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Lee G Lovett | 230 pages | 12 Nov 2015 | Peace Love & Reason LLC | 9780578173689 | English | none
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Many of these authors have spent their entire lives battling in the stuttering trenches, and, to them, go many plaudits, but, sometimes, a person who
resides outside the forest can see the trees more clearly, especially when that person has accomplished something that most, if not all, of those
other authors have not: namely, a self-cure of his own stuttering; that is, a reduction of Demon Stuttering to such a level that others have not viewed
him as a stutterer for decades. Lee G. Lovett, who authored this book, is such a person, and he simply wants to share his "secrets" with as many
others as possible. Lovett became a stutterer in his early teens and a sporadically severe stutterer suffering full blockage in the most crucial
situations in his twenties, at which time he began his search for a cure.
After ten years of allowing stuttering to morph into a life-controlling demon, it then took another years to discover and implement the self-cures,
which he divides into six, user-friendly Steps in this book. As such, the author's battle with stuttering raged for roughly years. He admits that errant,
sporadic fears of stuttering still raise their ugly heads, but he flatly states that he has not been detectable as a stutterer by anyone for decades now.
Before practicing law and co-founding roughly businesses, Mr. Lovett held many jobs waiting tables, driving a cab, delivering ice, working as a
laborer in a steel plant, working in the U. The author believes that stuttering can be cured in a year or considerably less, by applying the self-cures
that are meticulously and lucidly detailed in SAC.
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After few sessions, I can already see an improvement and I will continue till I feel cured. I am very happy that I found this I am stuttering since I am
very young and it impacted my life very negatively. I am very happy that I found this book and I love it. It is highly recommended for anyone who
has fears about speaking and having issues to speak fluently. Thank you Lee G Lovett. Voctave rated it did not like it Oct 07, Breeann Grima
rated it it was amazing Jun 24, Edgar rated it it was amazing Jun 09, Andy rated it it was amazing Aug 14, Md Shafi rated it it was amazing May
28, Nayan Solanki rated it it was amazing Sep 20, Shehzad Nizar rated it really liked it Aug 16, Melanie Verveniotis rated it it was amazing Aug
13, Falk Ritter rated it really liked it May 17, Mohammad Mutan rated it it was amazing Mar 10, Jacob Raced rated it it was amazing Nov 03,
Andro rated it really liked it Jan 01, Hany AL-Saad rated it it was amazing Aug 14, Francisco rated it it was amazing Feb 02, Mateusz Majos
rated it it was amazing May 21, Amy rated it it was amazing Jul 13, Greta Fiedler rated it it was amazing Nov 17, Zahra Batool rated it did not like
it May 27, Ahmet rated it it was amazing Jun 01, Gaurav rated it it was amazing Sep 10, Ostap rated it it was amazing Dec 30, There are no
discussion topics on this book yet.
Be the first to start one ». Readers also enjoyed. About Lee G. Lee G. Books by Lee G. Audiobooks are an incredible way to experience stories
—a great narrator can use their voice bring the narrative to life in a way that the

Read Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures Online by LEE G LOVETT and Pankaj Runthala | Books
The author, long a practicing attorney, had a stuttering problem so severe that he could not say his own name in court. The problem had emerged
in his teens and grown progressively worse into his mid-twenties, when he sought psychiatric help. Lacking the funds for more than six sessions, he
began to create his own self-cures. The author believes that typical stuttering-cases should be cured within several months to a year, by applying
the self-cures that are meticulously and lucidly detailed in his book, which took him years to discover and perfect. So, call his bluff. Read the book
and email the author and launch your self-cure. Get A Copy. Kindle Edition , pages. More Details Other Editions 8. Friend Reviews. To see what
your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Add this book to your favorite
list ». Community Reviews.
Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jan 18, Alexandru Ilie rated it it was amazing. Lovett creates something new
through his book: a paradigm shift. Nearly all former approaches on stuttering are stated from a taboo zone: something hard and scary with little
results to repair and lots of delusions. Most of his methods are used already in lots of treatments, but for me the light bulb appeared when he
presents his crutches.
Until that moment I worked as a hound to spell and speak correctly but when the stuttering moment appeared i jammed and entered the dreadful
loop. With hi Mr. With his book i realized that I can become the master of game and change, bend or even create my own rules in order not to
stutter. Lots of work ahead after finishing this book, but the fear behind the stuttering appears in a new light and this is wonderful, because you
finally can identify your enemy and win the battle!!! Sep 12, read or die rated it it was amazing. I'm not a native English speaker This book and
Lee's Skype are surely changing my life. It is definitely a helpful and hopeful book for a stutterer or people who suffer speech anxiety. Since using
them for a only a couple of days now I have been observing progress in a positive direction to more fluency.
Most of my hard stutter situations come during stressful times such as meeting new people, saying a persons name including my own. Any type of
public speaknig is just a no start for me, I may as well be a voice cripple in a public forum because the words just will not come out. I actually have
a lot to say generally speaking, LOL no pun intended. The reasons you are helping people who stutter the way you are became more clear to me
as I read the book. I am reading this book for the fourth time and all I can say is Wow. What makes this book so special is that the author was
once someone who stuttered and who self cured himself. He knows exactly how intimidating speaking can be for anyone who stutters. Finally, a
book that is written from someone who has been in our shoes and who can personally relate to us. This book teaches the reader how to avoid
stutters by using crutches that enable us to leap frog a would be an embarrassing incident, and boy that can be what makes or breaks the rest of
the conversation.
There are many crutches that we can use in our weapon of defense because what may one for one, may not work for another since we are all
different. The reader will also show how to attack stuttering directly with auto suggestions and self-hypnosis. I personally love the auto suggestions
which are positive affirmations to yourself that literally remap your mind improving your speech and your happiness in general, which has elevated
my life is such a way it is beyond words. The combination of using the crutches to avoid stutters and the use of auto suggestions, will help you be
on your way to fluency in no time. Do yourself a favor and read this book with an OPEN mind because there is so much to gain. I am currently
skyping with the author and have begun my journey to a self cure. The sky is the limit and I am excited to see what I will accomplish! Having
struggled with sporadic stuttering for about half my life, I know how much it can feel like an incredibly convoluted, perplexing and ultimately
hopeless problem with no way out.
Many books and speech therapists offer merely temporary and ineffective solutions. I urge you to not lose hope. The step-by-step methods
emphasize positive mind control, teaching readers to focus on delivering their messages with feeling and passion rather than the exact words they
intend to speak. You will learn that the mind cannot stutter when truly focused on something other than the fear of words. Those who are willing to
practice daily and consistently with the steps outlined in the book set themselves up for boundless rewards, not only with speech but in many
psychological aspects of life. This book deals with that resistance and tells the reader what to do about it. Awesome book!! I have read many
book on stuttering but this book takes it to a totally different level. The techniques that author suggests are very helpful.
Must read. This is an amazing, ground-breaking work. Follow the instructions in this book and you WILL become much more fluent. It takes
some effort but the results will be worth it. Thanks Mr. Lovett for your selfless devotion to helping others! This book is absolutely incredible and
anyone who has stuttered can see early on in the book how it can be helpful. Stuttering impacts so much of our lives and has left imprinted
memories in our minds that like a trauma can impact how we think about our speech.
With tools, techniques and mental exercises Lee shows how we can reshape and restructure our minds to think like a non-stutterer so that we can
make our speech flawless in the realm of how a non-stutter speaks. Or at least undetectable. Since Lee used to stutter I feel that he provides
insights that an author who did not stutter could not provide. His methods are a true gift to the stuttering community. I could talk to certain people
with little effort, yet completely freeze with others. I have tried classic speech therapy Camperdown, Easy Onset , effective in a clinical setting
under the attention of a caring therapist, but not much in the outside world.
Perhaps one time I jerked my head back and forth so hard and it somehow resulted in successfully get a word out. I then subconsciously
suggested to myself that a violent head bob was one way to produce speech, and refined my method even further. I ended up learning and
mastering two completely different ways of speaking — an effortless, fluent version that I practice when alone that has a sliver of chance to qualify
for a leading role in Hamlet, and a strange, physical, jerky, and anxiety inducing version when talking to another person.
With the first technique, I mostly focus on the message, and focus on a myriad of random physical methods to generate sounds on the latter. You
can either think hard on how you will generate the next stutter manifest a body jerk, close eyes, etc. If you choose to focus on the message, there is
no thought power left to produce a stutter, and the words automatically follow. The more memories of stuttering that are replaced with memories
of fluent speaking, the better the ratio of fluent vs stuttering moments.
The methods can be practiced independently, and all follow reasonable logic or derived from proven concepts in psychology. Can this book cure
you of stuttering? Each time I use and repeat the concepts, I see visible enough improvement to keep going. Is there a chance of relapse? The
treatment requires daily application of replacing these poor habits and memories with positive ones. If you choose to let bad memories and
techniques overtake the good ones, the progress dial starts to go backwards to relapse mode.
If you continue replacing the habits and memories with good ones, progress dies moves towards fluency. However, it is your choice to work on
moving the dial in the desired direction. I highly encourage any PWS to read this book. Few disorders are as perplexing, confounding and
ultimately heartbreaking as chronic adult stuttering. Many therapies, intensive and so-called quick-cures have proven temporary at best and often
useless. Lee Lovett, a PWS himself, has written a wonderful, readable book that goes against the grain in every possible way. Read it with an open
mind and a determination and belief that you too can change. I have struggled with a stutter most of my life, since I was about As you have so
correctly pointed out in your beautifully written book, is that we do not stutter because we stutter, we stutter because we have a FEAR of
I started seeing a speech therapist. I wish I had known then what I knew now. It would have saved me at least 5 years of pain. That is, that
stuttering can be cured. While I love and adore my ex-speech therapist I no longer see her as I believe there is no longer a need , some of the
teachings I believe were incorrect. I knew in my heart this is not what I wanted, nor should I have to accept that I would never be an undetectable
stutterer. Why could I speak fluently to myself, to people I trusted, and in certain situations, and speak with a stutter in other situations.
I could not stop clapping or giggling when I read about the fact that you would leave out certain letters and syllables not to stutter. This is exactly
what I would do to get out of sticky situations. I have a flair for the dramatics, and speaking with an accent, ranging my tone, laughing at myself is
what I am all about. I hardly ever stutter anymore, not even in interviews. Some times on specific words I will still stutter, some times on the phone
too. I am starting to practice your techniques everyday and I believe that in one year I will be fully cured of my stutter.
Lee is a recovered PWS who has beaten his stuttering using the very methods that are documented here in great detail. He has detailed several
easy-to-use methods in this book to choose from. What sets this book apart from others is its extremely practical nature. It does not get lost in
theory but has a clear objective; to offer real help with real results to the person who stutters in minimizing their stuttering as well as its
accompanying anxieties.
In working to achieve this, the book has nearly step by step directions. He is also an advocate for influencing and controlling the mind to improve
fluency. His coincidental alignment with these perspectives on stuttering lends credibility to his methods. Also important; the author himself is a
person who struggled deeply with stuttering. What he offers in this book is the culmination of all he has learned in effectively dealing with stuttering.
Lastly, Lee Lovett gives much of himself freely to the person who stutters who is still struggling. He spends countless hours offering free advice and
coaching to anyone who seeks it. As a person who is involved in the stuttering community and who has struggled with stuttering himself, I am
grateful that Lee Lovett wrote this book and sees helping other people who stutter as a noble cause. Many are benefiting from his efforts and I am
confident that number will only grow. This books is helping me to train my mind against stuttering, if you are willing to work for your cure this book
is the solution, DO NOT expect a cure just by reading the book, my life has improved in so many ways, I am still working on my speech and is
never been better, my GOAl reach my self cure.
I found that the latter not only helped my stuttering but had a noticeable improvement on my overall mood. Lee also encouraged me to smile as I
talked. This was something so simple that had such a big impact. Lee suggested that I really let my personality shine through and enjoy speaking.
That helped a lot. His experience as a stutterer gives him a keen understanding into the psyche of the stuttering mind. His methods are clear and
free of difficult to understand jargon. They have worked for him and seem to have helped many others as well. I can appreciate his selflessness in
giving of his time and energy to help others who stutter to gain confidence and develop a mental fortitude to preserve and conquer their fears. My
son is 20 and has been a severe stutterer since age 3.
He is now emerging, and we have great hope. This book is truly helpful for those like me that have dealt with stuttering. I have the first edition
which has really helped me to self cure. I know Mr. Lovett through personal weekly and bi-weekly skypes, which are free of charge. This second
edition goes into more details for improving speech and what he himself has learned from coaching other stutterers. As a person who is self curing,
all I can say is the techniques Lee Lovett explains do work. There are some that probably doubt that anything can help them improve their speech,
I know, I was one of them.
I spent a great deal of my childhood in speech therapy and nothing really helped. If you are lucky enough to skype with this guy, you will see what
I mean. I live in New Delhi and am 28 years old. I have been stuttering since I was 3. Lee book is very helpful for Stammerer. His methods are
awesome. When under pressure, I stuttered on half or more of my words. It helped immediately. I then began Skyping with him weekly, and my
stuttering is almost gone. I am convinced that, soon, I will completely self-cure. He understands stuttering inside and out; he hates stuttering and he
seems to love people, and he wants nothing from anyone except to help them.
There is no longer a reason to keep stuttering. Lee and his PWS-self-cures are proving it every day. His methods are the best…. Thank you Lee
for writing such a great book for those people who want to help themselves cure their speech problem. In it, I discovered powerful techniques
about how we can help ourselves to overcome stuttering. I have been using these effective techniques every single day since then; and I see myself
transform into a better human being, not just at the speech level wise but also at my personal level.
Therefore, I strongly encourage anyone else out there who is really committed to take their speech to the next level of fluency to give it a try. Its
worth it, and its for free. Again, thank you for you generosity Lee for putting this great book out there to help people overcome stuttering. Many
Thanks, May god bless you. This book stays away from technical jargon, and goes right into easy-to-use ways to become fluent. What are you
waiting for? I really like how much I relate to the book and how Mr. Lovett gets right into the 6 steps, rather than overly discussing the technical
and physical causes of stuttering. For me, stuttering has been a mental battle. I already feel like my stuttering has improved and I have only been
using the techniques for one week. Highly recommended!!! As a person, who has stuttered since three years old, I urge all to read Lee G. I would
like to share my story. Though my experience, I hope more people who stutter can give their an opportunity to read the book, train their mind and
change their lives.
When I worked in Shanghai China, I was a team leader. In August , I moved to the upstate New York for my master degree in electrical
engineering. My speech therapist told me some methods to fix myself and tried to let me be relaxed during talking. Realized the problem, in May , I
began to search books through Amazon. Lee is an amazing person. After received my email, Lee urged me to read the book as soon as possible
and offered free video talk after this. In the book, he provides several methods to fix stutters during talking. In the last two chapters, the most
important part of the book, he introduces auto-suggestion and self-hypnosis as root methods to defeat stutter.
When I read the book, I could feel Lee knows every detail of stutter. After reading the book, I felt I was equipped super weapons to fight with my
stuttering. Through video talks with him, my progress is detectable. Also, I believe, the day is not far. But, from my eyes, he is stutter free. Please
give yourself an opportunity to change your speech and your life forever. I have stuttered my whole life. My earliest memories of stuttering are
around age 5. I have been to different speech therapists over the years but none of them really helped me. I was told that stuttering was incurable
and I had to live with it. My stuttering problem has significantly decreased and Mr. Lovett really knows his stuff. I went through an entirely different
speech therapy, but I find here exercises which I used either in treatment or just myself. What struck me as I was reading the book is how crucial it
is to feel and experience that you can say what you want to say without impediments.
And different therapies propose different ways how to do it. The question is how practical it is. And stick to it. I have always stuttered under
pressure, and have often avoid speaking in public because of it. I finished your book today and it was a fantastic, simple and effective. I loved the
stories, and the fact that the technique were simple to use in any conversation and even high pressure situations. I also Skyped with him, and that
helped too, because he showed me how he uses the methods. He passionately wants to help stutterers. As a recovered stutterer it is always of
interest to me to discover how others have overcome the problem. This book I believe sets a benchmark for the amount of relentless and
dedicated focused attention and positive thinking required.
Unlike other undesirable behaviors that can be turned away from and left in our wake, speech and the associated stuttering are constantly in use.
Psychologists will tell you the human mind has a natural negative bias that evolved to protect us. This unnecessary distorted bias in relation to our
speech must be replaced with a positive one wich is the emphasis of this book The contemplative practice used in this book is self hypnosis but I
believe any disciplined focusing of ones attention on a practical pathway to solving a problem can be effective as it has the power to work on the
subconscious and in our case enable the natural flow of speech. The book is a great motivator, written with the no nonsense approach of a crisp
legal mind. However the very well read Mr Lovett softens it with delightful quotes from literature past and present.
I found this book on Audible and decided to give the audiobook a try. It was incredible! The methods that the author shared, as well as the
principles of taking control of thoughts were immensely interesting and helpful right away. I then read the Kindle version and that really helped. In
the book, Mr. Lovett invites readers to email him with comments. So, I did. This led to an over an hour-long Skype session at no charge. He
personally coached me, and was quick to offer to help me further, going as far as to offer letting me practice a speaking engagement I have coming
up over Skype. After that, we emailed quite a bit, and we finally set-up weekly minute Skype sessions, also at no charge. Lovett did. This is an
amazing book, written to you by an amazing man. I highly recommend it for those who struggle with a stutter.
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Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures: Become the Boss of Your Mind - Lee G. Lovett - Google Books
Sort order. Jan 18, Alexandru Ilie rated it it was amazing. Lovett creates something new through his book: a paradigm shift. Nearly all former
approaches on stuttering are stated from a taboo zone: something hard and scary with little results to repair and lots of delusions. Most of his
methods are used already in lots of treatments, but for me the light bulb appeared when he presents his crutches.
Until that moment I worked as a hound to spell and speak correctly but when the stuttering moment appeared i jammed and entered the dreadful
loop. With hi Mr. With his book i realized that I can become the master of game and change, bend or even create my own rules in order not to
stutter. Lots of work ahead after finishing this book, but the fear behind the stuttering appears in a new light and this is wonderful, because you
finally can identify your enemy and win the battle!!! Sep 12, read or die rated it it was amazing. I'm not a native English speaker This book and
Lee's Skype are surely changing my life. It is definitely a helpful and hopeful book for a stutterer or people who suffer speech anxiety. It deserves
to read for many times.
I feel very lucky to read this book at my age. Not only this book help me beat stutter or speech anxiety but it also help me to lead a much better
life. This book bring hope and confidence to my life. For the first time, I realize bossing my mind is so important and rewarding I'm not a native
English speaker For the first time, I realize bossing my mind is so important and rewarding. Dec 27, Adam rated it it was amazing. As a stutterer
the third edition of this book is amazing. Lee outlines all the details of a stutterer's mindset and how we can overcome our stuttering by using
crutches and mind-training. What he doesn't say in the book is how crucial you TRULY have to have patience months , determination habits of
reading out loud, doing autosuggestions , and good work ethic self-discipline to master his book.
He doesn't know the success rate of people who just read the book and cure, but he does a phenomen As a stutterer the third edition of this book
is amazing. He doesn't know the success rate of people who just read the book and cure, but he does a phenomenal job at SAC to help people
relieve their suffering of speech anxiety and stuttering. I am stuttering since I am very young and it impacted my life very negatively.
I have read several books about this topic but Lee G Lovett's book is unique on its own. It has been written in a language which can be easily
understood. The book is fantastic, the methods that are shown in it are very effective. I contacted Lee G Lovett and started individual Skype
sessions. After few sessions, I can already see an improvement and I will continue till I feel cured. I am very happy that I found this I am stuttering
since I am very young and it impacted my life very negatively. I am very happy that I found this book and I love it. It is highly recommended for
anyone who has fears about speaking and having issues to speak fluently.
Thank you Lee G Lovett. Voctave rated it did not like it Oct 07, Breeann Grima rated it it was amazing Jun 24, Edgar rated it it was amazing Jun
09, Andy rated it it was amazing Aug 14, Md Shafi rated it it was amazing May 28, Nayan Solanki rated it it was amazing Sep 20, Shehzad Nizar
rated it really liked it Aug 16, Melanie Verveniotis rated it it was amazing Aug 13, Falk Ritter rated it really liked it May 17, Mohammad Mutan
rated it it was amazing Mar 10, Jacob Raced rated it it was amazing Nov 03, Andro rated it really liked it Jan 01, Hany AL-Saad rated it it was
amazing Aug 14, Francisco rated it it was amazing Feb 02, The author believes that stuttering can be cured in a year or considerably less, by
applying the self-cures that are meticulously and lucidly detailed in SAC.
Anyone who stutters, or who suffers speech-anxiety, should read this unique book and say "Goodbye" to speech problems and "Welcome" to
speech fluency. Most books related to stuttering have been written by speech therapists of one kind or another, and most, if not all, of whom still
stutter to some degree. Many of these authors have spent their entire lives battling in the stuttering trenches, and, to them, go many plaudits, but,
sometimes, a person who resides outside the forest can see the trees more clearly, especially when that person has accomplished something that
most, if not all, of those other authors have not: namely, a self-cure of his own stuttering; that is, a reduction of Demon Stuttering to such a level that
others have not viewed him as a stutterer for decades.
Lee G. Lovett, who authored this book, is such a person, and he simply wants to share his "secrets" with as many others as possible. Lovett
became a stutterer in his early teens and a sporadically severe stutterer suffering full blockage in the most crucial situations in his twenties, at which
time he began his search for a cure. After ten years of allowing stuttering to morph into a life-controlling demon, it then took another years to
discover and implement the self-cures, which he divides into six, user-friendly Steps in this book.
As such, the author's battle with stuttering raged for roughly years. He admits that errant, sporadic fears of stuttering still raise their ugly heads, but
he flatly states that he has not been detectable as a stutterer by anyone for decades now. Before practicing law and co-founding roughly
businesses, Mr. Lovett held many jobs waiting tables, driving a cab, delivering ice, working as a laborer in a steel plant, working in the U. Senate
as a clerk, doorman, and managing the Republican Pages in the U. Senate, followed by door-to-door selling and then as a sales manager for a
burgeoning electronics' manufacturer.

Reviews Archive - Speech Anxiety Anonymous

I have only been using his techniques for a few weeks but I am already seeing improvement in my speech and in my overall anxiety about speaking.
I have not totally overcome my speech impediment but I believe that I am well on my way to achieving fluent speech when speaking in stressful
situations. Lee is a fantastic person who generously spends his time Skyping and corresponding with his readers to help them implement the
techniques he outlines in his book. Excellent book about stuttering, the techniques and advice in this book are great. Read it several weeks ago and
have seen significant improvement. Finally a method and frame of mind to beat this problem after three decades of struggle.
Not based on theory and medical studies, but based on practical approach that has worked with him and many others who have read the book.
Lee also offers skype sessions that are very helpful. Reading this book has changed my outlook on stuttering. Stuttering is an obstacle; but it will
make the one currently suffering stronger in the end. I was five, I think when I started, but a miracle happened. I was searching the internet for help
with my stutter when I found Lees video and book. It builded confidence. It encouraged me to talk to myself and to practice my speech. I used to
not be able to get my words out, almost none at all. But I found an answer. The methods in this book really worked for me and changed my life.
After reading the reviews I decided to give it a try to find out if it would work for me since there was nothing to lose.
After a few weeks of reading aloud and practicing crutches whenever I can, my stuttering has been reduced noticeable. I feel much more confident
and less anxiety when I talk. My voice sounds clearer and is more in command. I used to fight my stuttering, try to force the words out and it was
always a struggle. I no longer have to do that. I can apply one of the crutches when needed which require my practice to master it. Thanks Lee for
providing the free Skype session. Time will tell but my progress seems very promising. This book is very helpful in the road to being stutter free.
Lee has wonderful ways to show you how to get there.
I urge anyone who stutters to get started on this book. I have been stuttering heavily my whole life and have had multiple speech therapies,
medicinal treatments, psychiatric drugs; every thing seemed to work for a short time and the relapse was always much more severe than before. I
am a medical student who has been observing my stutter from all possible angles in the past couple of years, because I refused to let my life be
directed by this menace. I kept a journal recording every interaction, recorded conversations and scrutinized them as much as i could. This helped
me debunk so many myths about stuttering and made it clear why all therapies fail; because no one who comes up with these treatments and
therapies has actually stuttered themselves and has not experienced it first-hand. It is absolutely impossible to understand stuttering without being a
victim. Even though I was learning about it, there were some loopholes in my new, unconventional theories which I found difficult to justify or
explain, but I knew I was close.
I realized that my own experience, of one person who stutters, is not enough to draw conclusions and find the missing links that were eluding me.
As I started reading, I realized that this is another therapy book, but I kept reading because everything Lee was trying to say matched extremely
closely to my own observations. Everything made sense. The loopholes, all explained and taken care of. It perfectly summed up what I was trying
to do on my own. The methods made sense, the experiences made sense, everything was interlinked. I am sharing my own experience with
stuttering and my ways to learn more about it to emphasize that I was reaching the same conclusions although heavily lacking as Lee has, even
before reading this book. If you record your interactions and scrutinize and observe them, it will be clear to you that the theories mentioned here-in
are indeed true. Still not sure? Give this book a read and be honest with yourselves.
Still unsure? Talk about it with Lee. What do you have to lose in this war against demon stutter? I finished the books and emailed Lee. He replied
within a couple of days and he was more excited than I was to help me self cure. He really cares that all stutterers beat demon stuttering. He is on
a never ending war with it. In 3 weeks, I have had astounding improvements. There was no doubt in my mind because the theories match my
experiences. Take the first step. Read this book, give it some thought and time, and you WILL self cure. WE will self cure together. I have
struggled with stuttering my whole life and it has held me back in so many ways until now. I found this book and have been reading it and using the
self-cure methods for a little over a week and it has made a incredible difference! If you are searching for something to help with your stuttering
issues please give this a try.
I am about half way through and look forward to my reading time every night. I will read it several times just because it is so good and it helps!
Please give this book a try and Mr. Although I have a successful career, it has been inhibited by stuttering. The author, Lee Lovett, has self-cured
his stutter and has helped many others do the same. In this book, Lee provides the proven steps, tools and resources to realize a life-changing self-
cure. Although self-curing takes significant effort and commitment, I can now trump any stutter with a crutch, making my stutter virtually
undetectable to others. Self-curing is raising the quality of my life exponentially!
I became aware of my stutter in early childhood. When I was four 4 years old, I fell off my bike, knocked out my front teeth, and adopted a slight
lisp due to missing teeth. I was sent to a school speech therapist who made me acutely aware of my speech and my lifelong stutter grew to become
a significant impediment impacting my life every day. I have had many terrifying experiences with speaking that were truly humiliating, something
only another PWS can fully appreciate.
Despite my stutter, I have tried to not allow my speech challenges to be a barrier for achieving personal and professional goals. Because of my
stutter, my career growth has been limited, including being overlooked for jobs and not reaching my full potential. My stutter as also resulted
limited social interaction, and my friendship circles are small. I accepted my stutter as a lifelong issue, until I read Mr. I was fully committed to
follow the steps in the book and I set a personal goal to become self-cured in 90 days. With Mr. I remain committed to follow the daily routines
described in the book to improve my speech. My confidence continues to grow as I now have positive speaking experiences every day. Over the
past 2 months, my stutter has become virtually undetectable to others.
Simply incredible! To my astonishment, the author offers one-on-one support via Skype to help people who stutter self-cure. I was shocked that
when I reached out to Lee, he agreed to Skype with me! Now that I am self-cured, I plan to follow his example by volunteering my time to help
other people who stutter conquer their stuttering. Maybe we will speak someday and I can help you like Lee has helped me! At work I regularly
lead meetings, host global conference calls and give presentations in front of large groups of people. Most of the jobs over my career have
required me to speak, making every day challenging and many days terrifying. My journey to self-curing is just beginning. Although I will always be
a person who stutters, making self-curing a priority every day, I am managing my stutter to become undetectable.
After learning and practicing how to use the crutches described in the book, I started building positive speaking memories. Speaking is now getting
easier every day! Lee has inspired me to reset my goals beyond undetectable stuttering and turn my speech into a strength instead of a weakness.
Thank you Lee, I sincerely appreciate your life-changing book and personal commitment to help me. Congratulations on making a huge difference
in the quality of life for others. Your passion to help people who stutter is truly inspirational!
After a year of speech therapy and little progress I went searching on Amazon for something more. I made contact with Lee after finishing his book
and asked how we could use the same principles when working with a boy so young. Lee and I have been skyping most weeks. In that time I have
been astounded by the progress my son has made. He now speaks with little to no stuttering. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is
struggling with stuttering or any parent that has a child that stutters and who want a cure that really works. I read a lot about this problem that
conditioning my life and this is the first book that helps you in a pratical way.
It helps to change your point of you about stuttering…isnt a obstacle but a resource to be degree a better person. I talk personally with Leo on his
skype sessions and I met a man with an enormous culture who want help people to follow his path without nothing in exchange. Its hard to find
people like that nowadays. Presentations from me are usually disasters but this time was different and two persons from the audience talked to me
after the presentation to tell me it was the best talk they heard this year.
I could not believe it, I was so happy. Lee does not believe in controlling our speech, which was what most of methods suggest. Lee believes in
creating fluency memories so that our brain can get used to speaking instantaneously, which means without planning words. Lee believes that we
should think about the ideas and not the words we want to say, just like we think about where we want to go and not about which leg we will
move next. Once we no longer plan words but just let a brain full of fluency memories speak, it is way easier to speak fluently. How can we create
fluency memories? The main way is reading aloud 1 hour every day and other techniques such as auto-suggestions and self-hypnosis also help.
Another important advice during the transition from stutterer to self-cured is to reduce the stuttering memories.
To do so, Lee suggests twelve techniques called crutches to avoid stuttering on feared words. One technique is voice modulation and another
technique is skipping the first letter of the next feared word. This helps reducing stuttering memories until we hopefully become self-cured. After
finishing the book, I was impressed by its content and I decided to write to Lee. He replied and offered to Skype with me. I had two Skype
sessions with him and his energy, help and advice have been incredible. He is incredibly motivated to help stutterers self-cure and is doing it for
I am still working on it and hope to become self-cured in a few months. This is a great book for anyone who stutters or suffers from any type of
speech anxiety. Lee believes in his methods and they truly work. It will help. I strongly recommend this book after listening to the audiobook and
later reading the electronic version. Lee writes this book based on his experience as a person who used to stutter and brings his personal stories to
explain how he comes up with his theories and steps for improvement. The author is confident of his theories based on his own success and after
working with others with whom he has seen improvement. Moreover, his focus on changing the mind really resonated with me. My body reacts
before I think. I am working on reversing this with Lee through weekly Skype sessions.
It has helped tremendously. No technique will help if we continue the bad habits…thoughts such as anticipating to stutter on a word, visualizing
stuttering moments, and etc. These become self-fulfilling prophecies and these thoughts must be replaced. Lee is very generous to offer his time
and wisdom; he has the utmost passion and devotion to help PWS. Thank you, Lee. Nothing compels us to think anything except our own desires.
I have read several books on stuttering but this one by Lee is the one that seems to be finally working for me.
Of course it takes time to master the techniques he outlines in his book but I have noticed substantial improvement in my speech after a few weeks
of applying them. In addition, the weekly free skype sessions he provides helping stutterers are very helpful in that he watches you speak and then
gives real time advices on what to do what not to do in different circumstances so as to beat stuttering. This is a highly recommended book for all
those who have struggled with stuttering like me. A truely great read. Thank you for your hard fought battle on stuttering and the time you have
given this matter. Your vision to quantify stuttering and put it in such a clear thought out and systematic way is incredible to say the least. I started
practicing the Auto Suggestions and keep a list of them with me to do during any down time as well. I am using some of yours AS from the book
and made some of my own.
I wrote down the 12 crutches and have been practicing them. The techniques are very new to me. Since using them for a only a couple of days
now I have been observing progress in a positive direction to more fluency. Most of my hard stutter situations come during stressful times such as
meeting new people, saying a persons name including my own. Any type of public speaknig is just a no start for me, I may as well be a voice
cripple in a public forum because the words just will not come out. I actually have a lot to say generally speaking, LOL no pun intended. The
reasons you are helping people who stutter the way you are became more clear to me as I read the book. I am reading this book for the fourth
time and all I can say is Wow. What makes this book so special is that the author was once someone who stuttered and who self cured himself.
He knows exactly how intimidating speaking can be for anyone who stutters. Finally, a book that is written from someone who has been in our
shoes and who can personally relate to us.
This book teaches the reader how to avoid stutters by using crutches that enable us to leap frog a would be an embarrassing incident, and boy that
can be what makes or breaks the rest of the conversation. There are many crutches that we can use in our weapon of defense because what may
one for one, may not work for another since we are all different. The reader will also show how to attack stuttering directly with auto suggestions
and self-hypnosis. I personally love the auto suggestions which are positive affirmations to yourself that literally remap your mind improving your
speech and your happiness in general, which has elevated my life is such a way it is beyond words. The combination of using the crutches to avoid
stutters and the use of auto suggestions, will help you be on your way to fluency in no time.
Do yourself a favor and read this book with an OPEN mind because there is so much to gain. I am currently skyping with the author and have
begun my journey to a self cure. The sky is the limit and I am excited to see what I will accomplish! Having struggled with sporadic stuttering for
about half my life, I know how much it can feel like an incredibly convoluted, perplexing and ultimately hopeless problem with no way out. Many
books and speech therapists offer merely temporary and ineffective solutions. I urge you to not lose hope. The step-by-step methods emphasize
positive mind control, teaching readers to focus on delivering their messages with feeling and passion rather than the exact words they intend to
speak. You will learn that the mind cannot stutter when truly focused on something other than the fear of words. Those who are willing to practice
daily and consistently with the steps outlined in the book set themselves up for boundless rewards, not only with speech but in many psychological
aspects of life.
This book deals with that resistance and tells the reader what to do about it. Awesome book!! I have read many book on stuttering but this book
takes it to a totally different level. The techniques that author suggests are very helpful. Must read. This is an amazing, ground-breaking work.
Follow the instructions in this book and you WILL become much more fluent. It takes some effort but the results will be worth it.
Thanks Mr. Lovett for your selfless devotion to helping others! This book is absolutely incredible and anyone who has stuttered can see early on in
the book how it can be helpful. Stuttering impacts so much of our lives and has left imprinted memories in our minds that like a trauma can impact
how we think about our speech. With tools, techniques and mental exercises Lee shows how we can reshape and restructure our minds to think
like a non-stutterer so that we can make our speech flawless in the realm of how a non-stutter speaks.
Or at least undetectable. Since Lee used to stutter I feel that he provides insights that an author who did not stutter could not provide. His methods
are a true gift to the stuttering community. I could talk to certain people with little effort, yet completely freeze with others. Related Podcast
Episodes. Promoting student voice: Susie Harder, M.
She works in private practice and the school setting to help support children who stutter, trains Meet Singhal co-founder of Stamurai. Today my
guest is Meet Singhal. Co-founder of Stamurai. So in this episode he talks about how stuttering controlled his life almost having a breakdown and
how he turned it all around by developing this mobile app. Talks about the science and psychology around stuttering. Never ordering food he liked
only ones that were easy to say. Dealing with speech therapists. What you should and should not do when dealing with a person who stutters and
telling his first ever joke! Talks about the subscription based business model. Do by The Indian Startup Show 37 min listen. Just how does that
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Her storyreminds us that it is never too late to make a change, to seek fulfillment in your career, by Swallow Your Pride 45 min listen. Related
Articles. Related categories Skip carousel. Rate as 1 out of 5, I didn't like it at all. Rate as 2 out of 5, I didn't like it that much. Rate as 3 out of 5, I
thought it was OK. Rate as 4 out of 5, I liked it. The author believes that stuttering can be cured in a year or considerably less, by applying the
self-cures that are meticulously and lucidly detailed in SAC. Most books related to stuttering have been written by speech therapists of one kind or
another, and most, if not all, of whom still stutter to some degree. Many of these authors have spent their entire lives battling in the stuttering
trenches, and, to them, go many plaudits, but, sometimes, a person who resides outside the forest can see the trees more clearly, especially when
that person has accomplished something that most, if not all, of those other authors have not: namely, a self-cure of his own stuttering; that is, a
reduction of Demon Stuttering to such a level that others have not viewed him as a stutterer for decades.
Lee G. Lovett, who authored this book, is such a person, and he simply wants to share his "secrets" with as many others as possible. Lovett
became a stutterer in his early teens and a sporadically severe stutterer suffering full blockage in the most crucial situations in his twenties, at which
time he began his search for a cure. After ten years of allowing stuttering to morph into a life-controlling demon, it then took another years to
discover and implement the self-cures, which he divides into six, user-friendly Steps in this book. As such, the author's battle with stuttering raged
for roughly years. He admits that errant, sporadic fears of stuttering still raise their ugly heads, but he flatly states that he has not been detectable as
a stutterer by anyone for decades now.
Before practicing law and co-founding roughly businesses, Mr. Lovett held many jobs waiting tables, driving a cab, delivering ice, working as a
laborer in a steel plant, working in the U. Senate as a clerk, doorman, and managing the Republican Pages in the U. Senate, followed by door-to-
door selling and then as a sales manager for a burgeoning electronics' manufacturer.

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