A Letter From God To You

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[BOOK 201]



“I already know everything that is possible to know about you.

I created you to have endless, joyous fellowship with Me.

But your sin has created a barrier between us and has separated you from Me.

Sin is anything that violates My standards and falls short of My perfect righteousness and holiness.

I am a holy God and cannot have fellowship with sin and it cannot exist in My Presence. Therefore, I cannot have
fellowship with you in your present state.

Because the demands of my perfect righteousness and justice must be met, sin is punishable by death which in this case
ultimately means eternal separation from Me, in Hell.

You see, all sin must be paid for.

There is a penalty for sin that must be paid, and that penalty is death – eternal separation from Me, your Creator who
loves you.

Now neither of us desire that for you, but please understand that I cannot compromise My perfection nor My standards in
any way.

I love you with a perfect love that you couldn’t possibly understand just now, but we have reached an impasse which is
impossible for you to resolve, but not impossible for Me.

I have said that all sin must be paid for, but to satisfy My Holiness and meet My standards, it had to be paid by a sinless,
infinite Being.

Shall I explain to you why?

You needed Someone who was without any sin, so that He could qualify to take your sin upon Himself and be judged in
your place.

But He would need to be Someone who is of such infinite value that His life would be of equal or greater value than all
who have ever been born or ever will be born on earth. You see, only deity meets this criteria and therefore, only deity
can atone for the sins of the whole world.

That’s why I sent my only Son to earth!!

He perfectly fulfils all of those requirements.

Did you know that I made my beloved Son who knew no sin to be sin for YOU, that through faith in Him you might
become the righteousness of God in Him?

My eternal Son, Jesus Christ, willingly and lovingly stepped out of eternity into your time and into your world to pay the
penalty and the full price for your sins that you could never pay.

It is imperative that you humbly and honestly acknowledge the fact that you are a sinner and that all sin must be paid for.

I am offering two options to you:

You can either accept by faith My Son’s death on your behalf as full and final payment for your sins and thereby receive
My free pardon and free gift of eternal life, or you must pay the ultimate price yourself when you stand before Him at the
Great White Throne Judgement, after your inevitable physical death.

You are free to choose either My free pardon through placing your faith in My Son Jesus Christ, or a fair trial after your
physical death.

That choice rests exclusively with you!!

My Son graciously dealt with your sins by paying the price in full for you and charging it all to His account.

Your rebellion and sins cost the life of My precious Son, Jesus Christ.

But I am offering to you now the priceless, free gift of eternal Life.
It is available to you only through faith in My Son and in the work of redemption carried out by My Son on that cross at

He willingly died on that cruel Roman cross as your Substitute and as your Representative. He paid the price for you that
you were never able to pay.

As I said before, ALL sin must be paid for.

You must decide now whether you will accept My Son’s payment for all your sins by believing in Him and accepting Him
as your Lord and Saviour.

OR, you can choose to reject My Son’s sacrifice for you, in which case you must stand before Him after physical death at
the Great White Throne Judgement. Unfortunately, the result of this choice ensures that this judgement will culminate in
your eternal incarceration in Hell forever separated from Me.

I hope that you will choose wisely and while there is yet time.

You see, tomorrow is promised to no one and death is so indiscriminate. Young or old, death doesn’t care.

Won’t you choose to have fellowship and eternal life with Me?

It’s all up to you. I’m sure that you realise that I have done all that I can for you, and that it is simply impossible for Me to
do any more!!

My Son loved you so much that even when you were His enemy and dead in your trespasses and sins, He willingly died
for you.

And I loved you so much that I even gave my only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
eternal life.

I hope that you will choose wisely and while there is yet time.

If you desire My forgiveness for your sins and a free pardon and eternal life with Me forever in Heaven, then from your
heart and soul you need to humbly and sincerely pray this prayer:

“Heavenly Father:
Thank you that you have revealed to me the only way to salvation and eternal life with You in heaven, and that that way
is completely by Your grace and through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, and totally apart from any human works or
human effort on my part.
I receive Your dearly beloved eternal Son Jesus Christ into my heart and soul and accept Him with joy as my Lord and
Saviour, recognizing and believing that He sacrificed His life and shed His precious blood on a cruel Roman cross for
me, to pay my sin debt in full, that I might be completely forgiven and reconciled back to You.
I thank You, worship You and praise You in the wonderful Name of my beloved Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. –

If you have made this life-transforming decision to place your faith in My Son Jesus Christ, I lovingly embrace and
welcome you as my “forever” child and assure you that you will one day be with Him in Heaven!

Signed: Almighty God

John 3:17-18:-

17. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18. "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not
believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

1st John 5:11-12:-

11. “And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
12. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”

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