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30/12/2023, 10:54 /g/ - Is there any way for me to discreetly make all the - Technology - 4chan

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File: badboi.png (154 KB, 472x474)

Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)17:01:42 No.98137026 ▶
>>98137041 >>98137357 >>98137795 >>98139124 >>98139302 >>98139888
>>98140031 >>98140668

Is there any way for me to discreetly make all the data in one of
those badbois unreadable when it is already in read-only mode
and won't change back?

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)17:02:29 No.98137041 ▶


>>98137026 (OP)
No. That stick is evidence and the cops will see it.

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)17:09:09 No.98137158 ▶

>>98138596 >>98140414 >>98140503 >>98140668

Basically, the thing bricked and I am using Kingston
warranty but don't w the thing bricked and I am using
Kingston warranty but don't want them to access my

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)17:19:50 No.98137357 ▶

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30/12/2023, 10:54 /g/ - Is there any way for me to discreetly make all the - Technology - 4chan
>>98137026 (OP)

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)17:46:17 No.98137795 ▶ >>98139066

>>98137026 (OP)
why didn't you luks it?

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)18:34:54 No.98138596 ▶ >>98139066

Why? Just buy Sandisk like a normal person.
Regardless, simply cut your losses, and forget about the drive - it's just a few dollars anyway.

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)18:58:11 No.98139066 ▶

Never left the house and now can't do anything because it is read only.

>just a few dollars
Check your privilege.

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)19:01:07 No.98139124 ▶

File: 1703800782748.png (158 KB, 678x1072)

>>98137026 (OP)
shove it up your ass nigger
what a retarded jew

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)19:05:41 No.98139217 ▶ >>98139974

try booting into linux and using the dd command, if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)19:10:05 No.98139294 ▶

give it back, jamal

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)19:10:59 No.98139302 ▶ >>98140070

>>98137026 (OP)
melt it in acid and let it completely disintegrate for about 30 minutes and it will be no more
also do NOT let such acid touch you skin or stick your finger into the acid unless you want to melt your

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)19:46:35 No.98139888 ▶ >>98140324

File: 516WYYRjzUL._AC_SX679_.jpg (33 KB, 679x524)

>>98137026 (OP)
Connect red and black to AC 120V
or 240V and you're set

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)19:51:23 No.98139974 ▶ 2/4
30/12/2023, 10:54 /g/ - Is there any way for me to discreetly make all the - Technology - 4chan
nta but I have a microSD that's locked in read-only mode and on either windows or linux nothing made it
writeable again. I imagine it was too damaged to work again, I can read it fine but there's nothing
important on it anyway

>> VoidLinuxGuy 12/28/23(Thu)19:55:40 No.98140031 ▶

>>98137026 (OP)
Melt it. lowest tech solution for a high tech problem just werks.

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)19:58:21 No.98140070 ▶ >>98140270

nta, but what acid?

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)20:14:00 No.98140270 ▶

Sulfuric Acid

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)20:17:48 No.98140324 ▶

I would say microwave but will melt the plastic. Just do

without grilling yourself
(Verification not required.)

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)20:23:48 No.98140414 ▶

>rma on a $10 drive
sometimes I forget how absurdly broke and destitute this board is

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)20:30:11 No.98140503 ▶

Everyone can tell you've got something to hide on that drive. It's literally a few dollars at the very most.
If you're so poor that you would use a warranty on such a cheap product, you would've gone for an
even cheaper product.

Anyways, here's some steps for actually making the data unreadable:
- Open a Linux terminal. If you're not using Linux, you're probably already on a watch-list for whatever
illegal shit you had on it.
- Run lsblk to identify the location of the drive (e.g. /dev/sdc).
- Check you've got write permissions
sudo shred -zn 1 {location}
- Run
Then all the data will be overwritten with a null char.

>> Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)20:43:52 No.98140668 ▶

>>98137026 (OP)
This shit happened to me a few weeks ago with the same shit usb

Dont buy it anons

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