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West Sumatra, Indonesia, has its own distinct culture and customs influenced by the
Minangkabau ethnic group. When visiting West Sumatra, it's essential to be aware of local
taboos and cultural norms to ensure respectful interactions. Here are some general taboos or
guidelines to observe when in West Sumatra:

1. Respect for Minangkabau Culture:

Show respect for the Minangkabau culture, which is matrilineal and places a strong emphasis
on adat (i.e. customary law).

2. Greet with Right Hand:

When greeting people, shaking hands, or giving/receiving any object, use the right hand. The
left hand is traditionally considered impolite.

3. Modest Dress:
Dress modestly, particularly when visiting religious sites or rural areas. Women, in particular,
should cover their shoulders and knees.

4. Be Mindful of Gender Roles:

Be aware of traditional gender roles within Minangkabau culture. Avoid behaviors that may be
perceived as contrary to local norms.

5. Respect for Elders:

Show respect for elders by using appropriate titles and gestures. Listen attentively when elders
are speaking (regardless of how you fail to understand their language).

6. Avoid Public Displays of Affection:

Public displays of affection, including holding hands,, kissing and hugging, are best kept private
to respect local cultural norms.

7. Ask for Permission Before Taking Photographs:

Always seek permission before taking photographs, especially of people or in sensitive cultural
or religious settings.
8. Respect for Religious Practices:
Be respectful of religious practices, particularly during prayer times and in and around mosques.

9. Participation in Ceremonies:
If invited to participate in ceremonies or rituals, do so with humility and respect. Follow any
guidelines provided by the local community.

10. Use Right Hand for Eating:

When eating with your hands, which is common in Minangkabau culture, use the right hand.
The left hand is traditionally considered impolite.

11. Ask for Permission Before Entering Homes:

It is customary to ask for permission before entering someone's home. Remove your shoes
before entering, following the local custom.

12. Avoid Criticism of Adat:

Be cautious about criticizing or questioning local adat. Minangkabau society places great
importance on adat, and it is deeply ingrained in their way of life.

13. Treat Animals with Respect:

Minangkabau culture values the well-being of animals. Treat animals with kindness and respect.

14. Use of Language:

Learning a few basic phrases in Bahasa Minangkabau, the local language, can be appreciated
and foster positive interactions.

15. Avoid Littering:

Several towns in West Sumatra are award-winning in cleanliness. Dispose of trash properly and
respect the local environment. Littering is considered disrespectful.

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