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Cooler options like insulated drip trays or fan ring heaters are included according to each

company/designer’s experience and practice rather than standards or code specification. We can’t
establish an exact temperature or humidity level criteria for including these options. Most of the reasons
are empirical evidences as discussed below.

Insulated drip tray are generally used for

To avoid condensation on the underside of the tray

Condensation can occur below drip tray if it is not insulated and this will drip to the floor or product giving
the client a reason to complaint. In general, this happens because of variety of reasons.

 Building layout.: -If the cold area is adjacent to any hot area, like freezer next to high temperature
loading area. Hot air will carry moisture and condense on the cold drip tray and drip on the floor.
 Cooler layout: -If the cooler is positioned at places where saturated moist air can enter the room
like right above the door, condensation is to be expected.
 Cooler construction: - Draw through coolers have more chance of condensation on drip tray.
Because air passing (as a result of short cycling) between cooler base and drip tray is at different
temperature as the room (cooler fan out is at low temperature than the room). Therefore, the
chances for condensation are high compared to blow through coolers (no short cycling here).
 Air curtain/room operation: -If the cold room doors are equipped with strip curtains or door
opening is not frequent, chances for condensation is less.
 Product stored: -If the stored product or area is giving off moisture, chances for condensation
below drip tray is high.

To avoid heat loss during defrost cycle

 For low temperature applications generally, insulation is used to reduce the heat loss from the
cooler to the room during the defrost cycle. As a rule of thumb, you can say -15°C and below this
it’s better to provide insulated drip tray.

To sum things up, there are different reason to go for insulated drip tray or to avoid it. If trouble free
operation is of more importance than budget, it’s good to provide insulated drip tray to every cooler which
operates below the standard ambient dew point. (Around 14°C).

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