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wns LET COMPRENENSIVE REVIEWER: Profs E pould form ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING : [snout Oe p. Nc actual assessment of leary a Validating theoretical knowledge In the - A —— c. Ye ding of principles in constructing tradi tt AGB), Demonstrate understan eronst ai entic forms of high quality assessment Apply knowledge and skills in the development and use of 6 } u aoe sment tools for formative and summative purposes. a —— —— A. In >) Apply rules in test construction and use of authentic assessmen B. Si ie tools for product and process assessment._ AD) demonstrate skills in interpreting assessment results to Fines - Ue paeenine ae a rehend and apply basic concepts of statistics in educ: ct D.1 assessment and evaluation. SS Sal = 4 (GIP Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and ) constructive feedback to leamers and parents, 8 Direction: Choose the letterof the correctansWer, 1, Which is referred to as‘assessment for ledtming? ‘A, Summative assessment & Didbndstic/assessment zi B, Formative assessment D.” Self-assessment fa 7 I. No 2. Which is referred to as assessment as learning? a Ae: “ae |. No A. Summative assessment C. Diagnostic assessment ML. Yes B. Formative assessment Dy Self-asse: A 3. Which is ref i 7 referred to as assessment of learning? fz, A. : Pi... . 5 cite ass C. Diagnostic ass Here is a . lative assessment D. Self-assi = so sssment a mprove ——— ucational No, formative assessnr No, teaching has not begun; th Yes, so students will get inspired pased Teaching and Leatning (OR; \, Intended learning outcomes —_ 3, Subject matter D. The dBysionn statement on Outeomesbased Teachin id Learning (OBTL) is cc 4. The subject matter determines the intenc ded Jearning outcon 3. The teaching-learning activities likewise detem ment task determine the nine the learnin C. The asses ning outcome D. The intended. Learning outcomes determine’s subject matter, teaching learning activities, learning resourees and assessment task {. study this multiple chpice|test ifem then dpswer the question. Which is the capital of the Philippines? A. Manila GF QiezoaCity D. Manuel L Quezon B. Baguio City Isthe test item a good one? jously wrong 1. No, option D is a poor distracter because it is obviously ¥ Il. No, not all the distracters are good. IIL Yes, it has four good distracters and a cle: A, Tonly C. only B. Ill only D. Land Il far question. cer the question below D Here i i i sw sa ans test item. Study it then nary ofthe Philippines.” —~__ is said to be the “rice g* How can the question be improved? A. Put the blank at the end or ne B Specify if you are asking fora 1, Make it a True-False test. D. Make it a multiple choice test. dof the sentence rovince tC far the en' gion, P 88g Me pustiet io ——_ 10. Which is a form of pre-< assessment that allows a teacher to determine ings. \Y student's prior knowledge including misconceptions before instruction ~~ we ra A. Diagnostic test C. Formative test A B. Summative test D. Preliminary test B € Which testis primarily used to determine what students already know ang D know in order to guide instruction. don, , ‘A. Diagnostic test C. Formative test 6. ama B. Summative test D,. Preliminary test (stem), : multip! Should the scores in a pretest be recorded and included in the computation of 4 ! ee o B A. Yes, recorded for posttest comparison purposes but not for grading ; B. No, this creates in: nts negative attitude toward tests, . i ic , recorded and also included in the, computation of grades, D. Nox atters is students improve in their scores in the re-test 17. Here is 13. iG items. Is this a test fort se . Yes, the angwers are a c ose . No, the fers are thos whit completion test, where should the blank 4, Atthe beginning of the sent a . At the middle of the senter a entence €. There is no best location for the b blank p, Atthe end or near the end , ¢ type of test, th a matching tYP fe options are ir In are in the fir st set) are in the second column. Is this the CORRE oh and te qs fe choice test? Tw Je choi for constructing a multi A. Yes. B. It depends on the choice of the test constr C. No, the questions must be in the first aie column. i-and the op\ D. Ifthe options are longer, then they must be in the first coh : st column, in the second -, Here is an essay test Cite the 4 Cs of the 21° century skills. Explain each in not more than 2 sentences and illustrate how eael@an-be developed in not more iting sentences each Which does the essay question lack? A. Scoring rubric B. A sample answer which serves as ‘amodel C. Student's choice on essay test item fo ansyict sinee t D. Explanation oft how to answer the question here is only one Ik, Which is an example of an extended essay? . ith Andres Bonifacio? ‘A, Onwhich did Rizal not agree W" or would he B. If Rizal would be alive up to today: which comment present Philippine politics? C. What did Rizal accomplish while in exile _D. What was Rizal’s last poem? give on our “a restricted essay? with Bonifacio “" LET COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWER roe ne of test? hing tyPe ieee | A Tie ot cn ah ei =r) in Column imperfect matching tyPe of test? is equal 21, Which is TRUE of # A. The numb B. Bach item in Colv C. There is a“ joker” (distracte D. An item in Column 2 can mate of items in both columns mn Lean match with ¢ 1) in Colum J with more than one item in Column nly one item in Column 99. Which are other terms for authentic assessment? 1 Altemative assessment IL Non-traditional assessment Ill. Scoring rubric IV. Written assessment A. Land II © Wand Itt B. Land IV D, I afid 111 23, Is the practical test in PhySicalEEducation a form of an authentic assessment? A. No. B. Yes. C. Yes, if itis agGompaniied with'a Witten test D. No, if given!individwally, 24, A student submits a set of pajamas personally worked on by her as a requireme" TLE class. Under which type of assessment does this fall? A. Diagnostic assessment B. Formative assessment C.) Traditional assessment D. Authentic assessment 25. A student is ; eu bred on a PowerPoint presentation on a given intended ina which type of assessment does the PowerPoint Formative assessment — written nt is/are C \. If what i th th with the the leart B. If what aécorda aligned C. The ass matter D, The sul 28. In Outcomes-Ba: instruction and a A. Assess B. Leami ©. Teachi D. Subjec 29. Which is the ph 1. Aschool body of | The scho the stude Knowled; TEA schoot ASSESSMENT NLEARIING 134 pjective scoring of a product or performay JF obj Performance assessmen ch should teacher do? and fo quality output | Make use of a scoring rubric {1 Explain the scoring rubric to the class I, Distinguish between a scoring rubrie and a checklist A. Tonly C. Monly B. Land I D. 1, and 1 71, Inthe context of Outcomes-Based Teaching-Learing, which statements o assessment is/are CORRECT? A. If what is assessed was what was taught and which was in accordance with the intended learning outeome, then the’ assessment task is aligned to the learning outcome. : If what is assessed Was What was not taught and which was not in accordance ‘with the intended leaming outcome, the assessment task is aligned to the learning outcome. C. The assessment task determines the learning outcome and the subject matter. D, The subject matter determines what is to be assessed. 4%, In Outcomes-Based Education, which détermines.the what and the how of instruction and assessment? A. Assessment task§ | B, Leaning ome C. Teaching-learning activities D. Subject matter Which is the Bison al bases of traditional assessment? ls and determine if rusted to teach dy of knowledge and ski ae ine hs skills by testing the s udents on th useful ful sng who are capable of performing we Sa assess students on tasks that dup! + COMPREHENSIVE VIEWER -Professiona ssessment? 1 basis/es of .e phitosophic™ i eitizens who Must POSSESS ce ae op vs 1 Ashen inis body of knowledge and skills and 5. Intend body polis ents ve acquired thes knowledge and skills by te Me getrtine it ts edge and skills pis a short t s on these Know Or ens who are capable of whic the stuce sn jevelop useful citizens ¥ ; aire ct mm. A ission IS © fn the realwworid and so The school must assess Bae ye re that duplicate or imitate seal wort situations earl : Cc. Monly Bes Be oa p. Land Il D. Itred ch ofthe followingare features of thentic/performance assessment? sg. which assess ee on ended activities Por which there iso Correct, objective ansye ye marking th 1 ond that may assess pigher thinktM public speakin «students havg choigeto cofistruct their OW espouses occasionally, s | TL. Teacher employing direct methods of eyaliiation a. Che 4) Lonly C. ‘land IIL Bisco 3. Land I] Dp) fandlil 9. With authentic assessment a8 basis, Which does NOT belong? 37. If rate how | tiways, Freq A. Fr B. Ra L_ Recite a poem with) feeling using appropriatelyoice quality, facial expression ind hand gesttres Performa skit/@nithe. importance of @ national language Mother Tongue, Grade 3 Demonstrate the generation of electrigity by moyement of a magnet through coil - Science, Graded0, 38. To rate if my | II, Sings themes or melodic fragments of given Classical period pieces A.A ! A. Lonly C. only B.A ' B. Il only D. None S i, . A \ 33. Read the following sample intended Jeaming outcomes then answer the question 2. 11 I LL Create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate which a 4, Sdn or infomation related to specific professional ack pant i TL. aad lesson plan following the inductive lesson development F 1V. Devel aa multiple choice test items aligned to the learning outcom’ i scoring rubric for an oral defense of a research papet With authenti A. Lonly. ssment task as basis, which do/does NOT belong? B. Iandiy C. IMlonly _ D. None basis of grading if we adopy i ne ceeat ._ Performance of others “Tenced grading sin ; rmance of the upper gre 5 Dup of th formance of the lower g oe lis ang ch ae | TOUP Of the clase iss 5. Intended outcomes i shortcoming of the checklist as an ee A. The checklist does not includéan evaluation of, process. ne quality of the product 3. It is too complicated C. Iris very simplistic | ) It requires much time. nent? : at sessment tool consists ofa list of specific characteristics with ade opel tO WIE ee ch che tics Wish peace searenaaee he degree to which each characteristic is displayed? For example i the characteristic “makes eye eontaet” ~is it done frequently, nally, seldom Or never’ Checklist C. \Rating scale 3. Scoring rubric D.. Checklist and Rating Scale te how often students exhibit behaviors or learningSkills, I will use the words abexpressions Frequently, Sometimes, jal language- A. Frequently C.- Never B. Rarely D. None agnet through @ : F, agnet thioee orate if my sentences begin with capitaldetterss whichseale will Luse A. All sentences, most sentences, some sentences, none 0! the sentence. B, Always, frequently, sometimes, never C. Consistently, often, sometimes, rarely D. Always, usually, sometimes, never rieces ion sq of given charters the quest YI use his rating seale to assess if my work exhibits list oF NS mmunicate OF ‘hich will be the last word? Always, usually, sometimes; ———~ ick A. No Cc. Rare oe B. None Dp, Never 4 o manifest their samples 0 Mente assessments allow the students Bone from the lesson. The following a"° ° A. Portfolio eT COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS ER Prey Et, 1-test assessments EXCEPT ; xamples of 10 41, The following are 2” 4. Hand si e Comrl |-in-the blanks written test) smpletion (Fill-in-l c. Comp D. Games hhoose to use a holistic rubric? suick or gross judgmentneeds to be made ch criterion separately al criteria cumbersome 42. When do you ¢ 4. When a B. When you want to assess € C. When you find scoring sever D_ When gross judgment can equally satisfy the analytic judgment of product/process 43, Study the table below then answer the question. Which iS TRUE of this table - Excellent Speaker + included 10-12 changes in hand gestures + no apparent inappropriate facial expressions + utilized proper voice inflection + can create proper ambiance for th@)poem eae ae eS 2 - Good Speaker + included 5:9 changes in hand gestures + few inappropriate facial expressions had some inappropriate voice infection changes + almost cféating properambiance © 1 - Poor Speaker + included 1-4 Ww 46. Ify° first 47. Whi ae ASSESSMENT INLEARNING 4. first basic step in oping a $ i @ scoring rut g rubric? Formulate for each criterion the descrin ntinuum of quality Ption of performance al 3, Identify the appropriate criteria to assess C. Assign numbers such as 1, 2 3, and 4 for each eri Choose descriptors for each criterion leve terion, gan example of descriptors for a’produet exemplary, Proficient, Marginal which descriptor fits the blank? si 4. Meeting standard C. Unacceptabl p. Intermediate D. Approaching you use these rubri¢ deseriptors in rating a students’ project, which will fist descriptor? = |, Meets expectation, Doesn't meet expectation A, Exceeds expectation, C. SPerfeet B. Highly acceptable D.. Excellent ‘ch statement/s on fubrics is/are CORRECT? |. Rubrics help teachers teach I, Rubrics help students léarn. Il, Rubrics help coordinate instrietion aiid assessment C Wand A. Tonly D. i fland Ii B. Ionly 48. How do rubrics help teachers teach? 1. With rubrics, they have not to fin Il. With rubrics they becomes more Il With rubrics, what they should assess bee’ C. Mand Il p, 1, Hand Ill id time to make one. focused on what to teach ome very cleat. LET COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWER Pr. 22, 23, 24, 24, f scores: 2 TRUE of the score d : istribution 9, 30. Which is 49, Here is h and low scores A. Ithas extremely B. Itis bimodal C. The mean is equal to the mode D. The median is below 15 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 26, 50, Here is a set of scores: 20, 20, 20 28, 29, 29, 30. Which is the range A. 10 B. 20to 30 51. Which statement on ascore distribution is TRUE? A. The higher the Standard Deviation the more spread the scores. B. The higher the Standard Deviation the less spread the'scores. C. The lower the Standard Deviation the more spréad the course. D. The function of Range and Standard\Deviation are opposite p. Formative a gormative asses durin ensure to ensul in the learnit ng oF p. Self-assessm assessment as | en the stude whe' a -ssors of the assessor jents assess stud at the same tim A. Summative summative ass end of a Chapt the bases for'g A. For record student’s pro; Formative asst check where s to adjust instr attainment of A.No, forma just intends ¢ Students are | instruction, nd out wher Will be guide + Proceed or B. Formative assessment © assessment is assessment ng or in the process of instruetion ensure learnin, D, Self-assessment Assessment as learning happens when the students themselves are the ssessors of their own learning, While students assess themselves, they learn ( the same time. A. Summative assessment Summative assessment is given at the end of a Chapter/ Unit/ Quarter. [nis the bases for grades, A. For record keeping to trace student’s progress Formative assessment is done to check where students are for teacher to adjust instruction to ensure attainment of | Jearning cums A. No, formative asses$ment instruction, No, teaching is ‘not yet over Formative just i D. The intended fe detekee ‘arning outcomes fermin ner ubiect matter, teaching- Sctivities, learning re Subject mat md act assessment tasks intended leami D. Tana 1 are based on the 18 outcon A good test item has distracters that Work. These distracters look like answers butare not the answers, A..Put the blank at the end or near the end of the Sentence, Incompletiontype of test, the blank 1s @t. the end or near the end of the Sentence. ASk the question firstbefore You askifor the answer A, Diagnostic test Diagnostic test enables ateacher to find Out what Sfidents already know about a | subject whether correct or wrong. Diagnostic test The word “diagnostic” implies that the test is aimed at finding out competencies where students are Yes, recorded for posttest "2 oe purposes but not for ‘grading. LET COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW ER Profain, Me, ey AND RATIONALIZATIONS Sy ANSWER K' mostly 10. A Oe aaa sere p.tand IT overs are MONT Bonifacio with regard to ayy ps Bd spatse”. The number of * F4 revolution against Spainy “" Expat os th * must be A restricted essay has class helP ust i JUSt One coy Suality output answer. The question is not ers mus Op coring e-False test the answers m™ other answers or opinions, of scoring: equal number 0 i be more or ess an e4 201. B. Fach item in Column 1 cay oneal with only one item in Column 9.4 as abayan is umn 2, jecordance | A matching type of testis perfeg each item in the right Column cay, match only-with one item in the je Column: Jearning oute assessment ti Jearning oute ga name of a place not of a person. 4 plausible option looks correct but is not correct. Options must be plausible 1 1 test if students have really mastered 1 the lesson 5, D.Attheend or near the end In Outcome-E the learning ¢ topic/s, the te and the assés topic, not the that determin 21. B.Each item in Column 1 can may with only one item in Column, In an imperfect matching type of test, the items in Column 2imay not necessarily be equal to the number of items in Column 1 because one answer in Column 2 (all answers aren Colunin 2) may be an answer to mor 16. C.No, the questions must be in the than one item in Column first column and the options in the 55 | 4 y ana tL second column. be + oe r nthenti¢ assessment can also eames Bh cris Genta Be eae attematve assessment (ie stan) mast aleays Stee (assessment that is an alternative aSchoolismtie é the traditional mode of assessment) citizens; Obviously, authentic assessment is pioheaseei Scoring rubric is an essential part of not the traditional form of assessm certain body an essay test so the students how their rely wi Bs i ritten, © schox answer is scored, a a The blank in a completiomtest must beat the end or near the end of the é 28. B. Learning o sentence because you first ask the 28. B. Lea 1g question before you expect an answer Learning Oute instruction an¢ 29. D. Land II Traditional a: educational the following 17. A. Scoring rubric , 24. D. Authentic assessment _ , of knowledg BE Rial would be alive upto The set of pajamas is a concrete ‘o determine i Which comments would product made by the student t acquired the he give on our . Present Philippi Politics iilippine An extended essay is a essay. There is no objecti objecti ates jective one falls under the authentic form of assessment. mopen-ended 25, D. Authentic assessment - Pr A product is a conerete anda proof that a learning outcome been realized. Cation, ] ing the scoring rubric to th ys the class come up with | sutput and ensures objectivity Tet to < ifwhat is assessed was what natch fis taught and which was in yrdance with the intended ee jarning outcome , then the 1 Nsessment task is aligned to the outcome. a iearning outcome jutcome-Based Teachingebearhing) nae leaning outeome determines the sic, the teaching-learning actiyitiés and the assessment task. Its ‘not the fe ric, not the teaching-learningactivity # hat determines the assessment task e b, Learning outcomes are in caming Outcomes are the bases bf more struction and assessment. |) = D. Land IE the following principles: school’s mission is to develop useful citizens; te ‘Obe a useful citizen, one must possess s certain body of knowledge and skills; of knowledge and skills; and "determine if the students have ‘quired these knowledge and skills, Traditional assessmet ‘ings from an ducational philosop! es ele assessment: ‘school is entrusted to teach this body'-g5, lency in perf orn that they will be een ates oY Will be requive Place; ang” uation inthe wong th ' School must then Perform tasks that Teal-world 31. Dit, Wana Authentic Paper: Tequire students to duplicate or imit: situations m assessment is far beyond and-pencil tests with have Just one correct answer. Authentic/ tate Performanceassessments use direct method such as\judging demonstration Offa dance step, oral presentations to assess Speaking rather than asking students to enumerate the dance steps,in order to describe good oral presentation in a paper-and pencil test ‘D. None They are alf authentic forms of assessment. . D. None ‘All are authentic forms of assessment. ‘hey ll belong to authentic forms of ‘A, Performance of others In norm= ares ei which grades are ene eee formance ofthe STOUP- Pe he checklist does not inclae® a evaluation of the quality of the vact or process: pred the checklist 2 34, g the 11 that one does ANSWER KEY AND R CC. Rating scale for marking which each characteristic is sho 37. C. Never Never is the extret 4. All sentences, most sent sentences, none of the sentence This scale is more specific C. Rare Never is the € “Always D. Multiple choice quiz Non-testassessments are other ways of assessing leaning aside.from the.most common written traditional tests that xtreme opposite of 40 teachers sometimes C. Completion ( written test) The written completion testis another form of written test that is most commonly used. A. When a quick or gross judgment needs to be made Holistic rubric is used to give a holistic judgment on a student’s product or performance. B. It is holistic, overuse -the blanks 41 Holistic rubric since all the criteria for judging are put together. B. Identify the appropriate criteria to assess, ‘The first step in creating a rubric is identifying the criteria against @ product or performance is. After this, each level will be described, e, 44 LET COMPREHENSIVE E REVIEWER - Profession Ee ATIONALIZATIONS 45. C, Unacceptable Unacceptable - The first 3 word are adjectives so the 4th word my be parallel, so it should also be 4,» Unacceptable” is the extreme opposite of “Exemplary A. Exceeds expectation adjective 46. Exceeds expectation is parallel to the two (Meets expectation, doesn’ meet expectation) and is higher thay “meets expectation) D.1, Wand HL Rubries help teachers in these 3 wayy B. II only Withttubrics, teachers are very Glarified on What to teachand asses, B. It is bimodal. Bimodal means the score distribution has two modes. A. 10, Rangéiis the difference between the Highest afi lowest scores. ‘A. The higher the Standard Deyiation the more spread the 41: 48. 49, 50, Direction: Choose th 1, Why is there a A. To fu cores, scores. . B. Tobe A high Standard Deviation means C. Tote scores are widespread. The higher tt D. Toli SD the more spread the scores. 2 The approach | Reflect). Whic A. Obs

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