Reflecton Carpio, Jennifer A.

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Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation Colleges, Inc.

Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija



Student: Carpio, Jennifer A.

Course Number: EDUC 202
Course Title: Advanced Educational Statistics

Reflection Paper
Introduction to Statistics

Statistics is the study of data collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and

organization. It is essential in many fields, including business, economics, social sciences,
healthcare and education.

In our online class discussion, I learnt that statistics is a great tool for helping me make
sense of a data and come up with a meaningful conclusion. Statistics help me in measuring and
evaluating the performance of my learners. A standardized test, for example, which uses
statistical methods to determined percentile rankings and compare learners’ abilities.

Another real-life example, when our school wants to evaluate the effectiveness of a new
teaching method in improving learners’ performance in reading. They conducted a study
involving two groups of learners: one group taught the traditional teaching method, and the
other group taught using the new method. Our school collects data on the learners’ reading
level before and after the intervention. Using the statistical analysis, our school can draw a
conclusion and make informed decisions based on the data.

Understanding the fundamentals of statistics, such as descriptive and inferential

statistics, levels of data measurements, data collection and presentation, frequency distribution,
is vital, particularly in the field of education. In addition, statistics help me as an educators
identify the areas where learners maybe struggling and develop targeted interventions to
improve learning outcomes.

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Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation Colleges, Inc.
Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija


Reflection Paper
Measures of Central Tendency

Understanding measures of central tendency is important for decision-making and

problem-solving in real-world scenarios. In education, for example, the mean can be used to
analyze quarterly test results of the learners and calculate the average scores achieved by
learners. The median can be used to identify the middle scores, which can be useful for
establishing brackets for the learners’ highest and lowest scores, providing us a better
understanding of the data score distribution. The mode can be determined by the learners’ most
frequent scores.

Moreover, measures of central tendency are vital for me in understanding and

interpreting data. They provide me with useful information about the distribution and
characteristics of a dataset. I can make informed decisions and draw meaningful conclusions
by understanding the mean, median, and mode. A solid understanding of measures of central
tendency is essential for navigating the complexities of data analysis, whether in business,
research, or everyday life.

Another real-life scenario where I use the measures of central tendency is when I
compute the class performance of my learners. Measures of central tendency help me analyze
class performance in various subjects. The mean, median, or mode of the test scores or
assignment grades can be calculated to understand the average performance, identify the areas
of strength and weakness, and adjust the teaching strategies accordingly. These measures help
me as an educator to monitor my learners progress and provide targeted support.

In addition to the knowledge, I gained on measures of central tendency, I was able to

manipulate Microsoft Excel in order to solve problems involving measures of central tendency.
It taught us how to be more literate in our use of technology. I realized that the technology
available to us provides a wide range of opportunities for us to be more effective in teaching
our learners and performing our duties to the best our abilities.

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Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation Colleges, Inc.
Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija


Reflection Paper
Measures of Location

Measures of location are statistical tools used to describe the central tendency or the
typical value of a dataset. They provide valuable insights into the distribution of data and help
me in understanding the overall pattern.

Understanding the quartile is very important for me to understand the median as the
measure of central tendency. The median in statistics is the middle value of a set of numbers.
It is the point at which exactly half of the data lies below and above the central value. For
example, supposed the distribution of math scores in a class of 19 learners in ascending order
is: 59, 60, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 84, 87, 90, 95, 98. First, mark down the
median, Q2, which in this case is the 10th value: 75. Q1 is the central point between the smallest
score and the median. In this case, Q1 falls between the first and fifth score: 68. Q3 is the
middle value between Q2 and the highest score: 84. Now that we have our quartiles, we can
interpret their numbers. A score of 68 (Q1) represents the first quartile and is the 25 th percentile.
68 is the median of the lower half of the score set in the available data-that is, the median of
the scores from 59 to 75.

On the other hand, percentile is useful for college values. For this reason, universities
and colleges use percentile extensively. For example, the SAT results, they used percentile to
determined a minimum testing scores that will be used as an acceptance factor. Another
example, suppose that ELJ Memorial College accepts SAT scores at above the 75 th percentile.
That translates into a SAT score of at least 1220. Percentiles are mostly used with very large
data sets. Therefore, if you were to say that 90% of the test scores are less (and not the same or
less) than your score, it would be acceptable removing one particular data value is not

While deciles, as the name suggest, divide a dataset into ten equal parts, each containing
10% of the data. Similar to quartiles, deciles provide insights into the distribution of the data.
The first decile (D1) represents the value below which 10% of the data falls, while the ninth
decile (D9) represents the value below which 90% of the data falls.

In conclusion, quartiles, deciles, and percentiles are important measures of location that
help me understand the central tendency and distribution of data. These measures are useful
for me when analyzing skewed datasets individual performance. I can improve my
understanding of the world around me and make better decisions by incorporating these
measures into my data analysis toolkit.

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Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation Colleges, Inc.
Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija


Reflection Paper
Measures of Variation, Skewness, and Kurtosis

Measure of variation, skewness, and kurtosis are important statistical tools that help me
understand the distribution and characteristics of a dataset.

By understanding measures of variation, I can gain insights into the spread and
distribution of data. However, it is important to note that these measures alone may not provide
a complete picture of the dataset. It is often useful to consider other measures such as skewness
and kurtosis.

Skewness measures the asymmetry of a distribution. A positive skewness indicates a

longer tail on the right side of the distribution, while a negative skewness indicates a longer tail
on the left side. Skewness helps us understand the shape and symmetry of the data.

Kurtosis measures the peak or flatness of a distribution. A high kurtosis indicates a

sharper peak and heavier tails, while a low kurtosis indicates a flatter peak and lighter tails.
Kurtosis provide insights into the concentration of data around the mean.

Here’s a real-life scenario illustrating the application of these statistical measure. Our
school wants to assess the performance of our learners in Mathematics. They collect test scores
from sample of learners and want to understand the distribution, and the presence of the
outliers. By analyzing measures of variation, skewness, and kurtosis in this research, our school
can gain insights of the performance of our learners, identify any outliers or patterns, and make
informed decisions to improve educational outcomes.

Inconclusion, measure of variation, skewness, and kurtosis are essential tools in

statistical analysis. They allow us to understand the spread, shape, and concentration of data.
By utilizing these measures, we can make informed decisions and draw meaningful conclusion
from our data.

Prepared by:

Submitted to:
Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation Colleges, Inc.
Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija


Reflection Paper
Analysis of Variance

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical method used to compare the means of two
or more groups. It is an effective tool for determining whether or not there are any significant
differences between the groups being compared.

One-Way ANOVA is a commonly used technique when comparing means across three
or more groups. It is especially useful when educators want to see if there are any significant
differences between technique or methods. In a study comparing the success rate of three
different methods in filling the gap brought by pandemic in the teaching-learning process. For
example, one-way ANOVA can be used to analyze the data determine if there are significant
differences in the overall success of the methods used.

Two-Way ANOVA, on the other hand, allows us educators to examine the effects of
two methods at the same time. This technique is useful when us educators want to know if
two factors interact and how they influence the outcome. For example, in a study looking at
the effects of gender and age on a specific variable, two-way ANOVA can be used to analyze
the data and see if there are any significant differences in mean values based on gender, age,
or their interaction.

For example, in evaluating the impact of Class size on Learners Performance. Our
school wants to investigate the effect of class size on learners’ performance. They collect data
on learners’ test scores from different6 classes varying sizes. ANOVA can be used to analyze
whether there are significant differences in the mean test scores among the different class
size groups, helping determine if class size has an impact on learners’ performance.

The importance of ANOVA depends from its ability to provide valuable insights into
data and assist us educators in drawing meaningful conclusion. ANOVA allows us educators to
determine the factors that contributes to data variations by comparing means and identifying
significant differences. This data can be used to make informed decisions, devise effective
strategies, or delve deeper into the underlying causes.

Furthermore, ANOVA is widely used in a variety of fields such as psychology, biology,

economics, social sciences and education. It allows us educators and researchers to avoid
making incorrect assumptions or drawing incorrect conclusions, resulting in more accurate
and reliable results.

Prepared by:
Submitted to:
Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation Colleges, Inc.
Castellano, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija


Reflection Paper
Chi-Square and other Non-Parametric Statistics

Non-parametric statistics, including the chi-square test, are statistical method used
when the data does not meet the assumptions of parametric test (such as normal distribution or
equal variances).

For example, non-parametric tests, like the chi-square test, are commonly used to
analyze the categorical data. Where data is in the form of frequency or proportions, such as
survey responses, voting preferences, or disease outcomes. Chi-square test allows us to
determine if there is a significant association or difference between categorical variables.

Another example is doing survey research. Non-parametric tests can be employed to

analyze survey data where responses are measured on an ordinal scale, for example, the
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient can be used to examine the relationship between
variables, such as the correlation between learners’ satisfaction and academic achievement.

In conclusion, non-parametric statistics, including the chi-square test and other tests,
offer valuable tools for analyzing categorical, ordinal, or non-normally distributed data. They
provide us with robust and reliable methods to draw meaningful conclusions and make
informed decisions in our field.

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