Likewise

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

They considered the following items “More chances of 4.01). The items which they rated as the highest
promotion because of less competition LSENs teacher opportunity was, “Higher entry salary than other
have” (M = 3.05) and “LSEN’s teachers are limited in teachers who are not teaching LSENs” (M = 4.34).
the division, hence there are many chances to represent This was followed by item, “LSEN’s teachers can earn
school in various activities” as moderate opportunities more in abroad than in the Philippines” which they
(M= 3.15). also rated with very high opportunity (M = 4.22).

Closer look at the table, reflected that LSENs teachers As a whole, LSENs teacher with teacher 1 position,
with bachelors degree rated their opportunity high rated their opportunity moderate (M = 3.37). However,
compared with the other categories . This give us a they rated the following are items as very high
picture that even without masters degree, the opportunity “LSENs teachers can earn more abroad
opportunity for them was not hindered. They than in the Philippines” (M = 4.22); and “Availability
considered “LSENs teachers can earn more abroad for seminars for LSEN’s locally and abroad” (M =
than in the Philippines,” as their highest opportunity 3.97).
because there are more chances for them to work
abroad. For the past years Filipino teachers are known They considered, “More assurance of career
for their patience and love for children which is an advancement because of few population in the
advantage for them to be hired in other countries. On department” as low opportunity (M = 2.41); and
the other hand , they considered the item which states “More chances of promotion because of less
“more chances of promotion because of less competition of LSEN’s teachers have” as moderate
competition LSENs teachers have” as the least opportunity (M = 2.62).
opportunity. This is because they treat each other as
family member , and for them competition has no Gleaned from the table ,LSENs teachers who are
place in the family. Data is shown by Table 16. occupying SPED teacher position rated their
opportunity high because anywhere or abroad they are
Table 16. Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers being sought. This is due to the fact that Philippines
According to Academic Preparation have limited number of graduates of special education
. As for the item that got the highest mean it was
higher entry salary than other teachers who are not
teaching LSENs. This can be attributed to the fact that
indeed government recognizes the challenges of
teachers teaching LSENs . Thus, LSENs teachers have
salary grade 14 entry salary , while regular teacher
entry salary is salary grade 11.

Table 17. Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers

According to Position

Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers

According to Position

Table 17 shows the level of opportunities of LSENs

teachers when classified according to position. The
SPED teachers rated their opportunities high (M =

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers (3) years continuous service .

According to Length of Service
Gleaned from the table , LSENs teachers with 7 years
Table 18 shows the level of opportunities of LSENs and above length of service , rated their opportunity as
teachers when classified according to length of service. high. Closer look at the table , the opportunities abroad
LSENs teachers who have 1-3 years of service rated for the teachers with 7 years and above length of
their opportunities very high (M = 4.23). They service is attractive. By this length of service , the
considered “Higher entry salary than other teachers SENs teachers have already earned his equilibrium at
who are not teaching LSENs” (M = 4.92) and work . He gained his balance between teaching and his
“LSEN’s teachers can travel for activities outside of personal life . At this stage LSENs teachers have
the division” very high opportunity (M = 4.85). already realized there are options in their life . Thus ,
this may include their financial options and financial
They considered “More chances of promotion because needs. This is why they may find opportunity to earn
of less competition LSENs teacher have” as moderate more abroad . Data is shown in Table 18
opportunity (M = 3.00). As a whole, LSEN’s teachers
with 4-6 years of service rated their opportunity high Table 18. Level of Opportunities of LSENs Teachers
(M = 3.88). Although they considered , “Higher entry According to Length of Service
salary than other teachers who are not teaching
LSENs” (M = 4.45) and, “LSEN’s teachers can earn
more in abroad than in the Philippines” as their very
high opportunities (M = 4.24).

Although the following items got the lowest mean

scores, they were still considered as high opportunities
by teachers with 4-6 years in the service “LSEN’s
teachers are limited in the division, hence there are
many chances to represent school various activities” ,
“Scholarship for LSENs teacher are readily available”
(M = 3.55) and “More chances of promotion because
of less competition of LSEN’s teachers have” and
“More assurance of career advancement because of
few population in the department” (M= 3.62).

LSEN’s teachers with 7 years and above length of

service rated their opportunity high (M = 3.82). They
rated “LSENs teachers can earn more abroad than in
Level of Work Commitment of Teachers of
the Philippines” as their very high opportunity (M =
4.18). They also considered “Availability for seminars Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSENs)
for LSEN’s teachers for locally and abroad” as a high
opportunity (M = 4.04). This was followed by “more Table 19 shows the level of work commitment of
chances of promotion because of less competition teachers of Learners with Special Educational Needs
LSENs teacher have” (M = 3.47) and “More assurance (LSENs) when taken as a whole.
of career advancement because of few population in
When(LSENs) teachers are taken as a whole they are
the department” (M = 3.52).
very highly committed (M= 4.31). They were very
highly committed when they “Assist parents in
Closer look at the table , revealed that LSENs teachers
positive intervention for LSENs” (M = 4.68);
with 1-3 years length of service rated their opportunity
“Maintain good interpersonal relationship with
very high. This is due to the fact that the years in
parents, co-teachers, superiors and community” (M =
service of a teacher is needed for them to grow and
4.56) and “accommodate suggestions and
learn what is best in their profession. As teachers grow
recommendations from superiors and co-workers” (M
in the profession, they also gain experience and
= 4.53).
develop more positive behaviors that contributes to
their betterment as individuals. This is shown in the
The following items “Accept additional workload not
salary standardization scheme by the department
related to teaching LSENs” (M = 3.62); followed by
where a new teacher may get his promotion after three
“Spend personal fund when needed” which they were

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

highly committed (M = 4.06). Likewise they were also Classified According to Sex, Age, Civil Status,
highly committed because they “Work beyond office Academic Preparation, Position and Length of
hours, not expecting additional remuneration or Service,
payment for work done overtime” (M = 4.13).
Table 20 shows that the teachers to Learners with
Closer look at the table , show very revealing data why Special Educational Needs (LSENs) when taken as a
LSENs teachers were very highly committed. They whole were very highly committed (M = 4.31).
were committed to “ assist parent in the positive
intervention of LSENs” . This simply shows that Table 20. Level of Work Commitment of LSENs
LSENs teachers in the Schools Division of Iloilo are Teachers Classified According to Sex, Age, Civil
very highly committed . When it comes to the
Status, Academic Preparation, Position and Length of
coordination and collaboration with the parents of
LSENs they are very dedicated. As observed , LSENs
teachers do this coordination and collaboration on the
day to day basis . In practice, it is observed that
usually , one of the parent or grand parent accompany
LSENs to school. This give the big chance for the
LSENs teachers to talk with the parents for possible
intervention for LSENS.

On the other hand the lowest mean was the “accept

additional workload not related to teaching LSENs”.
Teachers of LSENs do not bother at all thinking about
the additional workload , this is covered by their
dedication for work . This mean that they are willing
to take additional workload even not related to their
teaching , and even without returns . To sum up, all
these data revealed that in the Schools Division of
Iloilo LSENs teachers are very highly committed. Data
is shown by Table 19.

Table 19. Level of Work Commitment of LSENs


When classified according to sex, both the male and

female teachers rated their commitment as very high
(M = 4.62 and 4.26) respectively. When grouped
Level of Work Commitment of LSENs Teachers

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

according to their age brackets, the teachers ages good personal relationship with parents, co-workers in
23-33 and 34-44 rated themselves very highly need of my help” (M = 4.53).
committed while teachers in the 45 years and above
bracket rated themselves highly committed (M = 4.34, They were also highly committed because they
4.38 and4.09) respectively.
“Accept additional workload not related to teaching
As to civil status, in all categories, they rated LSENs” (M = 3.58), and even “Sped personal fund
themselves to be very highly committed (M = 4.22, when needed” (M = 4.00). As shown in table 21 , the
4.33 and 4.33) respectively. As to academic findings revealed that both male and female teachers
preparation, both the bachelor’s and master’s degree rated their commitment very high. Manifestations of
holders rated themselves very highly committed (M = this very high commitment include “ assisting parents
4.30, 4.33 and 4.39) respectively. As to the length of in positive intervention of LSENs” , “ accommodating
service, teachers in all categories rated themselves
suggestions and recommendation from superiors and
very highly committed (M = 4.48, 4.46 and 4.26)
respectively. co workers “ and do volunteer for community
activities . On the other hand Male have higher
In summary , the level of work commitment of LSENs commitment to assists parents in positive intervention
teachers were higher to those who were male, ages 34 of LSENs than female. And they can even
- 44 years old, married, master’s degree, SPED teacher accommodate suggestions and recommendations
and with 1 – 3 years teaching experience.
higher than female. This mean that they welcome
Gleaned from the table , the teachers of LSENs were collaboration with parents and fellow teachers.
very highly committed in their teaching job. This
findings is most favourable to the Schools Division of On the other hand , the lowest mean was accept
Iloilo . The men and women who were very dedicated additional workload ot related to teaching ,followed by
had brought the level of the division to higher degree the “spend personal fund when needed and work
with their commitment . They were the stronghold in beyond office hours are qualities of LSENs teachers
the position where even when others fail, they persist that are admirable . This is because they have already
to do their job.
embrace the their job as their family as well .By these
Level of Work Commitment of LSENs Teachers acts ,they not only involved themselves of their
According to Sex services but as well as their resources .

Table 21 shows the level of work commitment of Table 21. Level of Work Commitment of LSENs
LSENs teachers when classified according to sex. The Teachers According to Sex
male teachers rated their commitment very highly (M
= 4.62).

This can be manifested in their readiness to “Assist

parents in positive intervention for LSENs” and
“accommodate suggestions and recommendations
from superiors and co- workers” (M = 5.00)
respectively. They were also willing to do “Volunteer
for community activities” (M = 4.83) and “Accept
additional workload not related to teaching LSENs”
(M = 3.94). Their high commitment were also shown
in their willingness to “Spend personal fund when
needed”, “Work beyond office hours not expecting
additional remuneration or payment for work done
overtime” and Quality works without supervision from
my principal” (M = 4.50)respectively.

As for female teachers, they were also very highly

committed (M = 4.26). Their very high commitment is
shown in their eagerness to “Assist parents in positive
intervention for LSENs” (M = 4.63) and “Maintain

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

committed . These ages are on the highest peak in their

career life . In fact that item number 10 which was
assists parents in positive intervention of LSENs got
the highest mean. This is because at this age most
LSENs parent are in the same age bracket with the
LSENs teachers. The collaboration among them is
much easier since they understand each other because
of commonality of their orientation and their
environment. As for the lowest means which less of
the concerns of LSENs teachers the item “accept
additional workload not related to teaching LSENs .
The Data is shown in Table 22.

Table 22. Level of Work Commitment of LSENs

teachers According to Age

Level of Work Commitment of LSENs Teachers

According to Age

Table 22 shows the level of work commitment of

LSENs Teachers when classified according to age
level. LSENs teachers ages 23 -33 years old rated
themselves very highly committed (M = 4.34). They
were willing to “Assist parents in positive intervention
for LSENs” (M = 4.68), and ”Accommodate
suggestions and recommendations from superiors and
co-workers” (M = 4.54). They were also highly
committed by “Accepting additional workload not
related to teaching LSENs” (M = 3.96) and “Spend
personal fund when needed” (M = 4.07).

As for teachers ages 34 – 44, they were also very

Level of Work Commitment of LSENs Teachers
highly committed (M = 4.38). They were willing to
According to Civil Status
Assist parents in positive intervention for LSENs” (M
= 4.76), and “Maintain good interpersonal relationship
Table 23 shows the level of work commitment of
with parents, co-teachers, superior and community”
LSENs Teachers when classified according to civil
(M = 4.65).
status. LSENs teachers who were single rated their
commitment very high (M = 4.23). They show their
Even if the following items got the lowest mean scores
commitment in “Maintaining good interpersonal
“Accept additional workload not related to teaching
relationship with parents, co-teachers, superiors and
LSENs” (M = 3.72); “ Spend personal fun when
community (M = 4.81) and “Assisting parents in
needed” (M = 4.09), yet they still reflected the high
positive intervention for LSENs” (M = 4.69).
commitment of LSENs teachers.
However, they showed moderate commitment in
Teachers in the ages 45 years old and above were also “Accepting additional workload not related to teaching
very highly committed (M = 4.10). Similarly, they LSENs” (M = 3.34).
were willing to “Assist parents in positive intervention
Teachers who are married also rated their commitment
for LSENs” and “maintain good interpersonal
very high(M = 4.33). They were willing to “Assist
relationship with parents, co-teachers, superiors and
parents in positive intervention for LSENs” (M =
community” (M = 4.45) . Their commitment are also
4.64). While they consider “Accepting additional
manifested in their doing “Quality works without
workload not related to teaching LSENs” as part of
supervision from my principal” and “Volunteer for
their high commitment, it has the lowest mean
community activities” (M = 4.24) respectively.
(M=3.61) among the items in the questionnaire.
Closer look at the table , revealed that teachers in the
Teachers who were widow also rated their
age bracket of 23-33 years old were very highly

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

commitment very high (M = 4.33). They were willing Table 24 shows the level of work commitment of
to “Assist parents in positive intervention for LSENs” LSENs teachers when classified according to academic
(M = 5.00); “Create a positive learning environment preparation. Teachers with bachelor’s degree rated
for LSEN’s” and “Accept additional workload not themselves very highly committed (M = 4.30). They
related to teaching LSEN’s” (M = 4.78) respectively. “Assist parents in positive intervention for LSENs” (M
= 4.62), and “Maintain good interpersonal relationship
Closer look at the table revealed that single teachers with p aren ts, co- teach ers, su p erio r and
have very high commitment , compared with their community”(M = 4.56).
other counterparts. They were good in “maintaining
good interpersonal relationship with parents ,co The item that got the lowest mean “Accept additional
teachers ,superior and community . This imply that workload not related to teaching LSENs” (M = 3.68),
single teachers are very effective interpersonal yet it still reflected a high commitment with their job.
relationship . This is because single LSENs teachers As for the master’s degree holders, they were also very
highly committed (M = 4.34). They “Create a positive
have more time to build interpersonal relationship ,
learning environment for LSEN’s” (M = 5.00) and
they do not yet a family of their own that is why their
“Assist parents in positive intervention for LSENs” (M
time could be used for building interpersonal
= 5.00) respectively. They were also willing to
relationship. Theoretically, being single they do not
“Accommodate suggestions and recommendations
have much obligation to attend to like family ,kids or
from superiors and co-workers (M = 4.60). They rated
husband or wife to attend to .
their commitment moderate in “accepting additional
workload not related to teaching LSENs” was rated
In contrast the lowest mean is still “accept additional
moderately committed (M = 3.30).
workload not related to teaching LSENs”. However,
with the high commitment of teachers of LSENs they Closer look at the table revealed that the masters
do not mind being given additional task even without degree holders are very highly committed. They
additional salary or remuneration. They are very “create positive learning environment for LSENs and
dedicated in their work , and that makes a difference in Assists parents in positive intervention for LSENs .
teaching LSENs. They do not mind at all if a task is This imply that LSENs teachers who have further their
within or out of their job description but rather they educational qualifications have more teaching skills in
think how they help their learners and their parent in dealing with both LSENs and their parents. This
their educational needs. The Data is shown in Table simply shows that LSENs teachers can develop their
23. skills more when they further their career.

Table 23. Level of Work Commitment of LSENs Table 24. Level of Work Commitment of LSENs
Teachers According to Civil Status Teachers According to Academic

Level of Work Commitment of LSENs Teachers

According to Academic Preparation Level of Work Commitment of LSENs Teachers

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

According to Position Table 25. Level of Work Commitment of LSENs

Teachers According to Position
Table 25 shows the level of work commitment of
LSENs teachers when classified according to position.
Teachers who are Special Education graduates, they
rated themselves very highly committed (M = 4.39).
They were eager and willing to “Assist parents in
positive intervention for LSENs” (M = 4.72) and in
“Creating a positive learning environment for
LSEN’s” (M = 4.59).

However, “Accepting additional workload not related

to teaching LSENs” showed they were highly
committed (M = 3.84) but it had the lowest mean
among the items in the questionnaire. Teachers with
the teacher 1 position, were also highly committed
(M= 4.00). They consider “Maintaining good
interpersonal relationship with parents, co- teachers,
s u p er i o r s and c o m mu n i ty ” (M = 4 .6 6 ),
“Accommodating suggestions and recommendations Level of Work Commitment of LSENs Teachers
from superiors and co-workers” and “Assisting parents According to Length of Service
in positive intervention for LSEN’s” (M = 4.52)
respectively as manifestations of this commitment. Table 26 shows the level of work commitment of
LSENs teachers when classified according to length of
As previously discussed, “Accepting additional service. LSEN’s teachers across categories, from 1-3
workload not related to teaching LSENs” showed the years, 4 - 6
moderate commitment of teachers (M = 2.83). This
and 7 years and above, rated themselves very highly
was followed by “Creating a positive environment for
committed (M = 4.48; 4.46; 4.24) respectively. Across
LSEN’s” (M= 3.10). It can be attributed to the fact that
categories LSENs teachers consider “Assisting parents
the position of teacher for LSENs teachers was only a
in positive intervention for LSENs” (M = 5.00; 4.79)
designation and most of them do not have the as their prime responsibility which is why they showed
necessary educational preparation to teach LSENs. their high commitment. Their high commitment to the
Thus, giving them additional workload adds burden to job is manifested in their willingness to“Create a
their already complicated work adjustments. positive learning environment for LSEN’s” (M =
4.92); “accept additional workload not related to
Closer look at the table shows that those with SPED teaching LSENs” (M = 3.62). They even “Spend
teacher position have higher commitment than Teacher personal fund when needed” and Work beyond office
I position. The SpEd Teachers have highest mean for “ hour’s not expecting additional remuneration or
assisting parents in the positive intervention of LSENs payment for work done overtime” (M = 4.23) .
, while the Teacher I position in “ maintaining good
interpersonal relationship with parents , co - teachers For teachers with 4-6 years in service, “Maintaining
,superiors and community. This imply that SPEd good interpersonal relationship with parents, co-
teachers is leaned towards the LSENs while the teach ers, sup eriors and com mun ity” and
Teacher I position have leaned towards the “Accommodate suggestions and recommendations
interpersonal relationship. On the other hand they have from superiors and co-workers” (M = 4.62; 4.51) are
the same less concern which is “ accepting additional also very important part of their job.
workload not related to teaching LSENs. This imply
Closer look at the table , data shows similar results
that both of them have the same degree of less concern
regardless of the length of service of LSENs teachers .
and yet performs their job with very high commitment
When the items were considered , they have same
as shown by the data. The Data is shown in Table 25.
highest mean which is “ assists parents in the positive
intervention for LSENs . This is because they have the
same area of experience being in teaching LSENs.
This imply that they all agree that the parents, indeed
need intervention to assist their children at home .

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Likewise they also considered , “ accepting additional challenges of LSENs teachers when classified
workload not related to Teaching LSENs as the least according to position was noted as reflected by the U-
of their concern. This is so because since, they have test value of 853.5 and a p - value of 0.000. The p–
the same type of learners , they use the same approach value was greater than 0.05 level of significant.
to parents and they have similar areas of concerns.
This meant that there was a significant difference in
Table 26. Level of Work Commitment of LSENs the level of challenges of teachers handling LSENs
Teachers According to Length of Service when classified according to position. Therefore, the
null hypothesis was rejected. This meant that there
were variations in the level of challenges of LSENs
teachers when their position was considered. This
implied that the level of challenges of the SPED
teachers were different than that of the Teacher 1

Table 27. Difference in the level of Challenges of

LSENs teachers Classified according to Sex, Academic
Preparation and Position

Difference in the Level of Challenges of LSENs

Teachers Classified According to Sex, Academic Differences in the Level of Challenges of LSENs
Preparation and Position Teachers Classified According to Age, Civil Status,
and Length of Service
Table 27 shows the difference in the level of
challenges of LSENs teachers when classified
Table 28 shows the differences in the level of
according to sex using Mann-Whitney U-test.
challenges of LSENs teachers when classified
according to age, civil status, and length of service
There was no significant difference in the level of
using the Kruskal-Wallis H- test. There were
challenges of LSENs teachers when classified
significant differences in the level of challenges of
according to sex, as shown by the U-test value of
LSENs teachers when classified according to age
68.64 with a p - value of 0.987. Therefore, the null
level, as shown by the H-test value of 7.808 at 2
hypothesis that significant differences in the level of
degrees of freedom with a p - value of 0.02. This
challenges when LSENs teachers were grouped
meant that there were significant differences in the
according to sex was not rejected. This meant that both
level of challenges of LSENs teachers when classified
male and female teachers have similar level of
according to age. Therefore, the null hypothesis was
challenges. This implied that the challenges of the
rejected. This implied that level of challenges of
male teachers do no vary significantly with that of the
LSENs teachers vary among the ages of 23 – 33 years
female teachers.
old, 34- 44 years old, and 45 years and above.
There was no significant difference in the level of
There were significant differences in the level of
challenges of LSENs teachers when classified
challenges of LSENs teachers when classified
according to academic preparation,as shown by the U-
according to civil status, as shown by the H-test value
test value of 1096.5 with a p - value of 0.696.
of 8.534 at 2 degrees of freedom with a p - value of
Therefore, the null hypothesis was not rejected. This
0.014. Therefore, the hypothesis which states that there
meant that the level of challenges of bachelor’s degree
were no significant differences in the level of
do not vary significantly with that of the teachers
challenges of LSENs teachers according to civil status
having master’s degree.
is rejected. This implied that the level of challenges of
However, significant differences in the level of
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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

LSENs teachers vary among teachers whether they value of 0.015 and 0.000 respectively. Therefore, the
were single, married or widow/widower. null hypothesis that there was no significant difference
in the level of opportunities of LSENs teachers when
There were no significant differences in the level of classified according to academic preparation and
challenges of LSENs teachers when classified position were rejected. This implied that the
according to length of service. The H-test value was opportunities of the teachers with bachelor’s degree
2.556 at 2 degrees of freedom with a p - value of vary significantly with that of teachers with master’s
0.279. Therefore, the hypothesis that there were no degree holder and with SPED and Teacher 1 positions.
significant differences in the level of challenges of It can be surmised that when teachers attain higher
LSENs teachers when classified according to length of educational qualification they have a different
service is not rejected. perspective from teachers with lesser educational
qualifications. Similarly, also be reflected in the
The result signify that the level of challenges of different positions they have. It can possibly be
LSENs teachers do not vary when their length of attributed to the additional understanding of concepts
service whether they have 1-3 years, 4-6 years or 7 and experience gained by the teacher in relating with
years and above were considered. peers in the academe.

Table 28. Differences in the Level of Challenges of Table 29. Difference in the level of Opportunities of
LSENs teachers Classified according to Age, Civil LSENs teachers Classified According to Sex
Status, and Length of Service

Differences in the Level of Opportunities of LSENs

Teachers Classified According to Age, Civil Status,
and Length of Service
Differences in the Level of Opportunities of LSENs
Teachers Classified According to Sex, Academic Table 30 shows the differences in the level of
Preparation and Position opportunities of LSENs teachers when classified
according to age, civil status, and length of service
Table 29 shows the differences in the level of using the Kruskal- Wallis H-test. There were no
opportunities of LSENs teachers when classified significant differences in the level of opportunities of
according to sex using Mann-Whitney U-test. There LSENs teachers when classified according to age
was no significant difference in the level of level, as shown by the H-test value of 4.296 at 2
opportunities of LSENs teachers when classified degrees of freedom with a p - value of 0.117.
according to sex. The U-test was 1235.50 with a p - Therefore the null hypothesis was not rejected. This
value of 0.423. Therefore the hypothesis that there was implied that level of opportunities of LSENs teachers
no significant difference in the level of opportunities do not vary when their age brackets was considered.
of teachers handling LSENs when classified according
to sex is not rejected. This implied that the Similarly, there were no significant differences in the
opportunities of the male teachers do not vary level of opportunities of LSENs teachers when
significantly with that of the opportunities of the classified according to length of service as shown by
female teachers. the H-test value of 4.700 at 2 degrees of freedom with
a p - value of 0.095. The p–value was greater than 0.05
There was a significant difference in the level of level of significance, the hypothesis that there were no
opportunities of LSENs teachers when classified significant differences in the level of opportunities of
according to academic preparation and position as LSENs teachers when classified according to length of
shown by the U-test value of 767.0; 658.5 with a p - service is not rejected. This implied that the level of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

opportunities of LSENs teachers do not vary the level of work commitment of LSENs teachers
regardless of the number of years they have in the when classified according to position was rejected.
service. This meant that the commitment of LSENs teachers
differ when their position was considered. The
However, significant differences were noted in the difference can be attributed to the different academic
level of opportunities of LSENs teachers when preparation of SPED teachers from teacher 1 with
classified according to civil status. This is shown by Sped designations.
the H-test value of 16.189 at 2 degrees of freedom
with a p - value of 0.000. Since the p–value was less There was no significant difference in the level of
than 0.05 level of significance, the hypothesis that work commitment of LSENs teachers when classified
there were no significant differences in the level of according to academic preparation, as shown by the U-
opportunities of LSENs teachers when classified test value of 1157.5 with a p - value of 0.985. Since
according to civil status was rejected. This implied that the p–value was greater than 0.05 level of significance,
the level of opportunities of LSENs teachers vary the null hypothesis that there was no significant
among teachers when their civil status was considered. difference in the level of work commitment of LSENs
teachers when classified according to academic
Table 30. Differences in the Level of Opportunities of preparation was not rejected. This implied that the
LSENs teachers Classified according to Age, Civil work commitment of LSENs teachers with bachelor’s
Status, and Length of Service degree do not vary significantly with the teachers that
have master’s degrees.

Table 31. Difference in the level of Work Commitment

of LSENs teachers Classified According to Sex,
Academic Preparation and Position

Difference in the Level of Work Commitment of

LSENs Teachers Classified According to Sex,
Academic Preparation and Position

Table 31 shows the difference in the level of work Differences in the Level of Work Commitment of
commitment of LSENs teachers when classified LSENs Teachers Classified According to Age, Civil
according to sex using Mann-Whitney U-test. There Status, and Length of Service
was a significant difference in the level of work
commitment of LSENs teachers when classified Table 32 shows the differences in the level of work
according to sex, as shown by the U-test value of commitment of LSENs teachers when classified
593.00 with a p - value of 0.002. Since the p–value according to age, civil status, and length of service
was less than 0.05 level of significance, the hypothesis using the Kruskall-Wallis H-test. There were
that there was no significant difference in the level of significant differences in the level of work
work commitment of LSENs teachers when classified commitment of LSENs teachers when classified
according to sex was rejected. This implied that the according to age level, as shown by the H-test value of
work commitment of the male teachers vary 10.774 at 2 degrees of freedom with a p - value of
significantly with that of the female teachers. 0.005. Since, the p–value was less than 0.05 level of
significance, therefore, the hypothesis that there were
Similar results was obtained in the level of work no significant differences in the level of work
commitment of LSENs teachers when classified
commitment of LSENs teachers when classified
according to position, as reflected by the U-test value
according to age was rejected. The result signify that
of 714.50 with a p - value of 0.000. Since, the p–value
level of work commitment of LSENs teachers do vary
was less than 0.05 level of significance, the null
when their age brackets was considered.
hypothesis that there was no significant difference in

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Similar results was obtained in the level of work This implied that when the LSENs teachers’ level of
commitment of LSENs teachers when classified challenges was high, the level of opportunities was
according to civil status as shown by the H-test value also high. The results denote substantial or marked
of 2.428 at 2 degrees of freedom with a p - value of relationship. This supports the findings of Alexander
0.297. Therefore, the null hypothesis that there were Humprey’s study (2015) conducted in Tazmania which
no significant differences in the level of work revealed that challenges are quite universal for
commitment of LSENs teachers when classified teaching learners with developmental disability. There
according to civil status was rejected. This meant that was a also a significant relationship between the level
the level of work commitment of LSENs teachers is of challenges and opportunities of LSENs teachers.
determined by their civil status. This implied that the The Spearman rho was 0.438 with a p-value of 0.000.
level of work commitment of LSENs teachers vary
among teachers whether they were single, married or Table 33. Relationships among the Level Challenges,
widow/widower. Opportunities and Work Commitment of LSENS
There were also significant differences in the level of
work commitment of LSENs teachers when classified
according to length of service as shown by the H-test
value of 7.195 at 2 degrees of freedom with a p - value
of 0.028. Since the p–value was less than 0.05 level of
significance, therefore, the null hypothesis that there
were no significant differences in the level of work
commitment of LSENs teachers when classified
according to length of service was rejected. This
implied that the level of work commitment of LSENs
teachers vary when their length of service was
Since the p–value was less than 0.05 level of
Table 32. Differences in the Level of Work significance, Therefore the null hypothesis that there
Commitment of LSENs teachers Classified according was no significant relationship between the level of
to Age, Civil Status, and Length of Service challenges and opportunities of LSENs teachers was
rejected. This meant that when the LSENs teachers’
level of challenges was high, the level of opportunities
was also high. The results denote substantial or
marked relationship. This supports the findings of a
study in Southville International School and Colleges
that Filipino LSEN’s teachers have lots of
opportunities abroad. For example, the League
School of Greater Boston is a year- round program
dedicated to the education of children with Autism
Spectrum Disorders.

There was a significant relationship between the level

Relationships Among the Level of Challenges,
of challenges and opportunities of LSENs teachers as
Opportunities and Work Commitment of LSENs shown by the Spearman rho of 0.438 at with a p- value
Teachers of 0.000. Therefore, the null hypothesis that there was
no significant relationship between the level of
To find out the relationships among the level of challenges and opportunities of LSENs teachers was
challenges, opportunities and level of work rejected.
commitment of LSENs teachers, the researcher used
the Spearman Rho. Table 33 shows that there was a This meant that when the LSENs teachers’ level of
significant relationship between the level of challenges challenges was high, the level of opportunities was
and opportunities of LSENs teachers. The Spearman also high. The results denote substantial or marked
rho was 0.438 with a p-value of 0.000. This meant that relationship. This supports the findings of Fernet &
there was a significant relationship between the level Guay, 2014 that there was a significant relationship
of challenges and opportunities of LSENs teachers. between the commitment and effectiveness in the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(10): 997-1024, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1426, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10430864, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

teaching of special children. professional development of the LSEN’s teachers and

in order to achieve their vision and mission, the
Development Program for LSEN's Teachers following objectives were formulated: (1) give
opportunity for the LSEN’s teachers to grow
The continuous Professional Development Program professionally; (2) capacitate the LSEN’s teachers to
for LSEN’s teachers was developed based on the deal with the special learners and other stakeholders in
findings on the Challenges, Opportunities and Work term of the challenges, opportunities and work
commitment of LSENS teachers and to provide the commitment in all the SPED Center; and (3)
appropriate needs of the learners and other continuously improve the teaching quality of LSEN’s
stakeholders for giving priority in the pressing issues teachers and the school performance.
and concerns of the Sped centers in the province of
Findings revealed that despite of the very high level
challenges, opportunities and work commitment there
are specific items that were rated low. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were
drawn: (1) Majority of the LSENs Teachers were
Rationale female, 34-44 years old, married,bachelor’s degree
holder SPED teachers and 7 years and above length of
The school heads are giving authority, responsibility service. (2) The level of challenges of LSENs teachers
and accountability to provide support to the learners are determined by their age, academic preparation,
under their supervision. This is to make sure that position and number of years in teaching. (3) There
learners are provided with conducive environment that was a high level of opportunities of LSENs teachers in
fosters excellence in the delivery of teaching and the school Division of Iloilo, however there were
learning process. Thus, to achieve the goal of quality higher opportunities to those who were male, ages 23
of education and in order to help the teachers improve -33 years old, widow, bachelors’ degree, SPED teacher
their performance, the school heads need to give an with 1 – 3 years of teaching experience. (4) There was
appropriate support for better outcomes. To facilitate a very high level of work commitment of LSENs
the appropriate needs of the learners, the school heads teachers, however there were higher level of work
have the abilities and capabilities to deliver the desire commitment to those who were male, ages 34 - 44
needed by the teacher. This proposed development years old, married, master’s degree, SPED teacher and
program is designed to address the following findings with 1 – 3 years teaching experience. (5) The position,
of the study: age level and civil status of LSENs teachers determine
their level of challenges. However, these are not
1. The level of challenges of LSEN’s teachers in terms determined when they were classified according to
of “parents need education to assist LSEN’s at home” their sex, academic preparation and length of service.
was rated highly challenging and the rest were rated (6) Their level of opportunities are determined by their
moderately challenging. position, academic preparation and civil status.
2. The level of opportunities of LSEN’s teachers in However, when classified according to their age, sex
terms of “more assurance of career advancement and length of service, they do not vary. (7) Their level
because of few population in the department” was of work commitment is determined by their position,
rated moderate opportunity and the rest were rated sex, age, civil status and length of service. However,
very high opportunity according to civil status, for the when grouped according to academic preparation, it
single and widow groups and for married was does not vary. (8) The level of challenges,
ratedhigh opportunities. opportunities and work commitment of LSENs
3. The level of work commitment in terms of “spend teachers are related.
personal fund when needed”, “work beyond office
hours not expecting additional remuneration or The following recommendations were based on the
payment for work done overtime” and “accept foregoing findings and conclusions by the researcher:
additional workload not related to teaching LSEN’s”
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as very highly committed. their children with Special Educational Needs at home
and in school. (2) School heads should lessen the
Objectives assigned task not related to teaching of LSENs
teachers like making too many reports, encoding, and
For the Schools Division of Iloilo to commit to the coordinating with other offices which could be done

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