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Dr. Archana Thulaseedharan
Assistant Professor

Tatigutla Reddy Rekha
Table of Contents
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................5
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN AGRIBUSINESS......................................................5
Agribusiness companies confront several difficulties, such as increased competition from
overseas agribusiness companies, globalization, corporate internationalization, and adopting
new technology, particularly the digitalization process. The efficient management of human
capital is one of the biggest obstacles. Human resource management (HRM) in the agriculture
industry is still undeveloped in scientific research and practical execution while being one of
the most significant management functions in any firm. In order to manage the human
resources deemed more vital than technological and capital management, the organization
must have a human resource management system. The actions that guarantee the mainstream
towards the accomplishment of organizational objectives are termed effective HRM
practices. Agribusiness managers have a fundamental duty to manage their people. Managers
must create an organizational structure that clearly defines each person's roles, levels of
power, and obligations. A formal organizational chart is frequently used in agribusinesses to
define employees' roles. For the majority of agricultural managers, leadership is a challenging
responsibility. To motivate someone is to encourage them to behave in a particular way. The
first step in HR management is identifying the labor market's needs, while another HR
function is creating and managing employee benefit programs. Insurance, retirement,
healthcare, safety, continuing education, and other programs of similar nature are all intended
to improve employees' well-being and output. The human resource function in most
agribusinesses also involves routinely assessing worker performance and guaranteeing
ongoing professional development through training and development programs.
Personnel or people management was the early name for human resource management. Its
function used to be constrained. HRM is a formal method of supervising people within any
firm or organization. It is a vital element of any organization's management. The personnel
department's core duties are hiring, assessing, educating, and compensating employees. The
human resources division handles staff members' problems while performing administrative
tasks. HR is concerned with work practices and how they impact the organization's
The administration of human resources is now a vital component of any organization. Each
business or organization must have this division. Improving ties between employees and their
employers and consistently aiming to make them better aids in raising employee morale.
Additionally, the HR department offers any assistance needed by staff members to enhance
their performance.
Agri-business is the culmination of all activities involved in producing farm products and
their distribution and the storage, processing, and distribution of farm products and products
derived from them.
Agribusiness is always focused on the market. Over 60% of Sub-Saharan Africa's economy
comes from the agribusiness sector, which also employs more than 70% of the workforce in
most developing nations. This necessitates that we comprehend the management of human
resources in agribusiness. The human resource fundamentals covered in previous business
courses are widely referenced in this course.
The practice of enrolling, appointment, designating, and supervising personnel is known as
human resource management. Typically, HRM is mentioned as just "human resources" (HR).
The HR branch of a business or company is often in charge of improving, executing, and
observing the firm's policies regarding employees and its collaboration with them
(, n.d.).

Human resources management is born out of and grows from personnel management.
Employee input was not given much importance in decision-making during the Personnel
Management era, and little interaction with management was permitted. Personnel
management's focus was mainly on ensuring that everything complied with labor rules, with
little attention paid to employee morale, and it was more prevalent in factories. Employees
were only considered tools and obligations to the corporation, not assets. They were also
viewed as costs and expenditures rather than capital and investments. Personnel officers used
to focus more on discipline than being adaptable and engaging with staff members. In human
resource management, employee decisions are significant and given much value. HR
managers give significant attention to employee welfare, work-life balance, and flexibility in
the workplace, and they are far more attentive to their concerns. The most significant
distinction between personnel and human resource management is how information
technologies are integrated and strengthened into the human resources management process
and activities for increased productivity and time savings since time is money (Ismail).


Human resources are the individuals a company employs and the methods used by each
employee to perform their roles. It encompasses how wages, salaries, and other benefits are
distributed and the effects these distributions have. A competent workforce contributing to
organizational success is developed and maintained through the comprehensive managerial
actions and duties known as human resource management. Human resource management has
been highlighted as one key element in the successful functioning of firms based on research
and data from actual organizations. Therefore, effective human resource management is a
crucial strategic concern for agricultural firms globally.

Fundamental objectives of human resource management in Agribusiness include creating a

good work environment and resolving problems like workplace violence. These human
resources must not be compromised by workplace violence. Agribusiness must efficiently
combine various resources to generate goods and services that provide value for customers
while ensuring a safe work environment to reduce such violence. However, there has not
been much study on the scope, nature, and causes of workplace violence in agricultural firms,
which hampered human resource management.

Preventing workplace violence is essential to upholding regulations because businesses are

required by law to offer safe working conditions. To avoid financial fines, bad press, and
harm to the business's internal corporate culture, human resource management must ensure
that the organization complies with applicable legal and regulatory obligations while dealing
with personnel. To ensure that it respects its social commitments and legal requirements, the
business should promote proactive human resource policies. It may do this by treating
employees with respect as a crucial part of its corporate social responsibility. The firm may
be able to distinguish its products, improve its brand, avoid more regulation, and recruit
employees who will not participate in violence thanks to such progressive practices. A firm's
plan to build and maintain competitive advantages should include ensuring legal and ethical
policies and the activities that support them (Fleet, 1 (Spring 2017)).


A company's key source of competitive advantage is a human resource's capacity to
transform the organization's primary resources into the final output/product/service.
Technology and money are resources that can be duplicated, but human resources are unique
in their own right. Human resource management is essential in any business, organization, or
industry, including agriculture. HRM involves supervising employee relations, establishing
employee benefits, hiring, training, keeping a skilled workforce, and promoting corporate

In agribusiness, technical and labor-intensive procedures maximize agricultural output and

animal husbandry for the resources used. As a result, each agribusiness company needs HR
departments to effectively plan the human resources needed for producing crops and raising

 Hiring and choosing staff is one of agribusiness's most essential HRM tasks; for
various positions in the agricultural sector, including farm management, animal
management, agricultural machinery operation, and sales and marketing, qualified and
competent individuals are needed. To find and hire the top individuals for these roles,
the HR department must be needed in Agribusiness.
 As a result of the differences brought about by increased technology, many outdated
vocations are replaced by new ones. Industry cannot hope to exist for very long in the
current competitive environment with outdated technologies. The issue of
modernization-related unemployment will be resolved by accurately analyzing the
requirement for human resources and retraining any superfluous individuals in
alternative fields of expertise.
 Human resource management is essential in Agribusiness to retain talent by providing
them with a safe work environment to work for and also by providing them with the
opportunity for career growth.
 In the agriculture industry, there is a need to have specialized skills and knowledge to
operate the machinery and also to work in plantations. To instruct the workforce and
enable optimal performance, Human resource management is a need in agribusiness.
 In the agriculture industry performance of the employee directly affect the
performance of the organization, so HRM should bring reforms to improve the
performance of employees.
 The agriculture industry requires employees to work longer hours on weekends and
holidays, but the industries do not pay compensation benefits to the workers. So HRM
is needed to establish strategies to improve workforce benefits and provide them with
the required payment.
 In agribusiness, employees work in remote workplaces and face complex challenges
in the work environment, whereas most of the time, this goes unrecognized. There is a
need for HRM in agribusiness to create a safer work environment for the people in the
 In the plantation sector and industry, trade unions are a significant part of the
employee workforce; the trade unions, such wages, benefits, and other work-related
conditions, make most of the labor decisions. To deal and negotiate with trade unions,
Human resource management is required.
 One of the critical personnel duties of human resource management is record keeping.
Employee information is recorded, kept up to date, and quickly accessed. Health and
medical benefits, employment histories, promotions, transfers, seniority lists,
incomes, working hours, absences, employee personnel information, and application
forms are all included in these records. For most personnel duties to be carried out
more effectively, up-to-date and comprehensive records on employees are required.
 Due to the diversity of the workers in agribusiness, it is challenging to manage
diversity without any violent incidents. Upper management is essential in promoting
diversity with its policies and vision. Human resources should play an active role in
promoting the organization's goal and vision by promoting diversity in the workforce.

TATA COFFEE: On its coffee estates, Tata Coffee, a division of the Tata Group, has
introduced several cutting-edge human resource management techniques. The organization
has created a performance management system connected to employee pay, which has aided
in raising output and caliber of work. In addition, Tata Coffee provides employee benefits,
including housing, health insurance, and financial aid for education for employees and their

DARJEELING TEA ESTATE: The Darjeeling Tea estate, located in the West Bengal region,
has implemented Human resource management practices to improve the working conditions
of the employees by providing free housing to the workers and as well access to medical care
to workers and their families.

HARRISONS MALAYALAM LIMITED: An important Indian plantation firm, Harrisons

Malayalam Ltd, operates in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The organization has introduced several
human resource management strategies to enhance its employees' working environment and
general well-being. The business has implemented a performance monitoring system
connected to pay, providing various employee perks, including housing and health insurance.

The agribusiness sector, which is involved in producing, processing, and distributing
agricultural goods, highly emphasizes human resource management (HRM). The area of
HRM in agriculture has grown recently due to the sector's growth in intricacy and
competition. Recruitment, selection, training and development, performance management,
salary and benefits, and employee relations are some of the significant HRM tasks in the
agriculture sector. These duties ensure that the company employs the best individuals, places
them in the best positions for their skills, and keeps them motivated and interested in their
work. In addition to performing typical HRM duties, HRM in agribusiness entails dealing
with particular difficulties specific to the sector, such as labor shortages, seasonal
employment, and the requirement for specialized expertise in precision agriculture and
sustainable agricultural methods. Agribusinesses can better react to shifting consumer needs
and technical developments with the aid of HRM.

As a result, a wide range of tasks that are essential to the success of businesses in the sector is
covered by the broad scope of HRM in agribusiness. HRM will become more crucial as the
agriculture sector develops in terms of assisting firms to maintain competitiveness and adapt
to shifting market conditions.
Fleet, D. D. (1 (Spring 2017)). Journal of Agribusiness 35, . 23. (n.d.).

Ismail, K. A. (n.d.). Human Resource Management . Iqrar Ahmad Khan and Muhammad

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