Brown Beige Aesthetic Scrapbook Creative Portfolio Presentation

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About Me

Hello, I’m Pikachu

By : Venus Rongalerios | BST301

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Rongalerios About Me

Welcome to a collection of thoughtfully chosen and cherished memories a tapestry of moments. I
cordially invite you to journey through the chapters of my life as they are presented in my scrapbook,
where each page tells a tale and each picture has a thousand words to say.
About Me

List Of Content
01 About Me
02 Personal
03 About My

04 Home
05 Contact
About Me

About Me
I am Venus Rongalerios, age of 21, currently taking Tourism
Manage program at SPCBA. Looking through the pages will
reveal fleeting moments of happiness, laughter echoes, and the
subtle beauty that is sometimes overlooked in the chaos of
daily existence. Every component in this scrapbook serves as a
thread, connecting the dots of my life's experiences to form a
mosaic of treasured memories.
About Me

Introducing Venus, a connoisseur of the magnificent

stories that are woven across the captivating world of
Korean dramas. Venus, who has a voracious thirst for
stories, finds comfort and motivation in the variety of
stories that are told on film. Every series opens a
window into a different set of emotions, cultures, and
interpersonal relationships, from the intimate moments
of romance to the grand sagas of historical dramas.
About Me

I reserved disposition blends in beautifully with the

nuanced narrative of K-dramas. I sees a mirror image
of her own introspection and development as she
delves into the people' inner lives, personal
development, and the subtleties of interpersonal
interactions. Venus's voyage is a tapestry of calm
moments, introspection, and the soft ebb and flow of
emotions that changes as the drama progresses.
Personal Matters

eone Photography ues
youth camp with bep
Personal Matters

drin my peace
k admiring dream
About Me

I am interested in the natural wonders of the world outside of the screen. Venus has a particular place in her
heart for the moon, a silent protector of the night sky that provides a calming glow during quiet times of
reflection. Trees are a sign of growth and perseverance that accompany people on their journey of self-
discovery with their steady presence and peaceful wisdom.
About Me

Family is the solid base on which our lives are constructed; it is a
place of unshakable support, shared history, and unconditional
love. It's a place where the footsteps of shared memories
resonate through the hallways and the walls are filled with the
laughter of shared delight. Every family member is a separate
room, embellished with the individual characteristics,
eccentricities, and coziness that complete the home.
About Me

In addition to being the place where food is made,
the kitchen serves as a center for nurturing
relationships. Stories are told in the living room,
where talks ranging from the banal to the deep help
to weave together the fabric of the family story. The
bedrooms serve as havens, recording dreams,
anxieties, and personal development for each
About Me

The family presents a unified front at holidays and
hardships, enduring hardships and rejoicing in victories.
This allegory's "home" is more than simply a geographical
location; it's a dynamic, breathing thing that changes over
time and bears the memories of cherished moments. The
love that unites the bricks in this house creates a haven
where acceptance is unrestricted and the doors are always

churchmate 2015 spy
About Me

Friendships are the cornerstone of a home, providing
warmth, joy, and a sense of secure belonging. They are like
the priceless walls of a house. Inside this allegoric house,
every friend is a distinct room decorated with the hues of
their individual personalities and the experiences that
breathe life into the place. The sound of laughter
reverberates through the living room, fostering a spirit of
happiness and companionship.

123 Anywhere St.,

Any City, ST 12345

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