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Managing Human Resources

Text book: Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P.
M. (2018). Fundamentals of human resource management. NY:
Learning objective

• Define human resource management (HRM) and explain

how HRM contributes to an organization’s performance.
• Identify the responsibilities of HR departments.
• Summarize the types of competencies needed for HRM.
• Explain the role of supervisors in HRM.
• Discuss ethical issues in HRM.
• Describe typical carriers in HRM.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
1. What is human resource
The policies, practices, and systems
that influence employees’ behavior,
attitudes and performance (Noe et al.,

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
Green Human Resources Strategic human resource
International HRM is a term encompassing management is a process
Management (GHRM) can be
all the HR practices involved in managing that helps the human
defined as a set of policies,
a global workforce. International HR resources department
practices, and systems that
professionals are responsible for the maximize the potential of
following within a multinational
corporation: Talent management including
stimulate the green behavior of a
company’s employees in order to its workforce through
create an environmentally strategic planning, talent

recruitment; Expatriation and repatriation;
Training and developing; Compensation
sensitive, resource-efficient, and management, leadership
socially responsible organization. development,
organizational design,
and performance

Competitive Advantage (CA): HRM, physical, finance

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
2. Effective Human resource
management …..
• Employees and customers tend to be more
• The companies tend to be more innovative, have
greater productivity, develop a more favorable
reputation in the community.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
2. Effective Human Resource
Management …..
• Please carefully listen following these videos
What is HRM?
What are functions of HRM?
Why is HRM important?
Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
Avoid personal mistakes

• For example, the company does not want…

▪ To have your employees not doing their best.
▪ To hire the wrong person for the job.
▪ To experience high turnover.
▪ To have your company in court due to your
discriminatory actions.
▪ To have your company cited for unsafe practices.
▪ To let a lack of training undermine your department’s
▪ To commit any unfair labor practices.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
Improve profits and performance

• it can help ensure that you get results—through people =>

is the bottom line of managing
• …. hiring the right people for the right jobs and then
motivating, appraising, and developing them => better

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
3. HRM and company performance

• Links among HRM, human capital, and organizational


Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
HRM and sustainable competitive
• Having a sustainable competitive advantage may enhance
company’s success.
• Human resources have the necessary qualities to help give
companies this advantage:
• - Human resources are valuable (e.g., high-quality employees)
• - Human resources are rare (e.g., a person with high levels of
the needed skills and knowledge)
• - Human resources cannot be imitated
• - Human resources have no good substitutes

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
High performance work system (HPWS)

• Effective management of HR may form the foundation of

high performance work system (HPWS)
• HPWS - an organization in which technology, organizational
structure, people, and processes all work together to give an
organization an advantage in the competitive environment.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
4. Responsibilities of HR departments
• HR as a business within the company with three product
• Administrative Services and Transactions: Handling administrative tasks and
emphasizing resource efficiency and service quality. For example, hiring
• Business Partner Services: Developing effective HR systems and helping
implement business plans that help companies meet its goals for attracting,
keeping, and developing people with the needed skills. For example: HR
departments must understand the business and design effective systems to
ensure needed competencies.
• Strategic Partner: Contributing to the business strategy based on
considerations of existing HR practices and HR practices give the company
a competitive advantage. Example: HR people must understand the
Nhat Tan business, the competition, the market, and business
Pham, Ph.D. Greenstrategies.
your life, green your company,
In terms

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
HRM practices
Job analysis The process of getting detailed information about jobs.
Job design The process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks
that a given job requires.
Recruitment The process through which the organization seeks applicants for
potential employment
Selection The process by which the organization attempts to identify applicants
with the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics
that will help the organization achieve its goals
Training A planned effort to enable employees to learn job-related knowledge,
skills, and behavior.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
HRM practices
Development The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that improve an
employee’s ability to meet changes in job requirements and in customer
Performance The process of ensuring that employees’ activities and outputs match the
management organization’s goals.
Planning Pay • How much to offer in salary and wages, as well as bonuses,
& Benefits commissions, and other performance-related pay.
• Which benefits to offer, from retirement plans to various kinds of
insurance to time pay off with pay.
Administerin • Systems for keeping track of employees’ earnings and benefits are
g Pay & needed.
Benefits • Employees need information about their plans (health, retirement, and
other benefits).
Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. • Extensive record-keeping and reporting
Green your life, green
to employees your company,
or government is
HRM practices
Employee • Preparing and distributing employees handbooks, policies, newsletters
relations • Handling communications from employees, such as questions about
benefits and company policy, discrimination, safety hazards, possible
harassment at work
• Conducting collective bargaining to negotiate an employment contract
with union members
Establishing • All HRM activities require fair and consistent decisions and careful and
and discreet record keeping.
administering • Organizations depend on their HR department to help establish and
personnel communicate policies related hiring, discipline, promotions, and benefits
policies • Organizations depend on their HR department to help communicate the
policies to everyone

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
HRM practices
Ensuring Government requirements include: filing reports and displaying posters,
Compliance avoiding unlawful behavior. Managers depend on HR professionals to help
with Labor them keep track of these requirements.
Laws Lawsuits that will continue to influence HRM practices concern job security
as the company may be forced to close facilities and lay off employees.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
5. Skills of
professionals nhạy bén
trong kinh

HR success
Khả năng tham vấn
năng lực đánh giá

Lãnh đạo & Định hướng

hành xử theo chuẩn

mực đạo đức
năng lực văn
hoá toàn cầu

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,

Human understanding and carrying out the functions of human
resource resource management (e.g., using HR technology, applying
expertise policies and procedures, keeping up-to-date on HR laws.
Relationship handling the personal interactions necessary for providing
management services and supporting the organization’s goals (e.g.,
building trust, providing great customer service)
Consultation the ways HR employees guide others in the organization
(e.g., coaching, gathering data to support business

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
Leadership and It refers to directing the organization’s processes and
navigation programs. Depending on one’s level in the organization, the
necessary behaviors would include behaving consistently
with the organization’s culture, encouraging people to
collaborate, or setting a vision for the HR function or entire
Communication Skills needed to exchange information with others inside and
outside the organization (e.g., constructive feedback, and
Global and Valuing and considering various people’s perspectives
cultural (acquiring knowledge of other cultures, resolving conflicts,
Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D.
effectiveness Green your life, green your company,
and supporting inclusiveness)
Ethical practice Applying integrity, accountability, and other core values (e.g.,
maintaining confidentiality, rewarding ethical behavior, and
responding to reports of unethical conduct)
Critical The interpretation of information needed for making
evaluation business decisions (e.g., gathering relevant data, applying
statistical knowledge to understand the data, and finding root
causes of problems)
Business Understanding how information can be used to support the
acumen organization’s strategy (e.g., gaining and applying
knowledge of business principles, how HR functions relate to
business success)
Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
6. HR responsibilities of Supervisors

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
7. Ethics in HRM

• Ethics prefers the fundamental principles of right and wrong,

• Ethical behavior is behavior that is consistent with those
• Many ethical issues in the workplace involve human resource

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
• Employee rights: everyone has certain basic rights:
• - Right of free consent - People have the right to be treated only as
they knowingly and willingly consent to be treated
• - Right of privacy - People have the right to do as they wish in their
private lives, and they have the right to control what they reveal
about private activities
• - Right of the freedom of conscience - People have the right to refuse
to do what violates their moral beliefs, as long as these beliefs reflect
commonly accepted norms

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
• Employee rights: everyone has certain basic rights:
• - Right of freedom of speech - People have the right to criticize an
organization’s ethics if they do so in good conscience and their
criticism does not violate the rights of individuals in the organization.
• - Right to due process - If people believe their rights are being
violated, they have the right to a fair and impartial hearing.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
• Standards for ethical behavior
• Ethical companies act according to 04 principles:
• - In their relationships with customers, vendors, and clients, ethical
companies emphasize mutual benefits.
• - Employees assume responsibility for the actions of the company.
• - The company has a sense of purpose or vision that employees value
and use in their day-to-day work.
• - They emphasize fairness.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
• Standards for ethical behavior
• Standards for Identifying Ethical HRM practices

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,

Describe typical careers in human resource


Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
Question Discussion

Q1: Traditionally, human resource management practices were

developed and administered by the company’s human resource
department. Line managers are now playing a major role in developing
and implementing HRM practices. Why do you think non-HR managers
are becoming more involved?
Q2: If you were to start a business, which aspects of human resource
management would you want to entrust to specialists? Why?

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,
Other references
• Julie Beardwell & Tim Claydon 2007 , Human Resource Management: a
contemporary approach, Prentice Hall, 5th edition.
• Robert L. Mathis & John H. Jackson 2011, Human Resource Management,
South-Western, 13th edition.
• Bowen, D. E., & Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding HRM–firm performance
linkages: The role of the “strength” of the HRM system. Academy of
management review, 29(2), 203-221.

Nhat Tan Pham, Ph.D. Green your life, green your company,

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