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1. Good morning.Can I help you?

2. Sure.Come in and take a seat please.

3. It’s okey if I call you miss Hien?
4. Is this your prescription?
5. Ok.So if you don’t mind,I have few questions for you.
6. Ok.First question,have you ever allergic to any medicines>
7. Do you take any vitamins or herbal supplements?
8. Do you have any medical conditions?
9. Yes,so what did your doctor say?
10. You should take this medicine after you meal
11. When you take this medicine,you may expearence several side affects,the most common being
low-grade fever,headache and nausea.
12. Effercitrate is a popular pain reliever.You can mix it with water and drink it any time.
13. You can only take less than 6 pills a day.It helps you feel reduce pain every time you urinate.
14. You can stop using this medicine when you no longer experience burning pain when urinating.
15. Cranberries are effective in preventing urinary tract infections but are not effective in treating
this disease.So it will not help your condition get better.
16. So,do you have any question for me?
17. Ok.Great well if you have any additional question please feel free to call us.

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