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Points of Laws


Removal Of Administrator state SC

1) Research case law in SC, this case is in Lexington SC

Can you see, find any case law when this judge in Lexington county SC has removed an Administrator of an estate
Or any Judge in SC.
Note: So Probate Lawyers in SC that would take this case and litigate is few as the state code and up
held by the SC Supreme court can require mediation
see attachment.

There are a huge conflict of interest here. Question what can we prove.
I.E. My Younger sister Marian the lawyer in GA, note she works for loan company now.
Has a huge conflict 10 She did the power of Attorney, recommended it In the meeting
we all had with my mother and dad.
Conflict of Interest types
Contractual or legal obligations (to business partners, vendors, employees, employer,
Loyalty to family and friends.- for sure they plotted to get control of my mother’s estate
Fiduciary duties.- for sure
Professional duties.
Business interests.- Our oil and gas business- big time missed managed.
Would like to discuss the will and power of attorney as my younger sister had a hand in
With these why have me drop my mom off in Ga? My older sister Debbie was paranoid
my mother was going to cancel the power of attorney and she was going to change her
will and administrator of her estate.
My mother ask me to take care of her and she was going to give me 50,000 for my
business to do it. I refused 1) The money she had 80,000 was to take care of her plus
the gold. I did not know she was talking about 45,000 she was going to receive for a
right away that she signed a contract for on the 67 acres. Debra keep this from me.
2) I told her no because I promised my dad a number of things we all did in the
meeting. I keep all my promises but they did not they used me. I did review all the stuff
in the safe as Dad told me, that is how I knew about the gold and silver , I ask mom and
also my sister Debra. I did talk to Marian about 8 months ago and told her about the
gold. She also did not know of all the gas trapper in Farrow well #1. The gold is in a
safety deposit box in SC in Debra bank.
I did review all the deeds and the lease on the second shallow well Farrow#2 (we call
the Berry well) as the driller Sutton sold out right before the Natural gas shale play
boom happened. Sutton sold off the deep well rights.
I contact Berry Energy, and Antero and negotiated a deal, it was clear to me based on
the lease contract they were wrong. There lawyers backed off and paid us for the deep
well rights. So Dad went over all the gas business and Sutton was drilling the Farrow#2
well at the time my Dad died and I was managing the land and gas wells. I had got Laid
off US Steel that was 2009. So Dad said if you get a chance go after the deep gas he
believed there was a lot. He was a devoted Christian as was my mother as am I. But my
sister’s are not Hum. Honor, trust was there character. My Dad was in the Air Force had
a Crypto top secret clearance was in Area 51 project Tagboard Beale AFB.
I just wanted to give you some back ground. They would not approve with what my
sister’s have done.
Note: It was well known in 2009 when my Dad died the 100 area’s 67 + 33 and the
house with the shallow mineral rights ( WV defines the shallow layer to the Marcellus
Layer) On our property that is 7200 Ft.
So in SC is my mothers jewelry and the Gold and silver all rest of the estate in WV.
Note: Debra gave all my mother cosmetic jewelry away at my Mother celebration of life.
Mom was in assisted living for over 7 years 2012-2020 in Sc. So Domicile is in SC even
though she went there for health reason and wanted to return to WV. I discussed this to
a number of people in WV clerk of the court and a Lawyer. The issue is the time frame
was so long to reverse domicile. Also WV and GA have not adopted the Uniform
Probate Code.GA was enacted many change to their trust code. In Georgia a trust is
not a legal doc crazy. WV was adopted the Uniform trust code mostly.
My point is SC has the best probate system for this case. Two things SC lawyers told
me one they know nothing about Oil and Gas, relative to probate law ( In WV all probate
lawyer, they have too mineral rights are big there) and they would need a copy of the
trust. So this is a third party state legal matter. See the plot of my sister here.
Why did she list my mother address as her address and lie if she died in a nursing
home on the probate application in Sc ? hum P.S. My sister Debra is very intelligent but
has a Narcissistic personal disorder type 2 – just for your knowledge. Debra has also
manipulated Marian also. I do not expect Marian to show up to the hearing.
I plan to set a foundation in my hearing regarding and then request that the SC Court
take 100% jurisdiction, which I need to include the Court proceedings in Georgia, I
would like the Judge to determine jurisdiction of all these matters and get a copy of what
happened in Georgia and the Georgia trust and all Accounting thereof. Under law I am
entitled you can see I requested a copy of everything and other the Trust and
accounting but I have not received.
I have read the SC code of evidence and I am going to punch up my resume and
declare myself an expert. Based on Sc code how can they object. I have three
engineering degrees. The affidavit by Jim Doley, I know they are going to object to.
However I will declare that as technical matter of fact. Cross examination is not required
as a matter of fact of common technical information. As I understand the SC code.
So look at Debra Lawyer respond , 1) the top date mail is May 29 2) It is past the 30 day
requirement correct ?
I am trying to get all evidence read into the record in case I have to appeal and I have
the right to present my evidence. Second there is possible a Civil Law suit ( damages)
once probate is settled. Third that she has done is illegal as hell. I may file criminal
charges against her. I know I cannot bring this up, now but later we will see.
So what evidence do I have regarding my detailed 14 page complaint. And what do I
need to get.
I do expect three things my sister Marian will not show up due to conflict of interest
regarding the power of attorney which was way too much detail unless you need it for
court (required in Georgia) for conservatorship. I Georgia with that and two people filing
not doctor exam or report is needed. They Lied Debra said Mom was living in GA. She
told me I had to leave so mom could get some papers from the court so she could take
her to SC. I was going to Florida so mom and I could see Cousin Hank who was dying
of cancer. Debra wanted me to stop in GA she called me on the way. Hank died the
next day so I did leave.
I also expect Debra lawyer to ask the Judge to go to mediation, the court can order and
appoint a lawyer for mediation.
For me this is ok but only once all evidence is read into record. Due I have legal
I have 5 motions I am going to present in court during my presentation of the evidence.
We will go over them later and why your help is really needed. I did not file for me to be
replaced as administrator, as I do not want my sister to know anything until I present it
in court. That is one of the motions I plan to do at the end.

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