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Prompt: The use of public and private security cameras CCTV has become common in most countries around

the world. Many people perceive these cameras as an intrusion into their privacy and object to their presence in
public spaces.
Instructions: In TWO well-developed synthesis paragraphs, identify TWO main ideas associated with the use
of CCTV.
 TWO body paragraphs (Begin with a clear topic sentence addressing one main point, Ideas are
synthesized to show the similarities/differences/additions among different sources using lead in
phrases, includes evidence and support from multiple extracts, ensures smooth transitions from one
paragraph to another using a variety of connectors and provides a concluding sentence)

Separate your personal input from source material and use appropriate APA in-text citation.
Academic language is necessary throughout the essay.

After reading and annotating each extract, fill in the following matrix:
Main ideas Extract 1 Extract 2 Extract 3 Extract 4 Extract 5 Extract 6
Rudinow- Steketee Role of CCTV Black ( 2019) Are security The
Saetnan et al. (2012) Cameras: cameras an Effectiveness
(2004) Public, Privacy invasion of of Public Space
and Protection privacy?(2019) CCTV ( 2009)

Safety /security CCTV has been The use of Security cameras An important There is some
presented as a surveillance reduce burglary element of data that
technical solution cameras, in the and Vandalism. deterring violence suggests CCTV
to security perspective of is surveillance. might boost
problems. many school
public safety.
improves the
security and the
overall climate of
the school while
inhibiting student

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The reviewed studies on the efficacy of CCTV cameras seem to completely agree in terms of security and safety.
Rudinow-Saetnan et al. (2004) admit that CCTV has been presented as a technical solution to security
problems. To clarify, crimes ranging from serious threats to minor damage can be prevented and identified
more successfully by these cameras. In addition, Steketee (2012) points out that the use of surveillance
cameras, from the perspective of many school administrators, improves the security and the overall climate of
the school while inhibiting student misbehavior. Similarly, The Role of CCTV Cameras: Public, Privacy, and
Protection (2014) observes that security cameras have reduced the number of burglaries and vandalism.
Additionally, are security cameras an invasion of privacy? (2019) insists that one of the functions of these
cameras is to deter violence. To illustrate, a study showed that security has reported not only vandalism but
also major crimes such as gun deaths and sexual abuse. As well as The Effectiveness of Public Space CCTV
( 2009) agrees that CTTV has several benefits, one of which is a boost to safety. Thus, the reviewed studies fully
agree on the fact that CTTV is a security provider.

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