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MODULE 1: Introduction and Method of Study

2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022

Definition of Histology
➢ Histology is the study of tissues. Tissues are
usually described as a network of both cellular
and non-cellular materials, intermingled filaments
and fibers provided with membranous linings.

➢ Human Histology may be defined as the study of

the microscopic structures of biological materials
derived from humans and the means by
which their individual components are
structurally and functionally related.

➢ Light microscopes, both simple and compound,

use visible light as their radiation. This has a
wavelength of about 400-700 nm (nanometer; 1
nanometer = 1 x 10-9 m). Light is focused with
the help of glass lenses. Since the light is in the
visible range, we can see images formed by a
light microscope with naked eyes.

➢ In contrast, the effective wavelength provided by

a beam of electrons is less than 1 nm. This beam
is focused with the help of electromagnets,
employing the negative charge on electrons.
Since we can’t ‘see’ a beam of electrons without
severely damaging our eyes, the image in
Comparison between Light electron microscopes is produced on an electron-
sensitive surface (often termed as ‘fluorescent
Compound Microscope and screen’ in diagrams).
Electron Microscope Transmission Electron Microscope
➢ The main difference between light and electron
microscopes is the radiation used to form an
image; the ‘light’ and ‘electron’ in the names refer
to the radiation being used. Using visible light as
a radiation has several limitations, which the
electron microscope lessens. However, light
microscopes are much more practical in general
Purpose of Vacuum in Electron Microscope lenses are protected, the apparatus is quite
sturdy. In contrast, electron microscopes are
Purpose of vacuum : relatively larger, and need a specialized high-
➢ protect electron source against contamination, power source. This makes them a
vibrations, and noise. bit cumbersome. They are also much more
expensive than light microscopes.
➢ allows the user to acquire a high-resolution

Preparation of Tissues for

➢ In both types, the radiation passing through Microscopic Study
the specimen is used to form an image. Light
passing through a specimen in a light microscope ➢ Study the video for the preparation of stained
scatters due to the properties of the various temporary mount of human cheek cells:
substances in the specimen. This light is then
a. study the material required
focused and magnified by the lenses in a
compound microscope. Simple light b. remember the steps to follow
microscopes, which are simply very strong
magnifying lenses, use the reflection of light, but ➢ Light Compound Microscope
this type is not popular in academic and scientific ➢ Review of the Light Compound Microscope
➢ Microscope parts and their functions
Resolution and Magnification
➢ How to use the microscope
➢ Light microscopes are typically capable of
providing a resolution of up to 200 nm. In ➢ Care of the microscope
practical terms, this means that substances
smaller than 200 nm won’t show up as a separate
entity, and will be merged with a larger shape.

➢ In the case of electron microscopes, the

resolution can drop down to less than 1 nm. This
means that objects that wouldn’t have been
visible on a light microscope are much clearer in
an electron microscope. This means that electron
microscopes are capable of providing as much as
400 times more detail than a light microscope.

➢ A light microscope provides a magnification of up

to 1500x, but 1000x is more common. Though
this is a significant amount of magnification, it is
dwarfed by the electron microscope’s ability to
achieve a magnification of up to 250,000x.


➢ Since light microscopes use visible light, the

images can be seen in the normal visible color
range. Electron microscopes have nothing to do
with the wavelength of the radiation (thus the
phrase ‘effective wavelength’), and thus produce
grayscale (B/W) images. These images are often
given false colors for better clarity, especially if
the image is going to be released to the public.

Practical Concerns

➢ Due to their relatively simple mechanism, light

microscopes (even compound microscopes) are
very easy to carry and operate. As long as the

MODULE 2: Cells
2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022

Cell Structure
Cell Parts and their Functions
Parts of the Cell and their Functions

➢ A. Plasma Membrane

➢ B. Cytoplasm and its Organelles

➢ C. Nucleus

Mitosis and Meiosis

➢ Definition of Mitosis

- a type of cell division that results in two daughter

cells each having the same number and kind of
chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of
ordinary tissue growth.

➢ Definition of Meiosis

- a type of cell division that results in four

daughter cells each with half the number of
chromosomes of the parent cell, as in the
production of gametes and plant spores.

Significance of Mitosis and Meiosis

➢ Significance of Mitosis

➢ Significance of Meiosis

MODULE 3: Epithelial Tissue

2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022

Definition of Epithelial Tissue

➢ The basal lamina is closer to and secreted by
Epithelial tissue the epithelial cells and contains proteins like
laminin and collagen as well as some
One of the four types of tissue (epithelial, muscular, glycoproteins and proteoglycans.
connective, and nervous) in animals which consists of ➢ The reticular lamina is closer to the
closely aggregated polyhedral cells adhering firmly to one connective tissue, present underneath, and
another, forming cellular sheets that line the interior of contains collagen protein produced by
hollow organs and cover the body surface. connective tissue cells called fibroblasts.

Consists of cells arranged in continuous sheets, in either 4. Intercellular Adhesion and Other
single or multiple layers. Junctions
➢ Several membrane-associated structures
Characteristics of Epithelial provide adhesion and communication
Tissue between cells.
➢ Tight junctions, also called zonulae
occludens, are the most apical of the
1. Shape and Size: junctions that form a band completely
encircling each cell.
➢ shapes and sizes of epithelial cells are variable,
➢ The second type of junction is the adherens
ranging from tall columnar to cuboidal to low
junction or zonula adherens, which also
squamous; cell’s size and morphology are
encircles the epithelial cell, usually
generally based on their function.
immediately below the tight junction.
2. Polarity ➢ Another anchoring junction is the
desmosome or macula adherens which are
➢ Epithelial cells generally show polarity, with disc-shaped structures at the surface of one
organelles and membrane proteins distributed cell that matches with identical structures at
unevenly within the cell. an adjacent cell surface.
➢ The apical (free) surface of an epithelial cell is ➢ Gap junctions mediate intercellular
present towards the body surface, the body communication rather than adhesion or
cavity, the lumen of an internal organ, or a gland occlusion between cells.
duct that receives cell secretions. Apical surfaces
may contain cilia or microvilli. 5. Avascular
➢ The lateral surfaces of an epithelial cell, facing the
➢ Epithelial tissue is avascular, relying on the
adjacent cells on either side, may contain
blood vessels of the adjacent connective
intercellular adhesion and other junctions.
tissue to bring nutrients and remove wastes.
➢ The basal surface of an epithelial cell adheres to
➢ The exchange of substances between
extracellular materials such as the basement
epithelial tissue and connective tissue occurs
membrane, which is an inert connective tissue
by diffusion.
made by the epithelial cells themselves.
6. Innervated
3. Basement Membrane
➢ Epithelial tissue is innervated; that is, it has
➢ The basement membrane is a thin
its own nerve supply.
extracellular layer that commonly consists of
two layers, the basal lamina, and the reticular
7. Renew and Repair
Classification and Types of
➢ Epithelial cells have a high rate of cell division
which allows the epithelial tissue to
continually renew and repair itself by
sloughing off dead or injured cells and 1. Covering and lining epithelium, also called the
replacing them with new ones. surface epithelium, that forms the outer covering
of the skin and some internal organs and also
forms the inner lining of blood vessels, ducts,
Functions of Epithelial Tissue body cavities, and the inner lining of the
respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive
1. Protection systems.
➢ One of the most critical functions of epithelial
tissue is protection. It protects the cells 2. Glandular epithelium that makes up the
present below against radiation, desiccation, secreting portion of glands such as the thyroid
invasion by pathogens, toxins, and physical gland, adrenal glands, sweat glands, and
trauma. digestive glands.
➢ The absence of blood vessels in the epithelial
tissue thus prevents bleeding in the tissue Simple epithelium
during abrasion.
➢ Simple epithelium is made up of a single layer
2. Transportation
of identical cells, which are usually found on
➢ Epithelial tissue also functions in the
secretory and absorptive surfaces, where the
transportation of different molecules in and
single layer enhances these processes.
out of the cells with different pumps present
➢ Simple epithelium is divided into three main
in the epithelial tissue.
types, and these are named according to the
➢ Besides, in the digestive, respiratory, and
shape of the cells, which differ based on their
urinary system, it allows the exchange of
molecules between the underlying cells and
the body cavity, capillaries, and ducts.
Stratified epithelium
3. Secretion
➢ Glandular epithelium secretes various ➢ A stratified epithelium consists of several
macromolecules like hormones responsible layers of cells of various shapes, and
for multiple bodily functions. basement membranes are usually absent.
➢ Many endocrine and exocrine glands also ➢ As basal cells divide, daughter cells arising
help maintain the body surfaces (skin) as well from cell divisions are pushed older cells
as support the functions of various organs upward toward the apical layer.
(digestive system). ➢ As they move toward the surface and away
4. Absorption from blood supply in underlying connective
➢ By the function of various specialized tissue, they become dehydrated and less
structures like cilia and microvilli on the metabolically active.
surface of cells, epithelial tissue also aids in ➢ Tough proteins predominate as cytoplasm is
the absorption of multiple molecules by reduced, and cells become tough, hard
increasing the surface area. structures that eventually die.
➢ In the digestive system, columnar cells of the ➢ At the apical layer, after dead cells lose cell
small intestine help in the absorption of water junctions, they are sloughed off, but they are
and various other nutrients. continuously replaced as new cells emerge
5. Receptor function from basal cells.
➢ Some cells in the epithelial tissue are ➢ There are three main types of stratified
specialized to perform sensory functions that epithelium: stratified squamous, stratified
can detect the sensory information and cuboidal, and stratified columnar epithelium.
convert them into neural signals.
➢ Cells in epithelial tissue like the Keratinized stratified squamous
pseudostratified columnar epithelium of the
olfactory mucosa contain apical cilia that
allow the sensation of odor. ➢ This epithelium develops a tough layer of
keratin in the apical segment of cells and
several layers deep to it
➢ The relative amount of keratin increases in Glandular Epithelium
cells as they move away from the nutritive
blood supply and the organelles eventually ➢ Epithelial cells that function mainly to produce
die. and secrete various macromolecules may
➢ The keratin forms a tough, relatively occur in epithelia with other significant
waterproof protective layer that prevents functions or comprise specialized organs
drying of the live cells present underneath. called glands.
➢ Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium ➢ Scattered secretory cells, sometimes called
forms a superficial layer of skin. unicellular glands, are common in simple
cuboidal, simple columnar, and
Non-keratinized stratified pseudostratified epithelia.
squamous epithelium ➢ Glands develop from covering epithelia in the
fetus by cell proliferation and growth into the
➢ This epithelium does not contain large underlying connective tissue, followed by
amounts of keratin in the apical layer, and further differentiation.
several layers deep and is moistened
continuously by mucus from salivary and Endocrine glands
mucous glands.
➢ Nonkeratinized stratified squamous ➢ The secretions of endocrine glands, called
epithelium lines wet surfaces (lining of mouth, hormones, enter the interstitial fluid and then
esophagus, part of the epiglottis, part of the diffuse into the bloodstream without flowing
pharynx, and vagina) and covers the tongue. through a duct.
➢ Endocrine secretions have far-reaching
Pseudostratified columnar effects because they are distributed
throughout the body by the bloodstream.
epithelium ➢ Examples of endocrine glands include
pituitary gland at the base of the brain, the
➢ Pseudostratified epithelium appears to have
pineal gland in the brain, thyroid and
several layers because the nuclei of the cells
parathyroid glands near larynx (voice box),
are present at various levels.
adrenal glands superior to kidneys, pancreas
➢ Although all the cells are attached to the
near the stomach, ovaries in the pelvic cavity,
basement membrane in a single layer, some
testes in the scrotum, thymus in the thoracic
cells do not reach the apical surface.
➢ As a result of these features, it appears as a
multilayered tissue, but in fact, is the simple
Exocrine glands
➢ This epithelium lines epididymis, larger ducts ➢ Exocrine glands secrete their products into
of many glands, and parts of male urethra ducts that release the secretions onto the
and airways of most of the upper respiratory surface of organs such as the skin surface or
tract. the lumen of a hollow organ.
➢ The effects of exocrine gland secretions are
Transitional epithelium tissue limited, and some of them would be harmful
if they entered the bloodstream.
➢ Transitional epithelium (urothelium) has a
➢ Sweat, oil, and earwax glands of the skin,
variable appearance (transitional).
digestive glands such as salivary glands
➢ In a relaxed or unstretched state, looks like
(secrete into mouth cavity) and pancreas
stratified cuboidal epithelium, except apical
(secretes into the small intestine) are the
layer cells tend to be broad and rounded.
examples of exocrine glands.
➢ As tissue is stretched, cells become flatter,
giving the appearance of stratified squamous
epithelium. Multiple layers and elasticity
make it ideal for lining hollow structures
(urinary bladder) subject to expansion from
of collagen in the skin slows down. Collagen is
Modes of Transport responsible for keeping the skin firm. Without it, cell
production slows down and the skin can become saggy
Exocytosis is the natural process of transporting and more susceptible to wrinkling. Pollutants in the air can
molecules from within a cell to the outside space. In this also slow down the skin regeneration process.
process, the vesicles containing the fluid enclosed by a Sunlight is healthy for the skin because it provides vitamin
lipid bilayer fuse with the plasma membrane to release D, but too much sunlight can damage the skin irreversibly.
their contents outside the cell. The term ‘exocytosis’ was This also slows down collagen production and causes the
proposed by De Duve in 1963. skin to become dry. Moisture is needed for improved skin
Endocytosis is the process of actively transporting regeneration, especially when it has been exposed to
molecules into the cell by engulfing it with its excessive sunlight. Keeping the skin hydrated can reduce
membrane. Endocytosis and exocytosis are used by all wrinkling and speed up the regeneration process.
cells to transport molecules that cannot pass through the There are instances when the skin will simply not
membrane passively. Exocytosis provides the opposite regenerate. If the dermis or epidermis is severely injured,
function and pushes molecules out of the cell. it will not grow back. Skin grafts can be used to cover an
injury when it is too large to be sutured. An injury such as
a deep and wide cut that penetrates the dermis, or a burn
that destroys the upper layer or epidermis can also
produce scarred or uneven skin layers.

Skin Cell Renewal

Cell Renewal

Skin regeneration is the renewal of the surface of the skin.

Every day, the body produces new skin cells. They start
in the deep layer of the dermis and eventually move to the
epidermis, which is the surface of the skin. Over time, they
are shed and fall off. Skin cells can regenerate and move
to the surface layer within two weeks, but this is typically
only true for younger skin.

The skin never stops regenerating, but some factors can

slow this process down. As a person ages, the production

MODULE 4 - 8
2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022

CONNECTIVE TISSUE • activated connective tissue cells characterized by
synthesis of proteins called collagens
• Fibroblasts are derived from the fibrocyte or
Types of Cells in the Connective Tissue possibly from smooth muscle cells lining vessels
and glands.
I. Fixed (Resident) Cells: fibrocytes/fibroblast, • When tissue is injured, fibrocyte produces
reticular cell, mesenchymal cell, adipocyte, fibroblasts
chondroblast,/chondrocyte, and
II. Mobile (Wandering) Cells: macrophage, mast ➢ Reticular Cell
cell, lymphocyte, and granulocyte • type of fibroblast that synthesizes collagen alpha-
III. Melanocyte 1(III) and uses it to produce reticular fibers.
• surrounds the fibers with its cytoplasm, isolating
it from other tissue components and cells.
I. Fixed(Resident) Cells: Fibroblasts
• provides structural support, since they produce
• Most numerous type of the connective tissue cell and maintain the thin networks of fibers that are a
found in all of our organs framework for most lymphoid organs.
• Has flattened, dark-staining nucleus and a sparse
• Produces protein called collagen that forms thick,
tough fibers found around the fibroblasts.
• Collagen, very strong protein, provides a
structural support for softer portions of the body

➢ Fibroblasts

Mesenchymal Cell

Fibrocyte vs Fibroblast


• inactive mesenchymal cell showing minimal

cytoplasm, limited amounts of rough endoplasmic
reticulum and lacks biochemical evidence of
protein synthesis.
➢ Adipocyte ➢ Osteoblasts/Osteocyte/Osteoclast
• also known as lipocytes and fat cells, are the • Osteocytes are cells that form the bones
cells that primarily compose adipose tissue, themselves
specialized in storing energy as fat.[1] • Osteoblasts are responsible for the formation
• derived from mesenchymal stem cells which give of new osteocytes,
rise to adipocytes through adipogenesis. • Osteoclasts are responsible for the resorption of
• in cell culture, adipocytes can also form old bone matter
osteoblasts, myocytes and other cell types. • Three types of bone cells regulate the formation,
• two types of adipose tissue, white adipose tissue sustenance, and decay of bones.
(WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT), which
are also known as white and brown fat,
respectively, and comprise two types of fat cells.

II. Mobile (Wandering) Cells: Macrophage

type of white blood cell of the immune system that engulfs
and digests cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes,
➢ Chondroblast/Chondrocyte cancer cells, and anything else that does not have the
• cells (located in the perichondrium) that play an type of proteins specific to healthy body cells on its
important role in the development of cartilage. surface[2][3] in a process called phagocytosis, which is
• by producing extracellular matrix, chondroblasts intended to defend the host against infection and injury.[4]
create the main component that provides
structure and strength to cartilage. ➢ Macrophage
• mature into chondrocytes which make up the
cellular component of cartilage
• when cartilage tissue is damaged, chondrocytes
differentiate into chondroblasts to regenerate
• unregulated growth and stimulation of
chondroblasts can result in chondroblastomas
(benign tumor) or a chondrosarcoma (malignant

➢ Mast Cell
• mast cell (also known as a mastocyte or a
labrocyte) is a resident cell of connective tissue
that contains many granules rich in histamine and
• type of granulocyte derived from the myeloid
stem cell that is a part of the immune and
neuroimmune systems.
• were discovered by Paul Ehrlich in 1877.
• Although best known for their role in allergy and • The term polymorphonuclear leukocyte often
anaphylaxis, mast cells play an important refers specifically to "neutrophil granulocytes",[2]
protective role as well, being intimately involved the most abundant of the granulocytes;
in wound healing, angiogenesis, immune • the other types (eosinophils, basophils, and mast
tolerance, defense against pathogens, and cells) have lower numbers of lobes.
vascular permeability in brain tumours • Granulocytes are produced via granulopoiesis in
the bone marrow.

III. Melanocyte
• Melanocytes are melanin-producing neural crest-
➢ Lymphocyte derived[3] cells located in the bottom layer (the stratum
• A type of immune cell that is made in the bone basale) of the skin's epidermis, the middle layer of the
marrow and is found in the blood and in lymph eye (the uvea),[4] the inner ear,[5] vaginal epithelium,[6]
tissue. meninges,[7] bones,[8] and heart.[9]
• The two main types of lymphocytes are B • Melanin is a dark pigment primarily responsible for
lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. skin color. Once synthesized, melanin is contained in
special organelles called melanosomes which can be
Lymphocyte transported to nearby keratinocytes to induce
• Thus darker skin tones have more melanosomes
present than lighter skin tone
• Functionally, melanin serves as protection against UV
radiation. Melanocytes also have a role in the immune

➢ Granulocyte
• Granulocytes are a category of white blood cells
in the innate immune system characterized by the
presence of specific granules in their cytoplasm.[1]
• They are also called polymorphonuclear
leukocytes (PMN, PML, or PMNL) because of
the varying shape of the nucleus, which is usually
lobed into three segments.
• This distinguishes them from the mononuclear
Fibers of the Connective Tissue

1. Collagen
• Collagen is the main structural protein in the
extracellular matrix found in the body's various
connective tissues.
• As the main component of connective tissue, it is
the most abundant protein in mammals, making
up from 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein
• Collagen consists of amino acids bound together
to form a triple helix of elongated fibril known as
a collagen helix.
• It is mostly found in connective tissue such as Ground Substance
cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, and skin. • intercellular material in which the cells and fibers of
connective tissue are embedded
• composed largely of glycosaminoglycans,
metabolites, water, and ions.

2. Reticular Fibers
• Reticular fibers, reticular fibers composed of type
III collagen secreted by reticular cells.
• Reticular fibers crosslink to form a fine meshwork
• This network acts as a supporting mesh in soft
tissues such as liver, bone marrow, and the
tissues and organs of the lymphatic system.
Types of Connective Tissue

1. Connective Tissue Proper

2. Supporting Connective Tissue
3. Fluid Connective Tissue


1. Loose Connective Tissue

A. Areolar
B. Adipose
3. Elastic Fibers C. Reticular
• or yellow fibers, are an essential component of 2. Dense Connective Tissue
the extracellular matrix composed of bundles of
proteins (elastin) A. Regular
• produced by a number of different cell types B. Irregular
including fibroblasts, endothelial, smooth muscle, C. Elastic
and airway epithelial cells.[1]
• fibers are able to stretch many times their length,
and snap back to their original length when relaxed
without loss of energy.
• Elastic fibers include elastin, elaunin and oxytalan.
1. Loose Connective Tissue Reticular Tissue

• Loose connective tissue (LCT) is a loose,

multidirectional weave of extracellular fibers, cells,
and ground substance
• These tissues are responsible for binding the
epithelial (skin) cells to the underlying tissues, and
providing support for the blood vessels and nerves
that supply the subdermal layer.
• There are three types of LCT; areolar, adipose,
and reticular.

Areolar Loose Connective Tissue

• Reticular connective tissue is a type of connective
tissue with a network of reticular fibers, made of
type III collagen ( reticulum = net or network)
• Reticular fibers are not unique to reticular
connective tissue, but only in this type are they

2. Dense Connective Tissue

• Dense connective tissue, also called dense
fibrous tissue, is a type of connective tissue with
fibers as its main matrix element.[1]
• Areolar Loose Connective Tissue contains
• The fibers are mainly composed of type I
collagen fibers, reticular fibers and a few elastic
collagen. Crowded between the collagen fibers
fibers embedded in a thin, almost fluid-like ground
are rows of fibroblasts, fiber-forming cells, that
generate the fibers.
• The areolar connective tissue is a subtype of
• Dense connective tissue forms strong, rope-like
loose connective tissue.
structures such as tendons and ligaments.
Tendons attach skeletal muscles to bones;
ligaments connect bones to bones at joints.
Adipose Tissue Ligaments are more stretchy and contain more
elastic fibers than tendons.
• Dense connective tissue also make up the lower
layers of the skin (dermis), where it is arranged in

Types of Dense Connective Tissue

Regular Dense Connective Tissue

• composed of three main components: fiber

producing cells, fibers, and an extracellular fluid
• Fibroblast cells are fiber-producing cells whose
• Adipose tissue is a lipid -storing type of loose role is to repair and produce the collagen and
connective tissue. elastin fibers of the tissue. They appear as having
• Also called fat tissue, adipose is composed long flat nuclei because they are literally squished
primarily of adipose cells or adipocytes. between the many layers of densely packed
• While adipose tissue can be found in a number of fibers.
places in the body, it is found primarily beneath
the skin.
Types of Dense Connective Tissue

• Collagen fibers are one of two types of fibers that

compose the majority of the tissue. Collagen fibers SUPPORTIVE CONNECTIVE TISSUE
are very thick wide fibers that provide the tissue
Supporting/connective tissue is the term applied to
with a high degree of stretch.
tissues which provide general structure, mechanical
• It's actually these fibers that give this connective
strength, space filling (sculpting body shape), and
tissue its name; collagen fibers are densely
physical and metabolic support for more specialized
packed and arranged in a parallel, undulating,
regular pattern - hence, dense regular connective
tissue. Types of Supporting Connective Tissue

1. Cartilage
Irregular Dense Connective Tissue A. Hyaline
B. Fibrocartilage
• Dense irregular connective tissue has fibers that
C. Elastic
are not arranged in parallel bundles as in dense
regular connective tissue. 2. Bone
• Dense irregular connective tissue consists of
mostly collagen fibers. It has less ground A. Compact
substance than loose connective tissue. B. Spongy

1. Cartilage

• Hyaline cartilage is the glass-like (hyaline) but

translucent cartilage found on many joint
• It is also most commonly found in the ribs, nose,
larynx, and trachea.
• Hyaline cartilage is pearl-grey in color, with a firm
consistency and has a considerable amount of
Elastic Connective Tissue
• It contains no nerves or blood vessels, and its
• Elastic connective tissue is a modified dense structure is relatively simple.
connective tissue that contains numerous
elastic fibers in addition to collagen fibers,
which allows the tissue to return to its original
length after stretching.
• The lungs and arteries have a layer of elastic
connective tissue that allows the stretch and
recoil of these organs.
Fibrocartilage Types of Bones

• Fibrocartilage consists of a mixture of white Compact bone

fibrous tissue and cartilaginous tissue in various
• It owes its inflexibility and toughness to the former
of these constituents, and its elasticity to the
• It is the only type of cartilage that contains type I
collagen in addition to the normal type II.

Fibrocartilage – with fibers

• also called cortical bone, dense bone in which the

bony matrix is solidly filled with organic ground
substance and inorganic salts, leaving only tiny
spaces (lacunae) that contain the osteocytes, or
bone cells.
• Compact bone makes up 80 percent of the human
• Mature compact bone is lamellar, or layered, in
• is permeated by an elaborate system of
Elastic Cartilage interconnecting vascular canals, the haversian
systems, which contain the blood supply for the
• or yellow cartilage, contains elastic fiber networks osteocytes.
and collagen type II fibers. The principal protein • the bone is arranged in concentric layers around
is elastin. those canals, forming structural units called
• present in the pinnae (auricles) of the ear giving it osteons.
shape, provides shape for the lateral region of the • Immature compact bone does not contain osteons
external auditory meatus, medial part of the and has a woven structure. It forms around a
auditory canal Eustachian tube, corniculate and framework of collagen fibers and is eventually
cuneiform laryneal cartilages, and the epiglottis. replaced by mature bone in a remodeling process of
bone resorption and new bone formation that
creates the osteons.

Spongy Bone

• or cancellous bone, which has a spongelike

appearance with numerous large spaces and is
found in the marrow space (medullary cavity) of a
• Both types, compact and spongy bones, are
found in most bones.
• Compact bone forms a shell around cancellous
bone and is the primary component of the long
2.Bone bones of the arm and leg and other bones, where
its greater strength and rigidity are needed.
• Bone, rigid body tissue consisting of cells
embedded in an abundant hard intercellular
• Its two principle components are collagen and
calcium phosphate which distinguish bone from
such other hard tissues as chitin, enamel, and
• Bone tissue makes up the individual bones of the
human skeletal system and the skeletons of other
Longitudinal Section of a Skeletal Muscle
Definition of Muscle Tissue

 specialized tissue found in animals which

functions by contracting,
 consists of fibers of muscle cells connected
together in sheets and fibers
 control the movements of an organisms as well
as many other contractile functions.

Types of Muscle Tissues Structural Organization of Skeletal Muscle

1. Skeletal Muscle Tissue
2. Smooth Muscle Tissue
3. Cardiac Muscle Tissue

➢ Skeletal Muscle Tissue

 constitutes approximately 40% of body weight
 named because most of the muscles are
attached to the skeletal system
 called striated muscle because transverse bands,
or striations, can be seen in the muscle under the

Cross Section of Skeletal Muscle

2. Smooth Muscle tissue
 contracts without conscious control,
 having the form of thin layers or sheets made up
of spindle-shaped, unstriated cells with single
 found in the walls of the internal organs, such as
the stomach, intestine, bladder, and blood
vessels, excluding the heart.

Longitudinal Section of Smooth Muscle


3. Cardiac muscle
 also known as heart muscle, is the layer of
muscle tissue which lies between the
endocardium and epicardium.
 made from sheets of cardiac muscle cells which
are typically unicellular and connect to one
another through special intercalated discs.
 this specialized cell junction and the arrangement Actin and Myosin (Two Protein Filaments)
of muscle cells enables cardiac muscle to
contract quickly and repeatedly, forcing blood
throughout the body.

Longitudinal Section of Cardiac Muscle

Mechanism of Muscle Contraction

 When the nerve impulse from brain and spinal
cord are carried along motor neuron to
Muscle Contraction – Sliding Filament neuromuscular junction, Ca++ ions are released
Theory in the terminal axon.
 Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction  Increases calcium ion concentration stimulates
 Proposed by by H.E Huxley and J. Hanson, and the release of neurotransmitter (Acetylcholine) in
A. F. Huxley and R. Niedergerke in 1954. the synaptic cleft.
 It is proposed that muscle contracts by the actin  The neurotransmitter binds to the receptor on the
and myosin filaments sliding past each other. sarcolemma and depolarization and generate
 As sarcomere is the unit of muscle contraction, its action potential across muscle fiber for muscle
length contracts resulting in whole muscle contraction.
contraction.  The action potential propagates over entire
 During contraction, length of A-band (Dark band) muscle fiber and move to the adjacent fibers
remains same whereas length of I-band (Light along transverse tubules.
band) and H-zone gets shorter.  The action potential in transverse tubules
causes the release of calcium ion from
sarcoplasmic reticulum, which stimulate for
muscle contraction.
Actin myofilament:

 An actin myofilament is made up of actin

molecule, tropomyosin and troponin complex.

Myosin myofilament:

 A myosin myofilament consists of two distinct

region, a long rod-shaped tail called myosin rod
and two globular intertwined myosin head.
Muscle Tissue Regeneration
 Muscle regeneration is a complex process that MUSCLE 6
relies on satellite cell activation, differentiation, NERVOUS TISSUE
and formation of new myofibers under the control
of myogenic regulatory program and mitogenic
factors released by inflammatory cells. Definition of a Nervous Tissue
 Muscle regeneration occurs early in the healing Nervous or Nerve tissue
 Most of the factors involved in muscle • main tissue of our nervous system.
development are activated during muscle • monitors and regulates the functions of the body
regeneration. • consists of two cells: nerve cells or neurons and
 Muscle regeneration occurs in five interrelated glial cells, which helps transmit nerve impulses
and time-dependent phases, namely, and also provides nutrients to neurons.
degeneration (necrosis), inflammation, • Brain, Spinal Cord, and nerves are composed of
regeneration, remodeling, and nervous tissue
maturation/functional repair. • they are specialized for being stimulated to
transmit stimulus from one to another part of the
body rapidly.

What is a Neuron

• neuron or nerve cell is an electrically excitable cell

that communicates with other cells via
specialized connections called synapses

• main component of nervous tissue in all animals

except sponges and placozoa

Composition of a Neuron

Neuron Structure
Steps in Muscle Regeneration
A neuron varies in shape and size depending
 The necrosis of muscle fibers activates a upon their function and location. All neurons have
transient muscle inflammation, which is three different parts – dendrites, cell body and
necessary for the removal of necrotic cellular axon.
Parts of Neuron
 Inflammation is followed by a regeneration phase
that is characterized by the activation of stem cell Following are the different parts of a neuron:
populations (satellite cells and other nonmuscle
stem cells), which replace damaged myofibers. ➢ Dendrites

 The fourth phase involves the remodeling of These are branch-like structures that receive
extracellular matrix and angiogenesis. messages from other neurons and allow the
transmission of messages to the cell body.
 The muscle regeneration is completed by the
reinnervation of regenerating fibers. ➢ Cell Body

Each neuron has a cell body with a nucleus, Golgi

body, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and
other components.

➢ Axon

Axon is a tube-like structure that carries electrical

impulse from the cell body to the axon terminals
that passes the impulse to another neuron.
➢ Synapse 3. Interneurons

It is the chemical junction between the terminal of • Interneurons are neural intermediaries found in
one neuron and dendrites of another neuron. your brain and spinal cord.
Structure of a Neuron • They’re the most common type of neuron.

• They pass signals from sensory neurons and

other interneurons to motor neurons and other

• Often, they form complex circuits that help you to

react to external stimuli.

• For instance, when you touch something hot,

sensory neurons in your fingertips send a signal
to interneurons in your spinal cord. Some
interneurons pass the signal on to motor neurons
in your hand, which allows you to move your hand
away. Other interneurons send a signal to the
pain center in your brain, and you experience
Types of Neurons based on Functions
In terms of function, scientists classify neurons into three
Types of Neurons based on Number of Processes
broad types: sensory, motor, and interneurons.
Structural classification of neurons is based upon the
1. Sensory Neurons
number of processes that extend out from the cell body.
• Sensory neurons help to taste, smell, hear, see Three major groups arise from this classification:
and feel things around you. multipolar, bipolar, and unipolar neurons.
• Sensory neurons are triggered by physical and 1. Unipolar
chemical inputs from your environment. Sound,
touch, heat, and light are physical inputs. Smell • only one process, called a neurite, extends from
and taste are chemical inputs. the cell body, neurite then branches to form
dendritic and axonal processes.
• For example, stepping on hot sand activates
sensory neurons in the soles of your feet. Those • most neurons in the central nervous systems of
neurons send a message to your brain, which invertebrates, including insects, are unipolar
makes you aware of the heat.
2. bipolar neuron, or bipolar cell
2. Motor neurons
• type of neuron that has two extensions (one axon
• Motor neurons play a role in movement, including and one dendrite).
voluntary and involuntary movements. These
neurons allow the brain and spinal cord to • Many bipolar cells are specialized sensory
communicate with muscles, organs, and glands neurons for the transmission of sense. As such,
all over the body. they are part of the sensory pathways for smell,
sight, taste, hearing, touch, balance and
• There are two types of motor neurons: lower and proprioception.
upper. Lower motor neurons carry signals from
the spinal cord to the smooth muscles and the 3. Multipolar neuron
skeletal muscles. Upper motor neurons carry • type of neuron that possesses a single axon and
signals between your brain and spinal cord. many dendrites (and dendritic branches)
• When you eat, for instance, lower motor neurons • allows integration of a great deal of information
in your spinal cord send signals to the smooth from other neurons. These processes are
muscles in your esophagus, stomach, and projections from the neuron cell body.
intestines. These muscles contract, which allows
food to move through your digestive tract.
Types of Neurons based on Number of Processes • provide protection and support to neurons,
exchanging nutrients and other important

• These processes connect with neurons, other

types of tissue such as blood vessels in the brain
or spine, or importantly, the blood brain barrier.
The blood brain barrier is a protective membrane
surrounding the spine and brain.

• The blood brain barrier allows small molecules

such as respiratory gases to pass through, while
blocking anything larger.

4. Oligodendrocytes

• wrap around the axons of CNS neurons to

provide electrical insulation called myelin
Types of Neuroglia
• allows the signal to move quickly enough for
Neuroglia are categorized into six subtypes. Four of them proper functioning
are present in the CNS:
• in many neurodegenerative diseases, the myelin
• Astrocyte sheaths are damaged.
• Oligodendrocyte
• Microglia 5. Ependymal cells
• Ependymal cell
• line the empty cavities called ventricles in the
brain and have access to nearby blood vessels
Two of them are present in the PNS:
• filter some of the materials out of the vessels to
• Satellite cell
manufacture CSF and then use their cilia to
• Schwann cell
circulate it through the empty ventricles and into
the rest of the CNS.
1. Satellite cells
6. Microglia
• provide nutrients and protection to neurons in the
• like macrophages in the blood, they surround
and digest damaged or invading cells
• wraps itself around the neuron’s cell body
• they are considered the immune cells of the CNS.
• cell body is a rounded section that contains the
nucleus and other key organelles common to
most somatic cells.

2. Schwann cells

• wrap themselves around the axons of neurons in

the PNS.

• forms a protective layer called the myelin sheath

– this operates like the insulated coating on
electrical wiring, without it, the electrical signal
can be disrupted, slowed or stopped altogether.

3. Astrocytes

• Astro is the Greek root word for “star.”, have many

cell extensions called processes, used for
chemical exchanges, that branch out like the
points of stars.
Definition of Nerve Impulse • The nerve impulse travels at a speed of 100
m/s in saltatory conduction.
Nerve impulse

• A signal driven by either electrical, chemical or

mechanical stimulus onward the segment of an What is a Neurotransmitter?
axon filament.
• It generates a change in potential gradient of • a chemical substance that is released at the
voltage-gated channels across the membrane, end of a nerve fiber by the arrival of a nerve
resulted from ionic movement in and out of the impulse and, by diffusing across the synapse or
axolemma. junction, causes the transfer of the impulse to
another nerve fiber, a muscle fiber, or some other
• A change in potential difference or the change in
phase of resting potential to the action
potential leads to the conduction of the signal • Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in
from one neuron to other. the body. Their job is to transmit signals from
• The transmission of nerve impulse generally nerve cells to target cells. These target cells may
speeds at 0.1-100 m/s. be in muscles, glands, or other nerves.
• Temperature, a diameter of axon, presence or
absence of myelin insulating layer influences the • Neurotransmitters relay their messages by
rate of impulse transmission. traveling between cells and attaching to specific
• All three factors accelerate the pace of signal receptors on target cells.
• Each neurotransmitter attaches to a different
receptor — for example, dopamine molecules
Mechanism of Nerve Impulse Transmission
attach to dopamine receptors. When they attach,
1. Continuous conduction this triggers action in the target cells.

• Continuous nerve impulse conduction • After neurotransmitters deliver their messages,

occurs in non-myelinated axons the body breaks down or recycles them.

• The action potential travels along the entire

length of the axon Neurotransmitters have different types of action:
• Hence, more time is taken in generating and • Excitatory neurotransmitters encourage a
then transmitting nerve impulses during an target cell to take action.
action potential.
• Inhibitory neurotransmitters decrease the
• Continuous conduction requires more chances of the target cell taking action. In some
energy to transmit impulses and is a slower cases, these neurotransmitters have a relaxation-
process (approximately 0.1 m/s). like effect.
• It delays the process of conducting signals • Modulatory neurotransmitters can send
because it uses a higher number of ion messages to many neurons at the same time.
channels to alter the resting state of the They also communicate with other
neuron. neurotransmitters.
2. Saltatory Conduction Other examples of neurotransmitters:
• Saltatory is faster than continuous Acetylcholine
conduction and occurs in myelinated
neurons. triggers muscle contractions, stimulates some
hormones, and controls the heartbeat. It also
• Nerve impulse propagates by jumping from plays an important role in brain function and
one node of Ranvier to the next. memory. It is an excitatory neurotransmitter
• This makes the process of nerve impulse Dopamine
faster as the nerve impulse does not travel
the entire length of the axon ( this happens
in case of continuous conduction).
important for memory, learning, behavior, and
movement coordination. Many people know
dopamine as a pleasure or reward
neurotransmitter. The brain releases dopamine
during pleasurable activities.
Definition of Cartilage
inhibit pain signals and create an energized,
euphoric feeling. They are also the body’s natural • semi-rigid but flexible avascular connective
pain relievers. tissue

Epinephrine • composed primarily of water, extremely tough

but flexible
Also known as adrenaline, epinephrine is
involved in the body’s “fight or flight” response. It • found throughout the human body in areas such
is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter. as the joints, nose, airway, intervertebral discs of
the spine, and the ear.

Composition of Cartilage

• consists of chondrocyte cells which produce an

extracellular matrix consisting of collagen fibers,
proteoglycan, and elastin fibers.

• different types of cartilage contain these

components in different proportions

• cartilage, unlike bones, does not contain blood


Types of Cartilages
1. Hyaline Cartilage

• predominately collagen (yet with few collagen

fibers), and its name refers to its glassy

• found on many joint surfaces

2. Fibrocartilage

• lots of collagen fibers (Type I and Type II)

• only type of cartilage that contains type I

collagen in addition to the normal type II

• found in the knees and between the vertebrae,

pubic symphysis, the annulus fibrosus of
intervertebral discs, menisci, and the temporal
mandibular joint.

3. Elastic or yellow cartilage

• contains elastic fiber networks and collagen


• principal protein is elastin

• found in the ear, larynx and epiglottis.

1. Long Bone

• presence of diaphysis and epiphyses

• diaphysis central part of the bone, much

longer than wide, made up of compact bone
tissue, its medullary cavity and other areas of
spongy bone tissue contain bone marrow.

• epiphyses are the ends of the long bones

• examples of long bones: humerus, tibia

and fibula

• make up most of the skeletal system of the

limbs, including the fingers

2. Short bones
• shape of short bones is approximately cubic -that
is, none of their faces are much larger than the

• formed by spongy tissue covered by a thin layer

of compact bone

• two common examples of short bones in the

human body are the tarsus and carpus, the
main bones of the ankle and wrist, respectively.

3. Flat bones

• thin and generally curved

• made up of two parallel layers of compact bone

and an internal layer of spongy bone tissue
Elastic Cartilage
• examples : skull (frontal, occipital and
parietal, among others),ribs, sternum, scapula,
and coccyx

4. Sesamoid bones

• small, round bone that, as the name suggests, is

shaped like a sesame seed.

• joined to a tendon and has the function of

separating it from the joint, so it allows the
movement of the muscle.

• found in the foot and the hand

• patella or kneecap is another excellent example

of this type of bone.
Types of Bone Tissue According to Shape
5. Irregular Bones
Bones are divided into five types according to their
• do not fall into any other category, due to their
non-uniform shape
• long bones, short bones, flat bones,
• primarily consist of cancellous bone, with a thin
sesamoids and irregular bones (a category that
outer layer of compact bone.
includes any bone that does not fit with the criteria
that define the above). • good examples of these are the vertebrae,
sacrum, and mandible (lower jaw)
• Lacunae: the spaces between lamellae which is
where bone cells, or osteocytes, reside

• Lamellae: created from mineral salts forming a

matrix of concentric rings that make bone hard

• Haversian canals: contain nerves and blood

vessels in a central tube surrounded by
alternating layers of lamellae, lacunae, and

Spongy Bone

• trabecular, cancellous, or spongy bone

• made up of an open structure that looks much like

a lattice

• spongy bone can be found at the end of a bone

and in joints.

Structure of Spongy Bone

• unlike compact bone, spongy bone is not made

up of osteons

• structure looks like a sponge, made of thin

columns called trabeculae that contain
canaliculi, lacunae, osteocytes, and lamellae

• red bone marrow fills the spaces between the

trabeculae which transports blood that nourishes
the bones.

• spongy bone is softer, lighter, and weaker than

Forms of the Bone Tissue compact bone but it contains more blood vessels
Compact bone Compact Bone
• also called cortical or lamellar bone (meaning

• made up of tightly packed plates wound into

tubular shapes called osteons

• each osteon contains a capillary that provides

blood flow through the central channel

• their stacked form creates a protective shell-like


Types of Bones

• Osteon, also known as the Haversian System

• is the basis of what bones are made of

• each Haversian System is made up of a four-part

cylindrical structure:

• Canaliculi: the tiny channels that provide

nutrients to osteocytes and remove waste
Forms of Bones

Compact Bone

Spongy Bone
Definition of Blood


 fluid that transports oxygen and nutrients to the

cells and carries away carbon dioxide and other
waste products

 technically, blood is a transport liquid pumped by

the heart (or an equivalent structure) to all parts
of the body, after which it is returned to the heart
to repeat the process

 it is a tissue because it is a collection of similar

specialized cells that serve particular functions

 these cells are suspended in a liquid matrix

(plasma), which makes the blood a fluid

 if blood flow ceases, death will occur within

minutes because of the effects of an
unfavourable environment on highly susceptible
Bone Formation

Ossification (or osteogenesis)

• process of laying down new bone material by

cells named osteoblasts

• synonymous with bone tissue formation

Two processes resulting in the formation of normal,

healthy bone tissue:

• a. intramembranous ossification - direct

laying down of bone into the primitive connective
tissue (mesenchyme),

• b. endochondral ossification - involves

cartilage as a precursor.
Definition of Hematopoiesis


 production of all types of blood cells including

formation, development, and differentiation of
blood cells

 prenatally, hematopoiesis occurs in the yolk sack,

then in the liver, and lastly in the bone marrow

 In the normal situation, hematopoiesis in adults

occurs in the bone marrow and lymphatic tissues

 All types of blood cells are derived from primitive

cells (stem cells) that are pluripotent (they have
the potential to develop into all types of blood


2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022
The skin is the largest organ of the body, with a total area
of about 20 square feet. The skin protects us from
Water and lipids are stored in the skin
microbes and the elements, helps regulate body
temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat,
and cold. Heat can be loss from dilation of blood vessels in the
skin and secretion of sweat from sweat glands. Heat
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: is preserved by constriction of blood vessels to keep
SOURCE: Esteban & Gonzales 5th Edition the warm blood away from the skin.
➢ The surface area of the skin in adults exceeds 1.5
m2. Its thickness ranges from 0.5 to 5.0 mm ➢ METABOLIC
depending on its location. Cells of skin synthesize vitamin D3, needed in
➢ It is the thinnest in eyelids and thickest over in calcium metabolism and proper bone formation,
the soles of feet. through the local action of UV light on the vitamin’s


1. Semipermeable membrane
2. In the finger tips, the skin exhibits shallow EPIDERMIS
grooves and ridges (Finger prints), whose Outermost layer of skin, it is the protective barrier. It is
patterns are unique for each person and use stratified squamous epithelium consisting of basal and
for individual identification. suprabasal keratinocytes. There are no blood vessels in
the epidermis, so it’s cells are receiving nutrients via
Diffusion from the capillaries in dermis.
- Nail, hair and cutaneous glands (sweat and
sebaceous glands) BASAL MEMBRANE
Layer between Epidermis and Dermis. The basement
➢ The skin and its appendages are collectively
membrane allows the transport of cells and molecules
between these two layers.
➢ Epidermis – an epithelial coat derived from This layer consists of connective tissue that cushions
ectoderm our body from stress. There are many nerve endings
➢ Dermis – made up of connective tissue here providing sense of touch and heat. This layer also
derived from mesoderm. contains hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands,
apocrine glands, lymph and blood vessels.

➢ SENSATION This layer is not part of the skin but it is located under the
It has a variety of nerve endings which respond to dermis. It attaches the skin to underlying bone and
temperature, pressure and pain. muscle. It consist of elastin and loose connective tissue.
The cells in this layer are Fibrocytes, Macrophages and
➢ PROTECTION Adipocytes. 50% of body fat is stored in this layer.
It is a layer that protects the body from external
The designations “thick” and “thin” refer to the thickness
of the epidermal layer, which alone varies from 75 to 150
µm for thin skin and from 400 to 1400 µm (1.4 mm) for
thick skin.


The dermal papillae are The dermal papillae are
longer than thin skin shorter

Contains sweat glands, Contains numerous sweat

hair follicles and glands but lack hair
sebaceous glands follicles and sebaceous

Has complete 5 layers Has only 3 Layers: basale,

spinosum, granulosum
and corneum

1. Stratum Basale
2. Stratum Spinosum
3. Stratum Granulosum
4. Stratum Lucidum
5. Stratum Corneum
Source: E & G 5th Ed.
These grooves and ridges and the intervening sulci form
distinctive patterns unique for each individual, appearing Cornified Layer – Stratum corneum and lucidum
as combinations of loops, arches, and whorls, called Stratum Malpighii – Stratum granulosum, spinosum,
dermatoglyphs, also known as fingerprints and footprints. basale



Source: Junquiera Book

The epidermis completely renewed every 20-30 days and
keratinocytes, the principal cells of the layers, are
responsible for the renewal process.

Keratinocytes comprise 85% - 95% of the cell population

of the epidermis. They are cells that are specialized to
produce keratin – an intermediate filament that is also
present but much lesser amount in other cells.

Source: Esteban & Gonzales 5th Ed.

There are also three much less abundant epidermal cell
types: pigment-producing melanocytes, antigen
presenting Langerhans cells, and tactile epithelial cells
called Merkel cells.
➢ Contains 3 to 5 flattened cell rows with increasing
concentration of keratin.
➢ Their cytoplasm is filled with intensely basophilic
masses called keratohyaline granules.
➢ Contains Lamellar granules (secretory
granules) that secretes wax that serves as
barrier to prevent water loss
➢ Can no longer divide and already a dead cells.

(Clear Layer)
➢ Thin, clear layer of dead skin cells found in thick
skin such as palms and soles
➢ Appears translucent under microscope

(Horny Cell Layer)
The outermost epidermal layer, stratum corneum (horny

STRATUM BASALE ➢ Consist of dead cells

➢ Can be 20 to 30 cells thick
➢ Contain keratin
➢ Prevents water evaporation
➢ Absorbs water

Stratum Basale (Basal cell layer / Stratum germinativum)

➢ One-cell thick
➢ Single layer of tall cuboidal keratinocytes Source: E & G 5th Ed. & Junquiera
that rest on the basement membrane in which
cells undergo mitosis MELANOCYTES
➢ Forms the dermal epidermal junctions or
Basement Membrane Eumelanins are brown or black pigments produced by
➢ Contains stem cells that divide continuously and the melanocyte, a specialized cell of the epidermis found
produces keratinocytes among the cells of the basal layer and in hair follicles. The
➢ Contains melanocytes similar pigment found in red hair is called pheomelanin.

Melanocytes are neural crest derivatives that migrate into

the embryonic epidermis’ stratum basale, where
STRATUM SPINOSUM eventually one melanocyte accumulates for every five or
(Prickle Cell Layer) six basal keratinocytes (600-1200/mm2 of skin).
➢ Normally the thickest layer in epidermis Their cytoplasm contains a fair share of organelles and
➢ Consist of several row of keratinocytes that many electron-dense, membrane bound organelles called
appears spiky under a microscope melanosomes. Melanin is produced within the
➢ Consist desmosomes for intercellular bridges melanosomes
which gives its spiky appearance, hence, the
name spinosum The neighboring keratinocytes take in the
melanosomes, and transport them by dynein toward
their nuclei. The melanosomes accumulate within
STRATUM GRANULOSUM keratinocytes as a supra nuclear cap that prior to
keratinization absorbs and scatters sunlight, protecting
(Granular Layer)
DNA of the living cells from the ionizing, mutagenic effects
of UV radiation.

Although melanocytes produce melanosomes, the Source: E & G 5th Ed. & Junquiera
keratinocytes are the melanin depot and contain more The dermis is the layer of connective tissue that supports
of this pigment than the cells that make it. the epidermis and binds it to the subcutaneous tissue
(hypodermis). The thickness of the dermis varies with the
One melanocyte plus the keratinocytes into which it
region of the body and reaches its maximum of 4 mm on
transfers melanosomes make up an epidermal- the back. Its thickness ranges from 0.6 mm in eyelids
melanin unit. and 4.0 mm on the back

The surface of the dermis is very irregular and has many

LANGERHANS CELLS projections (dermal papillae) that interdigitate with
projections (epidermal pegs or ridges) of the epidermis,
Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) called Langerhans especially in skin subject to frequent pressure, where they
cells, derived from monocytes, represent 2%-8% of the reinforce the dermal-epidermal junction.
cells in epidermis and are usually most clearly seen in the
spinous layer (stratum spinosum).
It is composed of connective tissue that forms two
Microorganisms cannot penetrate the epidermis without histologic layers: Papillary and Reticular
alerting these dendritic cells and triggering an immune
response. Langerhans cells, along with more scattered PAPILLARY LAYER
epidermal lymphocytes and other APCs in the dermis,
comprise a major component of the skin’s adaptive The thin papillary layer, which includes the dermal
immunity. papillae, consists of loose connective tissue, with
types I and III collagen fibers, fibroblasts and scattered
Langerhans cells are derived from the bone marrow. mast cells, dendritic cells, and leukocytes.
They colonize the skin as early as the 5th – 6th week of
embryonic life. The bulk of connective tissue that comprises the papillary
layer form conical projections into the epidermis called
dermal papillae. Numerous in areas subjected to great
MERKEL CELLS pressure (palms and soles).
or epithelial tactile cells
A Merkel cell together with an axon termination of a
sensory neuron forms a Merkel disc - are sensitive The underlying reticular layer is much thicker, consists
mechanical receptors essential for light touch sensation. of dense irregular connective tissue (mainly bundles of
type I collagen), with more fibers and fewer cells than the
Least number among cells in epidermis but numerous in papillary layer.
palms and soles.
It is responsible for the toughness and strength of the skin.
Appear as “clear cells” like Langerhans and melanocytes.
A network of elastic fibers is also present providing
They are abundant in highly sensitive skin like that of elasticity to the skin. Between the collagen and elastic
fingertips and at the bases of some hair follicles. fibers are abundant proteoglycans rich in dermatan
Merkel cells originate from the same stem cells as sulfate.
keratinocytes and are characterized by small, Golgi- Sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles
derived dense-core neurosecretory granules containing are embedded in the reticular layer. Smooth muscle
peptides. cells are also present in this layer.
Hypodermis refers to the loose connective tissue that
binds the dermis of the skin to the underlying structures,
that allows the skin to slide over the underlying structures.


One of the main functions of the skin is to receive and
transmit sensory stimuli to the CNS. Hence, the skin has
a variety of sensory nerve endings.

The unencapsulated receptors include the following:

➢ The Merkel cells, each associated with expanded

nerve Endings, which function as tonic receptors for
sustained light touch and for sensing an object’s
➢ Free nerve endings in the papillary dermis and
extending into lower epidermal layers, which
respond primarily to high and low temperatures,
pain, and itching, but also function as tactile
➢ Root hair plexuses, a web of sensory fibers
surrounding the bases of hair follicles in the reticular
dermis that detects movements of the hairs. The base of the hair bulb has a deep concavity that is
occupied by a hair papilla, which consist of connective
The encapsulated receptors are all phasic
tissue where capillaries that supply nutrients and oxygen
mechanoreceptors, responding rapidly to stimuli on the
are embedded.
skin. Four are recognized in human skin, although only
the first two are seen in routine preparations: The keratinocytes of the hair bulb are generally similar to
those in the basal and spinous layers of epidermis. They
➢ Meissner corpuscles are elliptical structures, 30-
divide rapidly in the region immediately around the dermal
75 μm by 50-150 μm, consisting of sensory axons
papilla and then undergo keratinization, melanin
winding among flattened Schwann cells arranged
accumulation, and terminal differentiation.
perpendicular to the epidermis in the dermal
papillae. The keratin of hair is harder and more compact than that
of the stratum corneum, maintaining its structure as the
hair shaft much longer.

APPENDAGES OF THE SKIN In most thick hairs, large, vacuolated, and moderately
keratinized cells form the central medulla of the hair root.
They have specific functions and are mostly confines to
Heavily keratinized, densely packed cells make up the
the dermis. Consist of hair, nail and cutaneous glands,
cortex around the medulla. The most peripheral cells of
namely the sebaceous and sweat glands
the hair root comprise the cuticle, a thin layer of heavily
keratinized, squamous cells covering the cortex.
The internal root sheath completely surrounds the initial
Hairs are elongated keratinized structures that form within part of the hair root but degenerates above the level of the
epidermal invaginations, the hair follicles. A hair root and attached sebaceous glands. The external root sheath
its sheath comprise of hair follicle. covers the internal sheath and extends all the way to the
epidermis, where it is continuous with the basal and
The growing hair follicle has a terminal dilation called a
spinous layers.
hair bulb.
The arrector pili muscle, a small bundle of smooth
These cells form the matrix of the elongating hair root. The
muscle cells, extends from the midpoint of the fibrous
part of a hair extending beyond the skin surface is the hair
sheath to the dermal papillary layer. Contraction of these
muscles pulls the hair shafts to a more erect position,
usually when it is cold in an effort to trap a layer of warm A similar process of keratinization also produces the
air near the skin. In regions where hair is fine, contraction nails, which are hard plates of keratin on the dorsal
of arrector pili muscles is seen to produce tiny bumps on surface of each distal phalanx.
the skin surface (“goose bumps”) where each
contracting muscle distorts the attached dermis. The proximal part of the nail is the nail root and is
covered by a fold of skin, from which the epidermal
Hair does not grow continuously. The hair growth cycle stratum corneum extends as the cuticle, or eponychium.
has three major phases:
The nail plate is bound to a bed of epidermis, the nail
➢ A generally long period of mitotic activity and bed, which contains only the basal and spinous epidermal
growth or active growth period (anagen) layers.
➢ A brief period of arrested growth and regression of
the hair bulb (catagen) The nail root forms from the nail matrix in which cells
➢ A final long period of inactivity or rest period divide, move distally, and become keratinized in a
(telogen) during which the hair may be shed process somewhat similar to hair formation but without
keratohyaline granules. The nail root matures and
hardens as the nail plate
The distal end of the plate becomes free of the nail bed at
the epidermal fold called the hyponychium.


Sebaceous glands are branched acinar glands with

several acini converging at a short duct that usually
empties into the upper portion of a hair follicle.

Generally absent in hairless skin such as palms and


A hair follicle and its associated sebaceous glands make

up a pilosebaceous unit.
They are holocrine glands and it means that their
secretory products consist not only of the secretion of MODULE 9: SKIN AND ITS
cells but also the cells that produce this secretion.
The secretory product of sebaceous gland is called SOURCE: Dr. Cabrido’s PPT

SWEAT GLANDS Integumentary System

The integumentary system is composed of the
There are two types of sweat glands, eccrine and
apocrine, with distinct functions, distributions, and following parts:
structural details. • Skin
• Skin appendages
Eccrine Sweat Glands • Hairs
• Nails
Are widely distributed in the skin all over the body but • Sweat glands
most numerous on the palms and soles.
• Sebaceous glands
The sweat gland is simple coiled tubular gland. Its duct • Subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia
is lined by stratified cuboidal epithelium. • Mucocutaneous junctions
• Breasts
Sweat glands are merocrine glands whose primary
function is to help regulate body temperature. They do this
by producing a clear fluid called sweat that evaporates
and cools the skin surface. HUMAN SKIN
Active from childhood. o outer covering of the body
o largest organ of the integumentary system.
o has up to seven layers of ectodermal tissue
Apocrine Sweat Glands o guards the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments
and internal organs.
Found only in the axilla, around the anus, areola of the
o similar to most of the other mammals skin, very
breast and labia majora.
similar to pig skin.
Also, a coiled tubular gland but much larger (secretory
portion = 3-5 mm diameter) than the eccrine (0.4 mm
diameter). Layers of the Skin
Only become functional at puberty. Two Main Layers:
It is called apocrine because it was once thought that the ➢ Epidermis - made of closely packed epithelial
secretory cells loose their apical cytoplasm into their cells
secretions. Also, a merocrine gland. ➢ Dermis - made of dense, irregular connective
tissue that houses blood vessels, hair follicles,
sweat glands, and other structures.

Beneath the dermis lies the hypodermis, composed

mainly of loose connective and fatty tissues.
➢ outermost layer; waterproof barrier that gives skin
its tone, consists of 25–30 layers of dead cells
which are shed continuously
➢ 500 million skin cells shed each day
➢ new cells made in the lower layers of the
epidermis replace the dead cells as they are
shed, over the course of around 4 weeks
➢ Keratinocytes - most common cell type within
the epidermis; act as a barrier against bacteria,
parasites, fungi, viruses, heat, ultraviolet (UV)
rays from the sun, and water loss.
➢ no blood vessels.
➢ color produced by melanin produced by
➢ protect the skin from UV rays
➢ between the epidermis and the dermis is a thin
sheet of fibers called the basement membrane.

The epidermis is subdivided into five layers:

• stratum corneum
• stratum lucidum
• stratum granulosum
• stratum spinosum
• stratum germinativum

Five Layers of the Epidermis

Functions of the Skin

• Protection: against pathogens. Langerhans
cells in the skin are part of the immune system.

• Storage: stores lipids (fats) and water.

• Sensation: nerve endings detect temperature,

pressure, vibration, touch, and injury.

• Control water loss: the skin prevents water

from escaping by evaporation.

• Water resistance: it prevents nutrients from

being washed from the skin

• Thermoregulation: by producing sweat and

dilating blood vessels, the skin helps keep the
body cool. “Goosebumps” and blood vessel
constriction, help us retain heat.
1. Acne
- “Breakout” used to describe all types of acne.

- Attributed to clogged pores caused by: excess

production of oil (sebum), bacteria, hormones,
dead skin cells, and ingrown hair

- usually associated with hormonal fluctuations

experienced during teenage,

- adults can experience acne too


2. Melanoma
- abnormal moles may lead to melanoma, a
serious and life-threatening skin cancer.
- If moles have asymmetrical shapes, ragged
edges, uneven colors, or change in size, they
should be checked.
- Patients with melanoma may have surgery, or
undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatments.
3. Lupus
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),
- also known simply as lupus,
- autoimmune disease in which the body's
immune system mistakenly attacks healthy
tissue in many parts of the body.
- symptoms vary between people and may be
mild to severe.


2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022

Left atrium
SOURCE: Junqueira Book and Reviewer from
TG Left atrioventricular valve (bicuspid valve; Mitral
Transports the oxygenated blood from the heart and lungs
all throughout the body thru the arteries, and then the Left Ventricle
oxygen depleted blood is returned to its origin thru the
help of the veins.

Helps in the coagulation process, regulates the body

temperature and assists the body in fighting diseases.

Two main components: the Cardiovascular system and

the Lymphatic system

➢ LOCATION: Central mediastinum of the thoracic
➢ FUNCTION: Pump that propels blood to the arteries
of both systemic and pulmonary circulations.

4 Chambers of the Heart

The atria occupy the superior part of the heart.
The ventricles occupy the inferior part.

Left Ventricle – pump of the systemic circulation

Right Ventricle – pump of pulmonary circulation

The chambers on the right side of the heart are separated

from those on the left by the interatrial septum
(superiorly, separates right and left atria), and by
interventricular septum (inferiorly, separates right
and left ventricle).

The chambers on the same side of the heart

communicate with each other through orifices that are
guarded by one-way valves.

Right atrium

Right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid valve)

Right Ventricle
The connective tissue that envelopes the heart. ➢ Lies external to the endocardium.
Consist of two pouches that are intimately bound to ➢ Thickest layer of the heart, but thickness varies
each other: in different parts of the organ. It is thickest in
ventricle and thinnest in atria.
1. Fibrous Pericardium ➢ Consist manly of cardiac muscle fibers (cells)
- More external
- Lines the central mediastinum
- Made up of dense connective tissue
2. Serous Pericardium
➢ Synonymous with the visceral pericardium, forms
Has 2 layers: the outermost layer of the heart.
➢ Consist of loose connective tissue that is lined on
Parietal Pericardium – more external of the its external surface by mesothelium.
layers of the serous pericardium adheres to the
fibrous pericardium.

Visceral Pericardium (Epicardium) – more

internal layers adhere to the heart

➢ Pericardial Cavity – space between parietal and

visceral pericardia that contains a small amount of
fluid, pericardial fluid.


Thinnest layer of the heart. It lines all the internal surface
of the heart and is continuous with the innermost layer of
the greatest vessels that enter and exit the heart.

4 Histologic Layers

➢ Endothelium – simple squamous epithelium that

adjoins the cardiac lumen.
➢ Subendothelium – a very thin loose connective
tissue that is deeper in the endothelium
➢ Subendocardium – misnomer because the layer is
part of the endocardium.
- Contains may blood vessels and nerves
- Also, contains Purkinje fibers, impulse-
conducting system of the heart
MODULE 10: Difference between Arteries and Veins
SOURCE: Dr. Cabrido’s PPT

Features of Circulatory System

➢ consists of blood, heart, blood vessels, and
➢ circulates blood through two loops (double
circulation) – one for oxygenated blood, another
for deoxygenated blood.
➢ consists of four chambers – two ventricles and
two auricles.
➢ possesses a body-wide network of blood vessels:
arteries, veins, and capillaries.
➢ blood vessels transport oxygenated blood and
nutrients to all parts of the body, collect metabolic
wastes to be expelled from the body.
➢ theoretically, if the veins, arteries, and capillaries
of a human were laid out, end to end, it would
span a total distance of 1,000,000 kilometers (or
roughly eight times the diameter of the Earth).

Comparison between Arteries and Veins

o muscular organ pumping of blood in the body
o four chambers: right atrium, right ventricle, left
atrium and left ventricles
o atriums collect the blood in the heart
o ventricles pump it to different organs.

Blood Vessels
1. Arteries
- carry blood away from the heart
- arteries in the systemic loop carry oxygenated
blood to different parts of the body Artery Vein Capillary
- arteries in the pulmonary loop carry Function Carry blood Carry blood Allows
deoxygenated blood to the lungs. away from the towards the diffusion of
2. Veins – carry deoxygenated blood from the body heart (usually heart (usually gases and
and oxygenated blood from the lungs into the oxygenated deoxygenated nutrients from
heart. blood, except blood, except blood into the
3. Capillaries for the for the body cells
- break down into a minuscule network of pulmonary pulmonary
artery vein
capillaries, smallest blood vessels and present in
Wall Thick, Thinner Very thin, one
the lungs and muscles,
muscular cell thick
- connect the two types of blood vessel and
molecules are exchanged between the blood and
the cells across their walls.
Lumen Small Large Very small,
only allows
blood to pass Pulmonary circulation moves blood between the heart
through one
and the lungs. It transports deoxygenated blood to
cell at a time
the lungs to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
The oxygenated blood then flows back to the heart.
Systemic circulation moves blood between the heart and
Other Thick Contain valves Walls are
muscular walls to prevent made of semi- the rest of the body.
to withstand back flow of permeable What is included in the pulmonary circuit?
blood flowing blood membrane to
at high allow transport ➢ The pulmonary circulation includes
pressure as it of gases and the pulmonary trunk (also called the “right
leaves the nutrients into ventricular outflow tract”), the right and left
heart; the and out of the main pulmonary arteries and their lobar
largest artery blood
branches, intrapulmonary arteries, large elastic
is the aorta
arteries, small muscular arteries, arterioles,
capillaries, venules, and large pulmonary veins.
Arteries Veins
Always carry blood away Always carry blood to the
from the heart heart
Difference between Systematic
Carry oxygenated blood,
except for the pulmonary
Always carry
deoxygenated blood,
Circuit and Pulmonary Circuit
artery except for the pulmonary
Pulmonary Circuit Systemic Circuit
blood flows from the heart blood flows from the heart
Carry blood under high Carry blood under low or to lungs and back to body tissues and back
pressure negative pressure Pulmonary Circuit is shorter than Systemic Circuit, the
lungs and pulmonary trunk are about 6 inches apart.
Have thick muscular and Have thin walls - have carry deoxygenated carry oxygenated blood.
elastic walls to pump and less muscular tissue than blood,
accommodate blood arteries right side of the heart left side of the heart
receives blood from body receives blood from
A type of supporting Have less connective tissues and circulates it pulmonary veins and
tissue called connective tissue than arteries through lungs pumps to the aorta, which
tissue provides strength spreads the oxygenated
blood thought out the
The channel in the blood Have a wide lumen body.
vessel that carries blood - found mainly in the found in all over the body.
the lumen - is narrow abdominal cavity,
associated with lungs

Systemic circulation carries oxygenated blood from the
left ventricle, through the arteries, to the capillaries in the
tissues of the body. From the tissue capillaries, the
deoxygenated blood returns through a system of veins to
the right atrium of the heart.

What are the components of the systemic circuit?

➢ In the systemic circulation, blood travels out of

the left ventricle, to the aorta, to every organ and
tissue in the body, and then back to the right
atrium. The arteries, capillaries, and veins of
the systemic circulatory system are the
channels through which this long journey takes
Presence of Valves in Veins

Components of Blood

- triggered by electrical impulses that travel down

a special pathway through your heart.

Components of Blood
1. SA node (sinoatrial node)
- heart’s natural pace maker
The main function of blood is to transport nutrients and
- small bundle of specialized cells in the right atrium
oxygen to the cells of the body.
- initiates electrical activity that travels through the
Blood is made up of four components: walls of atria and causes them to contract; forces blood
into the ventricles
1. red blood cells – these transport oxygen around the - sets the rate and rhythm of the heartbeat
body - normal heart rhythm called normal sinus rhythm,
the SA (sinus) node fires regularly
2. white blood cells - these fight infection

3. platelets - these clot to prevent blood loss during 2. AV node (atrioventricular node)
injury - cluster of cells in the center of the heart between
the atria and ventricles
4. plasma - this is the liquid part of blood
- acts like a gate that slow the electrical signal
before it enters the ventricles.
- this delay gives the atria time to contract before
the ventricles do.
3. His-Purkinje Network
- this pathway of fibers sends the impulse to the SYSTEM
muscular walls of the ventricles and causes them to 1. Hypertension
contract 2. Atherosclerosis
- forces blood out of the heart to the lungs and 3. Stroke and Heart Attack

The SA node fires another impulse and the cycle

begins again. ➢ also called high blood pressure
- At rest, a normal heart beats around 50 to 99 times a ➢ condition that arises when the blood pressure is
minute. abnormally high
- Exercise, emotions, fever and some medications can ➢ hypertension occurs when the body’s smaller
cause your heart to beat faster, sometimes to well over blood vessels (the arterioles) narrow, causing
100 beats per minute. the blood to exert excessive pressure against the
vessel walls and forcing the heart to work harder
to maintain the pressure.

Causes of Hypertension
Exact causes of high blood pressure are not known,
but several factors increase risk:

• High salt intake or salt sensitivity

• Smoking
• Overweight or obesity
• Lack of physical activity
• Too much of alcohol consumption
• Stress
• Age above 40
• Genetics

➢ Narrowing of arteries due to plaque buildup on
➢ measure of the force that your heart uses to the artery walls.
pump blood around your body.
➢ measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) ➢ Plaque buildup happens gradually. Mild
and is given atherosclerosis may not have any symptoms.

as 2 figures: Symptoms of moderate to severe arteriosclerosis

depend on the arteries affected; moderate to severe
Systolic pressure – the pressure when your heart atherosclerosis symptoms include:
pushes blood out
Diastolic pressure – the pressure when your heart • Chest pain or angina
rests between beats • Pain in your leg, arm, and anywhere else that
has a blocked artery
For example, if your blood pressure is "140 over 90" or
• Shortness of breath
140/90mmHg, it means you have a systolic pressure of
• Fatigue
140mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 90mmHg.
• Confusion, which occurs if the blockage affects
As a general guide: circulation to your brain
• Muscle weakness in your legs from lack of blood
o ideal blood pressure is considered to be between circulation
90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg
o high blood pressure is considered to be
140/90mmHg or higher
o low blood pressure is considered to be
90/60mmHg or lower
➢ a serious life-threatening medical condition that
happens when the blood supply to part of the
brain is cut off
➢ this deprives oxygen and nutrients supplied to
the brain, causing brain cells to die.
➢ a medical emergency and urgent treatment is

Stroke may be caused by the following:

• Ischemic stroke: The obstruction to blood flow

is usually due to a thrombus or an embolism
within the blood vessel
• Hemorrhagic stroke: Hemorrhagic stroke is a
type of stroke that follows bleeding in the brain
• Transient ischemic attack: TIA is caused by
same conditions that cause an ischemic stroke
like thrombosis, embolism, or other conditions
like arterial dissection, arteries or
hypercoagulable states. TIA does not leave
lasting symptoms because blockage is

Heart Attack
Death of heart muscle caused by a loss of blood supply


• .Crushing chest pain

• Arms may feel heavy
• Shortness of breath
• Coughing
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Dizziness
• Face seeming grey in color
• Feeling clammy and sweaty


➢ Heart attack occurs when one or more coronary

arteries get blocked.

➢ Over time, a coronary artery can narrow from the

build up of various substances, including
cholesterol (atherosclerosis).

➢ This condition is called coronary artery disease

➢ During a heart attack, one of these plaques can

rupture and spill cholesterol and other
substances into the bloodstream.

➢ A blood clot forms at the site of the rupture. If

large enough, the clot can completely block the
flow of blood through the coronary artery.


2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022

The lymphatic system, or lymphoid system, is an organ

system in vertebrates that is part of the circulatory
system and the immune system. It is made up of a large LYMPHOID SYSTEM COMPONENTS
network of lymph, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes,
lymphatic or lymphoid organs, and lymphoid tissues. The
vessels carry a clear fluid called lymph (the Latin LYMPHOID ORGANS
word lympha refers to the deity of fresh water,
"Lympha") towards the heart. The function of the
lymphatic system is to carry lymph throughout the body PRIMARY LYMPHOID ORGANS
that contains infection-fighting white blood cells. (sites where immune cells are generated

➢ Lymphatic System – the body’s own version of a BONE MARROW

sewer system for removing unwanted toxins, waste
and excess water from the body. Made up of millions • Primary site of hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis
of little vessels that branched all around our body that in adults.
are much finer and carries a colorless fluid, lymph. • Hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow
1. It contains lymphocytes which are used to fight generate and replenish all blood cell types.
infection • Maturation of all myeloid and lymphoid cells
2. It acts as one-way drainage system transporting begins in the bone marrow.
fluid from body tissues into the blood circulation
3. It gets rid of waste products produced by cells

➢ Organ System – a biological system that consist of

group of organs that work together to perform one or
more function.

➢ Lymphatic Vessels - are thin-walled vessels

(tubes), structured like blood vessels, that
carry lymph. Lymph vessels are lined
by endothelial cells, and have a thin layer
of smooth muscle, and adventitia that binds the
lymph vessels to the surrounding tissue.

Lymph capillaries are slightly bigger than their

counterpart capillaries of the vascular system.
Lymph vessels that carry lymph to a lymph Red Marrow – site of the most active generation of
node are called afferent lymph vessels, and blood cells.
those that carry it from a lymph node are called
Yellow Marrow – marrow that has become infiltrated
efferent lymph vessels, from where the lymph
with fat.
may travel to another lymph node, may be returned
to a vein, or may travel to a larger lymph duct.

➢ Lymph - colorless fluid that circulates throughout the

lymphatic system.
NOTE: (sites where immune cells go to complete their
development to interact to other immune cells and
to generate the adaptive immune response)


Hematopoiesis begins from a hematopoietic stem cells • Located below the diaphragm and under the ribs
or the mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). And these cells on the left
develop into 2 major lineages in the bone marrow: • Very large lymphoid tissue
Lymphoid lineage and Myeloid lineage. • Primary site where B cells complete maturation
after leaving the bone marrow
• Consists of ‘white pulp’ and ‘red pulp’
Red Pulp – serves as the infiltration unit to clear
the blood of damaged cells.
THYMUS White Pulp – sites where all the lymphoid cells
reside and interact with the spleen
• Serves as a major filtration unit to clear blood of
damaged erythrocytes, bacteria, etc.

3 Major Constituents of Lymph
Interstitial Fluid (fluid between the tissues)
Fluid that leaves the vascular space and bathes the
tissues. Similar in composition to plasma but generally
lower in proteins.

White Blood Cells

• Located behind the sternum and superior to the Chyle
heart. Made up of chylomicrons (lipoprotein complexes)
• Primary site of T cell maturation and selection absorbed into the lymph from digested foods in the gut.
after bone marrow
• Plays a major role in preventing autoimmunity
(immune tolerance)
Autoimmunity – the immune response is against LYMPHOID VESSELS
its own healthy cells. • Blind-ended lymphatic capillaries intertwine with
• Most functionally active in children – slowly vascular arterioles, capillaries and venules in the
atrophies over lifespan tissue to collect interstitial fluid and immune cells.
Atrophy – wasting away or reduction in size of a • Valves in the lymphatic system that assures
part of the body, ultimately decreasing in unidirectional lymph flow (back to the main
function. circulation)
• Lymph filters through lymph nodes en route.

• Made up of aggregates of lymphoid tissue

(lymphoid follicles) at various location along the
mucosa (pharynx, gut, bronchi)
• Provides immune defense at sites of recurrent
exposure to pathogens, foreign proteins like food,
• Integrated into the lymphatic vasculature bacteria and bacterial products.
• Contain multiple lymphoid follicles that consist of
a B Cell Zone and T Cell Zone.
• small structures that work as filters for harmful
substances. They contain immune cells that can LYMPH
help fight infection by attacking and destroying
germs that are carried in through the lymph fluid


Allows the lymph to come into the lymph node to circulate

in the lymphoid follicles (aggregated lymphocytes). Sites
at which B and T cells interact where T cells help B cells
to undergo in immunoglobulin class-switching and to
develop adaptive immune responses.

The walls of capillaries in our blood vessels have basically
• Located at the back of oropharynx (tonsils) and small holes, and due to the pressure supplied by the
nasopharynx (adenoids). heart, some of the plasma and some proteins in the blood
• Part of the Mucosa-Associate Lymphoid Tissue does ooze out outside the capillaries, whereas RBCs
(MALT) system stayed inside since they are big enough to fit in the holes.
• Together form the Waldeyer’s ring That colorless fluid is what we called the “LYMPH”, that
• Cellular structure similar to lymph nodes with flows between the cells.
germinal centers (where B cells are dealing with
Wherever the capillaries are present, the plasma will ooze
out forming the Lymph. Since the capillaries are present TYPES OF BODY’S DEFENSE SYSTEMS
all over our body, then as well as the lymph.

We have lymph vessels that help out to drained the lymph

in the body tissue to prevent swelling. The big one are
called lymph vessels while the smaller ones are lymph

The blood capillaries connect blood vessels whereas

lymph capillaries are close end.



The walls of lymph has an overlapping structure that is

when they are surrounded by fluids, the fluids starting
pressing the walls that causes the walls to open up to
enter the capillary. And that is how the lymph capillaries
clear all the lymph in the tissues.


Aside from the valves, the smooth muscle tissue
Eventually, the lymph vessel connects to a vein that is
comprising the walls of the lymph capillaries help to
somewhere near in the heart with low pressure and then
ensure the backflow of the lymph.
it reenters the circulatory system.



FILTRATION – bulk flow of fluid and other particles out

of the arterial ends of true capillaries into the interstitium
due to blood hydrostatic pressure.

Only 85% of the fluid is reabsorbed directly into the

venous end of the capillary. The other 15% is reabsorbed
into the lymphatic capillaries.

Chronic failure to reabsorb this excess fluid causes 1. The heat and redness during inflammation is the
condition called edema. result of an increase in vascular diameter that
results in slower blood flow.

2. There is an increase in vascular permeability. The

endothelial cells that line the blood vessels are
usually packed tightly together, but during
inflammation, they have gaps between them. This
results in fluid from the blood exiting and
accumulating in local tissues that results in
edema and pain. The fluid contains plasma,
proteins and mannose binding lectin, which aid in
fighting against pathogens. WHAT TRIGGERS THE
Tissues are physically damaged or WBCs recognized a

Release of inflammatory mediators which cause the

inflammatory response.
3. Endothelial cells are activated during
inflammation. That is, endothelial cells express ➢ Macrophages and neutrophils secrete
cell-adhesion molecules that promote the binding prostaglandins, leukotrienes and platelet-
of circulating leukocytes. activating factor (PAF), which are lipid
mediators of inflammation.
➢ Then, the macrophages secret cytokines, a
substance released by the immune cells that
affect the other cells.
➢ One kind of cytokine are chemokines, which act
as chemoattractants.
➢ Chemokines cause the directed chemotaxis.
CHEMOTAXIS – movement of cells or part of
4. There is clotting in the micro vessels at the site of cells in a direction corresponding to a gradient
infection, which prevents pathogens from of increasing or decreasing concentration of
spreading through the blood. substance.
➢ In the case of chemokines, they directed
phagocytes to move towards the source of
chemokines, where they are needed.

2 Cytokines important to the Inflammatory

➢ Stimulates respiratory/oxidative burst, which is the
1. Allows the body to defend itself from invading rapid release of reactive oxygen.
microorganisms. The increase in vascular diameter, ➢ Attracts neutrophil and monocyte to prepared them
along with the activation of endothelial cells, allows for battle when the pathogens arrive.
the leukocyte to attach in the endothelium and then ➢ Increase Vascular Permeability
migrates in the tissues where they can attack ➢ Increase expression of certain adhesion molecules
pathogens. This process of leukocyte leaving the on the endothelium, causing mast cells to release
bloodstream and entering the tissue is called granules containing histamine and TNF- α
Tumor Necrosis Factor – α (TNF - α)
➢ This is produced rapidly by macrophages upon
pathogen detection and is a potent activator of
endothelial cells.

In addition, injury to blood vessels triggers 2

Enzyme Cascade:
Kinin Cascade + Coagulation Cascade
2. Induces local blood clotting. It creates a physical
➢ The kinin system consist of plasma proteases (an
barrier preventing the infection from spreading in the
enzyme which breaks proteins and peptides). A
protease cascade features enzymes that are initially
3. Promotes the repair of injured tissue.
inactive. Activation of one enzyme triggers cleavage
and activation of the next enzyme in the cascade
and so on. The result of this cascade is the There are only two types of cells in the adaptive immune
activation of several inflammatory mediator link response, T and B cells. They come from stem cells
Bradykinin, a vasoactive peptide that increases located in the bone marrow, and they are both classified
vascular permeability and causes pain. as lymphocytes, which means they are the primary cell in
the lymph.
➢ The coagulation system is another proteases
cascade which activation leads to formation of a Although it is effective, it is slower to respond than the
fibrin clot. This prevent blood lost in case there is a innate immune response due to it needing to identify the
blood vessel damage and blocks the pathway of antigen before responding. This immune response splits
pathogens. into two types – humoral and cellular immunity.


The immune response is how an organism responds after
being infected with a pathogen. A pathogen can be
bacteria, viruses, or toxins. The immune response
consists of both innate and adaptive immune


(non-specific immune response)
Defends the body against non-specific pathogens and is
considered the first line of defense. It is very fast – it is
established within about 4 hours – but is non-specific and
has no memory, so it is not strong enough to effectively
tackle an infection on its own.

Various other cells are involved in the innate immune

response as they carry out 'cell eating' – phagocytosis.

➢ Neutrophils are the most abundant type of white

blood cell and are the first to fight back against a
pathogen. They can do this by releasing enzymes
that digest and kill pathogens.
Humoral Immunity / Antibody-mediated
➢ Macrophages are another type of white blood cell
made in the bone marrow. These macrophages
Immunity (HMI)
play a role in inflammation by releasing Humoral immunity, or antibody-mediated immunity, is
cytokines – small proteins that help with mediated by B cells. B cells move through the lymphatic
inflammation and act as messengers between system, where they encounter an antigen. Suppose the
other cells. antigen matches the specific antibody on their cell
➢ Monocytes are another type of white blood cell surface, they either split into a memory B cell, or an
and can turn into macrophages. They also play a effector B cell occurs when plasma cells produce
role in the adaptive immune system. antibodies and allow them to move throughout the body.

What are primary and secondary immune

(specific immunity) Primary immune responses occur when the body
encounters a pathogen for the first time. These immune
While the innate immune system remains the same from
responses use the naive B and T cells. As the B and T
birth, the adaptive immune system can learn over
cells have not transformed into their effector and memory
time. The adaptive immune response works to fight off
cells, they are slow to respond to the threat to the point
pathogens and is especially effective against those it has
where it takes several days to react.
destroyed before. Each time it encounters a pathogen, it
will remember it in its memory, and it will be faster to Secondary immune response uses the memory forms
defeat each time it sees it. of the B and T cells. Therefore, they respond in about half
the time the primary response takes. They also produce
higher levels of antibodies compared to the primary There are several classes of antibodies with different
immune response. constant region. Different antibody classes engage
different mechanism to neutralize the antigen.
VACCINATION: It bypass the primary immune response.
The first time you see a pathogen is the 2nd time our
immune system has seen it.


➢ Produced in bone marrow and complete their
maturation in the spleen.

The surface receptors on B-cells or BSC are IgM and

IgD molecules.
➢ Like T-cell, B – cell have many variations, each
carrying a unique surface protein, called B- cell The invading pathogen binds in several receptor of B-cell,
receptor (BCR). They also learned not to react with where in endocytosis happen. The pathogen will be
body’s own antigen. ingested and displays them on MHC-II (major
➢ The majority of mature B-cells (Follicular B-cells), histocompatibility complex) molecules on their surfaces.
circulates to secondary lymphoid organs where they Thus, B-cells now become APC (antigen presenting
expect to encounter pathogens. Within this organs, cell), but are not yet activated. They will be activated with
B and T cells have separated zones. the help of T-helper cells.
➢ Invading pathogen will bind to certain variation of B- Nearby the T-cell zone, T-helper cells are activated by
cell and that cell, where pathogen are bind, can be dendritic cells carrying antigens of the same pathogens,
activated to produce antibodies. and become effector T-helper cells or follicles T-helper
➢ Our body doesn’t make large amount of antibodies cells.
from the very beginning. Instead, presence of
pathogen selectively activates the binding B-cell,
which then multiply and produce huge amount of
particular antibodies.

Structure of Antibody

The follicles T-helper cells migrate to T-cell and B-cell

border and bind to the antigen presented cells (B-cell).
This interaction triggers T-cells to produce helper factors,
Antibody is made up pf protein, which consist of which activate B-cells.
constant and variable region. The activated B-cell undergo in proliferation and
The variable regions give the antibody its uniqueness. differentiation giving rise to 1st batch of plasma cells
This is where it binds to a specific antigen. Like a lock and producing antibodies and cells committed to become
key model. memory B-cells.

They produce 2nd batch of plasma that produce better

antibodies and lives longer than the antibodies produced
in 1st batch.
Cellular Immunity / Cell-Mediated Immunity Through this connection, the macrophage will respond by
(CMI) secreting cytokines. The cytokines can bind to the surface
of T-cells. The antigen receptor connection along with the
Cellular immunity involves the activation of lymphocytes secretion of cytokines can help in the activation of T-cells.
upon encountering a 'non-self' material and is mediated This process is called CO-STIMULATION.
by T cells. T cells are created in the bone marrow but
travel to the thymus and get transformed into T cells. In
the thymus, they develop T cell receptors where they will
Helper T-cells have CD4 (cluster of differentiation
get a T cell receptor named CD4 or CD8. The different
number 4) in cell membrane. The cytokines from this cell
receptors allow the cells to perform different tasks.
help to activate other T-cells and B-cells.
Therefore, there are three types of T cells. Their jobs
depend on what T cell receptor they receive. The Helper
T cells have CD4 and helper B cells and other cells found
in the immune response. Cytotoxic T cells have CD8 and
destroy pathogens plus infected self cells.


T-cells include Cytotoxic T-cell, Helper T-cell and
Suppressor T-cell.

Cytotoxins T-cells have CD8 in cell protein. The

cytokines secreted by this cell destroys pathogens.

Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) While the Suppressor T-cells help to control immune
response by suppressing other immune cells.
– the area where the antigen is displayed in the
surface of the cells.

MHC Class I – displays antigens made inside of the cell.

MHC Class II – displays antigens from pathogens.

The macrophage has displayed an antigen on MHC

Protein. Then, the T-cell can bind in the antigen via
antigen receptor.
SOURCE: Dr. Cabrido’s PPT


The lymphatic system is a network of tissues, vessels and
organs that work together to move a colorless, watery fluid
called lymph back into your circulatory system (your

➢ Lymph or lymphatic capillaries are tiny thin-walled
vessels, closed at one end and located in the spaces
between cells throughout the body, except in the
central nervous system and non-vascular tissues.
➢ Lymphatic veins are slightly larger in diameter and
have greater osmotic pressure than blood capillaries

➢ The lymphatic vessels (or lymph The lymphatic system is an open transport system that
vessels or lymphatics) are thin- works in conjunction with the circulatory
walled vessels (tubes) structured like blood vessels, system. Lymphatic vessels collect intercellular fluid
that carry lymph. As part of (tissue fluid), kill foreign organisms, and return it to
the lymphatic system, lymph vessels are the circulatory system. The lymphatic system also
complementary to the cardiovascular system. prevents tissue fluid from accumulating in the tissue

While the lymphatic system is part of the circulatory

system, comprising a network of conduits
called lymphatic vessels. Rather than blood the lymph
systems carries a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin
lympha, meaning “water goddess”) unidirectionally
towards the heart.

Because of their roles in the production of B and T cells,
the thymus and bone marrow are considered primary
lymphoid organs. Secondary lymphoid organs include
lymph nodes and spleen, which filter lymph and blood,
respectively, and where naïve B and T cells are
introduced to antigens.
LESSON 2 B. T Cells and Cell-Mediated
Cell-mediated immunity: T cells promote the killing
1. INNATE IMMUNE DEFENSE of cells that have ingested microorganisms and
present foreign antigens on their surface. ... Another
A. Physical and chemical barriers
class of T cells called regulatory T cells function to
B. Inflammatory Response
inhibit immune response and resolve inflammation.
C. Phagocytes and natural killers
D. Protective proteins

The first line of defense (or outside defense system) 2. ACTIVE VERSUS PASSIVE
includes physical and chemical barriers that are always IMMUNITY
ready and prepared to defend the body from infection.
These include your skin, tears, mucus, cilia, stomach A prominent difference between active and passive
acid, urine flow, 'friendly' bacteria and white blood cells immunity is that active immunity is developed due to
called neutrophils. the production of antibodies in one's own body,
while passive immunity is developed by antibodies that
are produced outside and then introduced into the body.
➢ The inflammatory response (inflammation) occurs
when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, LESSON 3
heat, or any other cause. The damaged cells release
chemicals including histamine, bradykinin, and
prostaglandins. These chemicals cause blood SYSTEM
vessels to leak fluid into the tissues, causing swelling
➢ Immunodeficiency
➢ Phagocytes act by migrating to infected areas and by
Also known as immunocompromisation, is a state
ingesting and killing micro-organisms. NATURAL
in which the immune system's ability to fight infectious
KILLER CELLS induce APOPTOSIS in virus-infected
diseases and cancer is compromised or entirely
or tumour cells. MACROPHAGES remove apoptotic
absent. Most cases are acquired ("secondary") due to
and aged cells.
extrinsic factors that affect the patient's immune
Protective proteins system.

Antibody, also called immunoglobulin, a protective protein ➢ Allergy

produced by the immune system in response to the Is an immune system response to a foreign substance
presence of a foreign substance, called an antigen. that's not typically harmful to your body. These foreign
Antibodies recognize and latch onto antigens in order to substances are called allergens. They can include
remove them from the body. certain foods, pollen, or pet dander. Your immune
system's job is to keep you healthy by fighting harmful
➢ Autoimmune disease
A. B cells and antibody-mediated immunity Is a condition in which your immune system
B. T cells and cell-mediated immunity mistakenly attacks your body. The immune system
normally guards against germs like bacteria and
A. B cells and antibody-mediated viruses. When it senses these foreign invaders, it
sends out an army of fighter cells to attack them.
Antibody-mediated immunity involves the activation of
B cells and secretion of antibodies when in contact with
a pathogen. Antibodies can inactivate or destroy the
antigen through a variety of mechanisms. For
example, antibodies can bind to their antigenic targets
and form antigen-antibody complexes.


2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022
➢ It is found in front of the neck and is responsible
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM for vocals as well as aiding respiration.

The respiratory system is a network of organs and tissues

that help one breathe. This system helps the body absorb TRACHEA (WINDPIPE)
oxygen from the air so the organs can work. It also cleans
waste gases, such as carbon dioxide, from the blood.

The primary function of this system is to introduce oxygen

into the body and expel carbon dioxide from the body.

Exchange of oxygen from the environment for the carbon
dioxide from the body’s cells. ➢ A four-inch-long tube -like structure. There are
many cartilaginous rings presents in trachea
INHALATION - The process of breathing air in that prevents it from collapsing.
EXHALATION - The process of breathing air out or
exhaling air out.
NOSE ➢ The trachea splits into two tubes called bronchi,
➢ The air enters through our NOSTRILS, then passes one for each lung.
through our NASAL CAVITY. This is where the air ➢ It branches again into a secondary and tertiary
is filtered by CILIA - tiny hair follicles that cover the bronchiole.
interior lining of nostrils act as the body’s first line of ➢ And it further branches out into small air-sacs
defense against foreign pathogens. called the ALVEOLI. The alveoli are single-celled
➢ The cells in nasal cavity secrets mucus and helps in tiny air sacs with thin walls. It facilitates the
trapping dust particles and blocking to move ahead, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
moistens the air and provides warmth. molecules into or away from the bloodstream.
➢ Nasal cavity also have sensory cells that are
sensitive in smell and odors, making it a sense
organ. LUNGS
➢ Lungs are the primary organs of respiration in
humans and other vertebrates. They are located
PHARYNX (THROAT) on either side of the heart, in the thoracic cavity
of the chest.
➢ Carries air from the nasal cavity through our ➢ The primary function of the lungs is to facilitate
voice box or the larynx. the exchange of gases between the blood and the
➢ A common passage for air and food. It has a flap- air.
like structure called EPIGLOTTIS that closes the ➢ Interestingly, the right lung is quite bigger and
windpipe when we are swallowing food to prevent heavier than the left lung since it provides
from entering to the lungs. space for the heart.
➢ The epiglottis is an elastic cartilage, which serves
as a switch between the larynx and the esophagus
by allowing the passage of air into the lungs, and
food in the gastrointestinal tract.
SOURCE: Dr. Cabrido’s PPT


➢ consists of the nose and nasal cavity, the pharynx, Definition of Respiration:
and the larynx
➢ these structures allow us to breathe and speak - set of chemical reactions that break down nutrient
➢ they warm and clean the air we inhale molecules in living cells to release energy
➢ mucous membranes lining upper respiratory - release of energy from food substance, and goes
structures trap some foreign particles, including on in all living cells
smoke and other pollutants, before the air travels
down to the lungs. - involves the action of enzymes in cells

Inspiration is the phase of ventilation in which air enters
the lungs. It is initiated by contraction of the inspiratory

o Diaphragm – flattens, extending the

superior/inferior dimension of the thoracic cavity.
o External intercostal muscles – elevates the ribs
and sternum, extending the anterior/posterior
dimension of the thoracic cavity.

Process of Inspiration

➢ The action of the inspiratory muscles results in an

increase in the volume of the thoracic cavity. As
the lungs are held against the inner thoracic wall
by the pleural seal, they also undergo an increase
in volume.

LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT ➢ As per Boyle’s law, an increase in lung volume

results in a decrease in the pressure within the
➢ consists of the trachea, the bronchi and lungs. The pressure of the environment external to
bronchioles, and the alveoli, which make up the the lungs is now greater than the environment
lungs within the lungs, meaning air moves into the lungs
down the pressure gradient.
➢ these structures pull in air from the upper
respiratory system, absorb the oxygen, and
release carbon dioxide in exchange. PROCESS OF PASSIVE
Expiration is the phase of ventilation in which air is
expelled from the lungs. It is initiated by relaxation of the
inspiratory muscles:

o Diaphragm – relaxes to return to its resting

position, reducing the superior/inferior dimension
of the thoracic cavity.
o External intercostal muscles – relax to
depress the ribs and sternum, reducing the
anterior/posterior dimension of the thoracic
Process of Expiration
➢ The relaxation of the inspiratory muscles results Common Cold & Strep Throat
in a decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity.
The elastic recoil of the previously expanded lung Common Cold
tissue allows them to return to their original size.
The common cold is an upper respiratory tract infection
➢ As per Boyle’s law, a decrease in lung volume caused by many different viruses.
results in an increase in the pressure within the
lungs. The pressure inside the lungs is now The common cold is transmitted by virus-infected airborne
greater than in the external environment, droplets or by direct contact with infected secretions.
meaning air moves out of the lungs down the
pressure gradient. Typical common cold symptoms include

o cough,
o sore throat,
o sneezing, and a runny nose.
The path that oxygen takes through the respiratory ➢ Being in cold weather does not cause the common
system is identified below in a flowchart format: cold, but cold weather promotes close contact.
➢ Over-the-counter medications may be used for the
Mouth or Nostrils of the Nose treatment of the common cold.
➢ Antibiotics are not necessary for the common cold.
Nasopharynx ➢ The common cold is a self-limited disease that can
generally be managed at home.
➢ Most people with a common cold recovered in about
Oral Pharynx 7 to 10 days.
➢ The common cold has no cure, and there is no
Glottis available vaccine.

Strep Throat
▪ infection of the throat and tonsils
Lungs ▪ caused by a bacteria called group A
streptococcus , also known as Streptococcus
Right and Left Bronchi ▪ this bacteria lives in the nose and throat.
▪ you can get the infection from someone who is
Bronchioles sick with strep A bacteria or is a carrier of it.

Sore Throat

Gas exchange occurs between the alveoli sacs and small  1. Strep Throat Symptoms
capillaries of the circulatory system. Via this exchange,
- sore throat is the main sign you or your child has
oxygen is delivered from the lungs to the bloodstream.
The oxygen attaches to the hemoglobin of red blood cells.
- colds and other viruses can also cause a sore
The red blood cells then transport the oxygen to cells,
such as those located in your muscles.
- one way to tell the difference is that a virus will
The oxygen is used by the mitochondria of eukaryotic often cause a runny nose too.
cells in the process that is known as cellular respiration.
 2. Other symptoms:
During cellular respiration, oxygen gas and the sugar
glucose are converted into water, carbon dioxide gas, and - fever of 101 F or higher
an energy source called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). - red, swollen tonsils
- pain when you swallow
- swollen and/or tender lymph nodes at the front
of your neck
Symptoms :
Asthma, Pneumonia, Pulmonary ➢ Persistent cough (which lasts for more than
Tuberculosis, Emphysema and Lung Cancer 2 - 3 weeks)
➢ Cough with blood in sputum
Asthma ➢ Fever for more than 2 -3 weeks
➢ Sudden weight loss
o long-term disease of the lungs ➢ Night sweats
o causes your airways to get inflamed and narrow, ➢ Loss of appetite
and it makes it hard to breathe

Symptoms: Emphysema
There are three major signs of asthma: o chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
➢ Airway blockage. When you breathe as usual, o lung tissue loses elasticity and the air sacs and
the bands of muscle around your airways are alveoli in the lungs become larger.
relaxed, and air moves freely. But when you have o walls of the air sacs break down or are destroyed,
asthma, the muscles tighten. It’s harder for air to narrowed, collapsed, stretched, or over-inflated
pass through. o means that there is a smaller surface area for the
➢ Inflammation . Asthma causes red, swollen lungs to take oxygen into the blood and remove
bronchial tubes in your lungs. This inflammation carbon dioxide from the body.
can damage your lungs. Treating this is key to o damage is permanent and irreversible, but there
managing asthma in the long run. are ways of managing the condition.
➢ Airway irritability. People with asthma have
sensitive airways that tend to overreact and The key symptoms of emphysema include:
narrow when they come into contact with even ➢ shortness of breath, or dyspnea
slight triggers. ➢ a chronic cough that produces mucus
➢ wheezing and a whistling or squeaky sound
These problems may cause symptoms such as: when breathing
➢ tightness in the chest
• Coughing, especially at night or in the morning
• Wheezing, a whistling sound when you breathe In most cases, emphysema and COPD result from
• Shortness of breath cigarette smoking. However, up to 25% of people with
• Tightness, pain, or pressure in your chest COPD have never smoked.
• Trouble sleeping because of breathing problems
Other causes appear to be genetic factors, such as an
alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and exposure to
Pneumonia environmental irritants, including secondhand smoke,
o an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting workplace pollutants, air pollution, and biomass fuels.
primarily the small air sacs known as alveoli People with small airways in proportion to their lung size
o symptoms include some combination of may be more at risk than those with wider airways,
productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever, and according to a 2020 study.
trouble breathing.
o caused by infection with viruses or bacteria and In addition, not all people who smoke develop
less commonly by other microorganisms, certain emphysema. It may be that genetic factors make some
medications and conditions such as autoimmune people more susceptible to the condition.
o severity is variable Emphysema is not contagious. One person cannot catch
it from another.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis Lung Cancer

o a contagious bacterial infection that involves the o also known as lung carcinoma
lungs o malignant lung tumor characterized by
o may spread to other organs uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung
o caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium o growth can spread beyond the lung by the
tuberculosis (M tuberculosis) process of metastasis into nearby tissue or other
o contagious, bacteria is easily spread from an parts of the body
infected person to someone else o leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.
o people who smoke have the greatest risk of lung

o can also occur in people who have never smoked

o risk of lung cancer increases with the length of

time and number of cigarettes you've smoked

o if you quit smoking, even after smoking for many

years, you can significantly reduce your chances
of developing lung cancer.

It is important to transmit lymph in the heart in order to

reach the lungs and become oxygenated.

It is also important to maintain the blood volume of the



When the diaphragm and external intercoastal contracts,

the volume increases while pressure decreases.

IMPORTANT: The air will travel into the gradient of high

to lower concentration


The diaphragm relaxes and EI muscle, the volume

decreases and the pressure increase.

INTRAMEMBRANOUS – starts in mesenchymal stem

cells. contributes in bone thickening

ENDOCHONDRAL – for bone lengthening

Osteoid – the hard matrix, unmineralized.

Interstitial – lengthening of the bone

Appositional – thickening of the bone



2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022

Source: Esteban & Gonzales 5th Ed & Junqueira

The digestive tract (or gastrointestinal tract or
alimentary canal) is a long twisting tube that starts at the
mouth and ends at the anus. It is made up of a series of
muscles that coordinate the movement of food and other
cells that produce enzymes and hormones to aid in the
breakdown of food.

Absorption of digested substances, and excretion of

undigested substances are the function of digestive
system. It consists of digestive tract (oral cavity,
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine)
and digestive or associated glands (salivary glands,
pancreas, liver and gallbladder).

Digestion involves mechanical action of digestive tract

and chemical action of substances and enzymes that
are secreted by the digestive glands.

Its function is to obtain from ingested food the molecules

necessary for the maintenance, growth, and energy
needs of the body.

Small intestine – break down first the proteins, complex

carbohydrates, nucleic acid into small molecule and then
Large intestine – absorbed water and electrolytes. DIGESTIVE TRACT

Structures within the digestive tract allow the (Tunica Mucosa; Mucous Membrane)
➢ Ingestion, or introduction of food and liquid into the Has 3 Components:
oral cavity, 1. Epithelium
➢ Mastication, or chewing, which divides solid food into ➢ Lines the laminal surface of the entire DT
digestible pieces, (digestive tract)
➢ Motility, muscular movements of materials through ➢ Varies from segment to segment
the tract,
➢ Secretion of lubricating and protective mucus, 2. Lamina propria
digestive enzymes, acidic and alkaline fluids, and bile, ➢ Refers to the loose connective tissue that
➢ Hormone release for local control of motility and underlies the epithelium.
➢ secretion, ➢ Where blood, blood vessels and MALT (GALT)
➢ Chemical digestion or enzymatic degradation of are confined.
large macromolecules in food to smaller molecules
and their subunits, 3. Muscularis mucosae
➢ Absorption of the small molecules and water into the ➢ A thin sheet of smooth muscle tissue that forms
blood and lymph, the outermost layer of the mucosa.
➢ Elimination of indigestible, unabsorbed components
of food.
(Tunica submucosa)

➢ Lies external to the muscularis mucosae and

made up of LCT.
➢ Loose CT is denser, more abundant and more
vascular than lamina propria
➢ Well-supplied with GALT/MALT (Mucous-
Associated Lymphoid Tissue)
➢ Contains submucous plexus (Meissner) of
autonomic nerve

(Muscularis externa; Tunica muscularis)

➢ Has 2 types of muscle fiber

➢ Inner Layer – fibers are circularly-
➢ Outer Layer – fibers are longitudinally-
➢ Mainly responsible for the mechanical digestion DIGESTIVE TRACT ORGANS
of food.
➢ Contraction of smooth muscle fibers mixes,
squeezes and propels food through the digestive ORAL CAVITY (MOUTH)
➢ Contains Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC), located
between autonomic nervous system and smooth The oral cavity is divided into 2 regions:
muscle cells. Acts as pacemaker for the
➢ Vestibule - region anterior to the mouth and
contraction of smooth muscles.
gums (gingivae)
➢ Where myenteric plexus (of Auerbach) can be
➢ Oral Cavity Proper - the rest of the mouth except
found and like submucous plexus (of Meissner),
vesti bule
composed of ganglionated autonomic neurons.
➢ Myenteric plexus (of Auerbach) and submucous The oral cavity is continuous with the pharynx at the
plexus (of Meissner) comprised the ENTERIC faucial isthmus (opening at the back of the mouth into
NERVOUS SYSTEM. It regulates many digestive the throat)
tract activities and functions autonomously.
Mechanical and chemical digestion of the food starts in
the oral cavity.
(Tunica Serosa/Adventitia) STRUCTURE

➢ The outer histologic layer of digestive tract The interface between the epithelium and lamina propria
➢ Made up of loose connective tissue are similar to those features in the epidermis and dermis.
➢ Some areas of digestive tract covered by The flattened cells of oral epithelium undergo continuous
peritoneum, lined externally by a connective desquamation but the shed cells of the nonkeratinized
tissue (mesothelium), this referred as the oral epithelium retain their nucleus.
SEROSA. Mucosa: Nonkeratinized stratifies squamous
➢ Areas with no peritoneal covering, called as epithelium, with keratinized stratified squamous
ADVENTITIA epithelium (in harf palate and gingiva)

Mucosa and Submucosa of Oral Cavity

The mucosal epithelium in internal surface of the lips,

cheek, soft palate, tongue is nonkeratinized stratified
squamous. The submucosa contains some small,
mucus-secreting glands (labial and buccal glands)
While the mucosal epithelium in hard palate and gums is Adventitia
keratinized stratified epithelium. No submucosa in
middle part of hard palate. In the rest of hard palate, it ➢ Subcutaneous tissue
contains mucus-secreting, palatine glands ➢ Binds the muscularis to the overlying skin.

Throughout the oral cavity, the epithelium contains

transient antigen-presenting cells and rich sensory

The tongue is a mass of striated muscle covered by
mucosa, which manipulates ingested material during
mastication and swallowing.

The muscle fibers are oriented in all directions, allowing a

high level of mobility.

The dorsal surface is irregular, having hundreds of small

protruding papillae of various types.

The papillary and tonsillar areas of the lingual surface are

separated by a V-shaped groove called the sulcus

Ventral Surface of the Tongue

- Smooth
- Has small protrusions called lingual papillae

Dorsal Surface of the Tongue

- Rough
- Forms lumps due to the presence of lingual

Lingual Papillae

Consist of a core of connective tissue from lamina propria

that is lined with keratinized stratified squamous

Classified into four (4) types:

Filiform Papillae

➢ Most numerous of the lingual papillae

➢ Elongated conical shape
➢ Heavily keratinized
➢ Provide a rough surface that facilitates movement
of food during chewing.
➢ Only lingual papillae that doesn’t have epithelial
Muscularis Externa and Adventitia of Oral Cavity
taste buds, gustatory cells, supporting cells and
Muscularis Externa taste pore.

➢ Present only in lips and cheeks

➢ Contains skeletal muscle
➢ Responsible for mastication and some facial
Fungiform Papillae • Consist 50-150 densely-packed fusiform cells whose
apices converge on the small opening on the surface
➢ Much less numerous that filiform of the epithelium called Taste Pore.
➢ Lightly keratinized
➢ Broader than, and scattered among filiform. There are 3 types of Cells in Taste Buds:
➢ Appear as pinhead-sized red dots and mushroom
heads. Sustentacular (Supporting Cells) and Neuroepithelial
➢ Where taste buds can be found. (Gustatory Cells) have a lot of similarities.

Circumvallate Papillae ➢ Both slender and spindled shaped cells whose

free surface are covered with microvilli.
➢ The largest (1-3 mm in diameter) but are the ➢ But, Sustentacular Cells differ since it is darker-
fewest (6 – 14) of the lingual papillae staining that neuroepithelial
➢ Arranged in a single file along in sulcus terminalis
➢ There are 200-300 taste buds embedded in the Basal Cells
epithelium of each circumvallate papillae. ➢ Round cells, located at the base of the taste bud
Foliate Papillae

➢ Consist of several parallel ridges on each side of Taste buds detect at least five broad categories of
the tongue tastants:
Taste Buds ➢ sodium ions (salty)
• Ovoid structures within the stratified epithelium on ➢ hydrogen ions from acids (sour)
the tongue’s surface. ➢ sugars and related compounds (sweet)
• 50 – 80 um tall and 30 – 5- um wide. ➢ alkaloids and certain toxins (bitter)
➢ and amino acids such as glutamate and root for the blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves of the
aspartate (umami; Jap. umami, savory). pulp cavity.

The periodontal ligaments are fibrous connective tissue

bundles of collagen fibers inserted into both the
Teeth cementum and the alveolar bone.
There are normally 32 permanent teeth, arranged in two
bilaterally symmetric arches in the maxillary and Dentin
mandibular bones.
Dentin is a calcified tissue harder than bone, consisting
Each quadrant has eight teeth: of 70% hydroxyapatite. The organic matrix contains
type I collagen and proteoglycans secreted from the
➢ 2 incisors apical ends of odontoblasts, tall polarized cells derived
➢ 1 canine from the cranial neural crest that line the tooth’s pulp
➢ 2 premolars cavity. Predentin is secreted as elongated dentinal
➢ 3 permanent molars tubules from tall odontoblasts that line the pulp cavity
and persist in the fully formed tooth
Each tooth has: Enamel
• a crown exposed above the gingiva Enamel is the hardest component of the human body,
• a constricted neck at the gum consisting of 96% calcium hydroxyapatite and only 2%-
• and one or more roots that fit firmly into bony 3% organic material including very few proteins and no
sockets in the jaws called dental alveoli collagen. In a developing tooth bud, the matrix for the
enamel rods is secreted by tall, polarized cells, the
The crown is covered by very hard, acellular enamel and ameloblasts. Protein amelogenin, the main structural
the roots by a bone-like tissue called cementum. These protein of developing enamel.
two coverings meet at the neck of the tooth. The bulk of a
tooth is composed of another calcified material, dentin, Ameloblasts are derived from the ectodermal lining of
which surrounds an internal pulp cavity. the embryonic oral cavity, while odontoblasts and
most tissues of the pulp cavity develop from neural
Dental pulp is highly vascular and well-innervated and crest cells and mesoderm, respectively.
consists largely of loose, mesenchymal connective tissue
with much ground substance, thin collagen fibers,
fibroblasts, and mesenchymal stem cells. The pulp
cavity narrows in each root as the root canal, which
extends to an opening (apical foramen) at the tip of each
Periodontium Muscularis and Adventitia of Esophagus

➢ Responsible for maintaining the teeth in The composition of the muscularis of the esophagus is
mandibular and maxillary. atypical:
➢ Includes cementum, periodontal ligaments,
alveolar bone and associated gingiva. Upper Third: consist of skeletal muscle fibers (striated)
Middle Third: both skeletal and smooth muscle fibers
Cementum Lower Third: Smooth Muscle fibers

➢ Covers the dentin of the root The outermost layer of esophagus is adventitia.
➢ Avascular
➢ Thickest around the root tip where
cementocytes reside in the lacuna

Periodontal Ligament

➢ Fibrous connective tissue with bundled

collagen fibers (Sharpey fibers) binding the
cementum and the alveolar bone.
➢ It is highly cellular and has a rich supply of
blood vessels and nerves
➢ Provides sensory and nutritive functions in
addition to its role in supporting the tooth.

Alveolar Bone

➢ Has osteoblasts and osteocytes engaging in

continuous remodeling of the bony matrix.
➢ It is surrounded by the periodontal ligament,
which serves as its periosteum.
➢ J-shaped hollow organ located in the left upper
PHARNYX quadrant of the abdomen. It presents a greater
and lesser curvature, anterior and posterior
➢ Funnel-shaped, fibromuscular tube ➢ Has the capacity of 1.5 liters.
➢ Common to both digestive and respiratory ➢ Mucosa: Tall Simple Columnar Epithelium
➢ Covered with Serosa


➢ To digest carbohydrates initiated by the salivary
➢ muscular tube, about 25-cm long in adults glands, amylase.
➢ transports swallowed material from the pharynx ➢ To digest triglycerides/lipids by a secreted,
to the stomach. lipase
➢ The four layers of the GI tract first become well- ➢ To digest proteins with the enzyme pepsin.
established and clearly seen in the esophagus. ➢ To add an acidic fluid to the ingested food and
mixing its contents into a viscous mass called
Mucosa and Submucosa of Esophagus
chyme by the churning activity of the muscularis,
➢ The esophageal mucosa has nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium CHYME
➢ The submucosa contains small mucus-secreting Chyme, a thick acidic semifluid mixture of food and
glands, the esophageal glands, which lubricate gastric juices that is formed in the stomach and
and protect the mucosa intestine during digestion.
➢ In the basal area of esophagus epithelium are
Langerhans Cells, antigen-presenting cells
4 Major Regions of the Stomach

Cardia Pylorus

➢ Narrow transitional zone, 1.5 – 3 cm ➢ Funnel-shaped region that opens into the small
➢ Opening where esophagus and stomach intestine (duodenum).
The mucosa and submucosa
➢ Dome-shaped portion of the organ above the forms longitudinal direct
horizontal plane of esophageal orifices folds called rugae.
➢ Similar with the body, where they are both sites
of gastric glands releasing acid gastric juice. The surface epithelium is
made up of TALL SIMPLE
that invaginates into the
➢ Continuation of fundus inferiorly and comprises
lamina propria to form
the bulk of the organ.
furrows called gastric
foveolae or pits. (2-4 mm
• Mucous Neck Cells
Gastric Glands (Glands of the Stomach)
- Confined in the neck of the fundic
➢ Confined in lamina propria glands
➢ Simple branched tubular glands, opens at the - Slightly basophilic and contains
bottom of the gastric pits numerous secretory granules that
have mucin.
Has 3 Types According to Location
• Enteroendocrine Cells
1. Fundic Glands
- Hormone-producing cells that are
➢ Principal gastric glands
scattered singly.
➢ Can be found in fundus and the body
- Columnar, ovoid or pyramidal and
➢ Most numerous and longest glands of the stomach
contain secretory cytoplasmic

Types of Enteroendocrine Cells in the


1. G-Cells, secrete gastrin

2. EC-Cells, secrete serotonin
3. D-Cells, secrete somatostatin
4. Enterochromaffin-like Cells
(ELC), secrete histamine

• Stem Cells
- Found in the upper region of fundic
- Has large nucleolus
- Intensely basophilic due to the
presence of ribosomes
- Plays in renewing the epithelium of
the stomach

• Parietal Cell (Oxyntic)

➢ Pyramidal in shape and has an oval nucleus
➢ Most easily identifiable cell in fundic glands
➢ It stands out because the eosinophilic cytoplasm
contrasts sharply with the basophilic cytoplasm of the
cells that surround it due to high density of
➢ Produces Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), responsible for
the acidity of gastric juices, and intrinsic factor
(glycoprotein), required of uptake of Vitamin B12 in
the small intestine.

• Zymogenic Cells (Chief)

- Numerous in the basal region of the
- Numerous in the body than in fundus
- Seen as low columnar cells that
possess strongly basophilic
- The granules contain lipase and 2. Cardiac Glands
pepsinogen (inactive enzyme), ➢ Can be found in cardia
precursor which are converted in the ➢ Least numerous among the gastric glands
acid environment of the stomach into ➢ Cells present here are almost the same in fundic
pepsin (active enzyme) glands but more on mucus-secreting cells.
➢ Consist of columnar mucous cells ➢ GP is deep
➢ The glands occupy just a narrow area of the


The resting pH of the stomach is 4-5. Pepsin works best

in highly acidic environment, that’s why, parietal cells will
secrete HCl to lower the pH of the stomach to 1-2. After
the pepsin, acted on the proteins, the stomach pH will
back to its resting pH


prevent HCL and gastric enzymes from damaging our

3. Pyloric Glands
➢ Can be found in pylorus
➢ Shorter but more coiled than fundic and cardiac ➢ The small intestine is the site where the digestive
glands. processes are completed and where the nutrients
➢ Also contains cells that are mucus-secreting (products of digestion) are absorbed by cells of the
➢ Consist of columnar cells epithelial lining.
➢ The small intestine is relatively long—approximately
➢ Surface epithelium: Simple Columnar
➢ Consists of three segments:
➢ first 25 cm of small intestine
➢ where chyme is introduced through Pyloric
Sphincter (strong ring of smooth muscle at the end
of pyloric canal)
➢ has large mucous gland in the submucosa called
duodenum gland
➢ two-fifths of the small intestine
➢ Three-fifths of the remainder of the organ
➢ Has submucosal that consist Peyer’s patches

Horizontal Mucosal Folds (Plicae Circulares)

➢ Are crescentic or circular horizontal creases that

consist of a core of submucosa and overlying
Gastric Pits
Fundus and Body ➢ Most developed in jejunum

➢ GP is shallow
➢ Mucosa are mostly occupied by glands


➢ GP takes same amount of space in the mucosa as

the glands.

Intestinal Villi Microvilli

➢ Finger-like projections ➢ a cylindrical protrusion of the apical cytoplasm

➢ Consist of a core of lamina propria that is approximately 1-μm tall and 0.1 μm in diameter
enveloped by enterocytes. containing actin filaments and enclosed by the cell
➢ The lamina propria in the core contains few membrane.
longitudinally-oriented smooth muscle cells,
blood and lymphatic capillaries is called Microvilli, villi, and the plicae circulares all greatly increase
LACTEALS. the mucosal surface area in contact with nutrients in the
lumen, which is an important feature in an organ
specialized for nutrient absorption.
Epithelium of the Small Intestine
All 4 types has microvilli in their laminal surfaces
➢ 5 feet in length
1. Enterocytes ➢ Consist several segments: the short cecum
➢ Majority of the cells (receives undigested materials from the small
➢ Tall columnar cells which nucleus are located in the intestine), the vermiform appendix, the ascending
basal part colon, transverse colon, descending colon,
➢ Absorptive cells, responsible for taking up nutrients sigmoid colon and the rectum and anal canal.
and transporting in the lamina propria
➢ Large intestine’s wall forms pouches called
sacculations or haustrae.
2. Goblet Cells ➢ Small sacs of fat-filled peritoneum called appendices
➢ Interspersed among the enterocytes epiploicae, dangle from the external surface of its
3. Enteroendocrine Cells ➢ Fibers of the outer layer gathered in three separate
➢ Present in the entire surface epithelium longitudinal bands called taeniae coli
➢ Few and far between
Mucosa of the Large Intestine
4. M-cells (Membranous; Microfold Cells)
➢ The Transverse Rectal Folds are 2-3 folds of
➢ Present only in areas of great GALT concentration,
mucosa, present in proximal portion of the rectum.
such as ileum.
➢ The Rectal Columns of Morgagni are longitudinal
➢ Large cells with few microvilli
mucosal folds, present in anal canal.
➢ Antigen-presenting cells (APC)
➢ No villi in LI but has crypts of Lieberkuhn.
➢ Surface Epithelium: Simple Columnar
5. Paneth Cells
➢ The Lamina propria is rich in GALT and contains
➢ Present only in Crypts of Lieberkuhn
many aggregates of lymph nodules (Peyer’s Patch)
➢ Exocrine cells with large, eosinophilic secretory
➢ Has simple tubular intestinal glands
granules in their apical cytoplasm.
➢ Releases defensins, responsible in binding and Submucosa of the Large Intestine
breaking down microorganism
➢ Important role in innate immunity and regulating the ➢ Thick and richly supplied with GALT
microenvironment of intestinal crypts. ➢ No glands

Muscularis Externa of the Large Intestine

Lamina propria is where the intestinal glands or crypts ➢ Atypical, because of the outer layer is
of Lieberkuhn are embedded longitudinally-arranged smooth muscle fibers do not
surround the organ evenly.
Crypts of Lieberkuhn ➢ Instead, some of the muscle fibers form three
grossly visible, narrow (abt 1 cm width each)
➢ Simple tubular glands
longitudinal bands, taenia coli, that are equidistant
➢ Secrete variety of digestive enzyme
from each other. It acts in the peristaltic movement
➢ Span the thickness of the entire lamina propria
of feces in the rectum.
➢ Openings are found between the villi
➢ 5 types of cells that comprise the crypts: Serosa/Adventitia of the Large Intestine
1) Stem Cells
2) Enterocytes ➢ Outermost part of large intestine is coated with
3) Goblet Cells serosa because the greater part of large intestine
4) Paneth Cells is covered by peritonium.
5) Enteroendocrine cells ➢ In ascending and descending colons, it is

Anal Canal – simple columnar epithelium lining the


Anus – stratified squamous epithelium

➢ The large intestine or bowel, which absorbs water and

electrolytes and forms indigestible material into feces.


2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022
➢ Bolus – ball of food 1. Proteins / Enzymes
➢ There are 2 esophageal sphincters: ➢ Salivary Amylase (digestion of starch)
o Upper Esophageal Sphincter (UES) – ➢ Lingual Lipase
can be controlled voluntarily ➢ Lysozyme (kills bacteria)
o Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) - ➢ Immunoglobulin (antibodies)
involuntarily 2. Ions (activate amylase and maintain pH 6.5)
➢ Chloride
➢ Bicarbonate
➢ phosphate
➢ Small, directly embedded in the mucosa of the
➢ Function is to produce saliva, contains slippery
lubricating fluids that allow the food to slip down ➢ Both endocrine and exocrine glands
the esophagus without getting stuck ➢ Produces lots of enzymes and buffering solution then
➢ But there are also very large gland, Parotid dumps them in duodenum.
The endocrine portion (Islets of
Langerhans) produces insulin and
3 Major Salivary Glands:
glucagon and releases in the blood
The exocrine portion (Acinar Cells)
➢ Found just anterior and inferior to the ears secrets digestive enzymes in the
➢ Very large gland outside the mouth pancreatic duct directly to the
➢ On the side of the jaw under the ear duodenum.
➢ Connected in the parotid duct into the mouth


➢ Found on the floor of the mouth

➢ Underneath the jaw
➢ Connected in submandibular duct


➢ Directly under the tongue

➢ Superior to the submandibular glands
➢ Connected in the mouth through several sublingual
➢ Largest organ in the body


1. Hepatocytes - Major cell of the liver. Specialized

epithelial cells are arranged and complex 3D
arrangements called hepatic laminate.
2. Laminae are surrounded by endothelium-lined
vasculature spaces called hepatic sinusoids
3. Grooves in-between hepatocyte provide spaces
for canaliculi, into which hepatocyte secrete bile
4. Bile canaliculi collect the bile from the
hepatocytes and delivered them into bile duct
5. Hepatic sinusoids or highly permeable blood
capillaries that line the rows of hepatocytes and
received deoxygenated nutrient rich blood from
the branches of the hepatic portal vein. They
deliver this blood to the central vein, which feeds
the hepatic vein
6. Also present within the sinusoids are stellate
reticuloendothelial cells, or Kupffer Cells –
macrophages that destroy worn out WBCs,
RBCs, bacteria and debris.

➢ Collects and concentrates bile from the liver
➢ Removes water from it by absorbing ions and water
in the epithelium. Bile is concentrated up to 10x.


➢ Yellow / Brown / Green liquid

➢ pH – 8 (Basic)
➢ Contains:
Bile Salts (emulsifier)
1. Bicarbonate – buffers juice (make it slightly
Lecithin (emulsifier)
2. Pancreatic Amylase – breaks down starch
Bile Pigments (bilirubin, biliverdin,
3. Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Carboxypeptidase,
Elastase – breaks down protein
4. Pancreatic Lipase – breaks down lipids
5. Ribonuclease and Deoxyribonuclease – break
down RNA and DNA
➢ Secrete only in response of sensory stimuli
➢ Are all Compound tubuloalveolar glands
o Made up of collagenous connective
o Consist Capsule (envelopes the gland)
Septa (divide the glands into
lobes and into lobules)
CT that supports the acini and
ducts within the lobules.
o Consist glandular epithelium
o Forms the secretory unit: Acini (alveoli)
and secretory tubules.
▪ Secretory unit: Simple cuboidal
➢ Primarily exocrine glands
Source: Esteban & Gonzales 5th Ed. and Junqueira
➢ The acinar cells of MSG
o Secretes Epidermal Growth Factor
ACCESSORY GLANDS OF THE (EGF), hormone produced by the
Brunner’s gland in the Duodenum.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM o Function of EGF – stimulate cell growth,
proliferation and differentiation and
Digestive glands produce products facilitate transport
inhibiting HCl secretion
and digestion of food within the gastrointestinal tract.

3 Types of Epithelial Cells in Salivary Secretory
➢ Salivary glands is the collective name for digestive Unit
glands whose ducts open in the oral cavity.
➢ FUNCTION: The main functions of the salivary glands • Serous Cells
are to moisten and lubricate ingested food and the ➢ Polarized-protein secreting cells
oral mucosa, to initiate the digestion of carbohydrates ➢ pyramidal in shape
and lipids with amylase and lipase, and to secrete ➢ round nuclei, well-stained RER, and apical secretory
innate immune components such as lysozyme and granules
lactoferrin. ➢ form a somewhat spherical unit called an acinus
➢ Classified into:
o Minor Salivary Glands – small glands • Mucus Cells
embedded in the submucosa and lamina ➢ more columnar in shape, with more compressed
propria of the oral cavity. basal nuclei
o Major Salivary Glands – located outside ➢ mucus-secreting cells
the oral cavity but their ducts empty into the ➢ contain apical granules with hydrophilic mucins that
mouth provide lubricating properties in saliva
➢ most often organized as cylindrical tubules rather
SALIVA than acini
➢ The collective exocrine secretion of the salivary
➢ 1.5 liters of saliva per day
➢ pH of 6.5 – 6. 9
➢ has an important buffering function and in some
species is also important for evaporative cooling
➢ Contains 2 digestive enzyme: lingual lipase and
salivary amylase
• Myoepithelial Cells PAROTID GLAND
➢ Flattened stellate cells associated with secretory
units. ➢ Largest of the salivary glands
➢ Contractile cells ➢ located in each cheek near the ear
➢ Have long cytoplasmic processes that hug the ➢ purely serous glands, formed exclusively by
secretory unit and the wall of intercalated and serous cells
striated ducts ➢ Serous cells of parotid glands secrete abundant α-
➢ Help eject the secretion of the acini into the ducts amylase that initiates hydrolysis of carbohydrates
and proteins with antimicrobial.
Ducts of Major Salivary Glands ➢ Stensen’s Duct – main duct of parotid and opens
into the vestibule
Have 2 well-developed duct system:

Intralobular Ducts – located within the lobules

➢ Intercalated
- Segment of duct system
- Directly drain an acinus or a secretory tubules
- Narrow lumen
- Walls is composed of Simple cuboidal.
- Serve as stem cells for acinar and ductal cells

➢ Striated
- Formed by a union of intercalated disc
- Diameter is bigger than ID
- Walls consist of Simple columnar
- Exhibit intense cytoplasmic eosinophilia (due to SUBMANDIBULAR GLANDS
the presence of numerous mitochondria) and basal (SUBMAXILLARY)
striation (due to infoldings of basal plasmalemma)
➢ produce two-thirds of all saliva
Excretory Ducts – located outside the lobules ➢ are branched tubuloacinar glands
➢ mixed serous and mucous gland (serous cells
➢ Interlobular
-Initial segment (Stratified cuboidal) and Proximal
➢ assume a crescent-shaped arrangement called
segment (stratified columnar)
a serous demilune (of Giannuzzi)
➢ Lobar
➢ serous cells of the submandibular gland secrete
- Stratified columnar epithelium
lysozyme for hydrolysis of bacterial walls.
➢ Main Excretory
➢ Wharton’s Duct – main excretory duct
- Wall of main excretory duct is enveloped
externally by dense connective tissue
that is supplied with blood vessel and
- Generally stratified columnar, but
sometimes, pseudostratified columnar.
➢ The stroma of pancreas consists:
1) Capsule
(thin connective tissue that envelopes the
2) Septa
(thin connective tissue that divides the organ
and serve as passageway for blood etc.)
3) Reticular Tissue
(support the structures within the lobules)
➢ The Parenchyma consist:
1) Islets of Langerhans
(comprise the endocrine portion)
(small aggregates of pale-staining cells)
(Only 2% of the volume)
2) Secretory Units & Intralobular Ducts
(comprise the exocrine portion)
(accounts 98%)
(compound tubuloacinar serous gland)
(secretes pancreatic juice, 1.2 liters a day)


➢ Smallest of the major glands supportive tissue of an epithelial organ,
➢ Branched tubuloacinar glands consisting of connective tissues and blood
➢ Almond-shaped vessels
➢ Mixed gland but mucous cells predominate and the
main product of the gland is mucus
➢ Its serous cells are embedded in the mucous acini
that forms the serous demilunes.


➢ mixed exocrine-endocrine gland

➢ soft, pinkish organ and 12-15 cm long, 60-140 g in
➢ elongated retroperitoneal organ (located behind the
➢ Consist of:
1) Head (related to the duodenum)
2) Body (spans the posterior abdominal wall)
3) Tail (related to the hilus of the spleen)
Each pancreatic acinar cell is pyramidal, with secretory LIVER
(zymogen) granules in the narrow apical end and Golgi
complexes, much rough ER, and a large nucleus at the ➢ largest internal organ
basal end. ➢ 1.5 kg or 2% of the body weight.
➢ Located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen
Intercalated ducts draining pancreatic acini, including just below the diaphragm
their initial centroacinar cells that insert into the acinar ➢ Divided into several lobes of unequal size: right,
lumen, secrete bicarbonate ions (HCO3−) to neutralize left, quadrate and caudate.
chyme entering the duodenum from the stomach. ➢ Both exocrine and endocrine gland
DUCTS OF THE PANCREAS The main digestive function of the liver is production of
Secretion of pancreatic acini drain into intercalated ducts bile, a complex substance required for the emulsification,
whose wall is simple squamous or simple low cuboidal hydrolysis, and uptake of fats in the duodenum.
epithelium. ➢ The liver secretes hormone too: thrombopoietin and
The epithelial cells of the intercalated ducts are pale- erythropoietin.
staining cells (Centroacinar cells) that are unique in

FUNCTIONS OF LIVER ➢ Polygonal structure, 0.7 mm to 2.0 mm in diameter

➢ Well-delineated from other hepatic lobules
• Synthesis and endocrine secretion into the blood of ➢ Portal Area – a triangular area if interlobular
the major plasma proteins, including albumins, connective tissue that contains a Portal Triad.
fibrinogen, apolipoproteins, transferrin, and many ➢ Portal Triad – refers to
others Branch of Hepatic Artery – supplies O2 in the
• Conversion of amino acids into glucose lobule
(gluconeogenesis); Hepatic Portal Vein – supplies blood that is rich in
• Breakdown (detoxification) and conjugation of nutrients but low O2
ingested toxins, including many drugs; Bile Duct – where bile flows into gallbladder
• Amino acid deamination, producing urea removed ➢ Hepatocytes are arranged in 1-2 layers called
from blood in kidneys; Hepatic Plates (Hepatic Cords), supported by a
• Storage of glucose in glycogen granules and delicate stroma of reticulin fibers
triglycerides in small lipid droplets; ➢ The hepatic plates are arranged around the vein,
• Storage of vitamin A (in hepatic stellate cells) and Central Vein (Terminal Hepatic Venule), located at
other fat-soluble vitamins; the center of the lobule.
• Removal of effete erythrocytes (by specialized
macrophages, or Kupffer cells);
• Storage of iron in complexes with the protein ferritin.
About 75% of the blood entering the liver is nutrient-rich
(but O2-poor) blood from the portal vein arising from the
stomach, intestines, and spleen; the other 25% comes Lymph Formation and Lymphatic Vessels in the
from the hepatic artery and supplies the organ’s O2.
➢ Liver is the main source of the lymph.
➢ Lymph is formed through the diffusion of plasma
Hepatocytes (Liver Cells) into the Space of Disse.
➢ Space of Disse
➢ Hepatocytes, the key cells of this organ, are among - Narrow gap that exists between the
the most functionally diverse cells of the body. hepatic plates and hepatic sinusoids.
➢ Are large cuboidal or polyhedral epithelial cells, with - It contains Perisinusoidal Cells (of Ito),
large, round central nuclei and eosinophilic sometime called Lipocytes, Interstitial
cytoplasm rich in mitochondria. Cells or Stellate Cells.
➢ Contain single nucleus but some have two. ➢ Perisinusoidal Cells (of Ito)
➢ Has 2 Surfaces: Lateral Surfaces and Sinusoidal - Have numerous droplets in their
Surfaces. cytoplasm which contains dissolved
➢ The surfaces of the hepatocytes are provided with Vitamin A
microvilli, but only numerous in sinusoidal surface. - Body’s main storage for Vitamin A
➢ Hepatocytes have many functions, including
endocrine (plasma protein secretion), exocrine
(bile secretion), glucose storage (glycogen
granules), and detoxification (using SER and
➢ The lateral surface of adjacent hepatocytes forms
the Bile Canaliculi.
- The bile canaliculi form a complex
anastomosing network of channels
through the hepatocyte plates that end
near the portal tracts

Hepatic Sinusoids

➢ Hepatic Sinusoids (Sinusoidal Capillaries) is the In summary, lymph is formed by diffusion of plasma in the
space between the hepatic plates, that drain into the Space of Disse, it then flows in the Space of Mall (narrow
central vein. gap that separates the tissue in the portal area) before it
➢ Contains 2 Types of Cells: gets finally collected by the lymphatic capillaries in the
1) Endothelial Cells interlobular septa.
- Comprise the fenestrated endothelial cells
- They are flattened cells with centrally
located oval nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Bile Passages

2) Kupffer Cells (liver macrophage) ➢ Bile is synthesized by the hepatocytes and

- Like all macrophage, derived from secreted into the bile canaliculi (very small tube;
monocytes 0.5 to 1.5 um in diameter; interconnected with
- Appear as stellate cells that possess each other)
cytoplasmic process ➢ Bile Canaliculi discharge their bile at the
- Its cytoplasm is filled with clear vacuoles, periphery of hepatic lobule into cholangioles that
phagocytosed material and lysosomes. drain into the interlobular ducts then finally into
- Antigen-presenting cell Bile Ducts.
- FUNCTION: Phagocytose bacteria and
particulate material present in sinusoidal
blood. They also remove worn out RBCs
from circulation and free their iron content
for recycling.
Into the canaliculi hepatocytes continuously secrete bile,
a mixture of bile acids (organic acids such as cholic acid), 2) Portal Lobule - more useful when considering the
bile salts (the deprotonated forms of bile acids), exocrine function of these cells, that is, bile
electrolytes, fatty acids, phospholipids, cholesterol, secretion. The portal area has the bile ductule at the
and bilirubin. center, and bile, moving in the opposite direction as
the blood, flows toward it from all the surrounding
Bile acids/salts have an important function in emulsifying hepatocytes.
the lipids in the duodenum, promoting their digestion and
absorption. 3) Hepatic Acini - Emphasizes the nature of the blood
supply to the hepatocytes and the oxygen gradient
Bilirubin is a pigmented breakdown product of heme that from the hepatic artery branch to the central vein
is released from splenic macrophages primarily, but also
from Kupffer cells, and carried to hepatocytes bound to ➢ Zone I in the Acinus - get the most oxygen and
albumen. Released into the duodenum with bile, bilirubin nutrients and can most readily carry out functions
is converted by intestinal bacteria into other pigmented requiring oxidative metabolism such as protein
products, some of which are absorbed in the intestinal synthesis
mucosa to be processed and excreted again in the liver
or excreted into urine by the kidneys. ➢ Zone II - hepatocytes have an intermediate range
of metabolic functions between those in zones I
and III.
LIVER ➢ Zone III - near the central vein, get the least
1) Classic Hepatic Lobule - with blood flowing past oxygen and nutrients. They are the preferential
sites of glycolysis, lipid formation, and drug
hepatocytes from the portal areas to a central venule,
biotransformations and are the first hepatocytes
emphasizes the endocrine function of the structure to undergo fatty accumulation and ischemic
producing factors for uptake by plasma.
Contraction of smooth muscle cells of the gallbladder is
induced by the hormone, cholecytoskinin, produced by
➢ Pear-shaped, hollow pouch that lies in a shallow the enteroendocrine cells of small intestine. When the
depression (gallbladder fossa) on the right edge smooth muscle cell contracts, the sphincter of Oddi reacts
of visceral surface of the liver. by relaxing and bile flows into the duodenum. Release of
➢ capable of storing 30-50 mL of bile CCK is, in turn, stimulated by the presence of ingested
➢ Bile is first brought in the gallbladder, where it is fats in the small intestine.
concentrated, acidified and temporarily stored,
then releasing it in duodenum
➢ MUCOSA: Only epithelium and lamina propria
- Epithelium: Simple Tall Columnar
- Lamina Propria: Loose CT, forms Simple
tubuloalveolar glands that’s secretes
➢ MUSCULARIS: Bundles of smooth muscle cells
oriented longitudinally, circularly and obliquely.
➢ OUTERMOST: Organ’s posterior and inferior
surfaces (serosa) and over the surface of the
organ, that is related to the liver (Adventitia)

Lesson 1 – Components of the

Digestive System
The function of the digestive system is digestion
and absorption. Digestion is the breakdown of food into
small molecules, which are then absorbed into the body.
The digestive system is divided into two major parts: The
digestive tract (alimentary canal) is a continuous tube with
two openings: the mouth and the anus; and accessory

1. Mouth

2. Pharynx and the Esophagus

3. Stomach

4. Small Intestine

5. Large Intestine

6. Three Accessory Organs: pancreas, liver, and


Lesson 2 – Digestive Enzymes

1. Salivary amylase
2. Pepsin
3. Pancreatic amylase
4. Trypsin
5. Maltase
6. Peptidase
7. Lipase
Diseases arising from consuming poor diet:

Obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and Cardiovascular disease.

1. Obesity is a complex disease involving an

excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn't just a
cosmetic concern. It is a medical problem that
Lesson 3 – Nutrition and Human increases your risk of other diseases and health
Health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high
blood pressure and certain cancers.
1. Components of a balanced diet: carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Obesity is generally caused by eating too much
and moving too little. If you consume high
2. Diseases arising from consuming poor diet: amounts of energy, particularly fat and sugars,
obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular but do not burn off the energy through exercise
disease. and physical activity, much of the surplus energy
will be stored by the body as fat

2. Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an impairment in the way the

body regulates and uses sugar (glucose) as a
fuel. This long-term (chronic) condition results in
too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream.
Eventually, high blood sugar levels can lead to
disorders of the circulatory, nervous and immune

Differences between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

 People with type 1 diabetes don't produce

insulin. You can think of it as not having a key.
People with type 2 diabetes don't respond to
insulin as well as they should and later in
the disease often don't make enough insulin. You
can think of it as having a broken key.

3. Cardiovascular Diseases

Heart Attack


2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022


 The excretory system is the system of an
organism’s body that performs the functions of
excretion, the bodily process of discharging KIDNEY
wastes. They filter wastes and poisons out of the blood. It
 The system of organs that regulates the amount performs four main functions to produce urine, filtration,
of water in the body and filters and eliminates reabsorption and secretion.
from the blood the wastes produced by
It carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Muscles
➢ Homeostasis – maintenance of body’s internal in the ureter walls continually tighten and relax forcing
environment (acid-base balance, water and urine downward, away from the kidneys.
electrolyte concentrations) within normal limits
through excretion of waste products and excess
water through urine,
➢ Production of Hormones – Renin Erythropoietin This triangle-shaped hollow organ is located in lower
abdomen. It is held in place by ligaments that are attached
and thrombopoietin
➢ Also produce, kinins and calcitrol (Vitamin A) to other organs and the pelvic bones. The bladder’s walls
relax and expand to store urine, and contract and flatten
Kidney synthesizes: to empty urine through the urethra

➢ Almost all renin in the body

➢ 90% of erythropoietin URETHRA
➢ Small amount of thrombopoietin This tube allows urine to pass outside the body. The brain
signals the bladder muscles to tighten, which squeezes
Parts of Excretory System: urine out of the bladder.
✓ Pairs of kidneys
✓ Ureters
✓ Urinary Bladder Functions and Structure of Nephron
✓ Urethra

➢ Functional unit of the kidney.

➢ Over 1 million per kidney.
➢ It regulates water and soluble substances in the
blood by filtering the blood, reabsorbing what is
needed, and excreting the rest as urine
Loop of the Nephron (Loop of Henle)
➢ U-shaped tube that consists of a descending limb
and an ascending limb.
➢ Begins in the cortex, receiving filtrate from the
PCT, extends into the medulla and then returns
to the cortex to empty into the distal convoluted
tubule (DCT.)
➢ Its primary role is to reabsorb water and sodium
chloride from the filtrate.

Distal Convulated Tubule

➢ A portion of kidney nephron between the loop of
nephron and the collecting duct system.
Different Parts of Nephron ➢ It plays a key role in regulating extracellular fluid
volume and electrolyte homeostasis

Collecting Duct
➢ Empties into calyces.
➢ Carry fluid from cortex through medulla.
➢ The kidneys filter unwanted substances from the
blood and produce urine to excrete them.



Glomerular Filtration
➢ A separation of smaller substances in the
plasma such as glucose, amino acids, ions, and
Glomerular Capsule water from larger substance in plasma such as
platelets, white blood cells, red blood cells, and
➢ Also known as Bowman’s capsule.
➢ A sac that encloses glomerulus.
➢ This process occurs at the renal corpuscles.
➢ Transfers filtrate from the glomerulus to the
The substances here are delivered to the
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT.)
nephron via afferent arteriole and into the
➢ Smaller substances are easily diffuse across
Proximal Convulated Tubule the membrane of Bowman’s Capsule leaving
➢ A thick, constantly active segment of the behind the larger substances in the glomerulus.
nephron. The smaller substances in Bowman’s Capsule,
➢ That reabsorbs most of the useful substances of now called filtrate, will move through the kidney
the filtrate sodium (65%), water (65%), tubules.
bicarbonate (90%), chloride (50%), glucose
(nearly 100%).
➢ The primary site for secretion of waste, drugs,
hydrogen ions.
Tubular Reabsorption ➢ It will then enter the collecting duct and there, the
➢ A movement of substances from the tubules of last tubular reabsorption of water. This is where
nephron into the peritubular capillaries. the dilution or concentration of urine occurs.


Maintaining Acid-Base Balance:

➢ Acid-Base Balance refers to the degree of
acidity or alkalinity in the human body and it is
measured by the pH scale.

The Role of the Kidneys in Acid-Base Balance:

➢ The kidney’s main role in acid-base balance is
through the excretion of acid in the form of
➢ After Bowman’s Capsule, the filtrate moves into hydrogen (H+) ions.
the Proximal Convoluted Tubule.
➢ Substances such as water, glucose, amino What is pH scale?
acids, ions are reabsorbed back into the body via ➢ It is the negative logarithm of concentration of
the peritubular capillaries. solution.
➢ From the Proximal Convoluted tubule, the
substance moves into the U-shaped structure, Who proposed pH scale?
called Loop of Henle.
➢ Soren Sorensen
➢ Descending Limb & Ascending Limb.
➢ Normal arterial blood pH is approximately 7.40
and the normal range is tightly regulated to stay
between 7.35 and 7.45
Tubular Secretion
➢ A movement of substances from peritubular
capillaries into the tubules of the nephron.


Acidosis (Fall in pH)

➢ Acidosis Is a condition of having a lower pH than
the normal pH of the blood.
➢ After the Loop of Henle, the reigning substances ➢ The pH value of acidosis is less than or below
enter the distal convoluted tubules. 7.35.
➢ From there, we can see the Tubular Secretion of ➢ Occurs when your kidneys and lungs can’t keep
ammonia hydrogen ions, potassium ions, and your body’s pH in balance.
drugs. ➢ Acidosis leads to CNS depression and coma.
➢ Finally, the Distal Convoluted Tubules, the
substances are now called Urine. ➢ Death occurs when pH is below 7.0.
Types of Acidosis OEDEMA
➢ Respiratory Acidosis
A condition whereby a prolonged decreased
breathing rate causes the blood’s pH to fall.

➢ Metabolic Acidosis
A condition whereby increased hydrogen ion, or
decreased bicarbonate concentration occurs in
the body

Alkalosis (Rise in pH)

➢ Alkalosis is the condition of having a higher
pH than the normal pH of the blood.
➢ The pH value of alkalosis is more than 7.45.
➢ Death occurs when the pH is above 7.6.

Types of Alkalosis
➢ Respiratory Alkalosis
A condition whereby a prolonged increased
breathing rate causes the blood’s pH to rise

➢ Metabolic Alkalosis
A process where upon
decreased ion, or increased
bicarbonate concentrations
occur in the body.


2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022



➢ The testes are oval organs about the size of very

large olives that lie in the scrotum, secured at either end
➢ The epididymis is a long, coiled tube that rests on the
by a structure called the spermatic cord.
backside of each testicle. It carries and stores sperm
➢ Most men have two testes. The testes are
cells that are created in the testes.
responsible for making testosterone, the primary male
➢ It’s also the job of the epididymis to bring the sperm to
sex hormone, and for producing sperm.
maturity — the sperm that emerge from the testes are
➢ Within the testes are coiled masses of tubes
called seminiferous tubules. These tubules are immature and incapable of fertilization.
responsible for producing the sperm cells through a ➢ During sexual arousal, contractions force the sperm into
process called spermatogenesis. the vas deferens.

➢ The prostate gland is a walnut-sized structure

➢ The vas deferens is a long, muscular tube that that’s located below the urinary bladder in front of the
travels from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity, to just rectum.
behind the bladder. ➢ The prostate gland contributes additional fluid
➢ The vas deferens transports mature sperm to the to the ejaculate. Prostate fluids also help to nourish
urethra in preparation for ejaculation. the sperm.
➢ The urethra, which carries the ejaculate to be
expelled during orgasm, runs through the center of the
prostate gland.


➢ The seminal vesicles make a sugar-rich fluid

(fructose) that provides sperm with a source of ➢ The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the
energy and helps with the sperms’ ability to move bladder to outside of your body. In males, it has
(motility). the additional function of expelling (ejaculating)
➢ The fluid of the seminal vesicles makes up most of the semen when you reach orgasm.
volume of your ejaculatory fluid, or ejaculate. ➢ When the penis is erect during sex, the flow of urine
is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be
ejaculated at orgasm
➢ There is a sphincter muscle between urinary bladder
and urethra
loose and elastic, allowing for changes in penis size
BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS during an erection.
 The glans: This is the cone-shaped end of the penis.
The glans, which is also called the head of the penis,
is covered with a loose layer of skin called foreskin.
This skin is sometimes removed in a procedure
called circumcision.
 The opening of the urethra — the tube that
transports both semen and urine out of the body —
is located at the tip of the glans penis. The penis also
contains many sensitive nerve endings.

Semen, which contains sperm, is expelled (ejaculated)

through the end of the penis when a man reaches sexual
climax (orgasm). When the penis is erect, the flow of urine
is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be
➢ The bulbourethral glands, or Cowper’s glands, are ejaculated at orgasm.
pea-sized structures located on the sides of the
urethra, just below the prostate gland. These glands
produce a clear, slippery fluid that empties directly
into the urethra. This fluid serves to lubricate the SCROTUM
urethra and to neutralize any acidity that may be
present due to residual drops of urine in the urethra


It is the thick-skinned sac that surrounds and protects

the testes. The scrotum also acts as a climate-control
system for the testes because they need to be slightly
The penis is the male organ for sexual intercourse. It has
cooler than body temperature for normal sperm
three parts:
development. The cremaster muscles in the wall of the
 The root: This is the part of the penis that attaches scrotum relax to allow the testes to hang farther from the
to the wall of your abdomen. body to cool or contract to pull the testes closer to the
 The body or shaft: Shaped like a tube or cylinder, body for warmth or protection.
the body of the penis is made up of three internal
chambers. Inside these chambers there’s a special, 34 degrees centigrade is the temperature inside the
sponge-like erectile tissue that contains thousands scrotum.
of large spaces that fill with blood when you’re
sexually aroused. As the penis fills with blood, it
becomes rigid and erect, which allows for
penetration during sex. The skin of the penis is
➢ During mitosis: chromosomes condense, the nuclear
envelope disappears, and spindle fibers begin to
form from microtubules (prophase); centromeres of
EJACULATORY DUCTS duplicate sister chromatids align along the spindle
equator (metaphase); chromatids separate and
migrate toward opposite poles (anaphase); the
mitotic apparatus is disassembled, autonomous
nuclear envelopes are established, and the
chromosomes uncoil (telophase). The final stage of
the cell cycle, when cell division actually occurs, is
called cytokinesis (C).

➢ Meiosis is a special process of reductional cell

division; it results in the formation of four gametes
containing half (1N) the number of chromosomes
found in somatic cells. Haploid gametes unite at
fertilization to create a diploid zygote. Remember that
in mammals the heterogametic male (XY)
determines the sex of the embryo. Approximately
one-half of spermatozoa contain either an X or Y
chromosome (the sex chromosomal complement of
These are formed by the fusion of the vas deferens and mammalian females is XX, and therefore, ova can
the seminal vesicles. The ejaculatory ducts empty into only contribute an X chromosome to the offspring).
the urethra.
Genes carried on the X chromosome that inhibit
spermatogenesis are inactivated in XY somatic cells.

➢ Meiosis differs from mitosis in two critical respects.

During prophase of meiosis I, chromosomes pair
DIFFERENT STAGES IN SPERM along their length and come in contact in discrete
PRODUCTION areas of synapsis (chiasmata). Chromatids can
exchange base pairs by crossing-over. The
recombination of segments of chromosomes allows
Spermatogenesis for continual generation of genetic variability (ie.,
➢ is the process of sperm cell development. Rounded rapid evolutionary progress) and provides a
immature sperm cells undergo successive mitotic mechanism for correcting damage in the DNA helix.
and meiotic divisions (spermatocytogenesis) and a Secondly, nonidentical sister chromatids do not
metamorphic change (spermiogenesis) to produce replicate between serial nuclear divisions. Meiosis II
spermatozoa. is essentially mitotic.

Mitosis and Meiosis (An unusual natural circumstance exists in the
creeping vole - males normally have OY gametes;
➢ Mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is the process of cell
the X chromosome is eliminated from the cell line by
duplication - two daughter cells are formed with
nondisjunction and the companion XXY cell
exactly the same DNA and chromosomal content of
presumably does not complete meiosis [in most
the original diploid (2N) mother cell. Human cells
mammals OY is lethal]).
contain 46 chromosomes - 22 pairs of homologous
autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.

➢ Mitosis (M) encompasses just one step in the Spermacytogenesis

eukaryotic cell cycle: G1 > S > G2 > M > C. Cells ➢ During spermatocytogenesis primitive cells called
grow during the dominant G1 phase. Replication of spermatogonia proliferate by mitosis. Several
chromosomes occurs in the S phase. Preparation for different types of spermatogonia have been identified
mitosis takes place during G2 - replication of (A-0 through A-4, intermediate [IN], and B). Only the
organelles and synthesis of microtubules. Interphase discriminating anatomist can actually distinguish
includes the combined stages G1, S, and G2. among types of spermatogonia. Mitosis ends when a
B spermatogonium yields two primary
for accretion of cytoskeletal elements comprising the
contractile lattice of the tail. Mitochondria become
concentrated into the sheath of the middle piece.
➢ Cells do not divide during spermiogenesis.

Gonadotrophin – Releasing
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a tiny peptide
that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to produce
luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone
➢ The diploid number of primary spermatocytes is
halved during meiosis. A primary spermatocyte is Gonadotrophic Hormone
transformed into two secondary spermatocytes The pituitary gland in the brain produces and secretes the
during meiosis I - these cells then in turn are hormones luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-
converted into (1N) spermatids during meiosis II. The stimulating hormone in response to gonadotropin-
second meiotic division is rapid (and therefore very releasing hormone (FSH). These hormones cause the
few secondary spermatocytes can be identified in testicles to produce testosterone in men. They cause the
histological sections). Spermatocytes and ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone in women.
spermatids tend to be larger than their ancestral
Follicle – Stimulating Hormones
➢ Males have an almost unlimited capacity to produce Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH) secreted by the
germ cells; this is accomplished by replenishment of pituitary gland increases the rate of LH receptor synthesis
A spermatogonia early in mitosis. Although the in ovary cells
mechanics of renewal are not totally understood, it
appears that a stem cell (A-0) divides into an A-1 Luteinizing Hormones
spermatogonia and an operative copy of itself. The Luteinizing hormone is a hormone produced by
A-1 cell becomes dedicated to spermatocytogenesis gonadotropic cells in the anterior pituitary gland.
and the A-0 cell is kept in reserve for future divisions.

➢ Endogenous damage to the the genetic material Testosterone

(eg., base deamination, depurination, methylation, Testosterone is a hormone produced by the human
oxidative insult) is inevitable in proliferative cells - a body. It's mainly produced in men by the testicles.
battery of repair mechanisms assure that the DNA Testosterone affects a man's appearance and sexual
fidelity of gametes is sustained. development. It stimulates sperm

➢ Throughout spermatocytogenesis cells retain a
rounded configuration. Spermatids undergo a
dramatic change in form during spermiogenesis - into SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED
the streamline spermatozoa adapted for fertilization. DISEASE
Spermiogenesis involves nuclear condensation,
formation of the acrosomal cap, and development of Causes
a tail.
➢ Bacteria. Gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia are
➢ The acrosome is derived from the Golgi apparatus. examples of STIs that are caused by bacteria.
Centrioles (points of organization of spindle fibers) Parasites. Trichomoniasis is an STI caused by a
migrate to a post nuclear region after the completion parasite. Viruses. STIs causes by viruses include
of meiosis. The distal centriole provides a template HPV, genital herpes and HIV. Other kinds of
infections — hepatitis A, B and C viruses, shigella
infection and giardia infection — can be spread
through sexual activity, but it's possible to be infected
without sexual contact.

Risk Factors

➢ Having sexual contact with multiple partners. The

more people you have sexual contact with, the
greater your risk. Having a history of STIs. Having
one STI makes it much easier for another STI to take

➢ Being forced to engage in sexual activity. Dealing

with rape or assault is difficult, but it's important to
see a doctor as soon as possible to receive
screening, treatment and emotional support.

➢ Pelvic pain
➢ Pregnancy complications
➢ Eye inflammation
➢ Arthritis
➢ Pelvic inflammatory disease
➢ Infertility Heart disease
➢ Certain cancers, such as HPV-associated cervical
and rectal cancers

SPERM have acrosomal cap that is attached in the

nucleus of the egg cell.


2ND SEMESTER I S.Y 2021 – 2022

Source: Module 17 VLE Videos, Esteban & Gonzales 5th Early Development of the Ovary
Ed., Junquiera
1st Month of Embryonic Life
The female reproductive system is composed of a pair of Small population of primordial germ cells migrates
ovaries along with oviducts, vagina, cervix, uterus, and from the yolk sac to the gonadal primordia. There the
the external genitalia that are located in the pelvic region. cells divide and differentiate as oogonia.
These parts along with a pair of mammary glands that are
integrated both functionally and structurally also support 3rd Month
the process of ovulation, fertilization, birth and finally the Oogonia begin to enter the prophase of the first meiotic
child care. division but arrest after completing synapsis and
recombination, without progressing to later stages of
Internal Genitalia: Ovaries, Oviducts (Uterine Tubes), meiosis. These cells arrested in meiosis are called
Uterus and Vagina primary oocyte. Each primary oocyte becomes
surrounded by flattened support cells called follicular
External Genitalia: Clitoris, Labia majora and minora and cells to form an ovarian follicle.
Mammary Glands (not included in the system but takes
part in the process.) 7th Month
Most oogonia have transformed into primary oocytes
Responsible in producing the female gametes (oocytes), within follicles but many primary oocytes, are lost through
provides the environment for fertilization, and holds the a slow, continuous degenerative process called atresia.
embryo during its complete development through the fetal
stage until birth.
Ovarian Follicles;
OVARY Follicular Growth and
➢ Slightly flattened, almond-shaped, ovoid organs
➢ SIZE: 3-cm long, 1.5-cm wide, and 1-cm thick Ovarian follicle consists of an oocyte surrounded by
one or more layers of epithelial cells within a basal
➢ Sites of oogenesis and they produce few
lamina. Can be found in the cortex of the ovary.
➢ Each ovary is covered by a simple cuboidal
epithelium, the Germinal epithelium. Beneath The Follicular Growth involves growth of the oocyte,
this epithelium, is a dense irregular connective proliferation and changes in the follicular cells, as well as
tissue, the tunica albuginea, which forms the proliferation and differentiation of the stromal fibroblasts
capsule around the ovary. around each follicle.
➢ Contains Cortex and Medulla:
Cortex Primordial Follicles
- thick peripheral zone that surrounds the consist of a primary oocyte enveloped by a single layer of
medulla the flattened follicular cells or granulosa cells and basal
- region with a stroma (collagenous CT) lamina.
- contains many ovarian follicles varying
greatly in size after menarche (first ➢ Primary Oocyte
menstruation) - 15 – 30 um in diameter and the whole
follicle is 40 um
Medulla - Has large, eccentrically placed, vesicular
- Internal part of the ovary nucleus with a large nucleolus
- A loose CT rich with blood vessels ➢ Granulosa Cells
- Flattened and supporting cells
- Provides nutrients and oxygen for the The stroma immediately surrounds the ovarian follicle
developing gametes. then become organized to form a sheath, Theca folliculi,
that envelops the follicle
Primary Follicles
➢ Granulosa Cells Theca Folliculi
- The flattened follicular cells increase in - Richly supplied with capillaries
size and become several layers of - Under the influence of Luteinizing
granulosa cells hormone (LH), theca will secrete
- Follicular Fluid (Liquor folliculi) – androstenedione, then transformed into
starts to appear between the granulosa estrogen, with the help of aromatase
cells (enzyme under FSH)
- Then, estrogen diffuse into the capillaries
➢ Oocyte to be carried in the blood.
- Gradually increase in size
- When already twice its original size, a Secondary Follicles (Antral Follicle)
zona pellucida will develop around oocyte
- Zona pellucida is a thick, deep-staining, ➢ The primary follicle increases in size
glycoprotein membrane ➢ The follicular fluid between the granulosa cells,
forms a single cresentic, fluid-filled cavity called
antrum and when developed is antral follicle
➢ Cumulus oophorus - thickening of granulosa Graafian Follicle (Mature Follicle)
cells on one pole ➢ Final stage in differentiation of an ovarian follicle
➢ Ready to expel its ovum or secondary oocyte
Follicular Liquid ➢ Reaches 1.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter and occupies
Follicular fluid contains the large GAG hyaluronic acid, the whole thickness of the ovarian cortex. Then it
growth factors, plasminogen, fibrinogen, the will bulge out of the free surface of the organ.
anticoagulant heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and high ➢ Takes 14 days for ovarian follicle to matures
concentrations of steroids (progesterone,
androstenedione, and estrogens) with binding proteins. Many ovarian follicles developed but only one
reaches maturity (dominant follicle) and undergoes
Ovulation and Its Hormonal

Before ovulation the oocyte completes the first meiotic

division, which it began and arrested in prophase. The
chromosomes are equally divided between the two
haploid daughter cells, but one of these retains almost all
of the cytoplasm. That cell is now the secondary oocyte
and the other becomes the first polar body (contains
minimal amount of cytoplasm) and is consigned in the
perivitelline space

Immediately after expulsion of the first polar body, the

nucleus of the oocyte begins the second meiotic
division but arrests at metaphase and never completes
meiosis unless fertilization occurs.


➢ Ovulation is the hormone-stimulated process by

which the oocyte is released from the ovary.
➢ Ovulation normally occurs in the 14th day of a
typical 28-day cycle.
➢ Ovum find its way through the oviduct
➢ When the ovum is released, it carries the zona
pellucida and several layers of granulosa cells,
called corona radiata.

The mature dominant follicle bulging against the tunica

albuginea develops a whitish or translucent ischemic
area, the stigma, in which tissue compaction has blocked
blood flow


➢ Ovum is viable only for about 24 hours after

being ovulated.
➢ But it takes 3-4 days to travel from the abdominal
cavity to the uterus through the oviduct.

Spermatozoa that are deposited in the vagina still need

Follicular Atresia to undergo Capacitation within the female genitalia tract.
Capacitation is a biochemical process that involves
Most ovarian follicles undergo the degenerative process changes on the surface of the spermatozoa
called atresia, in which follicular cells and oocytes die and
are disposed of by phagocytic cells. During fertilization, the acrosome of the capacitated
spermatozoa breaks down - by a process called
Atresia involves apoptosis and detachment of the acrosomal reaction – and releases its hydrolytic
granulosa cells, autolysis of the oocyte, and collapse of enzyme.
the zona pellucida.

Macrophages invade the degenerating follicle and

phagocytose the apoptotic material and other debris
Corpus Luteum
After ovulation, the granulosa cells and theca
interna of the ovulated follicle reorganize to form a
larger temporary endocrine gland, the corpus

The cells of corpus luteum that are derived from

granulosum layer are known as granulosa lutein
cells, while those derived from theca interna are
called theca lutein cells.

Granulosa lutein cells

- Comprise 80% of the substance
of corpus luteum
- Lighter-staining and larger than
theca lutein cells
- Main source of Progesterone
necessary in preparing the
mucosa of the endometrium.

Theca lutein cells

- Secrete testosterone precursor

and transformed into estrogen.

Corpus luteum degenerates if pregnancy did not

occur. The corpus luteum that persists for part of
only one menstrual cycle is called a corpus
luteum of menstruation

If pregnancy occur, the corpus luteum becomes bigger UTERUS

and remains functional and known as corpus luteum of
pregnancy. This is because of the hormone, Human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which maintain and
develop the corpus luteum.

Corpus luteum secrete another hormone, Relaxin.

Secreted by granulosa lutein cells, and helps to maintain
pregnancy by inhibiting the contractions of myometrial
muscle fibers.


➢ Size: 10 cm
➢ Lie with the broad ligaments (mesosalpinx)
➢ Transport secondary oocyte or fertilized ovum
Source: PPT from Dr. Cabrids

PARTS OF THE FEMALE (How do the sperm reach the egg cell in the
Fallopian Tube?)
▪ It occurs during sexual intercourse and the sperm
coming from the male reproductive system
travels to the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg cell.
After the fertilization, the uterus is then prepared
for the nurturing of the fertilized egg.

➢ Ovaries
small paired organs located near the lateral walls of
the pelvic cavity; contains the premature egg cells
➢ Oviduct
unites into an elastic bag like structure known as
➢ Uterus
also known as the womb and it is where the
implantation and development of a baby takes
place; it is considered as the body
➢ Vagina
the birth canal; the passage where the sperms are
deposited by the penis of male reproductive system
during sexual intercourse
➢ Fallopian Tube
receives the ovulated oocyte and provides a site for

GAMETES Ovulation and the journey of egg

(When do girls start producing reproductive egg?)

▪ The ovaries of a female contain egg cells since
birth, and it will only start to mature once the
female enters puberty.
▪ Every month, one egg is released and then
moves to the fallopian tube where fertilization

A series of events that occur in the female body to

prepares it for a possible pregnancy. It takes an average
of 28 days cycle but it varies from every women (22-32

Pituitary Gland or Hypophysis

It controls many hormonal glands in our body and is found
• ANTRUM – part of that follicle; in which in the
at the base of the brain
middle of an antrum, a cumulus oophorus is
• In the development of the dominant follicle, the
OVARIAN CYCLE cumulus oophorus and the egg separate together
➢ The process of producing egg cells on a monthly from the wall of the follicle and float in the middle
basis by the ovaries. of the antrum.
➢ It results to a secondary oocyte that can be
fertilized by a sperm cell to result into a • Eventually, the dominant follicle will start to push
pregnancy; and can also result to menstrual out against the edge of the ovary and the
cycle. enzymes within the follicle will break down the
wall between the ovary and the follicle and finally,
the egg pops out. The follicle that it was in
According to the Video provided in VLE collapses and forms a structure called corpus
THE OVARIAN CYCLE • If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum
1. Follicular Phase – ovarian follicles mature and reaches a maximum size in 10 days. Now, it
➢ Pituitary
ready gland/hypophysis
an egg for release secrets FSH
undergoes apoptosis (process of self-
which stimulates the
2. Ovulation – release of this eggdevelopment of primary
destructing that cells do).
3. Luteal Phasein the ovary.of the corpus luteum
– formation • However, if the egg is fertilized, the corpus luteum

and Developing follicles
either pregnancy will secrete
or luteolysis estrogen to
(degredation keeps on living and produces estrogen and
of corpus luteum)
thickened the uterine wall. progesterone which prepares the lining of the
➢ Pituitary gland starts to secrete LH which uterus for implantation where the egg is going to
• Day – ovulation
Firstcauses the eggs to develop
occurintoin 14 follicles
th and
day of the be developed.
off as primordial. And for the first 13 days, • The ovarian cycle gradually stops at the age of 50
the number of hormones secreted by the
➢ The remains of the Graafian follicle (mature or less and this is called menopause (the result
granulosa cells grow each day and affects the of ovarian failure).
follicle) will develop into a corpus luteum
hormone levels of blood.
• When whichthe will secrete progesterone
pre-antral follicle is formed, to thickened
the uterine
granulosa cells wall.
proliferate and the hormone it
➢ Progesterone
produced will inhibitinto
will be converted theestrogen
production andof
FSHit to the
release stopblood.
the production of another follicle.
• ➢
As the
Whencycle goes, lots of
fertilization follicles
does are formed
not take place,but
one egg gets ovulated
luteum will start and it is called the
to degenerate and
dominant follicle.
stop secreting progesterone.
➢ Pituitary gland is no longer inhibited and FSH
is secreted again to cause a development of
a new follicle.

According to the Video provided in VLE

➢ From Day 1-14, estrogen produced by the
developing follicle will cause the initial thickened
of the uterine wall or endometrium.
➢ Progesterone produced by the corpus luteum
continues to thicken the endometrium for a
possible pregnancy.
➢ If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum
will degenerate and will stop secreting
progesterone and the thick endometrium is not
➢ Menstruation occurs – discharge of blood and
mucosal tissue from the uterine wall through the
➢ Estrogen is secreted again by a new follicle. ➢ The uterine cycle is where the uterine goes
through a cyclical developmental pattern to be
ready for implantation and support of an embryo.
➢ The said cycle is under the control of ovarian
➢ The three phases of uterine cycle are Menstrual
phase, Proliferative phase, and Secretory


➢ The beginning of the menstrual cycle is
considered to be the first day of menstrual flow.
➢ Changes in the endometrium are triggered by
changes in levels of ovarian hormones.
➢ Declining progesterone levels lead to the
reduction of blood supply to the endometrium.
➢ This results in the shedding of the stratum
functionalis layer of the uterine wall.

➢ Estrogen secreted from the developing follicles
in the ovaries stimulate the regeneration of the
stratum functionalis
➢ The proliferation of cell repairs and begins to
thicken the endometrium.

➢ Following ovulation, the stratum functionalis
reaches maximum preparedness for
➢ Under the influence of rising levels of ovarian
hormone – the endometrium continues to
thicken, endometrial glands secrete glycogen.
If the egg is fertilized: PLACENTA
• Implantation of embryo occurs; the new embryo Interface between the mother and the developing fetus. It
is nutritionally maintained by the endometrium. attaches the uterus to the uterine wall, provided nutrients
If fertilization does not occur: to the fetus and allows the fetus to transfer waste product
• The corpus luteum disintegrates. to the mother’s blood via umbilical cord.
• Levels of progesterone and estrogen drop.
• The stratum functionalis of the uterine will
sloughs off during menstruation.
Protect the fetus. This is the fluid that cushions the baby
Endometrial Change from outside pressure and acts as shock absorber.
▪ Additional information:
▪ During Proliferative phase which is the phase of UTERINE WALL
menstrual cycle right after menstruation under the Contracts to cause the cervix to dilate pushing the baby
influence of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to the outside.
from the pituitary, the ovary produces increasing
amount of estrogen which causes the lining of the
uterus to become dense and richly vascularized.
The formation of endometrial glands starts to
become nice, round and robust.


Refers to the release of an egg/ovum outside the ovary
and usually occurs in the 14th day of the cycle

Fusion of the male and female gamete to form a zygote.
It happens in the fallopian tube.

Attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterine
wall/endometrium approximately 6-7 days after • Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when
fertilization. her period stops. It usually occurs naturally, most
often after age 45.
• It happens because the woman’s ovaries stop
producing the hormones estrogen and

• Menstruation is one of the changes during
puberty that a person with a uterus will
experience, and this is getting their period as part
of menstrual cycle. And this normally happens
between the ages of 8 and 13, and for some
people, even older.
• Generally, occurs every 21 to 35 days, and lasts
from 2 to 7 days.
Opening that connects the vagina from the uterus. This ➢ Two main sets of skin folds
also measures where you are in your fertility cycle ➢ Labia Majora - which make up the outer margins
of the vulva and are surrounded by pubic hair
➢ Labia Minora - which are closest to the vaginal
entrance and lack hair; and larger folds

The vagina is a fibromuscular tube with anterior and

posterior walls – these are normally collapsed and thus in
contact with one another.
The shape of the vagina is not a round tunnel. In the ➢ a small, rounded structure located at the top of
transverse plane it is more like an “H” lying on the side. At where the labia minora join together and is
the upper ending, the vagina surrounds the cervix, actually covered by extensions of the minora that
creating two domes (fornices or vaults): an anterior and a form the prepuce (or hood) of the clitoris.
(deeper) posterior one. ➢ Composed of sensitive Erectile tissue.
The posterior fornix is important as it acts like a natural
reservoir for semen after intravaginal ejaculation. The
semen retained in the fornix liquefies in the next 20-30 ➢ Posterior to the clitoris, the urethra,
mins, allowing for easier permeation through the cervical vagina, paraurethral glands and greater
canal. vestibular glands open into the vestibule.

The vagina connects the uterus to the outside world. The

vulva and labia form the entrance, and the cervix of the
uterus protrudes into the vagina, forming the interior end. MAMMARY GLANDS
The vagina receives the penis during sexual intercourse
and also serves as a conduit for menstrual flow from the ➢ Accessory of sex organs
uterus. ➢ Associated with the breast
➢ Breast – collection of subcutaneous tissue as
well as the actual mammary glands


➢ Openings of the lactiferous ducts
➢ Where the secretion or ejection of milk will
actually occur

➢ Darkened area of skin
➢ Rough appearance because deep to the skin is
the sebaceous glands (oil)

(VULVA) ➢ Provides protection, without this, the breast will
droop down
➢ Attached to the anterior portion of the breast
MONS PUBIS back towards the pectoral fascia
➢ Fatty area overlying the public symphysis
➢ Covered with pubic hair after puberty MAMMARY GLANDS
➢ Modified sudoriferous glands (sweat glands)
➢ Function: Lactation (synthesis, secretion,
and ejection of milk)
Prolactin – responsible for milk production
Oxytocin – ejection of milk
Estrogen – a sex hormone responsible for the
development of female reproductive system and
secondary sexual characteristics.
Movement of Milk
Alveoli – Secondary Tubules – Mammary Ducts –
Lactiferous Duct – Lactiferous sinus - Nipple




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