32-44CR-1 SaCoSone LARGE - SystemDescription - V1.0 - en

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MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR

System description

Revision ............................................ 1.0

Date .................................................. 2016-02-18
2016-02-18 - 1.0

Translation of the original instructions

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

2016-02-18 - 1.0

86224 Augsburg
Phone +49 (0) 821 322-0
Fax +49 (0) 821 322-3382

Copyright © 2016 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

All rights reserved, including reprinting, copying (Xerox/microfiche) and translation.

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 About this document ................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Further documents ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 5

2 Product application ................................................................................................................................ 7

3 System overview .................................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 System limits ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Scope of supply ........................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Hardware ................................................................................................................. 9
3.2.2 Cables ................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Tools (optional) ....................................................................................................... 10
3.2.4 Documentation ...................................................................................................... 11 Scope .................................................................................................................... 11 Software ................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.5 Display languages .................................................................................................. 13
3.2.6 Labelling ................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.7 Measuring point designation .................................................................................. 13
3.2.8 Control and signaling devices ................................................................................. 13
3.3 System architecture .................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.1 Power supply and distribution ................................................................................ 14 Power distribution concept .................................................................................... 14 Earthing, potential isolation, insulation monitoring ................................................... 15
3.3.2 Safety concept ....................................................................................................... 16
3.3.3 Bus topology ......................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 17
3.4.1 Hardware interfaces ............................................................................................... 17
3.4.2 Databus interface (Machine Alarm System) ............................................................ 18
3.5 Approvals, certificates and standards ..................................................................................... 18
3.5.1 Type approvals by classification societies ............................................................... 18
3.5.2 ATEX- and IECEX certification ................................................................................ 19
3.5.3 Applied standards .................................................................................................. 19

4 Hardware assembly ............................................................................................................................. 21

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4.1 Electrical units at the engine .................................................................................................... 21

4.1.1 Control Unit ............................................................................................................ 21
4.1.2 Injection Unit .......................................................................................................... 21
4.1.3 Extension Unit ........................................................................................................ 22
4.2 Control cabinets ........................................................................................................................ 22

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MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

4.2.1 Interface Cabinet .................................................................................................... 23

Table of contents

4.2.2 Auxiliary Cabinet .................................................................................................... 23

4.3 Operating panels ....................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.1 Local Operating Panel ............................................................................................ 24
4.3.2 Remote Operating Panel (optional) ......................................................................... 25
4.3.3 External Operating Panel (optional) ......................................................................... 26
4.4 Sensors ...................................................................................................................................... 27
4.4.1 Temperature sensors ............................................................................................. 27
4.4.2 Pressure transmitter ............................................................................................... 27
4.4.3 Speed sensors ....................................................................................................... 27
4.5 Starters ...................................................................................................................................... 27
4.6 Wiring ........................................................................................................................................ 27

5 Functional principle ............................................................................................................................. 29

5.1 Safety functions ........................................................................................................................ 29
5.1.1 Load reduction ....................................................................................................... 29
5.1.2 Automatic shutdown .............................................................................................. 29
5.1.3 Emergency stop ..................................................................................................... 29
5.1.4 Override mode ....................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Alarms ....................................................................................................................................... 29
5.3 Engine control ........................................................................................................................... 30
5.3.1 Self-monitoring ....................................................................................................... 30
5.3.2 Speed control ........................................................................................................ 30
5.3.3 Overspeed protection ............................................................................................ 30
5.3.4 Control of engine-internal functions ........................................................................ 30
5.3.5 Operation ............................................................................................................... 30 General .................................................................................................................. 30 Change of operation panels ................................................................................... 31 Speed adjustment .................................................................................................. 31 Operating modes ................................................................................................... 31
5.4 Control of external systems ...................................................................................................... 32
5.4.1 Control of external components ............................................................................. 32
5.4.2 Media temperature control ..................................................................................... 32
5.4.3 Load distribution .................................................................................................... 32

6 Technical data ...................................................................................................................................... 33

6.1 Measurements and weights ..................................................................................................... 33
6.2 Ambient conditions ................................................................................................................... 33
6.3 Power supply ............................................................................................................................. 33
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6.3.1 Required power supplies ........................................................................................ 34

6.3.2 Permissible tolerance ranges .................................................................................. 34
6.3.3 Electrical own consumption ................................................................................... 34

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1 Introduction

1.4 Abbreviations
1.1 About this document
This system description shows the product with all available variants and
configurations and serves as information source and product specification
that describes scope of supply and version.

1.2 Further documents

Interface descriptions
SaCoSone_Interface description_marine
SaCoSone_Interface description_stationary

Installation requirements
Installation requirements customer_v1.0_en

1.3 Glossary
System A combination of single components that fulfil specific individual tasks or a
series of tasks.

1.4 Abbreviations
Abbreviations Explanation
ABS American Bureau of Shipping

AC Auxiliary Cabinet

ACO Automatic Changeover


CM Control Module

CR Common Rail

CU Control Unit

DF Dual Fuel

DNV Det Norske Veritas

EOP External Operating Panel

EU Extension Unit

GM Gateway Module

GVUCC Gas Valve Unit Control Cabinet

HT High Temperature
1 Introduction
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IC Interface Cabinet

ICU Ignition Control Unit

IM Injection Module

IMO International Maritime Organisation

IU Injection Unit

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 5 (34)

1 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Abbreviations Explanation
1.4 Abbreviations

KCU Knock Control Unit

LOP Local Operating Panel

LR Lloyds Register of Shipping

LT Low Temperature

OMD Oil mist detector

PCS Propulsion Control System

PMS Power Management System

QCO Quick Change Over

RINA Registro Italiano Navale

ROP Remote Operating Panel

VIT Variable Injection Timing

VTA Variable Turbine Area

VVT Variable Valve Timing

1 Introduction

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6 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 2

2 Product application
SaCoSone LARGE is an engine control and monitoring system for medium
speed four-stroke combustion engines and takes on all automation tasks
that are required to guarantee safety during engine operation. Additionally,
the system takes control of all engine-internal functions and the speed con­

Possible application
Application on ships SaCoSone LARGE can be used for diesel-electric and mechanical ship main
Application in plants SaCoSone LARGE can be used in stationary and mobile plants.

2 Product application
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SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 7 (34)

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 3

3 System overview

3.2 Scope of supply

3.1 System limits
SaCoSone LARGE fulfils the specifications of the classification societies for
engine safety systems. Additionally, the system takes on the automation of
all engine-internal control functions such as start and stop routines. The elec­
tronic speed control is also part of the SaCoSone LARGE functions. Option­
ally, the system can take on the clutch control in ship propulsions with fixed
System bus and power supply cables as well as safety-relevant cables
between Control Unit and Interface Cabinet resp. Auxiliary Cabinet and to
external modules and plant/ship components must be laid during engine
installation. The interfaces to the plant are in the Interface Cabinet.
Boundaries with plant control The following functions are not performed by SaCoSone LARGE as they are
part of the superordinate plant control:
▪ Generator control
▪ Propulsion Control System on ships (PCS)
▪ Power Management System on ships and in plants (PMS)
▪ Integrated Automation System (IAS)
▪ Ship alarm system

3.2 Scope of supply

3.2.1 Hardware
The design of SaCoSone LARGE is based on tested electronic modules and
hardware components that are especially designed for the use at medium
speed four-stroke engines. All SaCoSone LARGE components are part of the
engine and are tested and supplied together with the engine.
All sensors, actuators, and operation devices at the engine are wired directly
to the SaCoSone LARGE components that are mounted on the engine.

3 System overview
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SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 9 (34)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
3.2 Scope of supply

1 Control Unit 5 Interface Cabinet

(at the engine) (engine room)
2 Injection Unit 6 Remote Operating Panel (optional)
(at the engine) (engine control room)
3 Local Operating Panel Extension Unit
(at the engine) (at the engine, without picture)
4 System Bus

Figure 1: SaCoSone L32/44CR (example) System overview

3.2.2 Cables
The system bus cables between engine and Interface Cabinet are part of the
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE scope of supply.
Further control and supply cables are not part of the MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
scope of supply. These cables must be laid by the customer.

3.2.3 Tools (optional)

3 System overview

Several optional tools are available for SaCoSone LARGE in order to support
commissioning, operation, and maintenance and repair works at the engines:
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Includes a notebook and all required cables to establish connection to

the engine. The following software is pre-installed:
– SaCoSone EXPERT:
Software to show and set parameters
Software to install software at the modules

10 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 3

▪ SaCoSone Testing device:

3.2 Scope of supply

Includes the necessary equipment to test the function of the sensors,
– Process calibrator
– Manual calibration pump
– Connecting adaptor for all sensors

3.2.4 Documentation Scope
The SaCoSone documentation is divided into three files.

Regis­ Description Document type Documentation

ter for the cus­
Pre­ Final
1 System overview

Installation requirements Document X

2 Measuring points and setpoints

Measuring point list engine List X X

Consumer list engine List X X

3 Interfaces

Communication description Document X X

List of available data (MODBUS) List X X

Hardware interfaces Documents/lists X X

4 Engine-external cabling

Cable list List X

5 Units at the engine

Circuit diagram - Control Unit (CU) Drawing X

Terminal diagram - Control Unit (CU) Drawing X

Circuit diagram - Injection Unit (IU) (if available) Drawing X

Terminal diagram - Injection Unit (IU) (if available) Drawing X

3 System overview

Circuit diagram - Knocking Control (if available) Drawing X

Circuit diagram - ATEX Unit (if available) Drawing X

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Terminal diagram - ATEX Unit (if available) Drawing X

6 Engine-external control cabinets

Control cabinet design drawing - Interface Cabinet (IC) Drawing X X

Circuit diagram - Interface Cabinet (IC) Drawing X X

Terminal diagram - Interface Cabinet (IC) Drawing X X

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 11 (34)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Regis­ Description Document type Documentation

3.2 Scope of supply

ter for the cus­

Pre­ Final
Control cabinet design drawing - Auxiliary Cabinet (AC) (if available) Drawing X X

Circuit diagram - Auxiliary Cabinet (AC) (if available) Drawing X X

Terminal diagram - Auxiliary Cabinet (AC) (if available) Drawing X X

Circuit diagram - Turning gear control (if available) Drawing X X

Terminal diagram - Turning gear control (if available) Drawing X X

7 Display and operating panels

Circuit diagram - Local Operating Panel (LOP) Drawing X X

Terminal diagram - Local Operating Panel (LOP) Drawing X X

Circuit diagram - Remote Operating Panel (LOP) (if available) Drawing X X

Terminal diagram - Remote Operating Panel (LOP) (if available) Drawing X X

8 Cabling at the engine

Cabling of electrical devices at the engine (assembly plan engine) Drawing X X

Cabling of electrical devices at the engine (terminal diagram) Drawing X

Control system at the engine (pneumatic plan) Drawing X

Table 1: Table of contents of the documentation (example) -010.285 Volume I

Regis­ Description Document type Documentation

ter for the cus­
Pre­ Final
1 Operating manual SaCoSone Document X X

2 Working instructions Document x

3 Operating manual Beijer Display T100 Document X

4 Operating manual oil mist detector Document X

Table 2: Table of contents of the documentation (example) -010.285 Volume II

Regis­ Description Document type Documentation

3 System overview

ter for the cus­

Pre­ Final
2016-02-18 - 1.0

1 Description of the system messages Document X
Table 3: Table of contents of the documentation (example) -010.285 Volume III

12 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 3

3.2 Scope of supply Software
Software flow charts are not provided.

3.2.5 Display languages

The following display languages are included in the scope of supply:
▪ German
▪ English
▪ Spanish
▪ Portuguese
▪ Chinese
Additional languages only on request.

3.2.6 Labelling
Labelling of components All components in control cabinets are labelled with the reference designator
according to EN 81346-2.

Labelling of control cabinets The control cabinets are marked with engraved adhesive labels in English.

Labelling of command and The command and reporting devices are marked with engraved adhesive
reporting devices labels in English. The marker holder is integrated in the command and
reporting devices.

Labelling of measuring Measuring points are marked with signs either at the sensor plug or at the
devices cable. The measuring point number is printed on the signs.

Warning signs Wherever required, components are marked with danger and warning signs.

3.2.7 Measuring point designation

Ships Measuring points in ship plants are provided in the MAN standard design.
Stationary plants Measuring points in stationary plants are labelled with KKS numbers. The
MAN standard KKS is used.

The individual measuring device designation are described in great detail in

the list of measuring and control devices.
3 System overview

3.2.8 Control and signaling devices

Colours of signal lamps and
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The colours are defined in the standard EN 60204-1.

illuminated push-buttons

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 13 (34)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Colour Function Application example

3.3 System architecture

Red Emergency ▪ Shutdown

▪ Load reduction
▪ Emergency stop
Yellow Abnormal function Speed governor distur­

Green Normal function Power supply

Blue Condition that requires action of the operator Acknowledge the turn­
ing of the engine

White General functions Displaying the active

operating panel

Black General functions Speed increase/


Emergency stop button All emergency stop buttons are red mushroom push-buttons (push-to-stop-
principle) with yellow protective collars against unintentional activation. Addi­
tionally, the emergency stop button is marked with a yellow plate with the

Touchscreen All operating panels are equipped with touchscreens. All operating values
and alarms are displayed at the touchscreens. The engine is started and
stopped at the touchscreens.

Display of alarms Alarms are displayed with:

▪ Signal lamps
▪ Buzzers (only at the Remote Operating Panel)
▪ Display of alarm messages at all touchscreens

3.3 System architecture

3.3.1 Power supply and distribution Power distribution concept

The power supply for SaCoSone LARGE must be provided by the plant sys­
In general, an uninterruptible 24 V DC power supply is required. A 230 V AC
3 System overview

power supply is required for temperature valves, control cabinet lighting, etc.
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14 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 3

Figure 2: Power supply concept SaCoSone (example) 3.3 System architecture Earthing, potential isolation, insulation monitoring

Power supply The power supply of the control system generally fulfils the following criteria:
▪ 24 V DC not grounded, no insulation monitoring in the system
▪ no galvanic isolation of the supply voltage
3 System overview

▪ no battery buffer in the system

▪ redundant power supply from two sources decoupled with input diodes
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▪ internal redistribution and protection of the sub-systems

Earthing, potential isolation, The control system generally fulfils the following criteria:
insulation monitoring ▪ All electronic units at the engine have an electrically conductive connec­
tion to the engine with earthing straps.

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 15 (34)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

▪ An equipotential bonding line from the engine terminal box to the Inter­
face Cabinet is required (local equipotential bonding: refer to structure
3.3 System architecture

▪ Marked connection spots exist at all control cabinets.

A Earth connection by power D Main earth connection of the

supply cable engine (earth strap)
B Earth strap to crankcase of E Control cabinet earth con­
the engine nection (earth strap)
C Earth connection by power F Optional, earth-connection by
cable separate cable for equipoten­
tial bonding (single wire)
3 System overview

Figure 3: Structure of earthing and equipotential bonding connection at SaCoSone

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3.3.2 Safety concept

Safety concept (simplified)

16 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

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The safety system monitors all engine operating values and takes the neces­

3.4 Interfaces
sary measures as soon as a value exceeds or falls below the corresponding
limit value. In this case, the safety system, for example, requests a load
reduction or triggers an automatic shutdown.
Independent alarm and The safety system is composed of a Control Module and a Gateway Module.
safety system The Control Module supervises the engine while the Gateway Module moni­
tors all functions that are relevant to the safety of the connected plant com­
In case of an automatic shutdown, the safety system exerts direct influence
on the emergency stop devices, the speed control, and the Gas Valve Unit.
Additionally, it is possible with SaCoSone that external systems trigger the
safety functions via binary and analogue signals.

3.3.3 Bus topology

Figure 4: System bus (example) SaCoSone LARGE for CR engines

The SaCoSone system bus links all system modules. This field bus system is
redundant and provides for the data exchange between the modules and
takes over the redundant measuring values from other modules in case of
sensor failure.
SaCoSone is connected with the plant via the Gateway Module. The module
3 System overview

has input and output channels as well as different interfaces for the connec­
tion of automated plant/ship systems, ROP, and Online Service.
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3.4 Interfaces

3.4.1 Hardware interfaces

Detailed information on the design of hardware interfaces is given in the fol­
lowing documents:

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 17 (34)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Interface descriptions
3.5 Approvals, certificates and standards

SaCoSone_Interface description_marine
SaCoSone_Interface description_stationary

3.4.2 Databus interface (Machine Alarm System)

This interface is used for the data exchange with the plant automation.
The interface is operated via MODBUS protocol and is available as:
▪ Ethernet interface (MODBUS over TCP) or as
▪ serial interface (MODBUS RTU) RS422/RS485, standard 5-wire-cables
with electrical insulation (cable length <= 100 m).
Data transfer with time stamp by SaCoSone is only possible via the Ethernet
Status messages, alarms, and safety measures that are produced by the
system can be transferred.
All measuring values that are recorded by SaCoSone can be transferred.

3.5 Approvals, certificates and standards

3.5.1 Type approvals by classification societies

SaCoSone and its components meet the specifications for ship main propul­
sions of the following classification societies:
3 System overview

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Figure 5: SaCoSone Type Approval Certificates (11/2014)

Abbreviation Classification societies

ABS American Bureau of Shipping

BV Bureau Veritas

18 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 3

Abbreviation Classification societies

3.5 Approvals, certificates and standards

CCS China Classification Society

CRS China Corporation Register of Shipping

DNV Det Norske Veritas

GL Germanischer Lloyd

KR Korean Register of Shipping

LR Lloyd’s Register of Shipping

NKK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai

RINA Registro Italiano Navale

RMRS Maritime Register of Shipping

Table 4: List of classification societies

3.5.2 ATEX- and IECEX certification

All electrical components that are used in EX zones according to the ATEX
guideline have an ATEX certification.
All electrical components - apart from exhaust gas temperature sensors -
have an IECEX certification.

3.5.3 Applied standards

Standard Description/Note
IEC 60034 Rotating electrical machines

IEC 60038 CENELEC standard voltages

IEC 60050 International electro-technical vocabulary

IEC 60059 IEC standard current ratings

IEC 60073 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface,

marking and identification - Coding principles for indicators
and actuators

IEC 60079 Equipment in explosive atmospheres

IEC 60085 Electrical insulation - Thermal evaluation and designation

IEC 60092 Electrical installations in ships - Pleasure craft/

renamed, replaced by IEC publication 92

IEC 60204 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines

3 System overview

IEC 60228 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines

IEC 60269 Low-voltage fuses

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IEC 60445 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface,

marking and identification - Identification of equipment ter­
minals, conductor terminations and conductors/
new title since version of 2007; not really relevant, only rele­
vant for the use by technical committees, not for manufac­

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 19 (34)

3 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Standard Description/Note
3.5 Approvals, certificates and standards

IEC 60446 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface,

marking and identification – Identification of conductors by
colours or alphanumerics

IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)/

renamed, replacing IEC 529

IEC 60533 Electrical and electronic installations in ships - Electromag­

netic compatibility

IEC 60617 Graphical symbols for diagrams

IEC 60947 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear/

as far as applicable for our application

IEC 61000-4-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: Testing and

measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity

IEC 61000-4-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and

measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst
immunity test

IEC 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic

standards - Immunity for industrial environments

IEC 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic

standards; Emission standard for industrial environments

IEC 61035 Specification for conduit fittings for electrical installations/

standards series no longer valid except for a design of
cable conduits of aluminium alloys (1995)

IEC 61082-1 Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology - Part

1: Rules

IEC 61293 Marking of electrical equipment with ratings related to elec­

trical supply - Safety requirements

IEC 61360-1 Standard data element types with associated classification

scheme for electric components - Part 1: Definitions - Prin­
ciples and methods

IEC 61439 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies/

replaces IEC 60439 (is fulfilled as far as applicable for our

IEC 61892 Mobile and fixed offshore units - Electrical installations

Table 5: List of fulfilled standards
3 System overview

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20 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

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4 Hardware assembly

4.1 Electrical units at the engine

4.1 Electrical units at the engine

4.1.1 Control Unit

The Control Unit comprises two identical Control Modules. The safety system
is installed on one of the Control Modules, while the engine control and the
alarm system are installed on the other Control Module. The two modules
operate independently of one another, but are connected via the internal sys­
tem bus. Each Control Module has its own sensors that record the operating

Figure 6: Control Unit

Design ▪ Control cabinet mounted at the engine with vibration damping
▪ connected to the engine with plug connectors
▪ EMC-protected stainless steel housing, blank brushed
▪ access via front doors
▪ doors with locks (double bit locking)
▪ opening angle of the doors: 90° with door hinge

4.1.2 Injection Unit

The Injection includes up two highly integrated Injection Modules. For
engines supplied with two modules, the second one serves as backup and
takes over the speed control and the control of the injection valves without
4 Hardware assembly

interruption in case of an error in the first module.

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SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 21 (34)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
4.2 Control cabinets

Figure 7: Injection Unit

Design ▪ Control cabinet mounted at the engine with vibration damping
▪ connected to the engine with plug connectors
▪ EMC-protected stainless steel housing, blank brushed
▪ access via front doors
▪ doors with locks (double bit locking)
▪ opening angle of the doors: 90° with door hinge

4.1.3 Extension Unit

The Extension Unit provides additional I/Os for the connection of sensors
and actuators.

Figure 8: Extension Unit

Design ▪ Control cabinet mounted at the engine with vibration damping
▪ connected to the engine with plug connectors
4 Hardware assembly

▪ EMC-protected stainless steel housing, blank brushed

▪ access via front doors
▪ doors with locks (double bit locking)
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▪ opening angle of the doors: 90° with door hinge

4.2 Control cabinets

The control cabinets for SaCoSone that are not mounted at the engine fulfil
the following criteria:
▪ Protection class: IP55

22 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 4

▪ Material: steel

4.2 Control cabinets

▪ Colour: MAN Standard RAL 7035 (light grey), structured powder coating
For a more detailed description refer to the following chapters and "Technical

4.2.1 Interface Cabinet

The Interface Cabinet is the communication interface between SaCoSone, the
superordinated plant control, and the plant supply systems. In the Interface
Cabinet, there are two Gateway Modules that have input and output chan­
nels as well as different interfaces for the connection with the plant/ship auto­
mation, the Remote Operating Panel, and the Online Service.
It is the central connection point for the following power supplies;
▪ 24 V DC power supply and distribution for SaCoSone
▪ 230 V AC power supply for the control cabinet lighting/air condition, tem­
perature control valves,…

Figure 9: Interface Cabinet

Design ▪ Floor-standing control cabinet with base without vibration damping and
shock positioning
▪ installation in engine control rooms or engine rooms
4 Hardware assembly

▪ cable inlets from below through the cabinet base

▪ access via front doors
▪ doors with locks(double bit locking)
▪ opening angle of the doors: 90° with door hinge
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4.2.2 Auxiliary Cabinet

The Auxiliary Cabinet is the central connection point with the plant/ship elec­
tric circuit for the 400 V AC engine power supply.

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 23 (34)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

It includes the starters for the engine oil pumps, the temperature control
4.3 Operating panels

valves, and the electrical high pressure pump of the ignition oil injection, as
well as the Driver Unit of the fuel oil actuator.

Figure 10: Auxiliary Cabinet

Design ▪ Floor-standing control cabinet with base without vibration damping and
shock positioning
▪ installation in engine control rooms or engine rooms
▪ cable inlets from below through the cabinet base
▪ access via front doors
▪ doors with locks(double bit locking)
▪ opening angle of the doors: 90° with door hinge

4.3 Operating panels

4.3.1 Local Operating Panel

4 Hardware assembly

The engine is equipped with a Local Operating Panel (LOP) with vibration
damping. This operating panel is equipped with a touchscreen that displays
all operating and measuring values. All engine functions can be controlled at
the LOP. Additional hard-wired buttons are provided for important functions.
2016-02-18 - 1.0

Propulsion engines in plants with only one engine are equipped with a sec­
ond touchscreen.

24 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 4

4.3 Operating panels

Figure 11: Local Operating Panel
Design ▪ Control cabinet mounted at the engine with vibration damping
▪ connected to the engine with plug connectors
▪ EMC-protected stainless steel housing, blank brushed
▪ access via front doors
▪ doors with locks (double bit locking)
▪ opening angle of the doors: 90° with door hinge

4.3.2 Remote Operating Panel (optional)

The Remote Operating Panel (ROP) makes it possible to operate the engine
from a control room. The ROP has the same functions as the Local Operat­
ing Panel. The operating rights for the engine functions can be transferred
from the ROP to superordinate automation systems (drive control, Power
In plants with integrated automation systems, this unit can be replaced by
the automation system. The operating unit is delivered loose for the installa­
tion in an operating panel or a control cabinet door.
4 Hardware assembly
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SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 25 (34)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
4.3 Operating panels

Figure 12: Remote Operating Panel (optional)

Design ▪ Panel for the installation in control panels or control cabinet doors (with 3
m connection cable and terminal bar)
▪ Colour of front plate: White aluminium (RAL9006)

4.3.3 External Operating Panel (optional)

The External Operating Panel (EOP) makes it possible to operate the engine
from the bridge. The EOP has the same functions as the Local Operating
In plants with integrated automation systems, this unit can be replaced by
the automation system. The operating unit is delivered loose for the installa­
tion in an operating panel or a control cabinet door.
In contrast to the Remote Operating Panel (ROP), a special display with
bridge authorization is used for the EOP. External dimensions and operating
functions are identical to the ROP. The control lamps and illuminated push­
buttons can be dimmed.
4 Hardware assembly

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Figure 13: External Operating Panel (optional)

26 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 4

Design ▪ Control cabinet mounted at the engine with vibration damping

4.6 Wiring
▪ connected to the engine with plug connectors
▪ EMC-protected stainless steel housing, blank brushed
▪ access via front doors
▪ doors with locks (double bit locking)
▪ opening angle of the doors: 90° with door hinge

4.4 Sensors

4.4.1 Temperature sensors

Pt1000 sensors The temperature sensors for temperatures of up to 250 °C are Pt1000 sen­
Double-Pt1000 sensors are used for redundant measuring points.
Thermo-elements type NiCr- NiCr-Ni thermo-elements type K are used to record the exhaust gas temper­
Ni atures. The NiCrNi types are firmly screwed.

4.4.2 Pressure transmitter

All pressure transmitters are pre-adjusted and calibrated by the manufac­
turer, such that the operator does not need to perform temperature compen­
sation, zero and range setting.
The pressure transmitters are designed for permanent vibrations.

4.4.3 Speed sensors

Contact-free pulse transmitters are used for the speed recording.

4.5 Starters
General The following criteria are relevant for starters:
▪ Motor starters are direct starters
▪ Starters for engines with higher power are equipped with softstarters
▪ Operating display for propulsions at LOP/ROP
▪ Status signals for the operating status to the remote monitoring (bus
interface, no HW-connection)
▪ Motor protection/thermistor
4 Hardware assembly

Starters for internal or The starters for engine pumps and motors are installed in the Auxiliary Cabi­
external consumers net. Starters for external pump and consumers are generally not part of the
SaCoSone scope of supply.
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4.6 Wiring
The following criteria describe the wiring for the SaCoSone control according
to the defined MAN Turbo & Diesel standards:
▪ Spring-loaded terminals are used preferably. No wire end ferrules are
used for the wiring.

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 27 (34)

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

▪ Screw terminals are used at devices if necessary. Wire end ferrules are
used for the wiring.
4.6 Wiring

▪ Halogen-free single cores are used for the wiring.

Single core coding Single core coding is optionally available.
4 Hardware assembly

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28 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 5

5 Functional principle

5.2 Alarms
5.1 Safety functions

5.1.1 Load reduction

To achieve a load reduction, the speed governor setpoint is decreased. Load
reductions are only effected with a time delay after an alarm has been trig­
gered by the engine control or the alarm system.

5.1.2 Automatic shutdown

An automatic shutdown is released as soon as the value exceeds or falls
below the limit value. If the safety system triggers the engine shutdown, the
emergency stop signal affects the emergency stop device, the speed control,
and the Gas Valve Unit. At the same time, SaCoSone gives a signal to open
the generator circuit breaker.

5.1.3 Emergency stop

The emergency stop is triggered manually by the operator, for example by
pushing the emergency stop button.

5.1.4 Override mode

Function In critical situations (e.g. harbour entry, difficult passages), the override mode
prevents SaCoSone from activating safety functions.
The following safety functions can be suppressed by the override:
▪ automatic shutdowns,
▪ automatic load reduction requests,
▪ automatic disengage.
As long as the override mode is active, the safety system only releases an
alarm message and does not start the safety function.
The following safety functions cannot be suppressed by the override:
▪ manual emergency stop
▪ shutdown in case of engine overspeed

5.2 Alarms
5 Functional principle

The SaCoSone alarm function monitors all necessary measuring values and
generates alarms as soon as limit values are infringed. The alarm functions
are carried out by the Control Module and the Gateway Module. In the Gate­
way Module, connected external systems are monitored. The processing of
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the alarm functions is carried out in an area of the Gateway Module that is
completely independent of the safety system.

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 29 (34)

5 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
5.3 Engine control

5.3 Engine control

5.3.1 Self-monitoring
SaCoSone has independent self-monitoring functions. They are used for
example to constantly check the connected sensors for functionality and line
interruptions. In case of failure, SaCoSone reports the disturbances in individ­
ual system components with system alarms.

5.3.2 Speed control

Engine speed is controlled by the software functions of the Control Module
and a speed governor. Engine speed and crankshaft angle are recorded by
redundant signal transmitters at the camshaft.

5.3.3 Overspeed protection

Engine speed is monitored independently by both Control Modules. In case
of overspeed each Control Module activates a shut-off device using separate
hardware channels.

5.3.4 Control of engine-internal functions

SaCoSone controls all engine-internal functions, such as:
Start/stop sequences ▪ requests for lube oil and cooling water pumps
▪ monitoring of pre-lubrication and post-cooling phase
▪ monitoring of acceleration phase

Changeover operating panels Changeover from LOP in the engine room to the ROP outside the engine
room or external control systems.

Air/fuel ratio control In order to control the mixing ratio between air and fuel, part of the charge air
is diverted by a bypass flap. The exhaust gas counter flow temperature of the
turbine and characteristic fields that are stored in the engine control are used
for the control. The air/fuel control is only active during gas mode. During die­
sel operation, the flap remains closed.

5.3.5 Operation
5 Functional principle General
The operation of the control is described with the following basic criteria:
▪ Local Panel at the engine (LOP): scope of functions, equipment, control
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station switch-over, handshake (if available)

▪ Remote Operating Panel (ROP) (optional): application engine control
room (ECR), scope of functions, equipment, change of operating plat­
▪ External Operating Panel (EOP) (optional): application bridge (Wheel­
house), scope of functions, equipment, change of operating platform

30 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 5

5.3 Engine control Change of operation panels

Figure 14: Change between operating panels

Operation is possible from Local and Remote Operating Panel. The control
panels are selected and activated at the LOP. Operating rights can be trans­
ferred from the ROP to another ROP or an external automation system. In
applications with integrated automation systems (IAS), the remote operating
function can be carried out by the IAS.
All measuring points recorded by SaCoSone are displayed in menus and over­
views at the displays. It is not necessary to attach additional separate speed
indicators. Speed adjustment

During the operation with LOP and ROP, the engine speed is set manually
with a rotary switch. During operation with an external system, the engine
speed is set with binary contacts (e.g. for synchronisation) or with an active
analogue signal of 4 – 20 mA. The signal type must be defined during the
5 Functional principle

project planning phase. Operating modes

For generator applications:
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▪ Droop (5 % speed increase between nominal load and idling)

▪ Master-Slave operation
The operating mode is pre-adjusted via the SaCoSone interface and must be
determined during the application.
Further information on special operating modes are available on request.

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 31 (34)

5 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
5.4 Control of external systems

5.4 Control of external systems

5.4.1 Control of external components

SaCoSone controls all external components. e.g.:
▪ electrical lube oil pump
▪ electrical HT-cooling water pump
▪ electrical NT-cooling water pump
▪ nozzle cooling water module
▪ HT-preheating
The scope of control functions depends on the plant configuration and must
be coordinated during the project planning phase.

5.4.2 Media temperature control

Various media flows must be controlled to ensure trouble-free engine opera­
The temperature controllers are available as software functions inside the
SaCoSone Gateway Module. If required, the temperature is controlled at the
displays of the operating panels. The control valves are activated by relays in
the Auxiliary Cabinet.
▪ The HT-control of the cylinder cooling water is equipped with perform­
ance-related forward control in order to guarantee the best control accu­
racy possible.
▪ ´The LT cooling water temperature control works similarly to the cooling
water HT-control and can be used if the LT cooling water system is
designed as an individual cooling water system per engine. An external
temperature controller must be used if several engines are operated with
a combined LT cooling water system. The external temperature controller
is not part of the scope of supply.
This external controller must be installed on the engine control room
desk and wired to the temperature control valve.
▪ The design of the charge air temperature control is identical to that of the
HT cooling water temperature control.
The charge air temperature control valve controls the amount of cooling
water in low-temperature areas of the charge air cooler.
▪ The design of the lube oil temperature control depends on the engine
type. A thermostatic valve (wax cartridge type) or an electrically driven
control valve is used analogous to the high temperature controller.
5 Functional principle

5.4.3 Load distribution

Load distribution in multi- Optionally, SaCoSone LARGE can control the load distribution with the Mas­
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engine plants ter/Slave operation in multi-engine propulsion plants.

If the load distribution should be isochronous, additional components, that
go beyond the standard scope of supply, are required.

32 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE 6

6 Technical data

6.3 Power supply

6.1 Measurements and weights
Weight Measurements * Protection
Control Unit ** approx. 95 kg 572 x 888 x 285 mm IP55

Injection Unit ** approx. 120 kg 550 x 888 x 288 mm IP55

Extension Unit ** approx. 8 kg 300 x 380 x210 mm IP55

Interface Cabinet *** approx. 300 kg 1200 x 2100 x 400 mm IP55

Auxiliary Cabinet *** approx. 175 kg 800 x 2100 x 400 mm IP55

Local Operating approx. 11 kg 400 x 450 x 180 mm IP55


Remote Operating approx. 15 kg 370 x 480 x 150 mm IP23

Panel (optional)

* width x height x depth
** included in measurements and weight of the engine
*** measurements: height (including base)
Table 6: Measurements and weights

6.2 Ambient conditions

Operating conditions The following requirements must be met during engine operation:

Ambient air temperature: 0 °C to +55 °C

Relative humidity: < 96 %
Vibrations: < 0,7 g

Oblique positions that are guaranteed for the engine also apply to control

Storage and transport Transport and storage of the SaCoSone control is possible under certain con­
conditions ditions and at low temperatures.
In general, the following requirements must be met:

Ambient air temperature: -10 °C to +60 °C

Relative humidity: < 90 %
6 Technical data

If the listed conditions cannot be met, measures must be taken to protect

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the electronic components from climate impact.

6.3 Power supply

SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN 33 (34)

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
6.3 Power supply

6.3.1 Required power supplies

Power Remarks
24 V DC All SaCoSone components in the Interface Cabinet, Auxiliary Cabinet, and at the engine

24 V DC UPS All SaCoSone components in the Interface Cabinet, Auxiliary Cabinet, and at the engine

230 V 50/60 Hz Control cabinet lighting, mains socket, condensation protection heating, temperature control
valves, control cabinet lighting, mains socket, condensation protection heating

400 V 50/60 Hz Power supply for pumps and actuators at the engine
Table 7: Required power supply

6.3.2 Permissible tolerance ranges

Voltage Permissible fluctuation ranges

24 V DC Voltage tolerance of the continuour nominal value of
±10 %

230 V 50/60 Hz A frequency deviation of maximal ±5 % from the nominal

value is permanently permissible.
400 V 50/60 Hz
Maximal frequency shift ±10 % (5 s duration)
A frequency deviation of maximal ±10 % from the nominal
value is permanently permissible.
Maximal frequency shift ±10 % (1,5 s duration)
Table 8: Power supply and permissible tolerance range

6.3.3 Electrical own consumption

Consumer Supply system Remarks

Pn Ub F Phase Fuse/ Simultaneity Electrical
(kVA) (V) (Hz) Starter factor system
at the plant
Interface 0.7 24 DC +/- 4x50 A 90 % - -
Cabinet (0.8)

Interface 1 230 50/60 AC 1 10 A 20 % IT (ship), Control cabinet lighting,

Cabinet TN (sta­ mains socket,
tionary) condensation protection heating
Auxiliary 4.3 230 50/60 AC 2 16 A 20 %

Auxiliary 0.9 400 - 50/60 AC 3 50 A 90 % High pressure fuel pump, cylinder

6 Technical data

Cabinet 440 lubrication,

fuel admission control
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Table 9: Electrical own consumption at 10L32/44CR (values for 20V32/44CR in brackets)

34 (34) SaCoS_one LARGE for 32/44CR, System description, EN

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