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Differentiate between interactions and relationships: Determine whether each is a

characteristic of a simple exchange or interaction(I) or a relationship (R).

1. In an afternoon workshop session of a two-day seminar, six students from different schools
who met one another only during this activity were asked to discuss and exchange views
about the topic “effective student leadership”. They elected a leader to steer the discussion.

ANSWER: Interaction (I)

2. Three schools entered into an agreement as “sister-schools” for five years. These schools
agreed that they will share library facilities, science laboratories, computer labs, and other
instructional materials for the use of their students. They entered into this negotiation because
they want to improve the academic performance of their students.

ANSWER: Relationship (R)

3. Four students were seated in the bleachers watching a basketball game. While the game was
going on, they discussed with one another the strategies of the most valuable player. After
the game, they went home.

ANSWER: Interaction (I)

4. A group of medical doctors are members of an organization. Every end of the month, they
come together to report what they have accomplished in their assigned projects. They also
present the problems they encountered while doing their projects. The other members of the
group would help by giving suggestions or possible solutions to their problems.

ANSWER: Relationship (R)

II. Determine the appropriate behaviour. Describe how you are expected to behave and interact
with other people in each of these situations. You may consider the following factors: volume of
your voice, dress code, general behaviour.

1. Attending online Class

Based on my experience, attending an online class is a little bit awkward and

embarrassing since I still don’t meet them personally, and I feel a bit shy because I don’t like
approaching people first. It is embarrassing for me because whenever I turn on my camera, I
don’t know what face should I show to them so I prefer not to open my camera, but when my
professor requires us to open our camera, I’m on my poker face. I still prefer attending face-
to-face classes rather than in online classes. Even if the university didn’t require us to wear
school uniforms, we still have to dress appropriately when attending online classes to acquire
online class etiquette. Our voices should be in moderate volume when greeting the
professors, answering questions, or when asking something.

2. Studying in the library

The expectations for the people going to the library are always to be respectful and
obedient. Following the rules like being quiet and giving other people personal space should
be given to them as a sign of respect if you were studying in the library. Don’t bother and
talk to other people if you know that they are busy and focusing on studying. A proper dress
code shall be followed to show formality. Do not bring food to the library because it might
cause damage to books and computers.

3. Eating lunch in a restaurant

While eating in a restaurant, we all should just mind our own businesses. If there’s
someone on the other table that spills his/her drinks, don’t be all eyes and ears and just finish
your own meal. Observe not talking when your mouth is full to prevent the expulsion of food
from your mouth. When you’re dining in a fast-food restaurant, it is somehow okay to be a
little bit loud when talking to your group but if you’re in a fine dining restaurant, you should
behave in a formal way to observe dining etiquette. Some five-star restaurants require a
proper dress code for the visitors.
4. Meeting a new professor

We all should make a good impression and show our intelligence right away. Be
respectful and pay attention when your professor is discussing to show that you are willing to
listen and gain knowledge from him/her. Talking to your seatmates while the professor is
discussing might give a bad impression that you don’t want to hear what your professor is
saying. Respect them whenever they are around or not and don’t be the type of student that
talks negatively behind their back when they hate the professor.

5. Cheering for a team in a game

Be loud and bring out the hype whenever you are cheering for a team or someone
because, in that way, you can clearly show that you are proud of them and you
wholeheartedly support them. Give your best while cheering and don’t lose hope because you
are one of the motivation and foundation of your team. Still, be proud and continue to
support them even if your team doesn’t win the game.

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