Report Writing Guidline For Internship in AcFn

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Debark University, College of Business and Economics,

Department of Accounting and Finance

Report Writing Guideline for the course of Internship (AcFn-4113) in Accounting and Finance
1. Introduction
The objective of Internship in Accounting and Finance is to create opportunity for graduating
students to acquire practical industry experience so that they can appreciate the link between the
theoretical knowledge and the business/ financial industry practices. Therefore, graduating students
are strongly advised to put the maximum of their effort and dedication for the practicum as it lays
foundation for their carrier advancement.
2. Selecting organization
Students taking the course are required to select an organization on which they would like to do their
Internship in Accounting and Finance and report to the department. The following points shall be
considered while selecting an organization:
i. The organization shall be engaged in business and /or other institution must be providing
customer service activities.
ii. The firm shall be accessible (not too far) for the student not to waste learning time while
iii. The firm should be willing to accept the graduating student for the Internship.
iv. The firm should give financing, budgeting, financial consulting and other customer
service-related task for their customers for the apprentice period.
v. Students are expected to spend their time for actively participated for study, report
preparation and consultation with academic advisor for the course.
vi. The firm shall be willing to provide necessary information for the graduating students to
prepare their report (case study proposal).
vii. The organization shall assign coach / immediate supervisor to guide/ train the student and
finally submit evaluation report.
viii. The organization (coach/ immediate supervisor) shall evaluate the performance of the
student and report to the school using the provided evaluation format.
3. Discipline
All students shall observe the following and discipline themselves while doing their Internship:
i. Be punctual and attend all the schedules given by their respective field supervisor /
ii. Always show positive attitude towards their assignment / task
iii. Shall follow work instructions
iv. Obey company codes of conducts
v. Be professional and well groomed
vi. Show high level of responsibility
vii. Show courtesy and effective communication skills

Debark University, College of Business and Economics,
Department of Accounting and Finance

4. Evaluation
The evaluation for field work and practicum consists of two parts:
4.1 Evaluation by field supervisor/ coach of the organization
The supervisor/ coach assigned by the organization on which students are doing their Internship shall
evaluate the students on the following basis and report to the school before the end of the semester.
 Attendance and punctuality
 Ability to accept responsibility
 Readiness to learn
 Quality of work
 Communication skill
 Professional courtesy
 Problem solving skill
 Customer handling
4.2 Evaluation by academic advisor
Evaluation by the academic advisor shall be done based on the Internship Report (case study
proposal) Presentation.
4.2.1 Structure of the field practicum report ( Case Study proposal)
Students should note that the Internship/ Apprenticeship Report they are preparing shall consist
like the proposal part of their senior essay in the form of case study proposal. Therefore, they have to
give their report with utmost attention and shall take into consideration the main senior essay/
research process while doing their Internship and writing their case study proposal / Internship
Each student is expected to prepare and submit the Internship report on the practical application of
financing, budgeting, costing, auditing and other related concept related to the topic of investigation
in a selected organization. The Internship shall address practical accounting and finance problems
encountered by an organization of your choice. In the senior essay (Second part of the course) if it is
possible, students will be conducting study on the same organization and topic as reported by their
senior Internship Report which is also the proposal part of the Senior Essay in Accounting and
Finance. Your report and presentation shall be marked 60%.

Debark University, College of Business and Economics,
Department of Accounting and Finance
The report should fulfil the following requirements:
 Main body will have:- Page 7- 15 pages by 12 font size, times new roman 1.5
line spacing , and having the followings major sections:
 Topic: Assessment of ________ practice in the case of _______________
o Eg. Banking or credit or costing practice in the case of Abay Bank, or in case of
ACSI or in case of Bahir Dar Textile Factory and etc.
 Acknowledgement (one paragraph give appreciation for those who helped you in the
 Main contents
Chapter 1
1.1. Background of the Organization : (2-3 pages)
 Write brief introduction in paragraph format ( not outline) about the Company profile
( name, logo, vision, mission, location, product/ service mix, target market, selling price,
promotion methods, distribution channel, production/ service capacity, major competitors,
number of staff, financial, production and marketing dept. Structure, etc.)
1.2. Background of the study (Internship) area ( 1-2 pages)
Introduce the theoretical concept on which you are focusing while doing your Internship in
the organization (Eg. Banking activities, cost controlling mechanisms, credit management
mechanisms, customer service, promotion and advertising activities etc.)
1.3. Statement of the problem ( 1-2 pages) / SWOT Analysis (strength, weakness,
opportunity and threats Analysis)
 Describe in detail the financing, budgeting, costing, auditing and other related problem
encountered by the organization as being observed by the student (example if you are
working on assessment of credit practice discuss in detail the type of challenges faced by
credit unit and debt management without indicating the solution. Try to relate the practical
problem with what is suggested by the theory.

1.4. Internship objectives

 Including learning the practical business environment, identifying the problems, assessing
the relationship between theory and practice, suggesting viable solutions etc.
1.5. Scope of the Internship
 Brief description of which financial activities specific aspect is covered in which particular
organization (unit).
 Brief description of your internship assignment/ Position you have applied/practiced for
 Describe in which specific unit of the organization you were doing your Internship.
Debark University, College of Business and Economics,
Department of Accounting and Finance
Chapter 2
2. Internship Methodology (1 -2 pages including)
 Type of the Internship: case study on a specific organization covering in details
specific accounting concept.
 Internship design: Descriptive design which assesses and discusses the accounting
practices or activities as observed by the student and the Internship participants.
 Internship method: both qualitative (which involves the students observation,
interview of managers, workers or customers) and quantitative (gathering data using
structured questionnaire).
 Sampling: Discuss Sample size, sampling method/ techniques.
 Data Collection instruments: discuss what type of instruments will be used to collect.
 Data Collection procedure: discuss how data will be collected using the data collection
instruments. Eg. Like observation, interview, survey.
Chapter 3
3. Data Analysis and Presentation
3.1. Data Analysis: Discuss what type of statistical tools will be applied to analyse data.
3.2. Report/Presentation
The entire presentation should be as professional as you can make it.
 Assume that you are giving your presentation to a group of senior company executives.
 Try to maintain eye contact with your audience; avoid looking back at the screen all the time!
 It is acceptable to use note cards as a prompt, but it is not acceptable to read your entire
presentation without explaining points.


Debark University, College of Business and Economics,
Department of Accounting and Finance

5. Schedule: For Internship in Accounting and Finance Course:

Each student is expected to submit the draft field practicum report, the final field practicum report,
and make presentations as per the following schedule.

S.N Due date Time table

1. First draft
2. Revised proposal
3. Final Internship Report
4. Students will bring field supervisors
evaluation report
5. Presentation
 The above schedules are strict therefore students shall plan accordingly.
Dear Sirs,
The Accounting and Finance Department of Debark University expresses its deep gratitude for the
practical experience forwarded to our student and for the valuable time spent to coach him/her in
acquiring practical knowhow. Our department requests your extended assistance in evaluating the
students/ trainees performance using the table below. Please fill the evaluation table and return (in
envelop) to the student trainee being signed and having the official stamp of your esteemed
Best Regards,
_______________________________________Course Advisor Name & signature)
Accounting and Finance Department
Debark University
Supervisor Information

Debark University, College of Business and Economics,
Department of Accounting and Finance
Name: Job title:

Organization’s name: Phone number:

Email address:

Internship Information

Student’s Name:

Starting date (DD/MM/YY) Completion date(DD/MM/YY)

Position description (please give a brief description of the student’s duties)

Assessment (please rate the students in the following areas on a scale of 1-5. (5=Excellent 4=very
good 3=Good 2=Satisfactory and 1=Poor)

Total points earned _________ out of 60%

No Area Rating
1 2 3 4 5
1 Responsibility: punctual, prepared, reliable
2 Completion of assignments, met deadlines, understood
3 Oral communication skills
4 Written communication skills
5 Ability to work with others
6 Ability to adapt to variety of tasks.
7 Willingness to ask for help and guidance
8 Quality of work
9 Creativity and problem solving ability
10 Positive energy and attitude for internship experience
11 Adaptation to company culture
12 Overall, how do you rate your experience with this student?

What are the interns greatest work strengths?

Debark University, College of Business and Economics,
Department of Accounting and Finance

What are some areas in which the intern needs to improve?


Any other relevant observations or suggestion:


Recommendations (do you have any recommendations to the department of Department of

Accounting and Finance on how to improve the department or internship experience?)


Supervisor’s Name and Signature company/office/ stamp

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