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Aquatic feed pelleting

techniques: Part 1
The first half of this two-part article explains the
role that induced chemical changes, binders
and feed particle size play in creating optimal
aqua feed pellets.
by KOH Hui Meng

A pellet mill used to produce Fish pellets

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ELLETING can be defined as 4. Pelleting prevents the segrega- also be obtained from pelleted fish or
an extrusion type thermoplas- tion of ingredients in handling or tran- prawn feed. For example, they are ex-
tic moulding operation in which sit. tremely stable in a dry state and can
finely divided particles of feed ration 5. Pelleting increases feed bulk be stored for extended periods without
are formed into compact, easily handled density and simplifies handling. nutrient degradation. Moreover, pellets
pellets. It is thermoplastic because the However, there are profound differ- maintain their physical integrity for a
protein and sugar of feed ingredients ences in the processes of manufacturing prolonged period, allowing more feed
become plastic when heated and diluted pelleted animal compound feeds and to be consumed while preserving the
with moisture. aquatic feeds. These include the ingre- water’s quality. The pellet formulated
However, over and above meeting dient preparation process prior to the diet contains all required nutrients while
the demand for aqua culture feed, sup- pellet mill, differences in the fineness its long lasting water stability greatly
pliers must calibrate processing technol- of grind, preconditioning of feed mash reduces the loss of water soluble nutri-
ogy to produce high quality aqua culture before the pelleting and the post-condi- ents.
feeds at a reasonable price and a healthy tioning of pellets prior to cooling. The
profit margin. Pellet extrusion is one of water stability of feed pellets is of the Operational pelleting:
the most versatile and energy efficient utmost importance when manufacturing What techniques does the aqua feed
processes in feed production for aqua shrimp feed. mill operator have available to optimise
culture feed. From a nutritional point of view, the quality of pellets being produced?
there are many benefits to using pel- Basically there are six measures a feed
Why are we pelleting leted aquatic feeds. From a nutritional miller can take:
aqua feed? standpoint, fish / shrimp will consume 1. Inducing chemical changes
1. The combination of moisture a consistent balance of nutrients at each in the feed pellets by use of additives
and heat produces a degree of gelati- feeding. Moreover, agglomerated feeds – Key additives play a critical role in
nisation, which enables the animals to have been shown to be more acceptable the efficient manufacture, digestion, and
utilise the ingredients. to the fish / shrimp and often results in long-term stability of aqua feed pellets.
2. Destruction of Salmonella bac- improved feed efficiency. These im- 2. Binding agents – Natural or ar-
teria. provements have been found to reduce tificial binders. These agents bind feed
3. Pelleted feed prevents selec- dustiness and increase availability. ingredient particles together upon being
tive feeding on the basis of ingredients In addition to their nutritional ad- affected by temperature and pressure.
favoured by the fish. vantages, other important benefits can 3. Particle size – In general terms,

40 FEED Business ASIA | SEP/OCT 2007

the concentration desired. Second, the pellets become harder,
thereby allowing for efficient storage and transport stability.
However, upon contact with water, the pellets become soft
without disintegrating. Thus, the fish can pick up, absorb and
digest the pellets more efficiently. Moreover, such pellets will
float in the water for a much longer period of time.
Particle size: Consistent, fine particle size for each for-
mula ingredient is essential for the production of high quality
aquatic feeds. An exceptionally fine feed texture is required
for good pellet quality, water stability and feed digestibility.
The last point is particularly critical in feeds for small fish,
fry, or larvae.
Fineness of grind also enhances pellet hardness and du-
rability. Finely ground ingredients have long been known to
improve the quality of pellets made in compaction type mills.
Due to their reduced surface area, fine particles fill a greater
proportion of void spaces, thereby eliminating those large in-
terior surfaces where fractures or water absorption can occur.
Tests have also been made with somewhat coarser ground
formulas or by merely adding different types of artificial bind-
ers to increase pellet water stability. Nevertheless, similar re-
sults can be achieved by simply using finely ground formulas
and natural binders. A minimum feed texture of 40 to 60 mesh
A pellet mill used to produce Shrimp pellets
(420 to 250 microns) is recommended for aquatic feeds.
Next month in part 2, we examine how preconditioning,
die specifications, efficient cooling and drying of the pellets
the finer a product is ground prior to pelleting, the better the affect the creation of ideal aqua feed.
pellet quality.
4. Preconditioning – With heating (usually in the form
of steam) prior to pelleting. This is the most common means of
improving pellet quality, particularly with grain-based feeds.
The heat induces starch gelatinisation which results in well
bound pellets.
5. Die specifications – Pressure and temperature in-
duced by the die configuration during the actual extrusion of
pellets. During actual pellet manufacturing, frictional heat re-
places the steam heat used during preconditioning.
6. Efficient and effective drying (preconditioning) /
cooling of the pellets – As far as aquatic feed is concerned, we
only have binders, particle size, steam-based preconditioning
and die specification. In this context, efficient drying and cool-
ing is a crucial procedure in the creation of consistently hard,
water resistant pellets.

Below we examine in detail the first three of these

Induced chemical changes: Adding strong alkalis to feed
mash greatly improves pellet quality by inducing a chemical
change in the fibrous material, thereby enabling it to gelatinise
more efficiently later on. Using lignocellular materials such as
rice straw has also been demonstrated to improve the strength
of the pelleted end-product.
Binding agents: Incorporating these into the feed formu-
la reduces fines and increases water stability. Pregelatinised
starches, alginates, carboxymethycellulose (CMC) and other
hydrocolloidal materials with good binding properties can be
used to great advantage.
For example, using hydrophobic silica provides the fol-
lowing benefits. First, the fat content can be increased up to

SEP/OCT 2007 | FEED Business ASIA 41


Aquatic feed pelleting

techniques: Part 2
In the second half of this two-part paper, we
examine three key factors that determine the om/fee
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quality of aqua feed pellets and efficiency of Visit ww w.e

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by KOH Hui Meng

SSUMING that chemical changes induced in the feed made up of different ingredients, come in a diversity of sizes
mash, binding agents and particle size have been opti- and must remain stable in both their dry state and also in water.
mised in the manner specified in part 1 of this article Therefore, a different approach is required.
(published in FBA 16), three other factors exert a critical influ- Consequently, aqua feed pellets need a much longer con-
ence over aqua feed pellet quality. These are preconditioning, ditioner that is steam jacketed while featuring steam injection.
pellet die design and the cooling / drying process’s efficiency. With this method, more consistent control of moisture and
Below we conduct a detailed examination of how these vari- temperature can be obtained, greatly reducing the proportion
ables can be fine-tuned to optimise aqua feed pellet quality of defective pellets produced.
while enhancing the efficiency of their manufacture and equip-
ment lifetime. Pellet die specifications
Theoretically, a pellet die can be designed in many ways
Preconditioning feed material so as to raise the pellet quality and accommodate a diverse va-
This is the conditioning of feed materials to form hard, riety of feed ingredients. Unfortunately, in practice, pellet dies
smooth, high quality pellets. Traditionally, this involves inject- are expensive and relatively hard to change. Consequently,
ing steam into the formulated feed. This raises both the mois- many compromises have to be made when calibrating a die for
ture and temperature to a point where optimal quality pellets a given job. Therefore, selecting the right die for a particular
can be extruded. Raising feed ingredients’ temperature in the aquatic feed is extremely important as it strongly affects the
presence of moisture decomposes some of their starch into pellet quality, stability in water and the unit die cost per metric
sugar, creating gelatinous bonds. This interaction of starch, ton. Hence, consideration must be given to the following five
sugar, heat and steam profoundly augments the pellet’s cohe- factors:
sive strength. ■ Choice of stainless steel, steel alloy or chrome/steel die
Upon compression and cooling, the resulting feed gelati- ■ Thickness of die diameter to be used
nisation enables the formation of hard, high quality pellets. In ■ Die hole patterns
the traditional steam preconditioning used to make livestock ■ The type of relief in holes
feed pellets, a major challenge is that the critical moisture level ■ Designs customised to create feed pellets suitable for
cannot exceed 16 to 18 percent. However, aqua feed pellets
DELA_InseratFeedBusAsia209x73_1007 02.10.2007 12:58 Uhr Seite 1
are various fish species

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40 FEED Business ASIA | NOV/DEC 2007

Each of these factors is influenced by the intended type of mash is forced into a rotating die as rollers compress the prod-
fish feed pellets, chemical composition of that species’ feed ucts through selected die hole sizes and specifications. Hence-
mash, amount of binders used, size and the age of fish intended forth, pellets emerge from the outer edge of the die and are cut
to eat the pellets in question. to proper length by adjustable knives.
When the die is in operation, it must be fed evenly. It is If all mechanical components are working properly and
most important to keep all holes on the die face working during feed mash has been well formulated, aqua feed pelleting has
the life of die. Distribution of feed mash across the entire die one advantage over the creation of livestock feed. Due to the
face is essential if it is to operate at full operational capacity lower temperatures employed in making aqua feed, pelleting
and maximise the die’s working life. Deflectors take feed from has no great effect on enzyme activity (though it still does gela-
a revolving cone and distribute it across the die face. Modify- tinise some starch). Much however, hinges on the die’s design
ing the angularity of deflectors changes the feed distribution specifications, maintenance, mechanical movement relative to
pattern across the die. other parts, and die alloy’s suitability for the feed formulation
Similarly, wipers located at the top, bottom and rear of die in question.
deflect feed mash back into the working area. Worn out deflec-
tors and wipers will affect wear pattern on die face, thereby Efficient cooling and drying of aqua feed
shortening its working life. Hence, they must be inspected as pellets
often and thoroughly as the die itself. Moreover, pellet mills Cooling is critical to the final setting and hardening of
should be run at full capacity in order to achieve maximum aqua feed pellets. Poor, inefficient cooling systems will result
efficiency. in pellets with abnormally high moisture content. As water
Sometimes, feed mash congestion, wear and tear make it evaporation is an important means of removing excess heat,
impossible to achieve maximum productivity at full capacity. overly moist fish pellets will then be too hot for safe and ef-
Plugged holes should be punched or drilled out so they again fective storage. At the same time, a high number of fines are
become working holes. For this reason, visual inspections produced during a botched cooling process and such pellets
should be done to spot prominent instances of uneven wear usually degrade quickly in water.
and tear on the die face. To keep productivity and aqua feed To overcome the above possible problems, we recommend
pellet quality from suffering, uneven wear and tear on the die that the cooling system has the following basic criteria: a high
face requires immediate repairing. volume airflow with a longer retention time of pellets in the
Assuming all parts are working well, pre-conditioned feed cooler for aquatic feed pellets. A cooler with an air flow >>

NOV/DEC 2007 | FEED Business ASIA 41

of at least 800 to 1,000 CFM for per ton / hour and a retention Summary
time of 15 minutes should be used to prevent the above men- Having now looked at all the relevant factors that effect
tioned problems from occurring. aqua feed pellets, we will try to summarise what is required
Generally, Counter Flow Coolers and Horizontal Coolers to manufacture high quality fish pellets. First, in their opera-
are commonly used for aqua feed pellet processing. The cooler tions, all aquaculture feed plants must have an efficient grind-
used must be strong and consistent enough to prevent hot spots ing system to ensure an even particle size for all of the feed
from building up in corners of the unit. Otherwise, pellets de- ingredients.
posited in such areas become a deadweight loss that drag down Ideally, ingredients used should have a moisture content
overall quality and efficiency. around 14 percent, as this allows for the maximum utilisation
Naturally, this implies that there are profound disadvan- of the preconditioning window for gelling pellet mash. As the
tages to taking a “budget” approach to cooler quality. If the moisture content increases during steam pre-conditioning, fur-
airflow volume is too small or the retention time is too short, ther processing is achieved by either dry heat preconditioning,
pellets will have too high a moisture content and insufficient additional post conditioning heating, or more intense mechani-
time to coalesce to their required hardness. In this respect, a cal energy induced by increased die compression ratios.
cooler’s air flow must be sufficient to remove the water added The so-called “art” of pelleting is not merely a mechanical
by steam and to reduce moisture levels below the accepted in- operation. It is an intersection created by the selected ingredi-
dustry standard of 12 percent. ents, their condition and pelletability, product texture, thermo-
In shrimp feed pelleting, after processing, pellets are chemical interaction with steam, mechanical compatibility
dropped into a “holding bin” (post conditioner) fitted with with the pellet die design and metal alloy.
steam heating coils before being placed in a cooler. The hold- To produce top quality aqua feed pellets, all these factors
ing bin gives the still hot pellets an opportunity to be retained should be carefully adjusted. Adjustments in die configuration,
at a near-constant temperature for approximately 10 to 15 min- speed, or simply changing dies in order to create the vast diver-
utes. During this transition period, constant, consistent heating sity of particle sizes and textures required by fish and shrimp
mends hair line cracks on the pellet and evenly distributes heat are just some of the techniques not commonly found or required
over its surface and interior. This heating also removes addi- when making livestock feed pellets. More than in other feed
tional water, enabling the pellets to achieve a moisture content sectors, humidity, temperature conditions, die configuration
below 10%, thereby enabling them to remain stable in water and design, and full knowledge of ingredient properties assume
for a longer time. a critical importance in the manufacture of aqua feed.

42 FEED Business ASIA | NOV/DEC 2007

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